Reflection on Learning

Reflection on Learning

Week 7: Assignment: Reflection on Learning

Start Assignment

  • Due Apr 12 by 11:59pm


  • Points 100


  • Submitting a file upload


The purpose of this activity is to deepen learning through reflective inquiry. It will allow for expansion in self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals. Reflection on Learning

Course Outcomes

This assessment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO 1: Examine the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in leading financial planning and management across healthcare settings. (PO 2, 4, 9)
  • CO 2: Formulate a needs-based organizational assessment to inform strategic leadership decision-making (POs 3, 5, 7)
  • CO 3: Develop strategies to lead project planning, implementation, management, and evaluation to promote high value healthcare. (PO 3, 5, 7)

Due Date(s)

Submit your assignment by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 7. The late assignment policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points


Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Write a brief 1-2 paragraph weekly reflection addressing the questions posed in the Reflect section of each weekly module. Edit your Reflection to include each weekly reflection.

Include the following sections in your Reflection:

  • Week 1: Reflect upon your Week 1 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:
    • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.
    • How will you promote collaborative, inter-professional relationships in a rapidly transforming healthcare environment?
    • What do you value the most about your learning this week? Reflection on Learning


  • Week 2: Reflect upon your Week 2 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:
    • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.
    • How might you use this week’s information to benefit your organization in the future as a DNP-prepared nurse?
    • What do you value most about your learning this week?



  • Week 3: Reflect upon your Week 3 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:
    • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objective
    • How might you use the learning this week with your own DNP Project planning?
    • What do you value most about your learning this week?
  • Week 4: As you reflect upon your Week 4 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:
    • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.
    • How might you improve on your communication skills to be more effective as a project manager?
    • What do you value most about your learning this week?
  • Week 5: Reflect upon your Week 5 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in one or two paragraphs:
    • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.
    • How might the outcomes of your project influence nursing practice and/or patient care, and/or your organization?
    • What do you value most about your learning this week?
  • Week 6: Reflect upon your Week 6 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in one or two paragraphs:
    • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.
    • How might your knowledge about budgets and financial analysis contribute to providing cost-saving solutions to patient care while improving outcomes? Reflection on Learning
    • What do you value most about your learning this week?


  • Week 7: Reflect upon your Week7 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in one or two paragraphs:
    • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.
    • How might your knowledge about current reimbursement trends be useful for you as a DNP-prepared nurse?
    • What do you value most about your learning this week?


Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help



(Note from me: you have already help with the main part of the assignment. The part that I want you to work on now is to help me responds to two post from to different colleagues. I have attached their post so read it and give a respond to their post. Just a page or less will be fine as long as it meets the discussion) Nursing homework help



COVID19 is our first Pandemic of the century.  This lethal global pandemic has led to health, societal, individual, familial, and economic changes.  Using the surveillance tools available on this ever-changing pandemic, track how this pandemic has changed within a state or country since the start of the pandemic.  Compare it to another state or country.  Grade  (A-F) the response and explain your answer with evidence. Post your answer to the discussion board Nursing homework help


  • Respond to at least (2) of your colleague’s postings over the course of the week to continue the dialogue.












I decided to compare COVID-19 data between the United States and Kazakhstan. According to Johns Hopkins University & Medicine (2022), Kazakhstan has 1,393,904 confirmed cases; 19,012 deaths; and 9,168,000 of its people fully vaccinated, which is approximately 49.52% of the population. Over the past month, there have been 2,091 new cases reported and 45 new deaths as a result of the virus (Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, 2022). In the United States, there are 80,155,397 confirmed cases; 982,565 deaths, and 66.38% of the population fully vaccinated (Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, 2022). Over the past month, there have been 902,685 new cases and 25,980 new deaths recorded (Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, 2022).

I think it is difficult to compare these two countries due to population differences. With a population of approximately 329.5 million in the U.S. and 18.75 million in Kazakhstan (Data Commons, 2020), I think there are many factors that could have affected COVID-19 responses by both of these countries. If I had to “grade” Kazakhstan’s response to the pandemic, I would give them a B. I think it is actually impressive that 49.52% of the population is vaccinated. Although Kazakhstan is a large country, majority of it is rural and the population is largely dispersed throughout its region. Geographically, there are a lot of transit opportunities between shared borders, which include both Russia and China, which is why I also think it is impressive that the number of new cases over the last month is not as high as I would otherwise expect it to be. I do think more of the population could be vaccinated, but I do not think access to vaccines are as readily available as they are in the United States.

I would grade the U.S.’s response to the pandemic as a C+. I think the response was heavily delayed initially, lots of information had to be pieced together and it was unclear whether or not the information was withheld or simply unknown given the circumstances; however, I do think more of the population can and should be vaccinated. I think for the majority, there are many opportunities for individuals to get vaccinated and even boosted, however, we are still seeing a good portion of the population protesting against vaccines and ignoring vital statistical data. I think I may be biased because I lived here and wish we could have led by example in this situation, but we are constantly battling other challenges as a society on top of this pandemic, which I why I think it is difficult to judge the overall response. There are just so many factors at play.  Nursing homework help


Data Commons. (2020). United States of America. Data Commons Place Explorer.

Data Commons. (2020). Kazakhstan. Data Commons Place Explorer.

John’s Hopkins University & Medicine. (2022). Kazakhstan. Coronavirus Resource Center.

John’s Hopkins University & Medicine. (2022). United States. Coronavirus Resource Center.







COVID-19 is a pandemic that will linger across countries for many years. It has had a generational impact on child development, mental health, healthcare, and community settings alike. It will take years to recover across the globe, and we can only hope moving forward, that in the future we are better equipped to handle such a treacherous pandemic. Comparing Italy to the United States, they are actually quite similar. The Italian prime minister was ridiculed for not taking the pandemic seriously. For instance, a state of emergency was declared January of 2020, yet allowed the normalcy of life to continue. That was a misconception that unfortunately cost countless lives. As February came about, it became clear that COVID-19 was not contained and red zone regulations were implemented within eleven cities. A failed tactic that shortly lead to a country wide lockdown. By March, it was chaos, yet they had finally secured mask mandates, travel restrictions, and physical distancing in times of essential travel. Information was scant and people yearned for knowledge on the spread, cases, hospitalization, and mortality rate within their cities.


