What are the threats to the studies internal validity?

Quantitative Mini Critique



1. Identify an area of clinical interest

2. Find one peer-reviewed journal article (no older than 5 years) related to your clinical topic of interest. Do not use a meta-analysis or systematic review.

3. Critique the journal article, fully answering the following questions

4. This critique should be 3-4 pages (not including the cover page and reference page)

5. Utilize the APA levels of headings on page 62 of the APA Manual

6. APA formatting required (Include appropriate APA level/headings)

Ethical Aspects of a Study

Was the study approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Board or similar committee?

Were appropriate informed consent procedures used with all participants?


Research Problems, Research Questions and Hypotheses

What is the research problem?

Is the problem statement easy to locate?

Does the study have significance to nursing? Why or why not?

Research Design

Was the design experimental, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental?

Was the study longitudinal or cross-sectional? What are the threats to the studies internal validity?


What type of sampling design was used?

Are possible sample biases or weaknesses identified?

Data Collection

What methods of data collection were utilized (Self-reports, Scales, Observation, Rating Scales)? If self-report methods were used, did the researchers make good decisions about specific methods (in-person interviews, mailed questionnaires, etc.)?

If observational methods were used, did the report adequately describe what the observations entailed?

what percent- age of children and adolescents would be overweight, obese, and ExHi obese in 2030?

Trends in Body Mass Index and Prevalence of Extreme High Obesity Among Pennsylvania Children and Adolescents, 2007–2011: Promising but Cautionary David Lohrmann, PhD, Ahmed YoussefAgha, PhD, and Wasantha Jayawardene, MD

The economic consequences of obesity in the United States were estimated at $147 billion annually in 2008.1 To better understand these costs, obesity trends to the year 2030 were predicted.2 Obesity prevalence could reach 51% by 2030, but is more likely to stay at more than 40% because of recently emerging posi- tive developments. A subcategory, severe obe- sity, that is, body mass index (BMI; defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters) of 40 or greater for adults, has increased faster than overall obesity and is projected to grow from 5% of adults in 2010 to 11% of adults by 2030.2 This growth, with its attendant increased risks of disease, will esca- late costs even if overall obesity prevalence stabilizes.2

Because obesity rates vary across states, the financial burden is not uniform.3 State-specific differences, such as lower cost of less healthy foods, can affect obesity and severe obesity prevalence together with current and projected health care costs.2 Because of the state-specific nature of Medicaid and Medicare expenditures, much of the high cost of obesity-related disease is borne by public sector health plans.

Today’s children and adolescents will be the youngest adults in 2030; therefore, obesity prevention for the future requires monitoring of obesity prevalence rates among this popu- lation over time. Prevalence and trends in obesity among US children from 1999 to 2010 were determined based on National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data.4 Preva- lence of high BMI in US children and adoles- cents has also been studied.5 By 2010, fewer than 12% of those aged 2 to 19 years nation- wide were at or above the 97th percentile (extreme high obese [ExHi obese]); 17% were above the 95th percentile (obese), and 32% were above the 85th percentile (overweight). A statistically significant increase among 6- to

19-year-old males with a BMI at or above

the 97th percentile was found between 1999

and 2008.4

To inform prevention efforts, state govern- ments have a vested interest in monitoring

obesity prevalence among all age groups, and

especially among children and adolescents.

Pennsylvania, for example, mandates annual

height and weight screening with BMI calcula-

tion for all public school students statewide.6

One recent study assessed child and adolescent

BMI trends in Pennsylvania, excluding Phila-

delphia and surrounding counties, for 2005 to

20097 and found combined overweight and

obese rates decreased from 28.5% to 23.1% at

the middle school level and from 24.6% to

20.9% at high school levels, but increased from

10.9% to 20% at the elementary level. The

largest shift in BMI over the subset of years

from 2007 to 2009 was among overweight

elementary students; 58% of those who were

overweight in 2007 were obese in 2009.

Overweight and obese increased for the study

population as a whole because of this sharp

increase among elementary students. In a sec-

ond, separate study,8 trends in obese (BMI

‡ 95th percentile) and ExHi obese (defined8

as BMI ‡ 35 kg/m2) among 5- to 18-year-old students attending Philadelphia schools in 2006

to 2010 were determined; obesity across all

ages decreased from 21.5% to 20.5% and ExHi

obese from 8.5% to 7.9%. Obese and ExHi

obese were most prevalent among middle

school students, Hispanic boys, and Black girls.8

The purpose of our study was to determine prevalence, trends, and patterns in overweight,

obese, and ExHi obese among Pennsylvania

school children. Specific research questions were:

Objectives.We determined current trends and patterns in overweight, obesity,

and extreme high obesity among Pennsylvania pre-kindergarten (pre-K) to 12th

grade students and simulated future trends.

Methods.We analyzed body mass index (BMI) of pre-K to 12th grade students

from 43 of 67 Pennsylvania counties in 2007 to 2011 to determine trends and to

discern transition patterns among BMI status categories for 2009 to 2011.

Vinsem simulation, confirmed by Markov chain modeling, generated future

prevalence trends.

Results. Combined rates of overweight, obesity, and extreme high obesity

decreased among secondary school students across the 5 years, and among

elementary students, first increased and then markedly decreased. BMI status

remained constant for approximately 80% of normal and extreme high obese

students, but both decreased and increased among students who initially were

overweight and obese; the increase in BMI remained significant.

