Community Assessment Essay

Community Assessment Essay


Community Assessment Part Two: Data Collection Tool

Subsystems (Policy and Government, Education, Health and Social Services, Communication, and Recreation)


Community: _______________________________________________________________

At-risk population:_____________________________________________________________                                                   

Instructions: Use this tool to document your assessment findings.  Include a succinct synopsis in paragraph form for each of the assessment categories below.  Remember to provide adequate depth and breadth for each subsystem of the assessment.  Be sure to cite the sources to support your findings, and include your reference list. Community Assessment Essay


Subsystem Findings
Health and Social Systems Subsystem

(2 points each)

Must Provide:

·         Health facilities

·         Providers

·         Clinics/ Dialysis care

·         Public health services

·         Home-care

·         Hospice /Palliative

·         Long-term care

·         Social services

·         Counseling services

·         Medicaid services

Education Subsystem


Must Provide:

·         Educational level

·         Literacy level  of community members

·         Educational sources:


o   Children

o   Adult

o   Daycare

o   Library



Politics and Government Subsystem


Must Provide:

·         Local governmental leadership

·         Politically active organizations present within the community

·         Governmental facilities in the community (i.e., court house, jail, prison)

·         Democrats and republicans votingstatistics from last election.

Communication Subsystem


Must Provide:

·         Formal communication

·         Informal communication

·         Cell phone towers

·         Weather sirens

Recreation Subsystem


Must include:

·         Recreation facilities

·         Entertainment opportunities

Assessment of Selected At-Risk Population

And At-risk population field work.


Must include:

·         Unique health needs faced by your at-riskas noted in national statistics and inscholarly sources.


·         Health needs faced by your at-risk populationas seen in your community, throughyour personal/professional observations, experiences and information gleaned from the field work with your chosen at- risk population on health issues is noted.

Key Informant Interview

Must be with a person working with the public.  Preferably an expert in their field.

·         What is your role in the community?

·         How long have your worked in this community?

·         Based on your area of expertise, what issues are a concern in the community?

·         How is this specific at-risk population in this community struggling right now?

·         What do you feel the strengths and weaknesses of your community are related to this at-risk population?








Community Assessment Part One: Community Core (Due in Assignment 2.3)

Data Collection Tool

Name:_________________________________ Community:_________City of Madisonville________________________

Instructions: Use this tool to document your assessment findings.  Include a succinct synopsis in paragraph form for each of the assessment categories below.  Remember to provide adequate depth and breadth for each category of the assessment.  Be sure to cite the sources to support your findings and include your reference list.

Assessment Category Findings
Historical overview of the community

Must Include:

·         When the community was settled

·         By whom

·         First Business

·         Important information about the community

The city of Madisonville, Kentucky, was established in 1807 and was named for the then secretary of state, James Madison. The city was named the seat of Hopkins County in 1808 (Gamblin, 2018). It was formally incorporated in 1808. Farming was the primary occupation of the city’s residents, with tobacco as the leading crop. The first outcropping of coal was discovered in 1837, and the first coal mine was opened in 1869. In the early 20the century, the city of Madisonville was known for being a rail hub, coal-mining center, and a large tobacco market. Currently, it is labeled as “the best town on Earth” and serves as the leading manufacturing hub.
Demographic description of the community population

Must Include:

·         Birth rates

·         Death rates

·         Pertinent morbidity rates

·         Distribution of


·         Sex

·         Race

·         Ancestry (i.e., German, Asian, Indian, etc.)

·         Marital status

·         Education status

·         Household types& size

As of 2020, the city is estimated to have approximately 19,542 people making it the most populated city in Kentucky. Based on the 2019 demographic data, the city of Madisonville showed a birth rate of 23.7%. The death rate was estimated to be 1,048 per 100,000 people as of 2018. The median age in the city is 36.3 years, 41.9 years for females, and 32.8 years for males. Individuals between 18 and 64 years cover about 57% of the city’s total population; persons under 18 years cover approximately 26 %, while those above 64 years are about 17% (World Population Review, n.d.). According to US Census Bureau Statistics, females in the city make up about 50.8% while males are 449.2%. The percentage of whiles is 82.2%, African American 11.8%, American Indian and Alaska Native 0.4%, and Asian approximately 1.3%. Approximately 4,010 people (27.14% of the total population) in Madisonville are single, while about 7,100 individuals (47.75%) are married. Regarding education, the percentage of high school graduates or high is 87.6 %, while the percentage of persons with a Bachelor’s degree or higher is 20.8% (US Census Bureau, n.d.). The household types in the city include married, single female, single male, one-person, and those with children. Persons per household are estimated to be 2.40.
Values, beliefs, and perceptions within the community

Must Include:

·         Community’s values, beliefs, and perceptions of importance of religion

·         Degree of religious diversity in the community reflected in the faith groups

·         Cultural influences reflected in any significant ethnic or religious traditions

Madisonville welcomes every faith. About 64.5% of the total population in the city value religion, with 53.1% Baptist, 4% Methodist, 1.1% Catholic, and 2.5% Pentecostal (City-Data, n.d.). The city offers places of worship for diverse religious backgrounds, including worship, fellowship, faith-based educational institutions, and ministries focused on helping other people. Faith community offers various church styles ranging from traditional to contemporary and Española services.
Physical Environment

·         Information will come from the windshield survey.  You should state this in your own words.