Fulfilling the need for more information, Italian researchers collaborated and created, an interactive web tool to help citizens stay in the know. Italy has a universal health system interwoven between state and government officials. Healthcare workers were deemed the most likely to spread COVID-19 due to a lack of PPE. A crisis call sent out requesting help to address unsafe working conditions for doctors, nurses, and medics was met with complete silence. No grants. No funding. No help. To date, Italy continues to struggle with COVID. Statista is another tool that shows up to date positive cases within the Italian population. As of today there remains 1.2 million positive cases, with 487 individuals in the ICU and 9.5 thousand hospitalized. I give Italy a D for not taking it more seriously, not implementing lockdown precautions sooner for the safety of their communities, and failing to act in appropriate crisis management to equip healthcare workers with adequate PPE. They have yet to utilize survelliance tools to identify the ongoig spread and strategies to reduce it. By not addressing the lack of PPE they have only allowed COVID to remain fluent.  Nursing homework help


The U.S mimicked Italy at a much slower rate. From January until March of 2020 it was pure chaos. Not much information was known and dread gripped communities. It was not until March that all states began declaring a state of emergency allowing governors to execute policies such as: the closure of non-essential businesses, the introduction of mask mandates for all individuals, and school closures. (Bergquist et al,. 2020). Something that was done differently, was reduce the incarcerated population, execute no visitors policies in health care related facilities, and mandatory symptom monitoring. Similar to Italy, the United States had a travel policy for essential workers to flatten the curve and slow the spread. Financially, the U.S had a crisis management plan that allowed for distribution of money and allocated resources to the socioeconomic struggling families. A few examples being, the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act,and Paycheck Protection Program to protect small businesses. At one point, it aided in making mortgage or rent payments. We also had accessibility to technology to, fast track testing strategies and generate a vaccine. Early on in the pandemic tracking apps helped mitigate exposure and positive cases.


Healthcare shifted slightly as telemedicine became more available to treat simple ailments and those with COVID were referred to the hospital for additional evaluation and treatment. The American healthcare system maintained PPE to the best of its ability, unlike Italy. We also had overwhelmed hospitals, ICU beds, and increased fatalities. I feel The United States got lucky in managing COVID-19. With a non-universal healthcare system, grants, and statewide influence from governors, COVID-19 was a trial by error scenario that after two years appeared to have been done well. I would give us a C. The reason being, the guidelines frequently shifted and with news outlets increasing confusion there needed to be better surveillance tools. Italy did not have enough and we had too many unofficial data tools reporting false or inaccurate epidemiological information. Also, in the future it truly needs to not be political. I feel it could have been managed much more efficiently had it been uninvolved in politics. Something I feel elongated the ability to find resolution.


Bergquist, S., Otten, T., &Sarich, N. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Health policy and technology9(4), 623–638.

Covid‐19 in Italy: Modelling, communications, and collaborations. (2022). Significance19(2), 19–21.

Ortenzi, F., Albanese, E., &Fadda, M. (2020). A Transdisciplinary Analysis of COVID-19 in Italy: The Most Affected Country in Europe. International journal of environmental research and public health17(24), 9488.



Assessing the Abdomen

Assessing the Abdomen

Assignment 1: Lab Assignment: Assessing the Abdomen

A male went to the emergency room for severe midepigastric abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with AAA; however, as a precaution, the doctor ordered a CTA scan.  Assessing the Abdomen

Because of a high potential for misdiagnosis, determining the precise cause of abdominal pain can be time consuming and challenging. By analyzing case studies of abnormal abdominal findings, nurses can prepare themselves to better diagnose conditions in the abdomen.

In this Lab Assignment, you will analyze an Episodic note case study that describes abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting. You will consider what history should be collected from the patients as well as which physical assessments and diagnostic tests should be conducted. You will also formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions.


To Prepare

Review the Episodic note case study your instructor provides you for this week’s Assignment.

  • About      the Episodic note case study provided:
    • Review       this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide       about the case study.
    • Consider       what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case       study.
    • Consider       what physical assessment and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to       gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the       results be used to make a diagnosis?
    • Identify at       least five possible conditions that may be considered in a       differential diagnosis for the patient.

Case study



CC: “My stomach has been hurting for the past two days.”

HPI: LZ, 65 y/o AA male, presents to the emergency department with a two days history of intermittent epigastric abdominal pain that radiates into his back. He went to the local Urgent Care where was given PPI’s with no relief. At this time, the patient reports that the pain has been increasing in severity over the past few hours; he vomited after lunch, which led his to go to the ED at this time. He has not experienced fever, diarrhea, or other symptoms associated with his abdominal pain.


Medications: Metoprolol 50mg Assessing the Abdomen

Allergies: NKDA

FH: HTN, Gerd,  Hyperlipidemia

Social Hx: ETOH, smoking for 20 years but quit both 2 years ago, divorced for 5 years, 3 children, 2 males, 1 female


  • VS: Temp 98.2; BP 91/60; RR 16; P 76; HT 6’10”; WT 262lbs
  • Heart: RRR, no murmurs
  • Lungs: CTA, chest wall symmetrical
  • Skin: Intact without lesions, no urticaria
  • Abd: abdomen is tender in the epigastric area with      guarding but without mass or rebound.
  • Diagnostics: US and CTA


  1. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
  2. Perforated Ulcer
  3. Pancreatitis


The Assignment

  1. Analyze      the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that      should be included in the documentation.
  2. Analyze      the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should      be included in the documentation.
  3. Is      the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why      or why not?
  4. What      diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this case, and how would the      results be used to make a diagnosis?
  5. Would      you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three      possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for      this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least three different      references from current evidence-based literature.

Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Template


Patient Information:

Initials, Age, Sex, Race


CC (chief complaint) a BRIEF statement identifying why the patient is here – in the patient’s own words – for instance “headache”, NOT “bad headache for 3 days”.

HPI: This is the symptom analysis section of your note. Thorough documentation in this section is essential for patient care, coding, and billing analysis. Paint a picture of what is wrong with the patient. Use LOCATES Mnemonic to complete your HPI. You need to start EVERY HPI with age, race, and gender (e.g., 34-year-old AA male). You must include the seven attributes of each principal symptom in paragraph form not a list. If the CC was “headache”, the LOCATES for the HPI might look like the following example:

Location: head

Onset: 3 days ago

Character: pounding, pressure around the eyes and temples

Associated signs and symptoms: nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia

Timing: after being on the computer all day at work

Exacerbating/ relieving factors: light bothers eyes, Aleve makes it tolerable but not completely better

Severity: 7/10 pain scale

Current Medications: include dosage, frequency, length of time used and reason for use; also include OTC or homeopathic products.

Allergies: include medication, food, and environmental allergies separately (a description of what the allergy is ie angioedema, anaphylaxis, etc. This will help determine a true reaction vs intolerance).

