Entries by Alex

Assignment: Introduction to Research Proposals

Assignment: Introduction to Research Proposals Just because you thought of an interesting research question and have a desire to conduct research does not mean that your research will automatically be supported by faculty or funded by an organization. In order to gain stakeholder approval, you must submit a research proposal. Much like an outline of […]

Case Study Traumatic Stress Disorder

Case Study Traumatic Stress Disorder Jake is a 31-year-old married veteran, he experienced and witnessed a traumatic event on a deployment to Iraq one year ago. Jake is currently taking the medication Paxil for his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. He has difficulty sleeping, heart palpitations, and moodiness. He is drinking alcohol heavily to […]

Seeking Safety therapy for PTSD

Seeking Safety therapy for PTSD Identify strengths of your colleagues’ analyses and areas in which the analyses could be improved. Address his or her evaluation of the efficacy and applicability of the evidence-based practice, his or her identification of factors that could support or hinder the implementation of the evidence-based practice, and his or her […]

Discussion Ethical standards

Discussion Ethical standards Now, keep moving in this direction. The synthesis and flow of your posts need to be improved upon. All references need to be clearly integrated into your personal perspective. I need to see you use the references as an integrative piece of your posts instead of a standalone piece. We are still […]

Discussion Psychology Homework

Discussion Psychology Homework Complete the following exercises from “Review Questions” located at the end of each chapter and put them into a Word document to be submitted as directed by the instructor. Chapter 1, numbers 1.8 and 1.9 Chapter 2, numbers 2.14, 2.17, and 2.18 Chapter 3, numbers 3.13, 3.14, 3.18, and 3.19 Chapter 4, […]

Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept

Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept Introduction Bio-psychosocial is a concept that combines the biological, social, and psychological aspects of a disease. Unlike other aspects, addressing the Bio-psychosocial aspects of a disease is important in extensively addressing the concepts of health and wellness in modern-day society. This is because it combines all the aspects, including the biomedical […]

Health History and Medical Information

Health History and Medical Information Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. M., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below. Health History Mr. M., a 70-year-old male, has been living at the assisted living facility where you […]

Discussion Physical Therapy

Discussion Physical Therapy The ICF provides clinicians with standardized termi- nology and a framework to aid in exploring the impact of disease or injury on an individual’s daily life. More spe- cifically, physical therapy providers can use the ICF to help understand the consequences of the disease or condition on the body systems and the […]

Disablement and Physical Therapy Documentation

Disablement and Physical Therapy Documentation After reading this chapter, the reader will be able to do the following: 1. Define disablement. 2. Define terminology used in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). 3. Differentiate between impairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction. 4. Define documentation. 5. Describe the need for common language in […]

Ways Of Knowing In Nursing

Ways Of Knowing In Nursing Nurses have sought to understand the art and science of nursing since the time of Florence Nightingale. Six fundamental ways of knowing underpin nursing science. These ways of knowing include: (a) personal, (b) empirical, (c) ethical, (d) aesthetics, (e) emancipatory, and (f) unknowing. Consider how these ways of knowing contribute […]