·         Provide dates of your survey.


The findings regarding the physical environment of the city of Madisonville will be provided once the windshield survey is completed. The survey will be conducted between March 14 and 17, 2022.


·         Financial status of people

o   Individuals

o   Households

·         Occupational categories in the community

·         Businesses/Industries

Generally, about 22.4% of the total population lives below the poverty line. The city’s unemployment rate currently stands at 5.3%; however, the job Madisonville market has decreased by -1.1% during the past year. The feature job growth is predicted to be 28.4%. The average income of a city resident is $22,394 annually, while the median household income is $44,720 yearly (Census Reporter, n.d ). The percentage of persons in poverty is 22.4%. Females aged 25 to 34 are the largest demographic living in poverty, followed by those aged 35 to 44 and 6 to 11. Males in the city have an average income of 1.35 times higher than the average female income. The income inequality, measured using the Gini index, is 0.456. there are approximately 7880 people employed in the economy of Madisonville, KY, with the largest industries being Health Care and Social Assistance ( approximately 1500 people), Manufacturing (about 1000 people and Retail trade (900 people). The highest paying industries include Information ($74,890), mining, quarrying, Oil and Gas Extraction ($62,990), agriculture, fishing and mining, forestry, and mining ($62,470) (US Census Bureau, n.d.).
Transportation and Safety Types of transportation available

o   personal

o   public

·         Police protection

·         Crime statistics

·         Fire protection

·         Sanitation services

Generally, 7,668 workers, 16 years and above, travel to work. More than 85% of the population uses personal cars (car, truck or van) while about 12% use public transport. The city has different kinds of security systems, including ADS security that serves the security needs of the residents. The average crime rate is estimated to be 13.20 per 1000 residents. There are 1.84 violent crimes per 1000 residents annually, while property crime is 11.36 per 1000 residents annually (City-Data, n.d.). There are various sanitation services available for residents of the city. These services include garbage collecting, industrial/hazardous waste management, disposal, and wastewater treatment.
Key Informant Interview

Key points from the interview with a key informant.


Madisonville, KY, provides primary care and wellness services that form the backbone of employees’ and families’ best health outcomes. There is proper management of chronic disease and the cost for their treatment. Employees and their families have accessed virtual health, BlueMine, which provides online telemedicine and other related services. It has an acute and skilled care facility that emphasizes community outreach and training medical students in rural areas. Given its population, the city is directly accessible by air, rail, and highway.




Census Reporter. (n.d). Census profile: Madisonville, KY.

City-Data.(n.d.).Madisonville, Kentucky (KY 42431) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders.

Gamblin, K. (2018). Business, Life, and Bourbon: RP Drake of Madisonville, Kentucky (Doctoral dissertation, The Florida State University).

US Census Bureau.(n.d.).U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Madisonville city, Kentucky. Census Bureau QuickFacts.

World Population Review.(n.d.).Madisonville, Kentucky population 2022 (demographics, maps, graphs).













Literature Review

Literature Review

Literature Evaluation Table

Student Name:

Change Topic (2-3 sentences):Changing lifestyles is a necessary process that helps control blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. It is significant to investigate and determine the efficacy of making lifestyle modifications such as making changes in the diets individuals consume and exercising regularly can help in help in managing T2D by reducing patients’ glycemic levels. Literature Review


Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and

Permalink or Working Link to Access Article


Aminian, A., Zajichek, A., Arterburn, D. E., Wolski, K. E., Brethauer, S. A., Schauer, P. R., … & Nissen, S. E. Published in Jama Journal.



Fink, A., Fach, E. M., & Schröder, S. L. Published in the International journal for equity in health.


Gillani, S. W., Sulaiman, S. A. S., Abdul, M. I. M., & Saad, S. Y. Published in the Diabetology & metabolic syndrome Journal. Huang, X. L., Pan, J. H., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, F., & Hu, T. T. E. Published in European Journal of Internal Medicine.


Article Title and Year Published


Association of metabolic surgery with major adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. Published in 2019 Learning to shape life’–a qualitative study on the challenges posed by a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2. Published in 2019 A qualitative study to explore the perception and behavior of patients towards diabetes management with physical disability. Published in 2017. Efficacy of lifestyle interventions in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Published in 2016
Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative)


Metabolic surgery controls dietary intake to manage blood sugar levels, and reduce the need for medication indiabetic patients who are obese. What are the challenges associated with a diagnosis of T2D, and what changes do individuals make to cope with the condition effectively? What lifestyle changes should physically disabled diabetic patients make, and how do they impact their blood sugar levels? Efficacy of lifestyle interventions in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Purposes/Aim of Study What lifestyle changes should physically disabled diabetic patients make, and how do they impact their blood sugar levels? The study aims to deduce the health challenges associated with a diagnosis of T2D and the impact of making lifestyle changes on coping with them The purpose of the study was to determine whether physically disabled individuals with T2D were aware of the lifestyle management strategies such as changes in dietary intake that they should make to lower their blood sugar levels and improve their health and well-being and the impact of these changes. The purpose of the meta-analysis is to determine the outcomes of three lifestyle changes: dietary management, increased physical activity, and patient instruction on effective self-care
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)