PMHx: include immunization status (note date of last tetanus for all adults), past major illnesses and surgeries. Depending on the CC, more info is sometimes needed

Soc Hx: include occupation and major hobbies, family status, tobacco & alcohol use (previous and current use), any other pertinent data. Always add some health promo question here – such as whether they use seat belts all the time or whether they have working smoke detectors in the house, living environment, text/cell phone use while driving, and support system.

Fam Hx: illnesses with possible genetic predisposition, contagious or chronic illnesses. Reason for death of any deceased first degree relatives should be included. Include parents, grandparents, siblings, and children. Include grandchildren if pertinent.

ROS: cover all body systems that may help you include or rule out a differential diagnosis You should list each system as follows: General: Head: EENT: etc. You should list these in bullet format and document the systems in order from head to toe.

Example of Complete ROS:

GENERAL:  Denies weight loss, fever, chills, weakness or fatigue.

HEENT:  Eyes: Denies visual loss, blurred vision, double vision or yellow sclerae. Ears, Nose, Throat:  Denies hearing loss, sneezing, congestion, runny nose or sore throat.

SKIN:  Denies rash or itching.

CARDIOVASCULAR:  Denies chest pain, chest pressure or chest discomfort. No palpitations or edema.

RESPIRATORY:  Denies shortness of breath, cough or sputum.

GASTROINTESTINAL:  Denies anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. No abdominal pain or blood.

GENITOURINARY:  Burning on urination. Pregnancy. Last menstrual period, MM/DD/YYYY.

NEUROLOGICAL:  Denies headache, dizziness, syncope, paralysis, ataxia, numbness or tingling in the extremities. No change in bowel or bladder control.

MUSCULOSKELETAL:  Denies muscle, back pain, joint pain or stiffness.

HEMATOLOGIC:  Denies anemia, bleeding or bruising. Assessing the Abdomen

LYMPHATICS:  Denies enlarged nodes. No history of splenectomy.

PSYCHIATRIC:  Denies history of depression or anxiety.

ENDOCRINOLOGIC:  Denies reports of sweating, cold or heat intolerance. No polyuria or polydipsia.

ALLERGIES:  Denies history of asthma, hives, eczema or rhinitis.


Physical exam: From head-to-toe, include what you see, hear, and feel when doing your physical exam. You only need to examine the systems that are pertinent to the CC, HPI, and History. Do not use “WNL” or “normal.” You must describe what you see. Always document in head to toe format i.e. General: Head: EENT: etc.

Diagnostic results: Include any labs, x-rays, or other diagnostics that are needed to develop the differential diagnoses (support with evidenced and guidelines)


Differential Diagnoses (list a minimum of 3 differential diagnoses).Your primary or presumptive diagnosis should be at the top of the list. For each diagnosis, provide supportive documentation with evidence based guidelines.

This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512) but will be required for future courses.


You are required to include at least three evidence based peer-reviewed journal articles or evidenced based guidelines which relates to this case to support your diagnostics and differentials diagnoses. Be sure to use correct APA 7th edition formatting. Assessing the Abdomen


The Crisis of Addiction

The Crisis of Addiction

Research Paper Instructions #1 The Crisis of Addiction



Chemical Dependency: The Crisis of Addiction


The research paper must have a minimum of 2000 words – main body (does not include the title page, abstract, or reference pages). Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references about that topic (4 of them most be research articles). The criteria exposed in your paperwork must be exclusively based on peer reviewed article, and I will be very fussy in confirming the reliability of your statements. A formal paper using APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.).2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 will be submitted via Exercise Submission. This paperwork must be submitted on week # 6 (Sunday, 2/13 at 11:59 PM EST), The Crisis of Addiction

Question Guide:

The paper should include the following:

  • What is Chemical dependency?
  • Statistics / Most common abused substance
  • Sociocultural determinants of substance abuse
  • Models of addiction The Crisis of Addiction
  • Dynamics of addiction
  • Interventions / Treatments approaches (pharmacological and non-pharmacological)
  • Other considerations in the management of Chemical dependency (including but not limited to management of behaviors, family considerations, challenges in the care of patients with addiction.  The Crisis of Addiction

Examine evidence-based practice guidelines / research, nursing theories that support the identification of clinical problems, implementation of nursing skills in the care of adults with addiction. The Crisis of Addiction

Grading Criteria:

  • What is Chemical dependency? – 2%
  • Statistics / Most common abused substance – 2%
  • Sociocultural determinants of substance abuse – 2%
  • Models of addiction – 2%
  • Dynamics of addiction – 2%
  • Interventions / Treatment approaches (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) – 2%
  • Other considerations in the management of Chemical dependency (including but not limited to management of behaviors, family considerations, challenges in the care of patients with chemical dependency – 2%
  • References: At least 5 reference sources – 4 of them most be research articles – 3% The Crisis of Addiction
  • APA style – 3 % The Crisis of Addiction


It accounts for 20% of your final grade The Crisis of Addiction






  • CC: “My stomach hurts, I have diarrhea, and nothing seems to help.”
  • HPI: JR, 47 yo WM, complains of having generalized abdominal pain that started 3 days ago. He has not taken any medications because he did not know what to take. He states the pain is a 5/10 today but has been as much as 9/10 when it first started. He has been able to eat, with some nausea afterward.
  • PMH: HTN, Diabetes, hx of GI bleed 4 years ago
  • Medications: Lisinopril 10mg, Amlodipine 5 mg, Metformin 1000mg, Lantus 10 units qhs
  • Allergies: NKDA
  • FH: No hx of colon cancer, Father hx DMT2, HTN, Mother hx HTN, Hyperlipidemia, GERD
  • Social: Denies tobacco use; occasional etoh, married, 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys) ABDOMINAL ASSESSMENT



  • VS: Temp 99.8; BP 160/86; RR 16; P 92; HT 5’10”; WT 248lbs
  • Heart: RRR, no murmurs
  • Lungs: CTA, chest wall symmetrical
  • Skin: Intact without lesions, no urticaria
  • Abd: soft, hyperactive bowel sounds, pos pain in the LLQ
  • Diagnostics: None


  • Left lower quadrant pain
  • Gastroenteritis

Plan: This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512) but will be required for future courses.

