How the selected media can change brain functioning

  • Social media
  • Television/Movies
  • Video games
  • Music and/or music videos
  • Using the selected media, write a 750-1,000-word paper addressing the impact the media has on the cognitive, physical, and psychosocial development during middle childhood. Include the following in your paper:
    1. How the selected media can change brain functioning
    2. How the selected media can disrupt physical development
    3. How the selected media influences social development
    4. How the selected media can positively influence a child
    5. Briefly summarize how Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory would describe the impact of the selected media on the different systems that effect childhood development (refer to page 37 of the text as a guide). Your paper should include at least three scholarly references, in addition to the textbook.

    What is a Mediterranean Diet  

    PowerPoint College Level Title  How to Translate a Traditional Mediterranean Diet into a Multicultural Diet 12 slides with the title being the first slide  Slides must have pictures and effects.    All questions must be address Slide 1 Ttile Slide 2 What is a Mediterranean Diet   Slide 3  Where/why was it originated from   Slide 4 What is the purpose of the Mediterranean Diet  Slide 5 Identify key nutrient/ foods within the Mediterranean Diet Sample meal plan for a day Slide 6 and 7 How can this diet help or manage chronic diseases  /with evidence Type 2 diabetes  /Cancer Slide 8 Why is the   Mediterranean Diet a challenge for non-Mediterranean populations What are the potential barriers for non-Mediterranean populations Reference Slide