Entries by Alex

Reflection on Nursing Informatics Skills and Impact on Specialty

Reflection on Nursing Informatics Skills and Impact on Specialty Week 8: Reflection on Nursing Informatics Skills and Impact on Specialty 11 unread reply.11 reply. Discuss how Course Outcomes were supported and met by the activities you have completed in this course. What changes did you note in your post-TANIC TIGER assessment from when you started […]

Application And Interpretation Of Public Health Data

Application And Interpretation Of Public Health Data I need these questions answered in 180-200 words. Please answer questions as asked and no omissions and please attach each question with references MODULE 1 DQ1 Statistics is an important component of public health. Explain the relevance of statistics in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a health […]

Epidemiology Paper Assignment

Epidemiology Paper Assignment Details: Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection Choose one communicable disease from the following list: Epidemiology Paper Assignment […]

Health Care Literacy Presentation

Health Care Literacy Presentation Details: Select two strategies focused on health care literacy for developing an intervention targeted to a selected population or cultural community. Use information and knowledge you have collectively gained from the course to create a PowerPoint slide presentation that accomplishes the following: The presentation must incorporate information on policy formation, research, […]

Analyzing Organizational Culture

Analyzing Organizational Culture A company’s culture is often buried so deeply inside rituals, assumptions, attitudes, and values that it becomes transparent to an organization’s members only when, for some reason it changes. —Rob Goffee Culture is embedded within every organization. Yet, because culture is woven throughout the everyday interactions and atmosphere of an organization, it […]

Health Quality And Disparities In The US

Health Quality And Disparities In The US The U.S. health care delivery system does not provide consistent, high-quality medical care to all people. Americans should be able to count on receiving care that meets their needs and is based on the best scien­ tific knowledge–yet there is strong evidence that this frequently is not the […]

Evaluating and Sustaining Improvement

Evaluating and Sustaining Improvement The downfall of many quality improvement initiatives is the inability to sustain improvements. Last week, you considered the use of evidence-based practice models as a method for sustaining practice changes to improve quality. This week’s Discussion builds on those concepts of sustainability. You evaluate measurement mechanisms and explore strategies that leadership […]

Discussion: Headache Case

Discussion: Headache Case A 35-year-old woman comes to your office to discuss her “bad headaches,” which started after having her first child 2 years ago. The headaches sometimes awaken her from sleep and at times can be disabling and occasionally require her to take Tylenol and rest in a dark room. Sometimes she vomits during […]

Health Systems: principled integrated care

Health Systems: principled integrated care                   Confronting the global health challenges examined in the previous chapters requires health systems to be strengthened. Without this, the health goals described in this report will remain beyond reach. The lessons learnt from past successes, including the skills and strategies developed from […]