Conclusions. Overall trends in child and adolescent BMI status seemed

positive. BMI transition patterns indicated that although overweight and obesity

prevalence leveled off, extreme high obesity, especially among elementary

students, is projected to increase substantially over time. If current transition

patterns continue, the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and extreme high

obesity among Pennsylvania students in 2031 is projected to be 16.0%, 6.6%,

and 23.2%, respectively. (Am J Public Health. 2014;104:e62–e68. doi:10.2105/



e62 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Lohrmann et al. American Journal of Public Health | April 2014, Vol 104, No. 4

1. What were the prevalence and trends in overweight, obese, and ExHi obese from 2007 to 2011 among elementary, middle, and high school students?

2. What movement patterns, if any, occurred in normal weight, overweight, obese, and ExHi obese among Pennsylvania elemen- tary, middle, and high school students from 2009 to 2011?

3. If current patterns continue, what percent- age of children and adolescents would be overweight, obese, and ExHi obese in 2030?


Nurses in more than 1157 pre-kindergarten (pre-K) to 12th grade public and private schools located in 43 of 67 Pennsylvania counties, excluding Philadelphia and surrounding counties, used an electronic health record in- cluded in a web-based school health portal called “Health eTools for Schools” to record and report student medical data,7,9 including the annual height and weight for all enrolled students measured by established protocols.10

Along with unique identifiers, gender, and date of birth, medical data were compiled in a data repository maintained by InnerLInk (Lancaster, PA), the company that provides Health eTools at no cost to schools through funding from the Highmark Foundation.9 All appli- cable federal and state safeguards of family and student rights, both medical and educa- tional, were followed in the compilation of these data. Access was provided to de- identified data on the InnerLink server via a password-protected Internet link.

Between 2007 and 2011, a total of 685 531 viable student health records were collected. The number varied, with 71 487 for 2007, 186 585 for 2008, 107 705 for 2009, 107 699 for 2010, and 212 055 for 2011. Files were configured into a relational database by using data processing techniques, which were then summarized and aggregated into 3 categories: age, gender, and school level (i.e., elementary, middle, and high school). Because race/ethnicity was not recorded in student health records, this variable could not be addressed. The total number of data strings was sufficiently robust for analyses.

A SAS program11 for children and adoles- cents developed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with 2000 as the growth reference year for calculation of percentiles and z-score, was used to calculate individual BMI. Because of a number of factors that influence height and weight in children, growth chart percentiles were used to deter- mine high BMI in children and adolescents5; the 97th percentile was adequate for seg- menting ExHi BMI-for-age in children.12

Therefore, overweight was defined for this study as at or above the 85th percentile but less than 95th percentile, obese as at or above the 95th percentile but less than 97th percen- tile, and ExHi obese as at or above the 97th percentile. We validated data to eliminate in- consistencies and unrealistic outliers for BMI, with values of BMI greater than 56.3 (56.3 = 40 + 3 · SD, i.e., 2.25% over the upper normal mass limit 56.3/25 = 2.25) and less than 7 eliminated. Outliers constituted 263 of 685 531 cases (0.04%).

We analyzed BMI trends using the least- squares method, a simple linear regression formula, BMImean = a0 + a1 · Year, which was used to ascertain trends in annual BMI percentage for overweight, obese, and ExHi obese over 5 years for all students. This yielded 3 separate equations (the 1.95% of under- weight students was not a focus of this study). Correlations between the dependent variable (percentage of normal weight, percentage of overweight, percentage of obese, or percentage of ExHi obese) and the independent variable (year) were checked before constructing re- gression models. We used the Pearson v2 test to determine significant differences based on gender, distributed over the 5 years (2007— 2011), controlling for BMI category and school level.

To reveal possible BMI transitions from 2009 to 2011, we calculated BMI categories via conditional probabilities, based on Bayesian statistics. We applied the v2 test to determine significance levels. Only students with matched identification numbers for 2009, 2010, and 2011, and only those who remained exclu- sively within a school level (i.e., elementary, pre-K–5; middle, 6—8; and high school, 9—12) over the 3 measurement years (2009—2011) were included in the analysis. This approach helped avoid cross-contamination for school

level type, yet still yielded viable data from more than 80 000 students.

Using Vinsem13 software, we created a sim- ulation covering 20 years that calculated future rates of overweight, obese, and ExHi obese based on (1) the number of students within each BMI category in 2009, (2) current con- ditional BMI movement patterns, and (3) as- sumed continuation of the current BMI move- ment patterns. Vinsem software was previously used to simulate epidemics of both infectious14

and chronic disease.15 We confirmed the sim- ulation results by Markov chain modeling.16


Regarding BMI trends, yearly percentages for overweight increased somewhat from 2007 to 2009, but the linear slope lines for all 3 categories declined from 2007 to 2011 (Figure 1).

Because food services, availability of food in school, and opportunities to be physically active, along with prevention and intervention initiatives might have varied, BMI status data were segmented by school level. School level also separated students by developmental cat- egories—childhood (elementary school), young adolescence (middle school), and middle ado- lescence (high school). Therefore, percentages of students in the overweight, obese, and ExHi obese categories were provided by school level (Figure 2) for 2007 to 2011. Combined rates of overweight, obese, and ExHI obese de- creased steadily from 2009 to 2011 for all school levels. The combined rates for middle and high school steadily declined across all years. After increasing from 2007 to 2009, the combined rate at elementary school peaked in 2009 and receded thereafter. With the excep- tion of elementary students in 2008 and 2009, the combined percentage of obese and ExHi obese students was greater than the percentage overweight at all school levels for all years. Likewise, the highest percentages of combined obese and ExHi obese students were found in middle schools. For all school levels and across all years, the percentage of ExHi obese students was more than double the percentage of obese students. Based on the Pearson v2

test, elementary school boys were more likely than girls to be overweight (P = .01) or obese (P = .04). Both middle and high school


April 2014, Vol 104, No. 4 | American Journal of Public Health Lohrmann et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | e63

boys were more likely to be ExHi obese (P = .01).