Retrospective cohort design Descriptive design Exploratory design Meta-synthesis design


Cleveland clinic/ 13722 patients Martin Luther-King University Hospital in Germany/ 19 participants Penang Hospital in Malaysia/21 participants Online research/ 17 articles
Methods: Intervention/Instruments


Observation of selected patients Literature Review Semi-structured interviews using open ended questions Semi-structured interviews using pen-ended questions Review of the data in the articles


 Surgical restructuring of the digestive systems is directly linked to a reduction of blood sugar levels Patients who changed their lifestyle to incorporate healthy habits experienced low blood sugar levels. Increased physical activity in physically disabled patients with T2D is directly related to lower blood sugar levels. Dietary management, increased physical activity and effective education of patients are directly linked to improved health in patients with T2D.
Key Findings


Surgical restructuring of the metabolic system helps reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular problems in obese patients who have diabetes. It also helps control blood sugar levels and reduce medication use in diabetic management Patients with T2D investigated and found new strategies for coping with the challenges precipitated by a diagnosis of the disease. They also adopted new living styles to improve their health and well-being, which lowered their blood sugar levels significantly. Patients with T2D investigated and found new strategies for coping with the challenges precipitated by a diagnosis of the disease. They also adopted new living styles to improve their health and well-being, which lowered their blood sugar levels significantly. Lifestyle modification played a significant role in lowering blood sugar levels and improving the health and well-being of patients with diabetes.


The surgical procedure was a practical approach to improving the lifestyle of diabetic patients who are obese. It led to better dietary management and helped lower the blood sugar levels of patients Healthcare providers should educate patients on the effective lifestyle changes they can make to improve their health and well-being. It is necessary to instigate measures to help T2D patients with physical disabilities make adequate lifestyle changes for effective glycemic control The authors recommended that lifestyle changes should be instructed in diabetic patients to promote their health and well-being.
Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone Project


The article is related to the PICOT question because it identifies metabolic surgery as a preparatory step that can be used to change the lifestyle of a diabetic patient to reduce the portions of food they consume and reduce weight, hence controlling their blood sugar levels. The article is related to the PICOT question because it determines the changes individuals are compelled to make after they are diagnosed with T2D and the impact of these lifestyle changes on their health and well-being. The article relates to the PICOT question because it explores the lifestyle modifications that diabetic patients who are physically incapacitated make to improve their health and well-being The article relates to the PICOT question because it discusses practical lifestyle modification approaches that diabetic patients can use and their impact on their blood sugar levels.



Criteria Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 8
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and

Permalink or Working Link to Access Article


Johansen, M. Y., MacDonald, C. S., Hansen, K. B., Karstoft, K., Christensen, R., Pedersen, M., … & Ried-Larsen, M. Published in Jamanet Journal. Taheri, S., Zaghloul, H., Chagoury, O., Elhadad, S., Ahmed, S. H., El Khatib, N., … & Abou-Samra, A. B. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinalogy Journal. Sebire, S. J., Toumpakari, Z., Turner, K. M., Cooper, A. R., Page, A. S., Malpass, A., & Andrews, R. C. BMC Public Health Journal.


Hallberg, S. J., McKenzie, A. L., Williams, P. T., Bhanpuri, N. H., Peters, A. L., Campbell, W. W., … & Volek, J. S. Diabetic Therapy Journal.


Article Title and Year Published


Effect of an intensive lifestyle intervention on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial. Published in 2017. Literature Review Effect of intensive lifestyle intervention on body weight and glycaemia in early type 2 diabetes (DIADEM-I): an open-label, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial.  Published in 2020 “I’ve made this my lifestyle now”: a prospective qualitative study of motivation for lifestyle change among people with newly diagnosed type two diabetes mellitus. Published in 2018. Effectiveness and safety of a novel care model for the management of type 2 diabetes at 1 year: an open-label, non-randomized, controlled study. Publised in 2018
Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative)


How does lifestyle modification impact the glycemic levels of diabetic patients? Does implementing comprehensive lifestyle modifications have a positive impact on young diabetic patients? How do people newly diagnosed with diabetes get the motivation needed to make positive changes in their lifestyle and the impact of these changes on their blood sugar levels What is the impact of controlling carbohydrate intake having on glycemic control?
Purposes/Aim of Study The study purposed to investigate the hypothetical indication that modifying patients’ lifestyles helped improve their glycemic levels, lowering their need for medications. The study aims to investigate whether encouraging lifestyle modifications can help young people with T2D to lose excessive weight and have sufficiently low glycemic levels. The study aims to determine how individuals diagnosed with T2D get encouraged to make lifestyle changes to control their sugar levels and the impacts of this decision The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of an intervention designed to restrict carbohydrate intake on the sugar levels of diabetic patients
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)


Quasi experimental design Exploratory study design Descriptive research design Randomized control design


Zealand and Denmark/98 patients Qatar/ 158 participants South West England/ 593 participants Lafayette, Indiana/218 participants
Methods: Intervention/Instruments


Comparison of the two variables Semi structured interviews Semi structured interviews Comparison of dependent and independent studies


Lifestyle changes are directly related to the intensity of the lifestyle changes patients make. Lifestyle changes are directly related to the intensity of the lifestyle changes patients make. There is a direct connection between healthy lifestyles and low glycemic levels There is a direct connection between healthy lifestyles and low glycemic levels
Key Findings