  1. Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
  2. Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
  3. Is the assessment supported by subjective and objective information? Why or why not?
  4. What diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this case, and how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
  5. Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not?
  6. Identify three possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient ( consider diverticulitis, colitis, appendicitis). Explain your reasoning using at least five different references from current evidence-based literature. The paper has to be write in APA format. ABDOMINAL ASSESSMENT


Performance Appraisal at Telespazio

Performance Appraisal at Telespazio

Volume 12

Issue 1

March 2014


Performance Appraisal at Telespazio: Aligning Strategic Goals to

People Development


Case1 prepared by Professors Silvia PROFILI,2 Alessia SAMMARRA,3 Laura INNOCENTI4

and Gabriele GABRIELLI5



Part A


“Dear colleague,


The Telespazio Performance Appraisal is one of the primary tools for human resource development

and management, and its correct use is one of your main responsibilities. Performance Appraisal at Telespazio


Our organization sets important challenges at the transnational level, leveraging on personnel

motivation. Optimal use of the appraisal system is extremely important when it comes to achieving

this. For these reasons, this year, I am looking forward to receiving your full commitment to the

management of the process, which is divided into two phases:


– Phase 1: evaluations related to the previous year must be finished by no later than April l5th, 2011.


– Phase 2: you are asked to define the 2011 objectives for your subordinates by no later than

April 30th, 2011. Performance Appraisal at Telespazio


Regarding Phase 1, I have to stress the importance of the evaluation, which must be based on fair and

realistic criteria, while also respecting deadlines.


I look forward to receiving your full commitment to the appraisal process.”


It was January 2011 when Telespazio’s CEO, Carlo Gualdaroni, sent this letter to all of the

company’s managers in order to strengthen their commitment to the appraisal program.

Gualdaroni considered the Performance Management System to be crucial to the organizational

change process undertaken by the company. As a matter of fact, the top management team had



1 The authors wish to thank the Telespazio HR team, guided by Giorgio Dettori, for its continuous support. Particular thanks go

to Marta Di Santo, who is in charge of the Organizational Development, Management and Training Function, for her input and

enthusiastic involvement. Without her support, this case study would not have been possible. Special thanks also go to Stefania

Tomassi, who heads the Development Function, for her valuable contributions to the writing of this case.

2 Silvia Profili is an Associate Professor of Management at the European University of Rome, Italy.

3 AlessiaSammarra is an Associate Professor of Organization Theory and HR Management at the University of L’Aquila, Italy.

4 Laura Innocenti is an Adjunct Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management at the LUISS Guido

Carli University, Italy.

5 Gabriele Gabrielli is an Adjunct Professor of Human Resources Management at the LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy.

© HEC Montréal 2014

All rights reserved for all countries. Any translation or alteration in any form whatsoever is prohibited.

The International Journal of Case Studies in Management is published on-line (, ISSN 1911-2599.

This case is intended to be used as the framework for an educational discussion and does not imply any judgement on the

administrative situation presented. Deposited under number 9 30 2013 010 with the HEC Montréal Case Centre, 3000, chemin de

la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal (Québec) Canada H3T 2A7.



been renewed and a new organizational matrix model had been introduced in the fall of 2010.

This re-organization also involved the HR Function. With the change in top management, the

entire HR Management and Development System had been redesigned by the new Organizational Development, Management and Training Function. Marta di Santo was in charge of this, and it had been validated by the senior management team. The CEO, Carlo Gualdaroni, stated: “For the very first time, all of the components of the HR System (Development, Organization, HR Management and Training) fall under a single coordinating structure in the HR Department; this can only provide a new momentum to Telespazio, which will be even more market-driven,

international and based on a matrix model” (Figure 1).


The company had become increasingly present on foreign markets, which required a more

articulated structure to manage its global dimension. For this reason, Telespazio undertook a

major reshaping of the group model, adopting a matrix approach in order to produce a

transnational organization that focused on both geographic markets and business lines.

The new organizational model was characterized by:

– Double reporting, both regional and business, with a strong controlling model.

– Responsibilities allocated on a dual basis (central and local).

– Simultaneous control of market and business strategies.

– The opportunity to take advantage of synergies.


This new model had several advantages, but also introduced a new challenge, especially related

to HR management, because of the dual line of authority. Performance Appraisal at Telespazio


This organizational model was complicated by the fact that in the last decade, Telespazio had

focused on project teams in an attempt to deal with the constant and rapid innovation required by

the business environment. For example, the company was involved in major international space

programs, including: Galileo, EGNOS, GMES, COSMO-SkyMed, SICRAL and Göktürk. These

programs involved employees from different business units and departments, who would be

temporarily assigned to a project on a full-time basis.


The appraisal system could play a strategic role for this organizational change. However, the HR

Department had to make important decisions about how to manage the ambiguity and potential

conflict inherent in the matrix model. Should the responsibility for employees’ evaluations be

shared between two managers, with different views and competencies, or should the

responsibility be allocated to a single supervisor (the Business Unit Manager or the Country



Mr. Dettori, Director of Human Resources, was aware that the time had come to review the

appraisal system, taking into account the complexity of this new organizational model.


Telespazio: From Its Origins to Its Development into a Leading Global

Company in the Space Industry

Telespazio, a space services company, headquartered in Rome (Italy), has roots dating back to

1961, when Italcable and RAI founded the business under the auspices of the CNR (National

Research Council) and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.


From the very beginning, the heart of the firm’s activities was telecommunications using artificial satellites, and it quickly partnered with NASA. The creation of the company opened the horizons of space to Italy, and enabled the country to take part in experiments with new forms of



In just a few years, Telespazio expanded by way of its successful technological developments,

achieving important goals that marked the history of telecommunications, such as the live

television broadcast of the moon landing on July 20, 1969, which was made possible by the

parabolic antennas at Fucino, the Space Centre inaugurated by Telespazio in 1967. The Fucino

Space Centre was, at that time, one of only four such stations on the continent (the others being

PlemeurBodou in France, Goonhilly in the UK and Raisting in West Germany) that were capable of receiving TV signals via satellite from anywhere in the world.


Over the course of 50 years, Telespazio quickly became a point of reference in the space

industry, expanding its operations from the design and development of space systems to the

management of launch services and in-orbit satellite control, and from Earth observation services,

integrated communications, satellite navigation and localization to scientific programs.


The company’s growth and diversification was accompanied by important changes in its

governance structure through subsequent mergers and acquisitions. The most important transition occurred in 2002, when Telespazio became part of the Finmeccanica Group, the leading Italian manufacturer of high technology, which was ranked among the top 10 global players in the aerospace, defense and security industries.


In 2007, Telespazio, along with Thales Alenia Space, was transformed into a joint venture

between Finmeccanica (67%) and the French company Thales (33%) as a result of the new Space Alliance signed by these two giants of the European aerospace industry.


In 2010, Telespazio was ranked among the leading global companies in satellite management and Earth observation, satellite navigation, integrated connectivity and added value services.