Figure 3 depicts transitions in student BMI status from 2009 to 2011, with results pro- vided as percentages for students in grades pre- K to 12, as well as separately for elementary, middle, and high school students as provided, respectively, in parentheses. The subset of 80 770 students included in these percentages had their BMIs calculated in 2009, 2010, and 2011, and were linked by unique member identifiers for this analysis. (Data from the very low percentage of underweight students in the sample were excluded to assure more accurate v2 results.) Although overweight, obese, and ExHi obese prevalence rates for this subset were somewhat lower than that for the overall study population, these differences were not statistically significant (P= .723).

Between 2009 and 2011, more than 80% of students who were normal or ExHi obese did not change category, whereas almost half of the students initially in the overweight category and approximately three quarters of those in the obese category decreased or increased their BMIs; rates at which students remained within their initial BMI category were relatively con- sistent by school level. For example, the per- centage of obese students in each school level

(elementary: 25.04%; middle school: 23.66%; high school: 23.06%) all clustered around the overall rate of 24.38%.

Several BMI transition patterns were evident (Figure 3). Loop 1 presents BMI patterns for normal and overweight, and loop 4 shows BMI patterns for normal and obese students. For all students, movement from overweight to nor- mal was 19% higher than for movement from normal to overweight (loop 1), a pattern that was somewhat more pronounced for middle and high school students than for elementary students. Additionally, 7 times more students moved from obese to normal (loop 4) than moved from normal to obese; this ranged from 5.92% of elementary to 10.03% of high school students who were obese in 2009 and normal in 2011.

Loops 2, 3, and 5 present the BMI patterns for overweight, obese, and ExHi obese. The combined percentages of all students who moved from obese (loop 2) or ExHi obese (loop 5) to overweight (36.59%) were substantially higher than the combined percentages of stu- dents who moved from overweight to obese and ExHi obese (23.55%). Conversely, 4.5 times more students moved from obese to ExHi obese than moved from ExHi obese to obese (loop 3). This pattern was similar for students

from all 3 school levels, with a slightly higher percentage of elementary students moving from obese to ExHi obese. In addition, a greater combined percentage of elementary (52.16%) than middle (44.01%) or high school (42.12%) students moved from obese to ExHi obese and overweight to ExHi obese, and fewer elemen- tary (14.51%) than middle (15.57%) or high school (17.52%) students moved in the op- posite direction from ExHi obese to obese and ExHi obese to overweight. Based on the simulation of BMI category transitions (Figure 4), the prevalence of overweight, obese, and ExHi obese among Pennsylvania students in 2031 was projected to be 16.0%, 6.6%, and 23.2%, respectively, with the highest prevalence of ExHi obese among elementary students (31%; middle school, 17%; high school, 13%).


The year 2009 appeared to have been a watershed for child and adolescent obesity in Pennsylvania. The rapidly escalating over- weight and obesity prevalence among elemen- tary students peaked in that year, and then decreased in 2010 and 2011 to approximately 2007 levels. Although, in retrospect, the 5-year trend began declining for all 3 conditions in 2007, this decline was not detectable before 2009. By 2010, a similar trend was identified for obese and ExHi obese students in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area.8 Based on overall percentages, Pennsylvania made nota- ble progress toward achieving the Healthy People 2020 obesity prevalence objectives for children (aged 6—11 years; 15.7%) and adolescents (aged 12—19 years; 16.1%).17

Despite these promising findings, the preva- lence of overweight, obese, and ExHi obese among Pennsylvania children and adolescents was still more than 2% points higher in 2011 than for the United States in 2010.4 Consistent with national findings,5 middle school- and high school-aged boys were more likely than their female counterparts to be ExHi obese. If all individuals with BMIs at or above the 95th percentile were considered, approxi- mately one third were classified as obese and two thirds as ExHi obese; the percentage of children and adolescents who were ExHi obese in 2011 already exceeded the 2030

y = –0.6833x + 1390.9 R² = 0.51

y = –0.47x + 950.1 R² = 0.93

y = –0.1647x + 344.91 R² = 0.60






Pe rc

en ta

ge o

f S tu

de nt



Overweight Obese ExHi obese

Linear (overweight) Linear (obese) Linear (ExHi obese)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Note. ExHi = extreme high. The sample size was n = 685 531. The city of Philadelphia and its surrounding counties were

excluded from this analysis.

FIGURE 1—Trend in overweight, obese, and extreme high obese prevalence by percentage:

Pennsylvania schools, 43 of 67 counties, 2007–2011.


e64 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Lohrmann et al. American Journal of Public Health | April 2014, Vol 104, No. 4

severe obese projections for US adults by more than 2 percentage points (13.7% vs the projected 11%).