Making lifestyle changes reduced the glycemic levels of diabetic patients; hence they took fewer drugs to control the disease. Lifestyle modifications helped reduce excessive weight, which is a significant factor in diabetes control. It also reduced glycemic levels hence improving the health of the patients. The diagnosis of diabetes is a significant motivation that makes them make adequate lifestyle changes to control their blood sugar levels Limiting carbohydrates intake is a significant intervention that helps in lowering glucose intake in patients with T2D


The authors recommended that diabetic patients be encouraged to make lifestyle changes to improve their health and well-being. Lifestyle modification should be encapsulated as an effective strategy in managing diabetes because of its short-term and long-term benefits to the patients. It is significant for individuals diagnosed with T2D to have adequate motivations to make them change their lifestyle, which is a necessary process that ensures that their blood sugar levels are controlled adequately The researcher indicated that the issue should be investigated more to determine the strategies that can be used to adapt the intervention as an evidence-based practice in the clinical setting
Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone


The article is related to the PICOT question because it investigates the relationship between making lifestyle changes and reducing blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and how this impacts their medication use. The article relates to the PICOT question because it examines the impact of modifying lifestyle on controlling glycemic levels and weight and improving the well-being of patients with diabetes The article relates to the PICOT question because it investigates how the impacts of making lifestyle changes such as dietary changes and engaging in physical exertions can improve the quality of life of a diabetic patient. The article is related to the PICOT article because it scrutinizes the effects of using a lifestyle model that comprises approaches such as limiting the intake of carbohydrates in patients with T2D.




Patient Education for Children and Adolescents

Patient Education for Children and Adolescents

Assignment: Patient Education for Children and Adolescents

Patient education is an effective tool in supporting compliance and treatment for a diagnosis. It is important to consider effective ways to educate patients and their families about a diagnosis—such as coaching, brochures, or videos—and to recognize that the efficacy of any materials may differ based on the needs and learning preferences of a particular patient. Because patients or their families may be overwhelmed with a new diagnosis, it is important that materials provided by the practitioner clearly outline the information that patients need to know. Patient Education for Children and Adolescents


Photo Credit: Getty Images

For this Assignment, you will pretend that you are a contributing writer to a health blog. You are tasked with explaining important information about an assigned mental health disorder in language appropriate for child/adolescent patients and/or their caregivers.

To Prepare

  • By Day 1, your Instructor will assign a mood or anxiety disorder diagnosis for you to use for this Assignment.
  • Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals. Patient Education for Children and Adolescents

The Assignment

In a 300- to 500-word blog post written for a patient and/or caregiver audience, explain signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals.
Although you are not required to respond to colleagues, collegial discussion is welcome.

Rubric Detail


Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

Name: NRNP_6665_Week5_Assignment_Rubric

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
In a 300- to 500-word blog post written for a patient and/or caregiver audience:

• Explain signs and symptoms for the assigned diagnosis in children and adolescents.

27 (27%) – 30 (30%)

The response accurately and concisely explains signs and symptoms of the assigned diagnosis in language and tone that are engaging and appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

The response accurately explains signs and symptoms of the assigned diagnosis in language and tone appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

21 (21%) – 23 (23%)

The response somewhat vaguely or inaccurately explains signs and symptoms of the assigned diagnosis. Language and tone are mostly appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

0 (0%) – 20 (20%)

The response vaguely or inaccurately explains signs and symptoms of the assigned diagnosis. Language and tone are not appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience. Or the response is missing.

· Explain pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments for children and adolescents with the diagnosis. 27 (27%) – 30 (30%)

The response accurately and concisely explains pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments in language and tone that are engaging and appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

The response accurately explains pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments in language and tone that are appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

21 (21%) – 23 (23%)

The response somewhat vaguely or inaccurately explains pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments. Language and tone are mostly appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

0 (0%) – 20 (20%)

The response vaguely or inaccurately explains pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments. Language and tone are not appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience. Or the response is missing.

· Explain appropriate community resources and referrals for the assigned diagnosis. 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

The response accurately and concisely explains appropriate community resources and referrals for the assigned diagnosis in language and tone that are engaging and appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

The response accurately explains appropriate community resources and referrals for the assigned diagnosis in language and tone that are appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

18 (18%) – 19 (19%)

The response somewhat vaguely or inaccurately explains community resources and referrals for the assigned diagnosis. Language and tone are mostly appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience.

0 (0%) – 17 (17%)

The response vaguely or inaccurately explains community resources and referrals for the assigned diagnosis. Language and tone are not appropriate for a patient/caregiver audience. Or the response is missing.

Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:

Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity <60% of the time.

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.

Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards:

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains one or two grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Contains several (three or four) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (five or more) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/narrative in-text citations, and reference list. 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct APA format with no errors

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains one or two APA format errors

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Contains several (three or four) APA format errors

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (five or more) APA format errors

Total Points: 100

Name: NRNP_6665_Week5_Assignment_Rubric


Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Week 5 Assignment: Course Project Milestone: Annotated Bibliography


Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapters 9, 10
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 5 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

First, return to your topic chosen in the week three assignment.

