How do you anticipate that earning this degree will support your professional goals

How do you anticipate that earning this degree will support your professional goals

In response to the continuous changes in health care today, nurses are charged with staying well informed on many rapidly evolving aspects of patient care. They are also expected to contribute to the improvement of health care quality. Engaging in doctoral education is an admirable way to position oneself for accomplishing this goal, and it can lead to new professional opportunities.

Why did you decide to enroll in graduate school? What informed your decision to pursue your chosen degree? How will earning this degree influence your career?

This week, you consider the characteristics of various programs, including the DNP and the PhD. The focus of the DNP degree is on clinical practice, whereas the focus of the PhD is on research. In conjunction with other professional colleagues, DNP- and PhD-prepared nurses often collaborate to analyze critical issues and find appropriate ways to address them. How do you anticipate that earning this degree will support your professional goals

This first Discussion provides an opportunity for you to examine what it means to earn a doctorate and how your selected degree program relates to your professional goals.

To prepare:

  • Consider the reasons you have chosen to pursue an advanced degree. How do you anticipate that earning this degree will support your professional goals?
  • Reflect on the comments shared by the experts in this week’s media regarding the value of a DNP degree and the various roles available to DNP-prepared nurses, as well as the characteristics of the PhD program and opportunities for PhD-prepared nurses.
  • Based on the information presented this week, have you developed any new ideas or goals for your future? If so, what are they?

By tomorrow 5/31/17, post 550 words essay in APA format with 3 references from the list below, that include the level one heading as numbered below:

Posta cohesive response that addresses the following:

1)       What does it mean to be a nurse with a practice or research doctorate? What are the expectations associated with this degree? How might this be different for a nurse who holds a different degree?

2)       How do these considerations relate to your motivation to pursue a doctoral degree right now? How do you anticipate that earning this degree will support your professional goals


Required Readings

Zaccagnini, M. E., & White, K. W. (2014). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. [Vital Source e-reader]

[For DNP students ONLY]

“Imagining the DNP Role” (pp. xvii–xxviii)

 This reading introduces and defines the DNP degree, with a particular emphasis on the aim to provide high-level preparation for the advanced practice of nursing.

Houser, J. (2015). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

[For PhD students ONLY]

Chapter 1, “The Importance of Research as Evidence in Nursing”

 This chapter describes nursing research, its evolution, and its application in nursing practice.

 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from

[For DNP students ONLY]

“Introduction” (pp. 3–7)

 This section of an AACN document focuses on how the practice-oriented DNP degree complements and relates to the research-oriented PhD and other degrees.

 Cleary, M., Hunt, G. E., & Jackson, D. (2011). Demystifying PhDs: A review of doctorate programs designed to fulfill the needs of the next generation of nursing professionals. Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 39(2), 273–280.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

[For PhD students ONLY]

Conn, V. S. (2014). Prepare to launch: Optimizing doctoral education to ensure career success. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 36(1), 3–5.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Conn, V. S., Zerwic, J., Rawl, S., Wyman, J. F., Larson, J. L., Anderson, C. M., Markis, N. E. (2014). Strategies for a successful PhD program: Words of wisdom from the WJNR editorial board. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 36(1), 6–30.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

[For PhD students ONLY]

Foster, R. L. (2012). Doctoral education and the future of nursing. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 17(2), 77–78.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Sperhac, A. M., & Clinton, P. (2008). Doctorate of nursing practice: Blueprint for excellence. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 22(3), 146–151.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

[For DNP students ONLY]

 This article provides background on the development of the DNP degree, illustrates its necessary competencies, and evaluates the value of a DNP degree as well as challenges to its validity. How do you anticipate that earning this degree will support your professional goals

Required Media

 Laureate Education (Producer). (2012g). Welcome to Walden [Video file]. Retrieved from

 Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.

 In this media program, the president of Walden University welcomes you to the Walden learning community and shares examples of how Walden students are making a difference in their communities. She also describes how Walden’s Welcome Center supports you as a new student and makes it easier for you to connect with Walden when you have a question or need information.

 Laureate Education (Producer). (2011b). Introduction: The doctor of nursing practice [Video file]. Retrieved from

 Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 15 minutes.

 In this media presentation, Dr. Joan Stanley discusses how the DNP degree evolved. In addition, Dr. Linda Beechinor and Dr. Susan Stefan share their experiences completing the DNP degree and explain how it has influenced their nursing careers.

Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept

Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept


Bio-psychosocial is a concept that combines the biological, social, and psychological aspects of a disease. Unlike other aspects, addressing the Bio-psychosocial aspects of a disease is important in extensively addressing the concepts of health and wellness in modern-day society. This is because it combines all the aspects, including the biomedical aspects of a disease thus explaining the best methods to remedy a certain disease in people (Merriam Webster, n.d.). According to Sarafino, Smith, King, and DeLongis (2015), health and wellness are common concepts in society. These two concepts overlap each other along a continuum. In addition to that, people in modern society have increasingly become aware of the best methods of maintaining good health. On the other hand, different sources have established that facts the patterns of illness affecting people have been changing in society since the 1900s Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept.


Bio-Psychosocial Concepts

The causes of illness and health problems in modern society are well documented. Different studies have outlined that chronic illness in modern society has caused healthcare specialists to focus on methods of improving as well as maintaining the quality of life. On the other hand, it is well established that the linkage between psychology and illness was stronger in the olden times when people believed that some illnesses were caused by some evil spirits. The conceptualization of illness and psychology concepts has been changing across the years. The Greek Philosophers as well as scholars from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have tried to explain the concepts of illness and the mental operations of human beings. However, biomedical innovations and explanations have helped increase the health statuses of people Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept.

In modern society, different scholars have supported the fact that the general lifestyles of people play a vital role in their general health. Common aspects such as lifestyles, life history, relationships, biological processes, mental processes, and personalities of people play a vital role in ensuring that they stay in good health. These are some of the common facets that make Bio-Psychosocial interactions. These interactions refer to the main methods in which these facets interact with each other to influence the general health of human beings. The conceptualization of great mental and psychological conditions to attain better health in people is a common concept that has been approved by different medical and healthcare scholars in modern-day society. The development of the bio-psychosocial concepts has assisted in better developing the health and wellness concepts in modern society. In conjunction with the biomedical concepts, the concepts of bio-psychosocial have greatly assisted in ensuring better health of human beings (Sarafino, Smith, King and DeLongis, 2015) Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept.

Health psychology is a common concept that has received much attention in modern society. This is a knowledge facet that is enriched by knowledge from many other fields in society. On the other hand, the concepts of health and psychology are often interpreted differently across cultures. On the other hand, the processes of health care are often intertwined with other basic concepts that assist in offering better healthcare services. With the development of the bio-psychosocial interaction concepts, it is well established that providing healthcare services for a patient involves combining efforts from different specialists. This is a concept that arose from the emphasis on the bio-psychosocial concepts in society. Some of these specialists include physicians, nurses, midwives, physical therapists, dietitians, occupational therapists, and social workers. This shows that healthcare provision is a complicated endeavor that requires a combination of different concepts in society Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept.


Therefore, it is well established that combining different concepts presented by different specialists in the society can go a long way in ensuring that the healthcare services provided by the medical specialists are up to standards in terms of ensuring that the overall goals of good health are achieved. Therefore, the bio-psychosocial concepts in society combine different aspects seen in society to explain the best methods that can assist in ensuring that the goal of better health among people is achieved. Therefore, combining knowledge from different disciplines can go a long way in ensuring that the goal of better health is achieved Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept.


Merriam Webster (n.d.). Medical Definition of biopsychosocial. Retrieved from

Sarafino, E. P., Smith, T. W., King, D. B., & DeLongis, A. (2015). Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions. (Canadian Ed.). John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Chapter 1. Pp. 1 – 27 Understanding The Bio-Psychosocial Concept

Nursing homework help

This week you will be working on assessment tools and diagnostic tests as well as health risk concerns. There are 2 assignments listed. You would assign either assignment option 1 or option 2. Some students to one of the diagnostics/tools and the other group of students a child case studies. Students also have their first SH assignment due during week 4. Make sure you all signed up. It is important to know that you will need to complete the concept exercise prior to completing you HH exercise. Please also you need to know that students must pass the assignment in order to pass the course. This is located in the syllabus. We have scheduled Shadow Health sessions this week (announcement time coming soon). Assignment 1 Complete by day 6 SaturdayAssignment (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages):Assessment Tools or Diagnostic TestsOption 1Colonoscopy: Aderman, Bekele, Brinson, Chaqui, Dodoo & FritzRapid Strep Test in Adults: Gardot, Gonzalez, Hart, Ikwuegbu, Kim & Kouuznetsova


Option 2: Namatovu, Obua, Ojevwe, Omeludike, Shomuyiwa, Tamou & Whipp2 year/old underweight female with underweight parents who are live with elderly grandparents. Nursing homework help

The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010. Many of the provisions of the law directly affect health care providers. Review the following topic materials:

  1. “About the Affordable Care Act”
  2. “Health Care Transformation: The Affordable Care Act and More”

What are the most important elements of the Affordable Care Act in relation to community and public health? What is the role of the nurse in implementing this law?