Uniquely, our study and 1 previous study of the Pennsylvania school population7 employed mathematical modeling to determine whether

student BMI status remained static or changed over time. Our study confirmed the previous finding7 that child and adolescent BMI status moved substantially in both desirable and un- desirable directions, especially among over- weight and obese categories, within relatively short periods of time. Results indicated that the movement of students from overweight toward obese and ExHi obese and from obese to ExHi obese, especially among elementary students, tended to overpower movement in the oppo- site direction. Therefore, the 20-year simula- tion determined that the prevalence of ExHi obese among Pennsylvania pre-K to 12th grade students could almost double by 2031, pri- marily driven by current transition patterns among elementary school children. The prev- alence of obesity and ExHi obesity among today’s children when they are adults 15 to 20 years hence cannot be predicted; however, previous research showed that children with higher levels of obesity18 and who were obese as adolescents19 were likely to be obese as adults.18,19 Obesity prevalence was shown to double twice from adolescents to adults in their early 30s, with obese adolescents most likely to remain obese as adults.20

On the positive side, substantial percentages of students moved from ExHi obese back to either obese or overweight and from obese to overweight or normal weight in 2009 to 2011. The previous study7 found that 56% of over- weight elementary students moved to obese status between 2007 and 2009, but based on findings of our present study, that percentage then dropped by more than half (24.7%) in 2009 to 2011. These developments, if sus- tained, could help reduce the prevalence of ExHi obesity20 because they clearly demonstrated that movement in the desirable direction by a considerable percentage of individuals is possible. Additionally, this type of information, when known, could be used to target interven- tion programming for the greatest impact.7

Determining the exact reasons for emerging BMI trends and movement patterns was not possible in this case because the kinds, amount, and intensity of healthy eating and physical activity programs in participating schools were not monitored and might have varied. None- theless, some circumstantial information about improvements in school health policy, envi- ronment, and programs nationally, and for





























































Percentage of Students

G ra

de a

nd Y

ea r

Overweight Obese ExHi obese

Note. BMI = body mass index; ExHi = extreme high; G6–8 = middle school; G9–12 = high school; Pre-K–5G = elementary

school. The sample size was n = 685 531; elementary school: n = 328 687; middle school: n = 182 851; high school: n =

173 993. Female: n = 335 111; mean BMI = 20.773 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 20.714, 20.751). Male: n = 305 420;

mean BMI = 20.647 (95% CI = 20.647, 20.683). The city of Philadelphia and its surrounding counties were excluded from

this analysis.

FIGURE 2—Percentages of overweight, obese, and extreme high obese students by school

level: Pennsylvania schools, 43 of 67 counties, 2007–2011.


April 2014, Vol 104, No. 4 | American Journal of Public Health Lohrmann et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | e65

Pennsylvania, were known. As previously in- dicated, personnel in all Pennsylvania public schools were mandated through state policy to accurately measure every student’s height and weight annually, notify all parents or guardians, in writing, of their child’s BMI status, and encourage them to bring this to their child’s physician’s attention if the BMI was in the overweight or obese ranges.6 Other school policies and practices were more supportive of healthy eating and increased physical activ- ity.21 Through its reauthorization of the school breakfast and lunch programs in 2004,22

Congress mandated that, by 2006, all partici- pating US schools adopt a wellness policy aimed at improving nutrition education, op- portunities for physical activity, and the food environments in schools. In May 2006, the Pennsylvania State Board of Education ampli- fied this broad federal mandate by adopting specified physical activity and nutritional stan- dards for public schools intended to incorpo- rate opportunities for students to be physically active, including recess and physical education, promote Safe Routes to School, and assure that all students participated in 30 minutes of daily physical activity.6 Nutrition standards for competitive foods in schools were also man- dated.23 Again in 2006, the Pennsylvania De- partments of Education and Health partnered with Highmark Foundation’s Healthy High 5 program, a 5-year, $100 million initiative that

supported a variety of strategies in schools designed to address physical activity, nutrition, and other critical health issues.24 Pennsylvania is the fourth largest recipient of US Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assis- tance Program Education funding nationally, and in 2010, it devoted $21 million to serving 221227 school-aged children.25 Previous re- search found that student fat, sugar, and calorie intake was reduced26 and BMI was positively affected27 in states with laws regulating foods sold in schools outside of the federal school meal program (i.e., competitive foods).

At the national level, the Clinton Foundation negotiated an agreement with the soft drink industry that subsequently resulted in a 90% reduction in calories distributed to schools.28

Related positive changes were documented in Pennsylvania at the school level.29,30 Data collected biannually from school administra- tors by the Pennsylvania Department of Edu- cation, and reported by the CDC, indicated that the presence of at least 1 vending machine decreased to 68% of schools in 2010, down from 77% in 2006, with content changes as well. The presence of soda pop and fruit drinks that were not 100% juice decreased from 51% of schools to 24%, and sports drinks decreased from 62% to 49%.30 Programmatically, 77% of Pennsylvania schools instituted some type of wellness advisory board by 2010, and nearly all established expected outcomes for physical

education.29 Also by 2010, 77% of schools required students to complete 2 or more health courses, up from 65% in 2006.


