Entries by Naomi Nas

Nursing Shortages Discussion

The United States and other countries are experiencing nursing shortages. To help ease the shortage, many resources are spent on recruiting foreign nurses. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW What are the reasons for these shortages? If the United States and other industrial nations put their resources into increasing nurse retention, would the need to […]

Nursing homework help

Scenario You are the new project manager for the operations unit of Charleston General Hospital. The hospital is facing challenges of long wait times at the ED resulting in a high number of patients leaving without being seen (LWBS) and long admission holds in the ED. Upon initial assessment, you determine that the two challenges […]

ADHD Assignment Paper

give a very brief introduction to ADHD and describe the  Neurobiology of ADHD and the treatment approach with side effects considerations. The first line of treatment should include Parent training in behavior management; and/or Behavioral classroom interventions (if available). Methylphenidate may be used if behavioral interventions do not provide significant improvement and the child continues to have […]

Nursing homework help

Yirlem Whistleblowing is a widely discussed issue today because people have different perceptions of this behavior. Whistleblowing can help medical personnel improve the quality of healthcare services and avoid multiple failures. Thus, whistleblowing’s primary advantages include healthcare providers’ chance to protect patients, improve quality of care, and satisfy professional expectations, while its disadvantages involve the […]

Nursing homework help

1. Describe the morphology of erythrocytes, the mechanism, and primary cause of the following anemias: Pernicious anemia, folate deficiency anemia, iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, and sickle cell anemia. 2. Describe the most common causes and provide examples for neutrophilia, neutropenia, eosinophilia (i.e., eosinophilia caused by asthma, hay fever, or parasitic infection), eosinopenia, basophilia, monocytosis, monocytopenia, […]

NUR2755 Section BNPH1A0S Multidimensional Care IV (11 Weeks)

NUR2755 Section BNPH1A0S Multidimensional Care IV (11 Weeks) Module 06 Assignment – Burn Victim Assessment Top of Form Bottom of Form Module 06 Content Top of Form Scenario You are working the night shift on a medical-surgical unit. You assignment includes a 19 year old woman admitted early this morning. She has sustained burns over 30% […]

NUR2832 Section 17 Leadership and Professional Identity

NUR2832 Section 17 Leadership and Professional Identity Mod 6 Discussion – Role in Conflict Management Discussion Topic Top of Form Activity Time: 3 hours Directions: part 1 Role in Conflict Management As a nurse leader or manager, you are responsible for conflict management. First Post Describe how you would handle a conflict between two nurses […]

Nursing homework help

1. Describe the pathophysiology of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, and discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation (include the revised Jones Criteria), and treatment of rheumatic fever. 2,.Review and summarize the Joint National Committee (JNC) recommendations for the prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure. Review the recommendations made by the […]

Healthcare Management Communication

APA FORMAT,DOUBLE SPACE,3 Page length (Not including Title and reference) , line spacing, and bullets: To allow the professor to consistently evaluate student submissions, this course requires uniform double spacing between lines of text and paragraphs. This means that there is no additional spacing between paragraphs or sections. Regardless of the assignment, the usage of […]

CAT Acid Base Balance

CAT Acid-Base Balance What are common causes of increased anion gap metabolic acidosis? Can someone have an increased anion gap without being in metabolic acidosis? How does the measurement of the urinary anion gap help narrow the differential diagnosis of normal anion gap metabolic acidosis? ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW What are the major […]