  • Answer this question: What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side in that debate?
  • Next, articulate and then evaluate the ethical positions  using Kantian ethics (that is, the categorical imperative) relative to the long standing debate (that is your topic chosen in the week three assignment).
  • Finally, create a complete annotated bibliography for 5 academic scholarly sources. You will annotate each source. The sources should be relevant to your topic chosen in the week three assignment. Annotated Bibliography

Include the following:

  • Publication details
  • Annotation (a detailed reading of the source)

Each annotation section should include the following:

  • Summarize key points and identify key terms (using quotation marks, and citing a page in parentheses).
  • Describe the controversies or “problems” raised by the articles.
  • State whether you agree or disagree and give reasons.
  • Locate one or two quotations to be used in the final research project.
  • Evaluate the ways in which this article is important and has helped you focus your understanding.

Use the following as a model:

APA Reference
Mezirow, J. (2003). Transformative learning as discourse. Journal of Transformative Education1(1), 58-63.

Annotation Example
In this article, Mezirow (2003) makes a distinction between “instrumental” and “communicative” learning. “Instrumental learning” refers to those processes which measure and gauge learning, such as tests, grades, comments, quizzes, attendance records and the like. “Communicative learning,” on the other hand, refers to understanding created over time between individuals in what Mezirow calls “critical-dialectical-discourse,” (p. 59) which is a fancy way of saying, important conversation between 2 or more speakers. Another key idea Mezirow discusses is “transformative learning,” (p. 61) which changes the mind, the heart, the values and beliefs of people so that they may act better in the world. Mezirow argues that “hungry, desperate, homeless, sick, destitute, and intimidated people obviously cannot participate fully and freely in discourse” (p. 59). On the one hand, he is right: there are some people who cannot fully engage because their crisis is so long and deep, they are prevented. But, I don’t think Mezirow should make the blanket assumption that everyone in unfortunate circumstances is incapable of entering the discourse meaningfully. One thing is certain: if we gave as much attention to the non-instrumental forms of intelligence–like goodness, compassion, forgiveness, wonder, self-motivation, creativity, humor, love, and other non-measured forms of intelligence in our school curriculums, we’d see better people, actors in the world, and interested investigators than we currently have graduating high school.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 4-7 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page










Topic: Mandatory Vaccination

Mandatory vaccination is an ancient practice that has remained a controversial issue due to variance in beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge. Since vaccines were introduced in 1796, there have been people in support of the practice while there have also been other against vaccines. The case has only gotten worse with the government making some vaccines mandatory as the determined compelled those against vaccines to feel like their feelings and rights have been violated by the government. at the same time, the government leaving people exposed and vulnerable to contagious diseases has led to massive negative effects a situation that has compelled the government to go against the wish and desires of some people. There are a lot of reasons shared by both parties and the challenging thing is that all arguments are valid hence creating an intense ethical or moral dilemma on the issue.

The supporters of mandatory vaccinations claims that vaccines save lives since infectious diseases are leading killers for instance polio, tetanus, chickenpox, measles, and the recent corona virus among others(Orient, 2019). Secondly, the supporters claims that vaccines boosts the body’s immune system and this makes the body able to handle even other underlying conditions that could have affected overall wellbeing of the person.

On the other hand, the opposers of mandatory vaccinations claim that vaccines have string side effects and there are many instances they have weakened the body’s natural immune system. This is because the body is created in a manner it has a natural method of fighting diseases and hence vaccines only compromises the original body version(Giubilini, 2021). The second reason shared by those opposing vaccines is that vaccines are made from chemicals and it is for this reason that some people have still suffered other complications to the point of suffering death despite having been vaccinated.

According to MacDonald, et al., (2018); Ethical Egoist is a person that makes a moral decision guided by pure self-interest. On the case of Ethical Egoist, such a person is likely to support the perspective that he/she would feel would suit personal interests on the matter. In the case the ethical egoist would have a direct link and benefit from the act of having people vaccinated, he/she would support the idea not because it is good but because he/she is benefiting. On the other hand, it he/she is not benefiting in any way, he/she is likely to go against the mandatory vaccinations claiming they violate human rights. The reason for this is that ethical egoist are always in support of things they would benefit and can highly all benefits while shadowing negative effects and always talks ill of things they feel are not of any importance to them even though they have a general benefit to others(MacDonald, et al., 2018). Whenever there is no benefit, ethical egoists are more focused on negativity of the issues than the positivity of an issue.

Looking at the mandatory vaccinations moral controversy issue; it is evident there is a conflict between loyalty to self and to community. A majority of the people are more focused on loyalty to self by looking at the gains they would have as individuals as compared to community benefits. As a long as people feel they do not have any direct benefit as individuals, they tend to argue against vaccines overlooking the general benefit the society is having(Orient, 2019). At the same time, many people make use of the knowledge they have, personal beliefs, and attitudes towards an issue to make a decision that would affect a community. Nevertheless, the fact that vaccines affects the society, loyalty to self should be overlooked and people applying good interest for others to make a general decision. This being the case, vaccines should be viewed from the perspective of how they have benefited the society and not a few people as this is the morally acceptable perspective.

