Entries by Alex

NR 439 PICOT Question Guide

NR 439 PICOT Question Guide The following contains PICOT question guides/templates to use to help write questions using all of the PICOT elements. Each template contains a guide that you can use to write a complete PICOT question, examples of PICOT elements, and illustrations. Review some tips and hints below to think about for each of the […]

Discussion: Diversity And Health Assessments

Discussion: Diversity And Health Assessments May 2012, Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on  the cultural factors that encouraged black women to maintain a weight  above what is considered healthy. Randall explained�from her  observations and her personal experience as a black woman�that many  African-American communities and cultures consider women who are […]

Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal

Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal   project components they have been working on throughout the course to   create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in   the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be   able to apply evidence-based […]

Personality and Individual Behavior

Personality and Individual Behavior MAJOR QUESTION In the hiring process, do employers care about one’s personality and individual traits? THE BIG PICTURE Personality consists of stable psychological and behavioral attributes that give you your identity. We describe five personality dimensions and five personality traits that managers need to be aware of to understand workplace behavior. In […]

Approach the Quality Improvement Process

Approach the Quality Improvement Process As a manager in a health care facility, one must be knowledgeable in how to track outcomes and to improve quality and safety. The collection of data will reveal the outcomes of improvements implemented and how quality was affected by those improvements. it is a manager’s function to organize data […]

Community Assessment Group Project

Community Assessment Group Project Purpose and Background Information Nurses must be able to knowledgeably plan services for individuals, families and the community. In order to effectively plan, it is essential that you assess the current health status of the community and its resources. Assessment may include the following strategies: Mining of health data bases, windshield or […]

Quality Metrics for Chronic Disease Management

Quality Metrics for Chronic Disease Management According to the CDC, chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the United States, with almost 50% of the population suffering from at least one chronic illness. As a result, almost 80% of health care spending is devoted to its management (CDC, 2010). To this end, the […]

Nursing Education

Nursing Education As faculty members, you have been asked to design a 4-hour Leadership Strategies course that would accommodate the learning styles for a selected 10 students. The students have all completed a learning style inventory in which three of the students are determined visual learners, four are kinesthetic learners, and the rest are auditory […]

NR 507 Midterm Exam

NR 507 Midterm Exam   1. Question: The coronary ostia are located in the: 2. Question: Which manifestations of vasoocclusive crisis are associated with sickle cell disease (SCD) in infants? 3. Question: Decreased lung compliance means that the lungs are demonstrating which characteristic? 4. Question: What is the life span of an erythrocyte (in days)? ORDER A PLAGIARISM – […]