About the Affordable Care Act


  • Full Text of the Affordable Care Act and Reconciliation Act – PDF
  • Certified Full-panel-body Version: Affordable Care Act – PDF
  • Certified Full-panel-body Version: Reconciliation Act – PDF

The first link listed above contains the full panel-body of the Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 in one document. It is not official and is provided for your convenience. The second and third links contain the official certified full panel-body of the law.

Note: The panel-body is searchable within each PDF file. Use ‘CTR + F’ on your keyboard. If you are looking for a specific page, try to enter just the page number into the search box within the PDF. To save a copy of a PDF to your computer, right click your mouse and select ‘save link as’ then click the ‘save’ button.

Regulations & Guidance

  • Use the search tool available at to view current law regulations and submit public comments.
  • For information on regulations on the day they are issued, visit the Federal Register’s Public Inspection Desk (See Special Filing or Regular Filing) or the enhanced Public Inspection website.
  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for tax provisions of the current law that will be implemented during the next several years. A list of these provisions now in effect, and additional information soon to be added, can be found at
  • The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) oversees the implementation of current law provisions that are related to private health insurance. Detailed technical and regulatory information on the health care law can be found at (See Regulations & Guidance section)The Affordable Care Act.

Assignment – Application Of Concepts From Caring Science

Assignment – Application Of Concepts From Caring Science

Summary: A theory can be used to guide practice. This assignment is an exercise in supporting a clinical practice with theory and evidence. Directions: Identify an outcome of nursing practice in your area of practice that can be improved. For example, if you work in home health, you may identify that throw rug use by fall risk patients is too prevalent. You may be able to use the problem that inspired the theory concepts that you developed in week two. Briefly support why it is a problem with evidence from the literature. This is not the major focus of the assignment so do not elaborate. Create a clinical nursing (not medical) theory in the form Concept A | Proposition | Concept B. Think of the structure like two nouns and a verb. While the term proposition is much more complex in the dictionary, in our use it is the connecting term between the two concepts. Examples include Concept A improves Concept B, Concept A is related to Concept B, when Concept A increases then Concept B also increases, etc.


When you get to research, you will explore this further as you develop independent and dependent variables. How to use these statistically will come in research and statistics courses. This clinical theory is identified as an empirical theory when you get to the C-T-E model later in this course. It is empirical in that they can be measured. Identify and define your concepts. Identify how they could be measured in a research study. Be careful that you do not use compound concepts. If you find the words “and” or “or” in your theory, you are probably too complex. If you research your question and seek funding, you will need a theoretical model to guide the research. In our assignment, we are using Watson. You will identify the concepts in Watson’s theories that are represented by the concepts you are using in your clinical theory. Match the proposition in her theory with your proposition. To help, the 10 Caritas Processes are Concept A. Choose the one that matches your concept. To clarify, let’s look at Caritas 1 Embrace and use it in middle-range theory. Sustaining humanistic-altruistic values by the practice of loving-kindness, compassion, and equanimity with self/others (Concept A – Very complex and abstract) improves (Proposition) subjective inner healing (Concept B). Remember that the paper is not about the problem. It is about constructing a clinical theory and matching it to a middle-range theory and conceptual model your clinical theory represents. Conclude the paper with your discoveries made in your readings and the impact on the nursing profession of your discoveries. Explore, briefly, discovered questions that require further research. Summarize the paper in the conclusion. Present your outcome in an APA formatted paper that meets the University’s standards for a written assignment.Applications of Concepts from Caring Science

