Entries by Alex

Civility In The Workplace

Civility In The Workplace Purpose This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO). CO 6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems, and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO 7) Civility In The Workplace Discussion Complete the Clark Workplace Civility Index Assessment (Links to an ext After you are finished, […]

Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment

Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment In order to formulate your evidence-based practice (EBP), you need to assess your organization. In this assignment, you will be responsible for setting the stage for EBP. This assignment is conducted in two parts: an organizational cultural and readiness assessment and the proposal/problem statement and literature review, which you completed […]

Hereditary Spherocytosis

Hereditary Spherocytosis APA Style Paper 1-page Abstract Topic: Genetic tests have improved the prevalence of Hereditary Spherocytosis. Hypothesis: 2 – 3 pages – Comparing two different studies that compares countries with high vs low prevalence with the genetic disease of hereditary spherocytosis. (Example: European countries vs Asian or North American countries)  Hereditary Spherocytosis Results: Make […]

Nursing Research Assignment

Nursing Research Assignment Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to document sources of research evidence that address a national practice problem, including the level and quality of each source of research evidence. A synthesis of the evidence is conducted to determine the overall strength and quality of the evidence. The development of an evidence […]

Discussion Information Literacy

Discussion Information Literacy Instructions you will discuss the steps of the research process. Specifically, you’ll be sharing how your process went as you established a topic and then completed the research for your annotated bibliography. Provide a detailed initial post that responds to at least two of the four prompts noted below: Considering the rhetorical situation: Describe […]

Benchmark Risk management program analysis

Benchmark Risk management program analysis Order Instructions: Attached Conduct research on approaches to risk management processes, policies, and concerns in your current or anticipated professional arena to find an example of a risk management plan. Look for a plan with sufficient content to be able to complete this assignment successfully. In a 1,000‐1,250-word paper, provide […]

Cultural/Spiritual Practice-Power point

Cultural/Spiritual Practice-Power point Conduct a literature search for varied types of credible, peer-reviewed scholarly publications which may include journal articles, book chapters, white papers; government publications or sources such as credible professional nursing and healthcare organizations. Prepare a powerpoint slide presentation which concisely addresses key points in items one through five below as they apply […]

Diagnosis: Major Neurocognitive Disorder

Diagnosis: Major Neurocognitive Disorder Paper details To Prepare Review the interactive media piece assigned by your Instructor. Reflect on the patient’s symptoms and aspects of the disorder presented in the interactive media piece. Consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with the symptoms of the patient case study you were assigned. You will […]

Discussion Pathophysiology

Discussion Pathophysiology Discussion Prompt #1 This week you spent some time in the interactive simulation as Dena Gray. You were asked to make some difficult decisions and you witnessed the results of those decisions. Take some time in this discussion forum to reflect on the experience with your classmates and instructor. How realistic were the […]

Discussion: Diabetes

Discussion: Diabetes According to the American Diabetes Association (2011), 25.8 million children and adults have been diagnosed with diabetes in the United States. Approximately 2 million more are diagnosed every year, with another 79 million people considered to be in a pre-diabetes state. These millions of people are at risk of several alterations, including heart […]