This study had several limitations. Informa- tion about race/ethnicity was not collected in student health records; therefore, no analyses based on this variable were conducted. How- ever, some applicable demographic informa- tion was available. The racial/ethnic composi- tion of the 43 counties containing study schools was 82.4% White, 7.9% Black, 9.7% other, 8.4% Hispanic, and 91.6% non-Hispanic.31 Of the19 Pennsylvania counties classified in 2010 as urban,3112 (63%) were represented in this study. In these 12 counties, 17.9% of children lived in poverty compared with12.4% in the 31 rural counties (16.0% combined).31,32

Furthermore, the number of student data strings available for analysis varied because the number of schools using Health eTools for Schools changed yearly, with some schools dropping off and others joining. Additionally, no comparisons could be made with students attending schools located in the 24 excluded Pennsylvania counties because health record data, including BMI, were only available from schools that used Health eTools for Schools. Because of the pattern of new children begin- ning school and others graduating from high school each year, some students’ height and

Note. BMI = body mass index; ExHi = extreme high; G6–8 = middle school; G9–12 = high school; pre-kindergarten–5G = elementary school. The sample size was n = 80 770; elementary school: n = 48 309;

middle school: n = 24 384; high school: n = 8077. Conditional probabilities for individually matched BMI, 2009–2011. Normal→OverW = P(OverW11 Normal09) = 9.16%. Obese→Normal = P(Normal11 Obese09) = 7.11%. For percentages enclosed in parentheses, the first percentage pertains to elementary school, the second percentage pertains to middle school, and the

third percentage pertains to high school. The city of Philadelphia and its surrounding counties were excluded from this analysis. P < .001 based on the v2 test compared with the expected values.

FIGURE 3—Pattern of student body mass index migration reported by percentage: Pennsylvania schools, 43 of 67 counties, 2009–2011.


e66 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Lohrmann et al. American Journal of Public Health | April 2014, Vol 104, No. 4

weight could not be measured for the 3 times required to be included in some analyses. Regardless, the total number of student data strings provided for any 1 year was sufficiently robust, as was the number of data strings avail- able for multiyear comparisons, to generate reli- able results. Because environments, medical technology, and behaviors might change, the simulation of obesity prevalence was not a pre- diction. Rather, simulation results suggested the prevalence rates should the child and adolescent BMI transition patterns of 2009 to 2011 remain unchanged over time. The simulation results also provided information that policymakers could use for generating better-informed decisions about obesity prevention resource allocation.


Overall trends in child and adolescent BMI status seem to bode well for Pennsylvania’s future. BMI transition movement patterns, however, told a somewhat different story. Overweight and obesity prevalence were es- sentially leveling off. However, ExHi obesity, especially among elementary students, is projected to increase over time. The public health challenge most crucial to reversing the obesity epidemic is preventing the overweight

and obese children and adolescents of 2011 from moving into the obese or ExHi obese categories along with accelerating movement from ExHI obese and obese back toward over- weight and normal weight. To this end, evalua- tions should be conducted at the school level to assure compliance with mandated obesity pre- vention policy, environment, and program initia- tives, as well as to determine which, if any, school-based initiatives are clearly associated with improved BMI trends, and therefore, might pro- vide the greatest benefit. Given the fiscal impli- cations, state officials should be motivated to invest the current resources required to substan- tially improve the obesity and severe obesity trends among the adults of tomorrow. j

About the Authors David Lohrmann and Wasantha Jayawardene are with the Department of Applied Health Science, Indiana Uni- versity School of Public Health—Bloomington. Ahmed YoussefAgha is with the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Public Health— Bloomington. Correspondence should be sent to Wasantha Jayawardene,

Department of Applied Health Science, SPH Bldg. 116, 1025 E 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 (e-mail: wajayawa@indiana.edu). Reprints can be ordered at http://www.ajph.org by clicking the “Reprints” link. This article was accepted December 14, 2013.

Contributors D. Lohrmann contributed to the interpretation of find- ings and writing of the article. A. YoussefAgha contrib- uted to the data mining and analysis. W. Jayawardene contributed to data validation and review of the article.

Acknowledgments We thank the Highmark Foundation and Robert G. Gillio, MD, InnerLink Inc., for their support in prepa- ration of this article. The Journal of School Health (February 2013, Vol. 83, No. 2) published a companion article, which was based on Pennsylvania student data from 2005 to 2009.

Human Participant Protection This study was approved by the Indiana University Bloomington institutional review board.

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Pr ev

al en

ce , %

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030


Overweight Obese ExHi obese

Note. ExHi = extreme high; G6–8 = middle school; G9–12 = high school; pre-kindergarten–5G = elementary school. The

sample size was = 80 770; elementary school: n = 48 309; middle school: n = 24 384; high school: n = 8077. The city of

Philadelphia and its surrounding counties were excluded from this analysis.

FIGURE 4—Simulation of student overweight, obese, and extreme high obese prevalence:

Pennsylvania schools, 43 of 67 counties, 2011–2031.


April 2014, Vol 104, No. 4 | American Journal of Public Health Lohrmann et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | e67


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19. The NS, Suchindran C, North KE, Popkin BM, Gordon-Larson P. Association of adolescent obesity with risk of severe obesity in adulthood. JAMA. 2010; 304(18):2042—2047.

20. Gordon-Larsen P, The NS, Adair LS. Longitudinal trends in obesity in the United States from adolescence to the third decade of life. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010; 18(9):1801—1804.

21. Levi J, Segal LM, Laurent R, Lang A, Rayburn J. F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012. Princeton, NJ: Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; 2012.

22. US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service; US Department of Health and Human Services. US Department of Education; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Local School Wellness Policies: Overview and Action Steps. Washington, DC: US Department of Agriculture; 2012.