With437 million Euros in annual revenues and approximately 2,500 people employed in 25 sites

worldwide, the company managed a network of four space centres, including the Fucino Space

Centre, the world’s largest civilian teleport (Figure 2). In Europe, the company was now present

in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, Hungary and Romania. Worldwide, Telespazio

operated in the U.S. via Telespazio North America and had consolidated its presence in South

America with Telespazio Brazil and Telespazio Argentina.




Performance Appraisal at Telespazio (PAT)


A performance appraisal system (PAT) was designed in 2005 to align employees’ efforts with the organizational and the Group’s challenging goals, both locally and in the international arena. The system was conceived as a means to support decisions regarding employee management, such as rewards, compensation, career advancement, mobility, and training. Its aim was to promote the following values:


– Transparency

– Sharing

– Joint definition of objectives

– Reference to observable behaviors

– Focus on roles and competencies


The evaluation system covers all employees and managers, with the only exception being

executives, who are part of the Finmeccanica management review process.


The last, but by no means least important advantage of this system is the fact that it is totally



What is assessed?


The aim of the system is twofold: (1) to ensure that the company achieves positive results, and

(2) to promote the professional development of employees. Accordingly, it focuses on two

aspects of employee performance: goals/objectives and competencies/skills (Figure 3).


Technical and

professional skills




The identification of objectives is a crucial phase, as it is considered to be the basis on which

each employee focusses his/her efforts throughout the year.


Each objective should: be related to an individual department’s budget plan, be coherent with the

activities planned for an employee’s team, and cover an employee’s development needs. Along

with business related objectives, attention should also be paid to the definition of goals that are

geared towards an employee’s professional development, such as the attainment of an advanced

proficiency in English, or the acquisition of the technical knowledge needed to operate a specific



Importantly, in order to ensure joint ownership of, and involvement in, this process, the system

allows middle managers, professionals and specialists to set their own objectives and enter them

directly into the system. Their supervisor can then modify them or add new ones with the

approval of the employee.


Objectives should be set and assessed as far as possible on the basis of measurable factors, such

as facts, deadlines and figures. For the system to be effective, it is important to not only achieve

results, but to reach them in the right way. An objective accomplished using inappropriate or

inconsistent conduct is considered to be more harmful to the organization than an unmet goal.

The achievement of each objective is then evaluated through an appropriate rating scale with

three levels:

For middle managers, professionals and specialists,

  1. Not achieved
  2. Achieved
  3. Exceeded

and, for employees and operators,

  1. To be improved
  2. Standard
  3. Outstanding


Skills and competencies


All of the skills and competencies related to each organizational role have been identified and

included in the Competency Management System, and each manager is asked to communicate

with his/her staff about their role. This enables a thorough communication of the organization’s

expectations for each role in terms of skills and competencies.

The Competency Management System includes both organizational and technical/professional

skills, which are derived from the business drivers. Organizational skills include behaviors and

methods adopted by an employee to deal with specific situations and achieve set objectives.

Examples of organizational skills for middle managers, professionals and specialists include:

‘Value creation’ and ‘Market and Customer orientation’ (Figure 4).


Figure 4 – Organizational Skills for Middle Managers, Professionals and Specialists

Examples of organizational skills for employees and operators include: ‘Flexibility and

Interfunctionality’ and ‘Customer Service orientation’ (Figure 5). Technical and professional

skills refer to specific knowledge and competencies required for a particular role.


Moreover, each manager can add specific skills or professional experience to the role-specific

skills, selecting them to be included in the list of competencies in the Competency Management

System. These additional skills are not assessed, but can provide useful information on an

employee’s experience.


For the system to be really effective, managers are asked to focus on performance and the

behavior exhibited by an employee during the assessment period. They are also required to base

the evaluation of competencies/skills on the observation of concrete facts, adopting a three-level

scale: to be improved, standard, outstanding.

Value creation:

Market and customerinternational


Basic steps for effective performance management


The appraisal process must be completed by the first quarter of each new year, as employees

must have enough time to plan the activities required to meet their objectives. To set the goals

half way through the year or, even worse, at the end, is considered to be ineffectual or, in many

cases, harmful.


The interview as the core of the appraisal process


The evaluation process has several steps, which are described in Figure 6. The interview is the

key part of the process. Indeed, it is so central to the process that it should be regarded as the

performance appraisal. Accordingly, particular attention must be paid to preparing for the

interview; both managers and employees need to carefully gather all of the information available

to support their discussions with concrete evidence. During the meeting, the manager should

focus on the results achieved and the gaps between the expected level of skills for the role and

those exhibited by the employees. The manager must see the interview as an opportunity to both

fully explore areas of performance and skills that require improvement and define the appropriate



For his/her part, the employee should make a list of his/her achievements and skills, and is also

invited to suggest training activities that could be useful for improving weaknesses. Employees should not regard the meeting as an ‘exam’, but as a relevant and constructive opportunity to get

feedback on both strengths and areas that could be improved.


According to the HR development team, the PAT system should be used as a management tool,

and is designed to motivate and develop employees, rather than simply ‘reward’ or ‘punish’

them. In this regard, negative feedback is also relevant, as it should encourage employees to

recognize their weaknesses, face their problems and take appropriate action to improve their

skills. Performance Appraisal at Telespazio





A paperless appraisal


The appraisal process is completely electronic. In order to ensure standardized and comparable

analyses, all of the information about employee objectives and skills are gathered on specific

forms made available by SAP-HR (Figure 7), one for middle managers, professionals and

specialists, and another for employees/operators.


The forms also serve to collect all of the data related to training needs and improve the

information available with which to evaluate the company’s quality and return on investment in

training. The SAP system collects the information required to prepare specific training plans for

each individual that are coherent with the company’s strategies. The effectiveness of an

employee’s training, in terms of the impact on work performance, during the year is evaluated by

the manager and included.


Employees are expected to take an active part in the performance evaluation, writing their

comments in the appropriate section, which includes several questions aimed at encouraging

them to explain their points of view on key aspects of the appraisal. Both managers and

employees are asked to complete this section. If the sections are blank, the appraisal process is

considered incomplete and the system does not accept it.


The adoption of the SAP tool enables the HR Function and all managers to have real-time access

to specific and aggregate data that is valuable for managing and developing employees.



Overall appraisal


The evaluation of objectives and competencies flows into an overall assessment of employees

and uses a three-level scale: to be improved, standard and outstanding. The system itself, on the

basis of all of the information obtained, suggests the most appropriate level. The supervisor can

modify this value if an employee’s professional track record suggests a different evaluation.


