Entries by Naomi Nas

Individual Professional Practice Document: Prescriptive Authority

Individual Professional Practice Document: Prescriptive Authority Instructions After passing your certification exam, the next step is to obtain your Nurse Practitioner (RN/NP) license. Then you should apply for prescriptive authority in the state in which you plan to practice. In some states, this requires a collaborating/ supervising physician; in some states, there are restrictions for […]

Week 6 Discussion 1: Prescriptive Authority: State Regulations

Week 6 Discussion 1: Prescriptive Authority: State Regulations Initial Post To get started, review the Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map. In your initial post, please identify the prescriptive authority regulations in the state where you are going to practice. Are there any restrictions, supervision, or collaboration required from a physician? If so, please explain. If you will […]

Cancer Center’s medical hematology Paper

Cancer Center’s medical hematology Paper Our Cancer Center’s medical hematology/oncology was recently split between the two local hospitals and two new centers were created. Prior to the split we had a big town hall with both institutions. Then we all had to apply for positions and wait to find out where we were hired. Once […]

Nursing homework help

Module 06 Content Top of Form Purpose of Assignment: According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008), “Apply safeguards and decision making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers.”   American Association of College of Nursing. (2008). The Essentials […]

Nursing homework help

Student______________________________________ This sheet is to help you understand what we are looking for, and what our margin remarks might be about on your write ups of patients. Since at all of the white-ups that you hand in are uniform, this represents what MUST be included in every write-up.   Identifying Data (___5pts): The opening list […]

Nursing homework help

Read the scenario and assignment instructions in the You Decide Overview. You have been asked by the hospital CEO to give her a briefing on the patient situation and alternative actions that may be taken to ensure both that the rights of the patients are preserved and that the risks to the hospital are minimized. […]

Hearing & Eye Age-Related Diseases

Hearing & Eye Age-Related Diseases After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Define presbycusis, name signs and symptoms, etiology and differential diagnosis. Create 3 interventions-education measures with a patient with Presbycusis. List, define and elaborate on three different retinal and macular diseases age-related. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least […]

Capstone Project Change Proposal Plan

Capstone Project Change Proposal Plan Topic 9 DQ 2 Resistance is a major factor for the person assigned to perform the procedure. Resistance to change is a major struggle for many organizations that have some form of “always-on” Staff. Some staff may find it as an insult to their behavior to be taught how to […]

Nursing homework help

Scenario – Mary Smith has just reported for duty and is reviewing the patients she will have during the evening shift. One of them, Ida Monroe, is on isolation for an infectious disease. Dr. Jerome comes into the nursing station around 9:00 P.M. after making hospital rounds to see his patients. He tells Mary that […]

Promoting Evidence-Based Practice

Promoting Evidence-Based Practice In recent years, the implementation of evidence-based practice has been identified as a priority across nearly every nursing specialty (Prevost & Ford, 2020). In addition, nurses are increasingly accepted as essential members and often as leaders, of the interdisciplinary health-care teams. To effectively participate and lead a health-care team, nurses must have […]