23. Pennsylvania Department of Education Division of Food and Nutrition. Nutrition Standards for Compet- itive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools for the School Nutrition Incentive; 2008. Available at: http://www. pears.ed.state.pa.us/forms/files/PDE181.pdf. Accessed July 23, 2013.

24. Highmark Foundation. Highmark Healthy High Five, A Five-Year Initiative Report. 2012. Available at: http:// hhh5report.cg.com. Accessed July 27, 2013.

25. Food and Nutrition Service. Approved federal funds for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program education by fiscal year. Supplemental Nutrition Assis- tance Program Education Connection: United States De- partment of Agriculture. 2011. Available at: http://snap. nal.usda.gov/snap/ApprovedFederalFundsSNAP- Ed01202010.pdf. Accessed July 21, 2013.

26. Taber DR, Chriqui JF, Chaloupka FJ. Differences in nutrient intake associated with state laws regarding fat, sugar, and caloric content of competitive foods. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166(5):452—458.

27. Taber DR, Chriqui JF, Perna FM, Powell LM, Chaloupka FJ. Weight status among adolescents in states that govern competitive food nutrition content. Pediatrics. 2012;130(3):437—444.

28. Wescott RF, Fitzpatrick BM, Phillips E. Industry self-regulation to improve student health: quantifying changes in beverage shipments to schools. Am J Public Health. 2012;102(10):1928—1935.

29. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Profiles 2010-Chronic Disease Pre- vention Pennsylvania Secondary Schools. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2011.

30. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Profiles 2008-Chronic Disease Pre- vention Pennsylvania Secondary Schools. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2009.

31. Pennsylvania State Data Center. Local 2010 Census Data Released for Pennsylvania. 2012. Available at: http://pasdc.hbg.psu.edu/Data/Census2010/tabid/ 1489/Default.aspx. Accessed November 1, 2013.

32. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. County Health Rankings. 2012. Available at: http:// www.countyhealthrankings.org. Accessed October 23, 2013.


e68 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Lohrmann et al. American Journal of Public Health | April 2014, Vol 104, No. 4


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What are the nurses’ ethical obligations?

Health care ethics

In each case, answer the questions at the end of the case and give researched references to support your assertions; also, explain what would be the ethical course of action and the legal requirements for action in the case.

Case One

Mary Stokes is in need of a kidney transplant, and her parents and siblings have been tested for compatibility. Her father is afraid of operations and knows that kidney trouble runs in the family. Before the test, Mary’s father tells the doctor that he does not want anyone, especially his wife, to know that he is compatible. He explains that if the family knows they will pressure him into being a donor. The father turns out to be the only one who is compatible. Mary asks the doctor, “Are you sure no one in my family is compatible?”

Is the father a patient and protected by confidentiality? Even if he is not a patient, is his explicit request, which was not refused, a protection of his confidentiality? If the matter is confidential, what can the physician say or do to protect the secret?

Case Two

Dr. Curious has a habit of wandering around the hospital and looking at the records of friends who are in the hospital. The nurses have tried to stop him, but he has retaliated by making their lives miserable and belittling them in public at every opportunity. The nursing administration has been notified but has done nothing, as it wants to avoid rocking the boat.

What are the nurses’ ethical obligations after they have done everything mentioned in the text? See Chapter 2 (Garrett). Is “not wanting to rock the boat” a sufficient excuse for the administration to do nothing further?


Submit answers in APA format.



Garrett, et al (2013). Health Care Ethics (6th ed.). Chapter 2, Priniciple of Autonomy and informed consent

Is telenursing in your future?

NR 361 Week 4 Assignment: Telenursing Is It In My Future


The following scenario serves as the basis for your paper:

You have worked with Tomika for the past five years. Tomika shares with you that she has resigned and plans to work in an agency that installs telemonitoring equipment into the homes of those with chronic illnesses. Nurses monitor the patients using the equipment with the goal of detecting problems before patients need to be readmitted to the hospital. Tomika will be working from her own home, with occasional meetings at the agency. She would not be visiting her patients in their homes, but rather would be assessing and interacting with them via videoconferencing. She tells you that there are still job openings and encourages you to apply.

You are intrigued by this, and decide to investigate whether telenursing would be a good choice for you, too. Is telenursing in your future?


1.       You are to research (find evidence), compose, and type a scholarly paper that describes telenursing as described above, and whether it is a good fit for you. Reflect on what you have learned in this class to date about technology, privacy rights, ethical issues, interoperability, patient satisfaction, consumer education, and other topics. Your text by Hebda (2013, Chapter 25) discusses telehealth in detail. However, your focus should be from the professional nurse’s role in telenursing. Do not limit your review of the literature to only what you read in your text. Nurses in various specialties need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing as it applies to their patients. For example, when you discharge a patient from an acute care setting, will a telenursing service assist that individual with staying out of the hospital? You may need to apply critical thinking skills to development of your paper. In the conclusion of your paper, describe your current employment situation, and whether a job in telenursing would, or would not, fit with your career goals and life situation once you graduate from Chamberlain.

2.       Use Microsoft Word and APA formatting to develop your paper. Consult the Publication manual of the APA, 6th edition if you have questions, for example, margin size, font type and size (point), use of third person, and so forth. Take advantage of the writing service, Smarthinking, which is accessed by clicking on the link called the Tutor Source, found under the Course Home tab. Also, review and use the various documents in Doc Sharing related to APA.

3.       The length of the paper should be 4–5 pages, excluding the title page and the reference page. Limit your references to key sources.