Who is in charge of the appraisal?


The performance appraisal at Telespazio is based on the views of one evaluator, the direct

supervisor. Evaluation is a primary responsibility of each manager, which ensures the appropriate visibility of results by the management level immediately above. An exception to this rule occurs when employees are assigned to project teams on a regular basis, with a mix of line and project responsibilities. In these cases, the performance appraisal is completed by both the Project Manager and the Line Manager. More specifically, the definition of the objectives for each new year is the Project Manager’s role, as he/she is responsible for the project’s budget and timing. While the Line Manager is responsible for the performance interview, as this is the core of the appraisal process. This approach has two objectives: (1) the attainment of the team’s project goals and (2) ensuring the employee’s long-term professional growth (Figure 8).


The planning and coordination of the entire appraisal process is the responsibility of the HRDepartment, which is also in charge of analyzing and preparing monitoring reports on the overall results

Supporting implementation of PAT through ongoing communication


Each year, several means of communication are used to ensure that important information and the values associated with the program go out to all employees. Indeed, both the managers who are in charge of evaluating their staff and the workers who will be appraised must be fully aware of the rules of the game. As stated by the HR team: “transparency and equity are essential to

guaranteeing that the program is successfully implemented.”


At the start of each year, the CEO sends out a letter as a way of engaging all of the company’s

managers in the process. This letter is accompanied by the setting-up of a Management Forum for all of the managers involved in the appraisal process, and by a more detailed communication

from the Director of Human Resources, Giorgio Dettori, to all employees. Moreover, a section of

the company’s intranet is dedicated to a PAT description and timeline. There also exists a PAT

brochure which explains the evaluation objectives and process.


Assessing the PAT system


On April 14th, 2011, Mr. Dettori and Ms. Di Santo met the HR staff to determine the program for

the upcoming Management Forum, the annual workshop where the Human Resources

Department presents the overall results of the performance appraisal process to Telespazio’s

management. The Development Unit had prepared a detailed presentation for the meeting in

which it planned to highlight both the positive aspects of the PAT program as well as critical

issues, with the aim of making recommendations with respect to potential changes.


Marta Di Santo said: “After six full years since PAT’s introduction, we have several reasons to

be satisfied. We have gone from a context in which it was necessary to demonstrate the value of a formal performance appraisal process, to an organizational environment that has finally

understood its importance. Today, most supervisors acknowledge that PAT is a useful tool that

allows them to manage structured feedback with their subordinates. Moreover, employees have

begun to appreciate PAT as a tool that ensures a transparent and consensual evaluation process.”


Stefania Tomassi added: “Initially we had to ‘chase down’ supervisors to get them to complete

PAT; now, employees themselves pressure their boss to complete the evaluation process. I

realized that we were finally able to bring about a real cultural change when the trade unions

came to ask for our intervention with respect to the supervisors who were not completing the

appraisal process, as they thought that this wasn’t in line with the best practices set by the



Marta Di Santo continued her presentation by illustrating the results of the competence gap

analysis for all of Telespazio’s organizational roles (Exhibit 1). As she noted, the PAT program

provides valuable data when it comes to assessing average competency levels and evaluating

their appropriateness against role requirements. These data were crucial for planning targeted

training programs.


Although these results were considered to be extremely positive, Ms. Di Santo did have some

concerns about the program:

The timing of the performance appraisal process. Although the PAT process was deemed

an essential responsibility for managers, delays against the planned schedule were still a

problem; pressing budget deadlines took precedence over performance appraisal.

Equity and selectivity. Although the company made significant investments in targeted

training and coaching for assessors, the analysis of the data generated from the Human

Resources Management System showed that the rating distributions were often biased

towards positive performance and uneven between different business units and

departments (Exhibit 2).

– Some remarks were made regarding the system’s alleged rigidity.


Mr. Dettori considered the equity and selectivity issue to be the most critical: “After several years devoted to developing a culture of appraisal, I don’t see many steps forward in the ranking

distribution.” Marta Di Santo added: “Most ratings are inflated, others are not

differentiated…some managers award superior ratings to all of their staff!” Mr. Dettori

continued: “These kinds of appraisal risk having a demotivating effect on those employees who

have been correctly evaluated by their boss, and who come out below the average. Last year, we

were in the same situation and decided that more effort was required in terms of communication

and training. But this wasn’t enough! It’s time to make some changes. Our managers have to be

aware that differentiation among their employees is essential to the system’s effectiveness. We

have to evaluate carefully every possible action that goes in this direction. The revision of PAT

should also address the important organizational change we’re facing. The new organizational

model needs to be assimilated by our colleagues; they still need to feel confident with this new

way of working. We must attain a stronger integration of our operations across the world and

adjust to a multicultural context. The worldwide implementation of the performance appraisal

program will be crucial to communicating the new organizational requirements and sustaining the process of global integration.”

Part B


T-PAD. The revised appraisal program


At the end of April 2011, the HR development team decided on how to improve the PAT

program. The major revisions included:

  • Revised rating categories: the old numerical, three-level rating scale for the evaluation of

both objectives and competencies was replaced by a new four-level rating scale that is

consistent with the one used for the overall evaluation. This expansion was made at the

request of a number of different evaluators, who expressed the need to have a better

opportunity to differentiate between different performance levels. Figures 9 and 10 set out

the new four-level rating scale introduced for both targets and competencies.

  • More selectivity in the appraisal process: all company managers were advised that in every

department/function, the number of employees with an outstanding performance should not

exceed 15% of the overall number of people working in the unit.



  • Assessment of new competencies: two competencies were added to support the

implementation of the new model (i.e., international orientation and business orientation).


These revisions were communicated to all managers and employees through an email sent by the

CEO during the launch phase of the new appraisal process for 2012. Furthermore, a meeting with

all supervisors was planned, with the objectives being to share the previous year’s evaluation

results and to explain how to handle the new program. The revised PAT, now named T-PAD

(Telespazio Performance Appraisal for Development), was illustrated in an article published on

the intranet. A new brochure was also distributed to all employees.


As 50% of Telespazio’s employees work outside Italy, the goal set for the 2012-2014 period was

to ‘export’ the Roles and Competencies System and the updated T-PAD to all of the countries

where the company’s subsidiaries operated. The HR team defined the schedule of the operational

plan for the introduction of the T-PAD program to the company’s sites abroad. The pilot country

would be Telespazio Argentina in 2012, with the objective being to extend the appraisal program

to all of the other foreign subsidiaries by the end of 2014.