Application of Concepts from Caring Science

The concepts presented in nursing theories are usually the leading pillars that direct nursing practice. All good evidence-based interventions that are undertaken by nurses in the line of caring for patients are supposed to have proper theoretical underpinnings. These are provided by conceptual frameworks that can only be found in nursing theories. Conceptual frameworks therefore provide a base upon which sound evidence-based practice or EBP can be built. Like a lighthouse at sea to a ship; the concepts in a nursing theory guide, direct, and steer practice around pitfalls and obstructions that may render the interventions ineffective and inefficacious. Nursing theories fall into three main categories, with each differentiated according to the level of abstraction in the theory in terms of its concepts. According to Wayne (2020), all nursing theories will be (i) a grand theory (ii) a mid-range theory, or (iii) a practice-level theory. Among the three, it is grand theories that are the most abstract whereas practice-level theories are the least abstract. Practice-level theories are easy to understand, direct to the point, narrow in scope, and very specific. Mid-range theories fall in-between and are arguably the largest category of nursing theories (Risjord, 2018). Some well-known and most often quoted nursing theorists are Florence Nightingale with the Environmental Theory, Madeleine Leininger with the Transcultural Nursing (TCN) Theory, Dorothea Orem with the Self-Care Deficit Theory (SCDT), and Jean Watson with the Theory of Human Caring (Alharbi & Baker, 2020; Gonzalo, 2019a; Gonzalo, 2019b; Pajnkihar et al., 2017; Borji et al., 2017). The purpose of this paper is to discuss how theoretical concepts can be applied to nursing practice with regard to the clinical practice problem of patient falls among the elderly in a rehabilitation center. Special attention will be given to the application of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring.Applications of Concepts from Caring Science

An Outcome of Nursing Practice that Can be Improved

The outcome of nursing practice that will be the subject of this paper is the rate of patent falls in the elderly patient population that is 65 years old and above. This is a measurable outcome that represents a need for quality improvement (QI) in the healthcare setting in which it is found. Patient falls in the elderly is such an important quality issue that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) as payers stopped reimbursing providers for care provided to patient fall victims (AHRQ, 2018; Fehlberg et al., 2017). There is overwhelming evidence from peer-reviewed scholarly literature that supports the notion that accidental patient falls are indeed a significant clinical practice problem in nursing as a profession. According to Kojima et al. (2015), elderly patients in healthcare settings such as rehabilitation centers are at an ever-present risk of suffering unintentional falls. This is due to the fact that they are frail, suffer from various comorbidities that bring about various levels of disability, and also often have cognitive deficits due to neurocognitive disorders. The current incidence of patient falls in the US stands between 3.3 and 11.5 falls per 1,000 patient days. The falls cause injuries such as fractures but also concussions and even death (Kenny et al., 2017). Venema et al. (2019) state that the national benchmark for patient falls stands at 3.44 falls per 1,000 patient days.

A Clinical Nursing Theory

Within the context of the clinical problem of accidental patient falls in the elderly patient population discussed above, a clinical theory in the form of concept A | Proposition | concept B can be created. In this way, therefore, the concept-proposition-concept theory will have the following components:

  • Concept A: Patients who are aged from 65 years going upwards are frail. Their bodies have undergone physiological deterioration and now they are susceptible to adverse health outcomes from different directions. They also suffer from many comorbid physical conditions as a function of their old age. These conditions include cardiovascular disease (CVD), type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and multiple sclerosis amongst others. Apart from these physical conditions, persons in this age group of 65 years and above also suffer from mental illness that places them at even greater risk of adverse health outcomes such as injuries from falls. Of particular concern here are the neurocognitive disorders such as dementia (major neurocognitive disorder or NCD) and Alzheimer’s disease. The neurocognitive disorders are marked by cognitive impairment including memory loss, disorientation, and disordered speech. With these kinds of symptoms, the elderly 65 year-old will easily wake up from the bed without a purpose and injure themselves as they fall while leaving the bed. Measurement of this concept in research occurs through descriptive statistics in tabulation of demographic data.
  • Concept B: Assessment of the risk of fall among patients reveals that patients who are senior citizens and aged 65 years and above are at the highest risk of suffering accidental falls in any healthcare setup. This is especially true with healthcare settings that have high numbers of these elderly patients such as a rehabilitation center or a nursing home. This risk assessment is done by using evidence-based tools such as the Morse Fall Scale (Falcão et al., 2019). Applications of Concepts from Caring Science Patients in this demographic category suffer various degrees of injury when they fall victim to accidental falls in a healthcare setting. The injuries add to their frailty and may eventually lead to their death due to complications such as intracerebral hemorrhage after a concussion and a stroke or thromboembolic myocardial infarction (MI). The measurement of this concept in research uses evidence-based risk assessment tools such as the Morse Fall Scale Assignment – Application Of Concepts From Caring Science.