4.       The paper should contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader with interesting facts and supporting sources of evidence, which need to be mentioned as in-text citations. Keep in mind that APA guidelines state you are not to call this an “Introduction” but you should include it at the beginning of your paper. The Body should present the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing from your perspective as an employee, and the patient’s perspective as a recipient of the care nurses provide. The Conclusion and Recommendations should summarize your findings and state your position on whether you will apply for a position with the agency.

What types of clinical strategies help foster an evidence-based nursing practice?


Write a 750–1000-word blog post (3–4 pages) for a student nursing Web site that examines how evidence-based health care leads to better clinical decisions and patient outcomes.

The nursing profession has changed dramatically in recent years. Today, nurses are called upon to translate best evidence into clinical practice. In most health care settings, bridging the gap from research to clinical practice is a dynamic ongoing process.

By successfully completing the assessment in this unit, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

· Competency 1: Evaluate scholarly nursing literature that supports evidence-based nursing practice.

1. Describe how research affects existing knowledge within professional nursing.

1. Explain how evidence-based patient care can improve the quality of care.

1. Describe clinical strategies that help foster evidence-based nursing practice.

. Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations of nursing professionals.

2. Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

2. Correctly format citations and references using APA style.


Florence Nightingale pioneered the concept of using research in nursing, yet during the first half of the 20th century, very little was done to advance this thinking. Since that time, the nursing profession has diligently worked to improve patient care through the application of research findings, or more commonly known as evidence-based practice (EBP). Evidence-based practice is the “conscientious and judicious use of current best evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values to guide health care decisions” (Titler, 2008, para. 3).

As a professional, staying abreast of current research by reading nursing literature is integral to your intellectual growth and the continuing enrichment of clinical skills. We share knowledge to become better caregivers and encourage positive patient outcomes. Evidence-based research along with clinical experience and patient values should guide your nursing practice.


Titler, M. G. (2008). The evidence for evidence-based practice Implementation. In R. G. Hughes (Ed.), Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Available from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2659/

Questions to Consider

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

. How has the role of a professional nurse changed since you obtained your nursing license?

. How has EBP advanced the nursing profession?

. How does evidence-based research translate to positive patient outcomes?


Suggested Resources

The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context.

Library Resources

The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

. Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (2013). Professional nursing concepts: Competencies for quality leadership (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

6. Chapter 11.

6. Chapter 13.

. Brown, S. J. (2014). Evidence-based nursing: The research–practice connection (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

7. Part 2.

. Godshall, M. (2016). Fast facts for evidence-based practice in nursing: Implementing EBP in a nutshell (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

8. Chapter 1.

. Chrisman, J., Jordan, R., Davis, C., & Williams, W. (2014). Exploring evidence-based practice research. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy12(4), 8–12.

. Arzouman, J. (2015). Evidence-based practice: Share the spirit of inquiry. MEDSURG Nursing24(4), 209–211.

. Lindberg, C. (2015). Evidence-based practice: Be a champion! MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing40(4), 209.

. Stevens, K. R. (2013). The impact of evidence-based practice in nursing and the next big ideas. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing18(2), 122–124.

. Ardito, S. C. (2013). Seeking consumer health information on the Internet. Online Searcher37(4), 45–48.

. Linton, M. J., & Prasun, M. A. (2013). Evidence-based practice: Collaboration between education and nursing management. Journal of Nursing Management21(1), 5–16.

Library Guides

For assistance when researching general nursing topics, refer to the Nursing (BSN) Library Research Guide.

In addition, a unique Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BSN-FP4001 – Orientation to Baccalaureate Nursing Library Guide to help direct your research.

Internet Resources

Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

. American Nurses Association. (n.d.). The nursing process. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/EspeciallyForYou/What-is-Nursing/Tools-You-Need/Thenursingprocess.html

. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). National guideline clearinghouse. Retrieved from www.guidelines.gov

Bookstore Resources

The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Unless noted otherwise, these materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

. Blais, K., & Hayes, J. (2016). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

17. Chapter 8, “The Nurse as a Learner and Teacher.”

17. Chapter 10, “The Nurse’s Role in Evidence-based Health Care.”

Assessment Instructions


Search the Internet for scholarly and professional peer-reviewed articles on evidence-based nursing practice. You will need at least three articles to use as support for your work on this assessment.


As a health care professional and a new BSN learner you have been asked to contribute a blog post on evidence-based practice to a new Web site for student nurses. The site editor has asked you to write a post that explores the following key questions:

· How does research affect existing medical knowledge and practice?

· How can evidence-based patient care improve the quality of care?

· What types of clinical strategies help foster an evidence-based nursing practice?

· Which component of the nursing process is evidence-based practice aligned with?

When writing a blog post, keep in mind that long blocks of text are hard for readers to digest, especially when reading on mobile devices. Format your document by breaking up your content into shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and lists whenever possible. Also, if you can, work in some subheadings.

Additional Requirements

Your blog post should meet the following criteria:

· Contain 750–1000 words (3–4 pages).

· Include a reference page.

· Be readable, concise, with a logical ordering of ideas.

· Provide a sound rationale for ideas, including background.

· Provide adequate documentation of ideas and appropriate APA citation of relevant literature.

· Use a minimum of three references. (These must be recent, from within the past five years).