The situation in 2012


On September 24th, 2012, Mr. Dettori met the HR team to take stock of the situation and asked

Marta Di Santo to report on the goals achieved during the year. Ms. Di Santo started her

presentation by illustrating the partial results of the 2012 rating distribution among different

organizational units (Exhibit 3): “I think we’ve made some steps forward. The introduction of a

four-level scale together with the supervisors’ training and coaching activities have paid off. Four

evaluators used the outstanding level for less than 20% of their staff and no one rated his/her

entire staff as outstanding. The assessments now definitely have a more normal distribution

compared to those from 2011. The best cases are represented by units 7, 8 and 10, where the

managers used the entire rating scale. But we are still some ways from having a really selective

evaluation approach.”


According to Ms. Di Santo, the T-PAD had other positive outcomes: “These figures are very

important, but we need to go beyond them. We’ve been able to bring about a real cultural shift

among our line managers. Most of them are now fully aware that the T-PAD is a powerful tool

with which to manage their staff effectively and achieve their unit’s goals. All the decisions

regarding employee development (training and career advancement) and economic incentives are

taken exclusively on the basis of the evaluation results.” Stefania Tomassi added: “Last week I

met Francesco Rossi, who has recently been appointed as Operations Manager of the Network

Division, and he told me: ‘It’s a good thing we have the T-PAD! Thanks to this system, I had the

chance to conduct structured interviews with my new staff and to get to know each of them in

greater depth. Moreover, the SAP forms allowed me to easily reconstruct the personal history of

each employee… until a few days ago, I didn’t even know them, but today I feel like I’ve been

working with them for the last 20 years!’ He was very enthusiastic about the appraisal system and its potential.”


Ms. Di Santo took the floor again: “We all know that the most important task set by our team in

2012, in line with the company’s expectations, is the extension of the T-PAD to all of the foreign

subsidiaries by the end of 2014. The program’s worldwide extension will be crucial to sustaining

the company’s global integration. We started this year by implementing the system in Telespazio

Argentina, the pilot country, and we didn’t have any problems; we worked well with the local HR Department. The local HR Manager, Camila Beliera, was conscious that the subsidiary really

needed a structured appraisal system and worked hard to bring all 10 of the local supervisors

onboard, making them aware of the appraisal system’s strategic role. Moreover, I know Camila,

as she used to work for a big Italian company in Rome and we have the same people management philosophy…working with her was easy.”


Stefania Tomassi added: “By the end of September 2013, we have to complete the

implementation process in Germany and France. These countries’ subsidiaries have very different managerial systems and leadership styles… Telespazio France has nearly 400 employees, a very strong national culture and a well-established local evaluation system. This will make the transfer of our T-PAD not easy at all…I don’t think that French managers will simply accept our program!”


The HR team was aware that the international implementation needed to be carefully planned.




© HEC Montréal 16

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

  • “What is Interprofessional Collaborative Practice” from Darío García Rodríguez on YouTube™
  • “Negative Experiences that Could Have Been Improved with Interprofessional Collaborative Practice” from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association on YouTube™
  • “Positive Experiences with interprofessional Collaborative Practice” from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association on YouTube™
  • “QSEN Competencies: Teamwork and Collaboration” from the University Library


Note: View each transcript for the YouTube™ videos on their page.

Read Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: 2016 Update.

Explore the 4 core competencies of Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC): Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice, Roles/Responsibilities, Interprofessional Communication, Team, and Teamwork.

Address the following:

  • What do these competencies mean to you?
  • How will learning about interprofessional collaboration influence your practice?

Select 2 sub-competencies from each core competency and provide examples of how you will incorporate them into your daily work.

Week 3 Interprofessional Collaboration Competencies – Grading Rubric 2022.docx

Write a 525- to 700-word APA formatted assignment providing your answers to the questions above and include examples of incorporating the sub-competencies into your work.

Include a minimum of 2 scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources.

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment as a Word doc


Grading Criteria


Week 3: Interprofessional Competencies


Content: 100 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments
IPEC four core competencies- Fully addressed the personal meaning of the IPEC core competencies. 12
Interprofessional collaboration influence on practice. Fully addressed how learning about interprofessional collaboration will influence your practice. 12
Sub-competency (Values/Ethics) (1st) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12
Sub-competency (Value/Ethics) (2nd) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12
Sub-competency (Roles)\/Responsibilities) (3rd) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12


Sub-competency( Roles/Responsibilities) (4th) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12
Sub-competency (Interprofessional Communication) (5th) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12
Sub-competency (Interprofessional Communication) (6th) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12
Sub-competency (Teams and Teamwork) (7th) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12
Sub-competency (Teams and Teamwork) (8th) Fully explained how the sub-competency will be incorporated into your practice. 12
Fully applies APA guidelines, including using them when needed, using correct format for citations in text, and on the reference list. Evidence of the two required scholarly (peer-reviewed) resources ( in addition to the IPEC resources provided in class. 3
Uses correct syntax and semantics – accuracy in the grammar, sentence structures, sentence boundaries, and word choice enhanced content. Uses correct punctuation – accurate punctuation enhanced the content. Met the established 525-700-word requirement for the assignment. 2
Points Possible/Points Earned/125


Interdisciplinary Communication

Interdisciplinary Communication

Create a 6–8-slide PowerPoint presentation that describes  communication barriers within an interdisciplinary team and how those  barriers affect patient safety and health care outcomes. Offer a  solution in which you recommend evidence-based strategies to improve  communication within the team and explain how the strategies benefit the  team and patients.

The ability to effectively communicate as part of interdisciplinary  collaboration is essential for patient safety and successful health  care delivery. Interdisciplinary Communication


Effective communication is important in all organizations and is  especially important in the area of health care. Communication can come  in many forms, but the crucial factor is whether the communication is  effective.

Collaboration among teams is important for the delivery of  appropriate medical care and for providing the specialized skills  necessary to meet the needs of patients and the public. Assessing the  needs of a community may involve communication across several public  service providers and private entities. Interdisciplinary Communication

Maintaining open communication and collaboration among teams is  essential to assess the needs of a community or those of patients and  their families within a health care system. The same communication  skills must be evident within the interdisciplinary health care team, or  across the public and private sectors in a community, in order to  promote collaboration and understanding and to provide the utmost  quality service.

Imagine you are part of an interdisciplinary health care team in your  organization. Although the team has been working together for several  months, communication between members is not always efficient or  effective, and the situation has become stressful for everyone. The team  leader asks you to develop a presentation for the team that addresses  the issue. Interdisciplinary Communication


Search the Capella library and the Internet for scholarly and  professional peer-reviewed articles on communication. You will need at  least three articles to use as support for your work on this assessment.