Management homework help

Q 1.

Final assignment:

Making tangible the connection between Classical Japanese Literature & Japanese Art


Museums to choose from:

  • Denver Art Museum online catalogue of Japanese art,
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston online catalogue of Japanese paintings,
  • another art institution of high caliber with an online catalogue of Japanese art.


First, navigate your way to the Japanese section of your chosen Museum’s website. (Links to an external site.)

Then, browse at leisure through the pages of the Japanese art online catalogue and enjoy what strikes your particular taste as beautiful, interesting and/or meaningful. Management homework help

Next, read the following assignment questions and browse through the online catalogue again, taking detailed notes (including the catalogue information on the identifying tag) to answer all questions.


  1. What object of interior decorating did you find in the online catalogue of Japanese art that would fit into a Genji chapter? Which chapter, and how would the object be connected to the plot or otherwise help deepen representation of a character?
  2. Find an object or set of objects in the online catalogue that alludes directly to Heike monogatari. How does the art object embed and communicate the literary references to Heike?  Which episodes of Heike, specifically, are alluded to?  Provide full catalogue info as noted on the museum’s tag.
  3. What role does poetry play for some of the objects in the online catalogue of Japanese art? Select an object in which poetry has a strong relevance and describe how you imagine it being used in an interior many centuries after the Heian period.  Compare that meaning and usage with the role of poetry in the great poetic anthologies we read for this class, the Manyoshuand/or the Kokinshu. Management homework help


Hint 1: Netsuke and Inro are not be appropriate choices for objects that could be found in the interiors depicted in the literature of this course because those items are used in a style of kimono dressing that is especially from the Tokugawa or Edo era (1600-1868) and thus much later and different than how the Heian Court community dressed.


Hint 2: objects for the Tea Ceremony are also not appropriate to the literature of this course because the tea ceremony developed after the Heian period in the Muromachi period in the form we recognize today with macha powdered green tea, the ritualized passing of the tea bowl to guests, etc.  When tea is mentioned in the literature of the Classical period, it is not referring to the ‘tea ceremony.’


Hint 3: both woodblock prints and the kabuki theater become popular in the Tokugawa period (1600-1868) and thus are not a part of the worlds depicted in Classical Japanese Literature.  On the other hand, some (many!) woodblock prints may depict scenes from Classical Japanese Literature, or allude to characters such as those in Genji or Heike while reinterpreting them in Tokugawa-period fashions.


Write up your answers in graceful and coherent language, and upload to our course website.  Each item discussed must have a header with the museum name, museum identification information of item name, artist, dates, material information, catalogue number and collection or donation information.  Your write-up must be a minimum of 250 words (approx. 1 page) of your own language (not counting catalogue info or language from my assignment prompts.)



Q 2.

Nursing homework help

Analysis of Agency Policy Contexts
The Case of Dr. Breeze and the San Marcos Community Mental Health Center.



By Samuel H. Taylor, D.S.W.


Exactly one year ago, Dr. Breeze came to San Marcos, a metropolitan suburb of Los Angeles with a population of 60,000 people, to direct the recently established Sam Marcos Community Mental Health Center. Dr. Breeze had previously worked in Philadelphia, where he had acquired a reputation as the innovative, inspiring, and flexible director of Manford University’s Outreach Mental health services Department.


When Dr. Breeze initially interviewed for his position, several board members expressed some reservations about how he would fit in, since he did not wear a tie and seemed almost overconfident. Dr. Sedgwick, the retiring director, calmed the board by saying that, as a young psychoanalyst, he too had been fairly unconventional. The board had to keep in mind that this was no longer the San Marcos Clinic, it was a new mental health center, and it needed new ideas and the dedication of youth. “He will work out,” Dr. Sedgwick reassured them.


