Entries by Alex

Discussion: Social Justice

Discussion: Social Justice As a social worker, you will often work with clients that are perceived as “others.” This “otherness” often leads to marginalization and barriers or limitations promoted by society and social institutions.  Marginalization is arguably the most dangerous form of oppression (Adams, 2013) because it eventually leads to social expulsion and material deprivation. […]

Ethical, Legal And Professional Standards In Assessment

Ethical, Legal And Professional Standards In Assessment In this Assignment, you will consider the ACA’s Code of Ethics and how these practices impact assessment. This professional code identifies your responsibilities and the practices you must adhere to for the benefit of your clients, your colleagues, and your community. To Prepare: Review ACA’s Code of Ethics […]

Counseling Project: Case Summary and Presenting Problems Instructions

Counseling Project: Case Summary and Presenting Problems Instructions You will develop a 4–6-page (not counting title page) Case Summary and Presenting Problems paper about a fictional character. APA formatted must be followed throughout the paper, and only third person should be used. Please follow the rules listed below: 1. The client must not be a real person, but someone […]

Quality Of A Research Study

Quality Of A Research Study SCIENTIFIC MERIT INTRODUCTION Scientific merit is the degree of quality of a research study. When the scientific merit of a research study is high, this means that the research has contributed valuable, meaningful, and valid information to a scientific discipline. This presentation will explain the basic components of scientific merit […]

Scientific Merit Paper Evaluation

Scientific Merit Paper Evaluation INTRODUCTION Throughout this course, you have learned about several research approaches in both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Even though there are many ways in which researchers can solve research problems with different research approaches and designs, there is one thing that all good scientific research has in common: scientific merit. Scientific […]

Psychological Testing and Assessment

Psychological Testing and Assessment According to Cohen and Swerdlik (2018), Reliability means to be consistent. In psychometric terms, the meaning of reliability is based on when something is said to be consistent. The book defines “a reliability coefficient is an index of reliability, a proportion that indicates the ratio between the true score variance on […]

Emotional and Social Development in Middle Adulthood

Emotional and Social Development in Middle Adulthood Midlife is a time of increased generativity—giving to and guiding younger generations. Charles Callis, director of New Zealand’s Olympic Museum, shows visiting schoolchildren how to throw a discus. His enthusiastic demonstration conveys the deep sense of satisfaction he derives from generative activities. chapter outline ·   Erikson’s Theory: Generativity […]

Parenting Styles Worksheet

Parenting Styles Worksheet Directions: For this assignment, you will complete the table about parenting styles by filling in the reactions of each parenting style to the behavior, by explaining the child’s perception, and by explaining possible outcomes. See the example below to assist you. Example: Age: 5 years old Behavior: Call from teacher stating the 5-year-old has been […]

Discussion Cognitive psychology

Discussion Cognitive psychology Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word instruction paper on the processes involved with attaining expertise, reference the chapter in your text titled, “Expertise”. Anderson, J.R. (2009). Cognitive psychology and its implications (7th Ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers Include the following salient points in your work: 1. Outline the stages in the development of expertise. […]

Social Work Research: Couples Counseling

Social Work Research: Couples Counseling Kathleen is a 37-year-old, Caucasian female of Irish descent, and her partner, Lisa, is a 38-year-old, Caucasian female with a Hungarian ethnic background. Kathleen reports that she has a long family history of substance use but has never used alcohol or drugs herself. She does not have a criminal history […]