Create a 6–8-slide PowerPoint presentation to examine the  communication issue and the risk it creates for positive health care  outcomes.

  • Describe the types of communication barriers that occur within an interdisciplinary team.
  • Explain how the communication barriers can impact patient safety and health care outcomes.
  • Recommend specific evidence-based strategies to improve communication within the team.
  • Explain how the strategies will benefit team members and patients.

Use the notes section of each slide to expand your points and cite  your supporting evidence. Also, include a title slide and a reference  slide that lists the resources you used in this assessment.

Additional Requirements

  • Use APA format for citations and references.
  • Be creative. Consider your intended audience. Interdisciplinary Communication

Strengths and Barriers to Program Implementation

 As you design your program, it is important to anticipate potential issues related to program implementation. Careful forethought can help you to minimize unnecessary stumbling blocks during implementation.

There are strengths and barriers associated with every program. What do you see as the key factors to be aware of for your program? Brainstorm key terms such as community, culture, environment, organization, client, bias, and ethics. Give consideration to the factors you come up with (along with those in the Learning Resources) as you proceed with this Discussion. Strengths and Barriers to Program Implementation

To prepare:

  • Review      the information presented in the Learning Resources. What are some of the      factors (e.g., community, organization, environmental, ethical) that you      consider strengths or facilitators for your program (breast cancer in      African American women in the USA)?
  • Which      ones do you think may pose a challenge for your program(breast cancer in      African American women in the USA)?
  • How      do these barriers need to be addressed in your program design? 
  • How      might the strengths be leveraged to help overcome the barriers?


By tomorrow Wednesday 01/02/19 2 pm post a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with a minimum of 3 scholarly references from the list of required readings below. (Also see attached file on the previous paper regarding the program on the issue of breast cancer in African American women in the USA). Include the level one header as numbered below:

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) Analyze two or more community, client, organization, and/or environmental forces that may facilitate your program and two or more that may pose a challenge for your program (breast cancer in African American women in the USA).

2) Propose a strategy for addressing one of the barriers as a part of your program design (breast cancer in African American women in the USA)? Strengths and Barriers to Program Implementation

3) Ask questions of your colleagues regarding how you might address the other challenge.

Required Readings

Hodges, B. C., & Videto, D. M. (2011). Assessment and planning in health programs (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

• Chapter 4, “Program Planning: The Big Picture”

• Chapter 5, “Social Marketing, Program Planning, and Implementation”

• Chapter 8, “Identifying Strategies and Activities”

• Chapter 9, “Program Implementation”

Chapter 4 outlines the program planning steps and emphasizes the importance of including your target population and additional stakeholders in the design process. Chapter 5 reemphasizes this focus on the target audience as the authors discuss the use of marketing principles in relation to program development and implementation. Chapter 8 discusses the importance of utilizing strategies that are aligned with the theoretical foundations of a program and presents recommendations for developing suitable activities. In Chapter 9, the authors note that even implementation requires planning; they provide guidance for implementation planning and advise how this can also support evaluation.


Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: An effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Review Chapter 6, “Selecting the Appropriate Intervention Strategy”

Chapter 8, “Designing Effective Programs”

Review Chapter 6, which discusses the connection between the program hypothesis and service decisions. Chapter 8 addresses how to design elements of a program systematically in order to promote consistency and attend to the necessary details.

Breslau, E.S., Weiss, E.S., Williams, A., Burness, A., & Kapka, D. (2015). The implementation road: Engaging community partnerships in evidence-based cancer control interventions. Health Promotion Practice, 16(1), 40–54 doi: 10.1177/1524839914528705 Strengths and Barriers to Program Implementation

Buck, H.G., Kolanowski, A., Fick, D., & Baronner, L (2016). Improving rural geriatric care through education: A scalable, collaborative project. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 47(7), 306-313 doi:10.3928/00220124-20160616-06 

KIDASA Software. (n.d.). Gantt charts. Retrieved December 12, 2011, from

This site provides examples of different forms of Gantt charts.

Minb, A., Patel, S., Bruce-Barrett, C., O-Campo, P. (2015). Letting youths choose for themselves: Concept mapping as a participatory approach for program and service planning. Family Community Health, 38(1), 33–43 doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000060

Soong, C.S., Wangm M.P., Mui, M., Viswanath, K., Lam, T.H., & Chan, S.SC. (2015). A “community fit” community-based participatory research program for family health, happiness, and harmony: Design and implementation. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(4), 1–10 doi:10.2196/resprot.4369

Witherspoon, B., Braunlin, K., & Kumar, A.B. (2016). A secure, social media-based “case of the month” module in a neurocritical care unit (2016). American Journal of Critical Care, 25(4), 310–317 doi:

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Design and evaluation of programs and projects [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

“Designing Effective Programs” (featuring Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron, Dr. Debora Dole, and Dr. Rebecca Lee)

You may view this course video by clicking the link or on the course DVD, which contains the same content. Once you’ve opened the link, click on the appropriate media piece.

In this week’s videos, Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron, Dr. Debora Dole, and Dr. Rebecca Lee share experiences related to designing effective programs. Strengths and Barriers to Program Implementation

Considering the circumstances and the preliminary workup and the type of anemia

Case Study 1

Ms. A. is an apparently healthy 26-year-old white woman. Since the beginning of the current golf season, Ms. A has noted increased shortness of breath and low levels of energy and enthusiasm. These symptoms seem worse during her menses. Today, while playing in a golf tournament at a high, mountainous course, she became light-headed and was taken by her golfing partner to the emergency clinic. The attending physician’s notes indicated a temperature of 98 degrees F, an elevated heart rate and respiratory rate, and low blood pressure. Ms. A states, “Menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal have been a problem for 10-12 years, and I take 1,000 mg of aspirin every 3 to 4 hours for 6 days during menstruation.” During the summer months, while playing golf, she also takes aspirin to avoid “stiffness in my joints.” Considering the circumstances and the preliminary workup and the type of anemia


Laboratory values are as follows:

Hemoglobin = 8 g/dl

Hematocrit = 32%

Erythrocyte count = 3.1 x 10/mm

RBC smear showed microcytic and hypochromic cells

Reticulocyte count = 1.5%

Other laboratory values were within normal limits.


Considering the circumstances and the preliminary workup, what type of anemia does Ms. A most likely have? In an APA format essay of 500-750 words, explain your answer and include rationale. For internet references please only use .mil, .edu, .gov, and medical/nursing journals. All original work and no plagiraism please. Considering the circumstances and the preliminary workup and the type of anemia