Shortly after George Breeze arrived at the San Marcos Community Mental Health Center, he made it clear to the staff that waiting lists, long-term therapy, and supervision were outdated. In the following months, he:

  1. urged short-term, crisis-oriented management of cases
  2. requested and received permission to establish an advisory board of citizens from the catchment area and another board composed of consumers
  3. abolished the supervision system and established a flexible peer-consultation system
  4. asked staff members to work evening in order to see families
  5. got into an argument with the Chief of Police about how officers were handling youngsters and emotionally ill persons
  6. hired paraprofessionals from a human services program of a community college to serve as community aides
  7. told the staff that he wanted to know personally about the service and disposition of each case that involved a racial or ethnic minority client because he suspected that staff members were allowing biases to influence case management. Nursing homework help


Within six months, the staff in the agency had become deeply divided. Three major groups

had formed and developed leadership. First, some of the original clinic staff members (who had helped Dr. Sedgwick prepare the mental health center application) resented Dr. Breeze’s nontraditional was and felt that they had had no chance to introduce their ideas. They rallied behind Dr. Jones, met privately, and decided they must take their case to other agencies in San Marcos and to local civic leaders and then must present their complaints to the agency board with the support of these other groups and leaders.


The staff hired by Dr. Breeze (young activist professionals and community aides) learned of the strategy and immediately alerted Asian, black, and Chicano groups in San Marcos and rallied behind Dr. Smith, who contacted both the NIMH (the prime federal funder for the center) and the Citizen and Consumer Advisory Boards. They were ready to ask for termination of federal and state funds if Dr. Breeze were fired.


Finally, a number of agency supervisors formed a group behind Dr. Virtue that advocated “responsible.” They were not opposed to all the changes instituted by Dr. Breeze but particularly opposed to those that deprived “professionals” of their rightful positions of authority and prestige within the agency. They wanted restoration of the supervisory system and curtailment of hiring of new careerists.


The issue reached crisis proportions when a patient being cared for by a community aide committed suicide in a most sensational manner. A reporter from the newspaper interviewed a member of the original staff and was told that “this would never have happened if Dr. Sedgwick had been there. Dr. Breeze’s ideas just don’t work.


The board decided to hold a meeting to settle the issue, and they agreed to allow representatives to all sides to present their evidence. They felt that Dr. Breeze had introduced some good programs but also felt that he was unconventional. At this meeting, they hoped to reach a final decision as to whether Dr. Breeze should be fired, retained (but only after placing limits on the reforms he had issued), or given a vote of complete confidence.


“Traditionalists,” then, rallied behind Dr. Jones and wanted to restore the traditional mission of the agency-long-term therapy with white and middle-class clients. ‘Insurgents” supported Dr. Breeze and his various reforms with no qualifications. “Advocates of responsible change” wanted some innovations, but not at the expense of the traditional prerogatives of professionals. The board wished to bring unity to the agency as soon as possible to avoid further adverse publicity as well as possible loss of funds. Nursing homework help



After reading the Dr. Breeze case:
1.      Identify the five stakeholder groups and their positions in regard to the change that Dr. Breeze is initiating in San Marcos Community Mental Health Center*
2.      Using a policy lens, provide the historical and policy rationale as to why Dr. Breeze was hired.
3.      In your view, which group or groups want Dr. Breeze to be fired, retained, or voted with complete confidence? What is their rationale?
4.      What kind of changes did he initiate?
5.      What are the reactions of each stakeholder group? Do you think they acted appropriately and why?
6.      What side do you take with these groups and why you are taking that position?
7.      Identify the main responsibility of each stakeholder group.
8.      What do you like about Dr. Breeze and what don’t you like about him? Explain your reasons.
9.      Given the changes Dr. Breeze initiated at San Marcos Community Mental Health Center, what would you do if you were Dr. Breeze? Assume that you are strongly taking a position siding with one of these stakeholder groups. Describe your actions.
*In the event you have identified stakeholder group/s that are different from what was decided in class, you will need to provide a rationale for doing so.



Length: At least 4 pages, double spaced, not including the Cover Page or the Reference Page. Please number your pages. Provide a minimum of three (3) scholarly references using APA format.