Social contract ethicists are people that claim people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that established political and moral rules of behaviors. On the case of mandatory vaccines, the social contract ethicists would support vaccinations since they have proven to have more benefits than challenges a situation that communicates morally and interest of the majority(Giubilini, 2021). The more reason is that social contract ethicists are more focused on morals than self-interests and this means it is the well-being of the society that takes center stage. From this perspective, it is evident there is a collision between personal obligations and national ones. This is because social contract ethicists are nationalists that focus on taking care of national obligations overshadowing their personal obligations despite the desire to have their attitudes and feelings on the issue taken into consideration. This is the action that best suits the situation where personal interests should be left aside while national interests uplifted for the wellbeing of the majority(Orient, 2019). The more reason is that when the interest of the majority is considered, mandatory vaccines would be supported or opposed from morally acceptable arguments and not because a single or few people like or do not like them.




Giubilini, A. (2021). Vaccination ethics. British medical bulletin137(1), 4-12.

MacDonald, N. E., Harmon, S., Dube, E., Steenbeek, A., Crowcroft, N., Opel, D. J., … & Butler, R. (2018). Mandatory infant & childhood immunization: Rationales, issues and knowledge gaps. Vaccine36(39), 5811-5818.

Orient, J. M. (2019). Vaccine Controversies: the Case for Freedom and Informed Consent. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons24(3).


Patient Education for Children and Adolescents

Patient Education for Children and Adolescents

Patient Education for Children and Adolescents Patient Education for Children and Adolescents


Patient education is an effective tool in supporting compliance and treatment for a diagnosis. It is important to consider effective ways to educate patients and their families about a diagnosis—such as coaching, brochures, or videos—and to recognize that the efficacy of any materials may differ based on the needs and learning preferences of a particular patient. Because patients or their families may be overwhelmed with a new diagnosis, it is important that materials provided by the practitioner clearly outline the information that patients need to know. Patient Education for Children and Adolescents


For this Assignment, you will pretend that you are a contributing writer to a health blog. You are tasked with explaining important information about an assigned mental health disorder in language appropriate for child/adolescent patients and/or their caregivers.  Patient Education for Children and Adolescents


To Prepare

  • By Day 1, your Instructor will assign a mood or anxiety disorder diagnosis for you to use for this Assignment.
  • Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals. Patient Education for Children and Adolescents


The Assignment

In a 300- to 500-word blog post written for a patient and/or caregiver audience, explain signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals.
Although you are not required to respond to colleagues, collegial discussion is welcome.



PLEASE NOTE: My own disorder diagnosis is BIPOLAR DISORDER Patient Education for Children and Adolescents







3). PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED:Rubricdetails,Assignment details/Instructions.


4). Please review and follow the grading rubricdetails, and include each component in the assignmentas required. Also, follow the APA 7 writing rules and style/Format.


Thank you.


Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Discussion 2: Your Leadership Profile Nursing homework help

Do you believe you have the traits to be an effective leader? Perhaps you are already in a supervisory role, but as has been discussed previously, appointment does not guarantee leadership skills. Nursing homework help

How can you evaluate your own leadership skills and behaviors? You can start by analyzing your performance in specific areas of leadership. In this Discussion, you will complete Gallup’s StrengthsFinder assessment. This assessment will identify your personal strengths, which have been shown to improve motivation, engagement, and academic self-conference. Through this assessment, you will discover your top five themes—which you can reflect upon and use to leverage your talents for optimal success and examine how the results relate to your leadership traits. Nursing homework help


To Prepare:

Complete the StrengthsFinder assessment instrument, per the instructions found in this Module’s Learning Resources. (Repost is attached for you to use for this assignment)

  • Once you have completed your assessment, you will receive your “Top 5 Signature Themes of Talent” on your screen. (Repost is attached for you to use for this assignment)
  • Click the Download button below Signature Theme Report, and then print and save the report. We also encourage you to select the Apply tab to review action items. (Repost is attached for you to use for this assignment)

NOTE: Please keep your report. You will need your results for future courses. Technical Issues with Gallup:

If you have technical issues after registering, please contact the Gallup Education Support group by phone at +1.866-346-4408. Support is available 24 hours/day from 6:00 p.m. Sunday U.S. Central Time through 5:00 p.m. Friday U.S. Central Time.

  • Reflect on the results of your Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.
  • Download your Signature Theme Report to submit for this Discussion.

By Day 3 of Week 5

Post a brief description of your results from the StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, briefly describe two core values, two strengths, and two characteristics that you would like to strengthen based on the results of your StrengthsFinder assessment. Be specific. Note: Be sure to attach your Signature Theme Report to your Discussion post.


Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification: Interview Guide

For the Interviews and Interdisciplinary Issue identification assessment, your first step will be to interview a classmate, anursing colleague, administrator, business partner, or another appropriate person who could provide you with sufficient information regarding an organizational problem that they are experiencing or have experienced, or an area in which they are seeking improvements. This guide provides a selection of questions that you should consider asking your interviewee. They are by no means questions you must ask, or the only questions you should ask. Feel free to ask your own questions and follow-ups as the interview proceeds. These are merely a guide to get you started. Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification


Sample questions

  • How would you describe your organization?
  • What is your position within the organization?
  • What are your primary duties in your position?
  • How would you describe some current or past issues within your organization?
  • How did or do these issues affect your ability to complete your duties?
  • How have you, or the organization, attempted to address these issues?
    • What has been done and what were the results?
    • What has been the role or actions of leadership in any attempts to address these issues?
      • How effective do you think their actions have been?
    • What is the general attitude toward interdisciplinary collaboration at your organization?
    • Have you experienced working on an interdisciplinary or interprofessional team?
      • How would you characterize the experience?
      • To what degree do you think overall organizational attitudes towardcollaboration influenced this experience?Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

        Interview Summary

        Summarize your interview in this section. Be sure to relate concise information about:

        • the health care organization that was discussed in the interview.
        • the interviewee’s role and duties.
        • the relevant issues at the organization.
        • any relevant comments on the actions taken by the organization or leadership previously and their effectiveness.
        • the organizational culture related to collaboration.
        • any relevant collaboration or interdisciplinary team experience you interviewee has had.

        The goal of this section is to convey what was discussed at the interview and identify an issue to pursuethroughout the rest of this assessment (and future assessments in this course), as well as have enough information to relate theories, strategies, and approaches to the situation at the organization.

        Issue Identification

        Identify the issue from the interview for which you consider an evidence-based interdisciplinary approachappropriate. Provide one or more specific reasons why an interdisciplinary approach would be appropriate for the issue.

        Change Theories That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

        For this section, look to the literature and describe one or more change theories that would help to develop an interdisciplinary solution to the identified issue. Also, you should briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite. Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

        Another way to think through this section is:

        • What is the change theory?
        • How could it help create an interdisciplinary solution?
        • How relevant is the theory to the specific identified issue?
        • How credible is the source?

        Leadership Strategies That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

        This section is similar to the previous one, except you will be looking to the literature to help you describe one or more leadership strategy that would help you develop an interdisciplinary solution to the identified issue. Also, you should briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite.

        Another way to think through this section is:

        • What is the leadership strategy?
        • How could it help create an interdisciplinary solution?
        • How relevant is the strategy to the specific identified issue?
        • How credible is the source?

        Collaboration Approaches for Interdisciplinary Teams

        Again, this section will be similar to the previous once, except that the focus will be on collaboration approaches. Depending on whether or not your interviewee’s organization usesinterdisciplinary teams frequently, your focus in this section may be on how to establish interdisciplinary teams and a collaborative foundation or how to improve the collaboration within an already established teams. You should also briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite.

        Another way to think through this section is:

        • What is the leadership approach?
        • How could it help establish or improve collaboration?
        • How relevant is the approach to the specific identified issue?
        • How credible is the source?



Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Diversity Module 2: Discussion


For this discussion, first, read chapters 3, 5, and 6 in your textbook, Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, Cultural Competence in Nursing and Cultural Competence or Cultural Humility? Moving Beyond the Debate.  Nursing homework help


Then, address the following questions:

  1. In your own words, define cultural competence.
    2. In your own words, define cultural humility.
    3. Do you feel culturally competent or culturally humble when taking care of your patients or dealing with families or communities? Why?
    4. Choose an example of a time you had to overcome a cultural barrier in your nursing practice. What was the issue? What did you do to overcome the issue?

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.

Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.” Nursing homework help


Points: 30

Due Dates:

  • Initial Post: Fri, April 1 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US.
  • Response Post: Sun, April 3 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US – (the response posts cannot be done on the same day as the initial post).


  • Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.
  • Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response.

Words Limits

  • Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)
  • Response posts: Minimum 100 words excluding references.


Note: Since it is difficult to edit the APA reference in the Blackboard discussion area, you can copy and paste APA references from your Word document to the Blackboard discussion area.  Points will not be deducted because of format changes in spacing.



To be successful, complete the following steps in order:

STEP 1. Review the instructional materials and finish learning activities for this module.

STEP 2. Click here to download the rubric.

STEP 3. Create a new Word document, type your initial post.

STEP 4. Copy the initial post from the Word document.

STEP 5. Click on the “Click to Launch” link OR on the “DISCUSSIONS” tab located on the left-hand side of your screen in Blackboard.

STEP 6. Post in the discussion forum titled “M2 A3 DB: “CULTURAL COMPETENCY VS. CULTURAL HUMILITY”


Got questions? Please post them to the ‘QUESTION & ANSWER FORUM’ in Blackboard.


Nursing And Health Care Profession

Nursing And Health Care Profession

Writing for Nursing/ Assignments Module 4


The purpose of this assignment is to increase your knowledge of the link between social determinants of health (SDOH) and a high priority health issue in the country chosen for the final paper and to share that information with another health care provider. Nursing And Health Care Profession



Several factors come together to create an individual’s health status. The conditions in which people are born, live, work, and age can be as influential in determining an individual’s health status as the quality of diagnosis and treatment. Health care professionals need to understand the influence of these underlying conditions to deliver the best health care possible. A good example of how these factors are intertwined is the Carter Center’s work in eradicating the guinea worm in Africa and Asia. To quote from the website:

When The Carter Center began leading the international campaign to eradicate Guinea worm disease in 1986, there were an estimated 3.5 million cases in at least 21 countries in Africa and Asia. Today, that number has been reduced by more than 99.99 percent.  In 2020, 27* human cases of Guinea worm disease were reported worldwide. Between January 1 and June 30 of 2021 five human cases have been reported. Nursing And Health Care Profession

One of the major strategies used to reach this goal was teaching individuals to filter drinking water and to not go into water if infected.  This was difficult for several reasons:  (a) lack of health care practitioners in the largely rural area, (b) the insecurity in some areas related to conflict, and (c) cost of filtration equipment.  The coordination of effort across several organizations led to the success.

