Entries by Alex

Informatics And The Application Of New Knowledge

Informatics And The Application Of New Knowledge Prepare for interprofessional stakeholders a 10–12-slide presentation  (not including title and reference pages) explaining how nurse leaders  can use information technology to improve nursing practices that support  and sustain positive patient outcomes. You do not need to actually  present your assessment but be sure to include speaker’s notes […]

Transcultural Nursing

Transcultural Nursing Course Project, Transcultural Assessment, Milestone 2: Guide and Questions (graded, 200 points) Updated 9/2018 Purpose The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by performing a transcultural nursing assessment. The purpose of Milestone 2 is to develop an assessment guide utilizing open-ended questions that […]

Assignment: Change Implementation And Management Plan

Assignment: Change Implementation And Management Plan It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may […]

Assignment Nursing Theories

Assignment Nursing Theories Nursing theories are tested and systematic ways to implement nursing practice. Select a nursing theory and its conceptual model. Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint in which you describe the nursing theory and its conceptual model and demonstrate its application in nursing practice. Include the following: 1. Present an overview of the nursing […]

Reflection Community Nursing

Reflection Community Nursing PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the NUR4636 course COMMUNITY NURSING. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes: -The students will be able to recognize the different level of […]

Community Health Nurse Responsibilities

Community Health Nurse Responsibilities Community health nurses fill health system gaps for underserved populations. They go to organizations, schools, and businesses to offer health education, medical services, and rehabilitation. Through career paths such as school nursing, public health, and faith community nursing, community health nurses work within their communities to improve residents’ overall health Community […]

Pharmacotherapy For Cardiovascular Disorders

Pharmacotherapy For Cardiovascular Disorders As an advanced practice nurse, it is your responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other drugs currently prescribed, and individual […]

Assignment: The change proposal professional presentation

Assignment: The change proposal professional presentation Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation. Present your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Be prepared to answer questions and accept feedback.After presenting your capstone project change proposal, write a 250-350 word […]

Discussion The Staffing Model

Discussion The Staffing Model Select an appropriate staffing model for a 30-bed skilled nursing facility or acute inpatient unit. Create a presentation of 10 to 12 slides, including comprehensive speaker notes to recommend your selected model to nursing leadership and the following information: A description of the staffing model chosen for a 30-bed skilled nursing […]

The Role Of The RN/APRN In Policy Evaluation

The Role Of The RN/APRN In Policy Evaluation APA format, 350 words, scholar authors, and see references at the bottom Some nurses may be hesitant to get involved with policy evaluation. The preference may be to focus on the care and well-being of their patients; some nurses may feel ill-equipped to enter the realm of […]