References must be provided in a separate page. Lack of references will result in lost points. Nursing homework help


Nursing homework help

Assessment Description
Advanced registered nursing graduates are entering the profession at dynamic time when
roles and scope of practice are shifting based on developments in legislation and policy in
response to the evolving needs of the health care system. Professional nursing
organizations play an important role in making sure the perspectives of advanced
registered nurses are heard, and in supporting nurse specialties in their efforts to expand
their scope of practice and their full participation throughout the health care system.
For this assignment, you will conduct research on the current scope of practice for your
specialty and efforts that are being made to expand that scope and the role of the
advanced registered nurse in positively influencing the health care system. Write a 1,250-
1,500 word paper that includes the following:


1. A discussion of the scope of your future role as an advanced registered nurse,
including any regulatory, certification, or accreditation agencies that define that
scope. Nursing homework help
2. A discussion of three professional nursing organizations that you think are most
influential in advancing the scope and influence of advanced nursing. Of these
organizations, evaluate the one that you would most like to join. How do its goals
and mission fit in with your worldview and philosophy of care? How might
membership in this organization improve your practice?
3. A discussion of a controversial or evolving issue that is most likely to affect your
scope of practice or role in the next few years. How do you think this issue could
influence the profession and other stakeholders and why does it matter to the
advanced registered nurse?
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be
published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing
Complete the “APA Writing Checklist” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and
formatting criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed
checklist as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located
in the Student Success Center. Nursing homework help
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment
to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite
technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
MSN-Nursing Education; MSN-Acute Care Nurse Practitioner-Adult-Gerontology; MSN-Family
Nurse Practitioner; MSN-Health Informatics; MSN-Health Care Quality and Patient Safety; MSNLeadership in Health Care Systems; MSN-Public Health Nursing
5.3 Evaluate professional organizations and activities that improve one’s practice and influence
advanced nursing practice. Nursing homework help

community Assessment and Plan Essay

community Assessment and Plan Essay


During this course, you will develop a community assessment and plan. First, you need to identify/define the community in which you live. Give an overview of the community (large city, small town) and its people (urban workers, farmers, middle class, etc). Give an overview of the kinds of stores and businesses in the town and discuss accessibility to health care. This is to be a high-level overview only. Specifics will be discussed in subsequent papers.


  1. Title page
  2. Introduction (the purpose of paper)
  3. Analyze the importance of a community assessment, according to your readings.
  4. The following are things to include, though you are not limited to these. Give a clear definition of the community being assessed and its location in the surrounding area. Discuss the people, work/play /health care opportunities, and types of entertainment available, giving a general overview of the various parts of the community. community Assessment and Plan Essay
  5. Conclusion
  6. Reference page (minimum of 2 references)
  7. Minimum of 3 pages (not including title and reference page)
  8. APA format

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 3 hours



NSG323 Unit 1 Rubric

NSG323 Unit 1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic
10 pts


Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic clearly addressing important points.

9 pts


Identifies a manageable topic that addresses important points.

8 pts


Identifies a focused topic that addresses important points.

7 pts


Identifies a topic that while doable, is too narrowly focused.

6 pts


Identifies a topic that is far too general and wide-ranging as to be doable.

0 pts


Does not clearly identify a topic or identifies a topic that is not relevant to the assignment.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExisting Knowledge, Research, and/or Views
10 pts


Uses in-depth information from relevant sources representing multiple points of views (3 or more) or research aspects (3 or more).

9 pts


Describes in-depth information from relevant sources representing at least two points of view or research aspects.

8 pts


Explains information from relevant sources representing at least two points of view or research aspects.

7 pts


Relates information from relevant and irrelevant sources. No clear point of view(s) of approach(s) are identified.

6 pts


Tells information from irrelevant sources representing a single point of view or does not identify points of view or approaches

0 pts


Information is irrelevant to the topic. No clear point of view/approaches.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10 pts


Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors.

9 pts


Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement, thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed

8 pts


Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial.

7 pts


Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement or related contextual factors.

6 pts


Demonstrates the ability to explain contextual facts but does not provide a defined statement.

0 pts


There is no evidence of a defined statement.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
10 pts


Organizes and compares evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

9 pts


Organizes and interprets evidence to reveal patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

8 pts


Organizes and describes evidence according to patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

7 pts


Organizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing patterns, differences, or similarities.

6 pts


Describes evidence, but it is not organized and/ or is unrelated to focus.

0 pts


Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/ or is unrelated to focus.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
10 pts


Assembles a conclusion that is a logical interpretation from findings. community Assessment and Plan Essay

9 pts


Constructs a conclusion that is logical from inquiry findings.

8 pts


Identifies a conclusion specifically from and responds specifically to the findings.

7 pts


Produces a general conclusion that, because it is so general, also applies beyond the scope of the inquiry findings.

6 pts


States an ambiguous or unsupportable conclusion from findings.