The group of factors included in the SDOH are: (a) economic stability, (b) education access and quality, (c) social and community context, (d) health care access and quality, (e) neighborhood and built environment. Review the resources listed in the Instructional Materials for this module to learn more about the SDOH.  Nursing And Health Care Profession


The focus of this assignment is twofold: (a) to strengthen your understanding of the impact of at least one of the social determinants of health on a priority health issue in the country you have chosen as the focus for the final paper and (b) to share that understanding with another health care professional.

You will write a 300-to-350 word paper plus an email (200-250 words) that meet the following criteria:

  • The paper will contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.  An appropriately formatted student paper title page must be included.  See the relevant section of the APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.
  • Provide a short description of the country.
  • Identify the (2 or 3) health issues with the highest priority in the chosen country.  Document these choices.  Choose one as the focus for the rest of this document. Describe the global health indicators you are using to identify the priority health issue.
  • Identify the SDOH that has the most impact on the chosen health issue.  Be sure to fully describe the SDOH and make the connection between it and the health issue very clear.
  • Include a minimum of three (3) referencesOne (1) reference must be a scholarly article. References must be no more than five (5) years old.  There are no exceptions to this requirement. The Skolnik article may be used but does not count as one of the three references.  For this one paper the list of references does not need to be on a separate page. For this one paper the list of references does not need to be on a separate page. List the references (using correct APA 7th edition format) after the body of the paper. See the format for the structure of this assignment in the Instructional Materials folder click here.
  • The email will begin two double spaces below the last reference for the body of the paper. Start the email with the date. Format the rest of the email as described in the instructions for this assignment.
  • Direct the email to any healthcare provider who is NOT a nurse.  Make sure that the discipline of the healthcare provider is clear in the email.  You do not know whether this healthcare provider is or is not aware of the SDOH literature; consequently, SDOH information must be provided without offending the healthcare professional. Nursing And Health Care Profession
  • Provide a brief description of the concept of SDOH.
  • Explain the link between the SDOH and the identified healthcare priority.  It is possible that more than one of the SDOH categories will be applicable.
  • Support your choices with scholarly references. You must use a minimum of three (3) references. These references may be the same as those used in the body of the paper if they are clearly appropriate. Skolnik may be used but does not count as one of the three (3) references.
  • The length of the email is to be between 200 and 250 words.


  • Click on the link titled “M4 A1: SDOH IMPACT ANALYSIS/EMAIL – SUBMISSION AREA” to submit the assignment.
  • Points: 30

  • Due: See Course Calendar/Checklist

Refer to Rubric for evaluation.

Click here to download a copy of the assignment guidelines

Note: You will have three (3) attempts to submit a written assignment, only the final attempt will be graded. For each attempt you will receive a SafeAssign originality report. This will give you a chance to correct the assignment based on the SafeAssign score. Click here to view instructions on how to interpret your SafeAssign originality report.

Kindly note: If a submission has been made for more than 48 hours without a re-submission, it will be considered final and will be subject to being graded.


Nursing And Health Care Profession

Nursing And Health Care Profession

Writing for Nursing/ Module 4 Introduction


Introductions to a paper are used to introduce the topic, capture the audience’s attention and convince/encourage them to read the rest of the paper, and to define the scope of the paper that follows.  Introductions should be brief usually three or four sentences.  When addressing a complex topic an introduction may require two paragraphs of three to four sentences each.  Typically the thesis statement is the last sentence of an introduction.


The thesis statement tells the reader the main idea of the paper.  Frequently the thesis sentence includes the writer’s opinion plus a sharing of the organization, content, and purpose of the paper.


  • You are to write the introduction for the final paper that is due in Week 7.  You may want to review the requirements of that paper before writing the introduction.  The instructions for the final paper can be found in the Instructional Materials for Module 1.
  • This assignment provides you with the opportunity to begin the organization of the final paper.  Think about the overall message you wish to convey in the final paper.  The introduction will set the stage for the reader and make them want to learn more so they will then continue to read.  The introduction will end with a conclusive statement that will let the reader know where the author’s thinking is headed. Nursing And Health Care Profession
  • Given the required length of the final paper the introduction needs to be two (2) or three (3) paragraphs.   The word count is to be between 250 and 400 words.  Use the professional writing style, e.g., do not use first person.

Click on the link titled “M4 A2: INTRODUCTION TO FINAL PAPER – SUBMISSION AREA” to submit the assignment.

  • Refer to Rubric for evaluation guidelines
  • Points: 10
  • Due: See Course Calendar/Checklist Nursing And Health Care Profession

Note: You will have three (3) attempts to submit a written assignment, only the final attempt will be graded. For each attempt you will receive a SafeAssign originality report. This will give you a chance to correct the assignment based on the SafeAssign score. Click here to view instructions on how to interpret your SafeAssign originality report.

Kindly note: If a submission has been made for more than 48 hours without a re-submission, it will be considered final and will be subject to being graded.