0 pts


States an illogical conclusion from findings.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLimitations and Implications
10 pts


Insightfully discusses in detail relevant and supported limitations and implications.

9 pts


Examines relevant and supported limitations and implications.

8 pts


Discusses relevant and supported limitations and implications.

7 pts


Presents relevant and supported limitations and implications.

6 pts


Presents limitations and implications, but they are unsupported.

0 pts


Presents limitations and implications, but they are irrelevant.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
10 pts


The paper exhibits a excellent command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling.

9 pts


The paper exhibits a good command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics, or spelling with minor grammatical errors that impair the flow of communication.

8 pts


The paper exhibits a basic command of written English language conventions. The paper has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communication.

7 pts


The paper exhibits a limited command of written English language conventions. The paper has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communication.

6 pts


The paper exhibits little command of written English language conventions. The paper has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the writing to discern meaning.

0 pts


The paper does not demonstrate command of written English language conventions. The paper has multiple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader difficulty discerning the meaning.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA
5 pts


The required APA elements are all included with correct formatting, including in-text citations and references.

4.5 pts


The required APA elements are all included with minor formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

4 pts


The required APA elements are all included with multiple formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

3.5 pts


The required APA elements are not all included. AND/OR there are major formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

3 pts


Several APA elements are missing. The errors in formatting demonstrate limited understanding of APA guidelines, in-text-citations, and references.

0 pts


There is little to no evidence of APA formatting. AND/OR there are no in-text citations AND/OR references.

5 pts

 Unit 1 Assessment- Defining Your Community  

Write your INTRODUCTION paragraph here. Introduction paragraphs should speak to the contents and purpose of your paper. This is a great place to define what a community assessment is and what community you will be reviewing.

Importance of Community Assessment

In this section you will discuss why it is important to assess a community. You will analyze the importance of a community assessment. Refer to your reading and/or find scholarly journal articles to support this information.  Be sure to cite where needed.

Define Your Community

In this section you will discuss the geographical location of your community.  You will give an overview of structure of your community (large city, small city, rural).  You will discuss the type of jobs held in your community.

Community Activities

            In this section you will discuss what your community has to offer in terms of play/leisure activities.  Does your community have walking/bike trails, city parks, city pool, sports programs for youth, activities for teenagers, events for the older population, what type of entertainment options are there, and the like. what makes it unique, a place you enjoy living?  What draws people to your community? What are some of the limitations of your community that you have noticed? Are there things which can be improved? Make sure to speak to both the positives and negatives aspects noted in your assessment.







This should be a mini summary of what has been discussed in your paper, there should not be new information in your conclusion. If I were to read your conclusion by itself, I should know what your entire paper is about. Also make sure to wrap things up with a good closing statement.



You need to have at least 2 references listed.

For each reference listed you need to at least one in-text citation.

Review previous APA resources provided in this course.

Make sure you have a minimum of 3 pages (not including title and reference page).

Review Assignment Rubric- this is what we utilize for grading/scoring your assignments. community Assessment and Plan Essay





Case Study Analysis

Case Study Analysis

In your Case Study Analysis (1 to 2 pages) related to the scenario provided, explain the following as it applies to the scenario you were provided (not all may apply to each scenario):

  • The factors that affect fertility (STDs).
  • Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.
  • Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.
  • Why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP.
  • Anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic)Case Study Analysis .


Scenario 1: A 32-year-old female presents to the ED with a chief complaint of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and vaginal discharge. She states these symptoms started about 3 days ago, but she thought she had the flu. She has begun to have LLQ pain and notes bilateral lower back pain. She denies dysuria, foul-smelling urine, or frequency. States she is married and has sexual intercourse with her husband. PMH negative.

Labs: CBC-WBC 18, Hgb 16, Hct 44, Plat 325, ­ Neuts & Lymphs, sed rate 46 mm/hr, C-reactive protein 67 mg/L CMP wnl

Vital signs T 103.2 F Pulse 120 Resp 22 and PaO2

99% on room air. Cardio-respiratory exam WNL with the exception of tachycardia but no murmurs, rubs, clicks, or gallops. Abdominal exam + for LLQ pain on deep palpation but no rebound or rigidity. Pelvic exam demonstrates copious foul-smelling green drainage with reddened cervix and + bilateral adenexal tenderness. + chandelier sign. Wet prep in ER + clue cells and gram stain in ER + gram negative diplococci Case Study Analysis .