Determine sociodemographic characteristics

Chapter 7

Community Health Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

The Community as Client

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Figure 7-1

Levels of Community Health Nursing Practice

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Client Example Characteristics Health Assessment Nursing Involvement
Individual Lisa McDonald Individual with various needs Individual strengths, problems, and needs Client-nurse interaction
Family Moniz family Family system with individual and group needs Individual and family strengths, problems, and needs Interactions with individuals and the family group
Group Boy Scout troop Alzheimer’s support group Common interests, problems, and needs Interdependency Group dynamics Fulfillment of goals Group member and leader
Population group AIDS patients in a given state Pregnant adolescents in a school district Large, unorganized group with common interests, problems, and needs Assessment of common problems, needs, and vital statistics Application of nursing process to identified needs
Organization A workplace A school Organized group in a common location with shared governance and goals Relationship of goals, structure, communication, patterns of organization to its strengths, problems and needs Consultant and/or employee application of nursing process to identified needs
Community Italian neighborhood Anytown, USA An aggregate of people in a common location with organized social systems Analysis of systems, strengths, characteristics, problems, and needs Community leader, participant, and health care provider

Health Planning Model

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Figure 7-2

Hogue (1985)

Steps in the Health Planning Model


Meet with group leaders of aggregate to clarify mutual expectations

Determine sociodemographic characteristics

Interview a key informant

Consider both positive and negative factors

Compare the aggregate with the “norm”

Research potential problems

Identify health problems and needs

Prioritize the identified problems and needs to create an effective plan

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Four Types of Needs to Assess

Expressed needs

Demand for services and the market behavior of the targeted population

Normative needs

Lack, deficit, or inadequacy of services determined by health professionals

Perceived needs

Wants and desires expressed by audience

Relative needs

Gap showing health disparities between advantaged and disadvantaged population

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Factors for Determining Priorities

Aggregates preferences

Number of individuals affected by the health problem

Severity of the health need or problem

Availability of potential solutions

Practical considerations such as skills, time, and available resources

May use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs or levels of prevention to further refine priorities

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Community Involvement Is Essential

“Start where the people are!”

Five spheres of empowerment

Interpersonal (personal empowerment)

Intragroup (small group development)

Intergroup (community)

Interorganizational (coalition building)

Political action

– Labonte (1994)

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Steps in the Health Planning Model (Cont.)


Determine the intervention levels

Subsystem, aggregate system, and/or suprasystem

Plan interventions for each system level

Primary, secondary, or tertiary levels of prevention

Validate the practicality of the planned interventions according to available resources

Personal, aggregate, and suprasystem

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Development of Goals and Objectives

Goals—where we want to be

Objectives—steps needed to get there


Specific measures

Instructions to guide population

Used to measure outcomes

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Steps in the Health Planning Model (Cont.)


Often the most enjoyable stage for the nurse and the clients

Implementation should follow the initial plan

Should include a variety of strategies

Prepare for unexpected problems

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Interventions by Type of Aggregate and System Level

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Project Type of Aggregate System Level for Intervention
Rehabilitation group Group Subsystem and aggregate system
Textile industry Organization Aggregate system and suprasystem
Crime watch Group, organization, and population group Aggregate system and suprasystem
Bilingual students (case study) Community Aggregate system and suprasystem

Steps in the Health Planning Model (Cont.)


Include the participant’s verbal or written feedback and the nurse’s detailed analysis

Reflect on each previous stage to determine the plan’s strengths and weaknesses

Evaluate both formative (process) and summative (product/outcome) aspects

Communicate follow-up recommendations

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Importance of Each Step in the Nursing Process

Aggregate assessments must be thorough.

Should elicit answers to key questions about the aggregate’s health and demographic profile

Should compare this information with similar aggregates presented in the literature

The nurse must complete careful planning and set goals that the nurse and the aggregate accept.

Mutual planning is very important.

Interventions must include aggregate participation and must meet the mutual goals.

Evaluation must include process and product evaluation and aggregate input.

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Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Federal Legislation Affecting Health Planning

Hill-Burton Act

Regional Medical Programs (RMP)

Partnership for Health Program (PHP)

Certificate of Need (CON)

National Health Planning and Resources Development Act

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Comprehensive Health Reform

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)

Preventive services based on evidence-based recommendations

National strategy to improve the nation’s health

CMMS innovation center

National quality improvement strategy for services and population health

Improved access to care

Reduction in the growth of Medicare spending

National workforce strategy

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


Nurses’ Role

Work collaboratively with health planners to improve aggregate health

Fuse technology with knowledge of health care needs and skills

Become directly involved in the planning process

Engage in aggregate-level projects

Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


What measures can banks employ to mitigate credit risks?


Risk management practices within the financial sector are of particular interest to regulators. This is because the failures within this sector disrupt the functionality of the financial system and derail economic growth and efficiency. A historical reference point is the subprime meltdown of 2007 because it is the most prominent example of a massive risk management failure. In this assignment, you will evaluate the consequences of such a failure.

You have been hired by the board of Financial Leaders to facilitate a presentation on this topic. You must submit the items you intend to cover to the event planner by next week. Your presentation should be in PowerPoint and should address the bullet points below. You must also submit your presentation notes that you intend to use during the presentation using the Notes feature at the bottom of the PowerPoint slides.

*10 slides

  • Discuss why credit risk management within the financial sector is so essential.
  • Why do you think so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the financial collapse?
  • What are the consequences of failing to manage credit risk and whom do they affect?
  • What measures can banks employ to mitigate credit risks?
  • 1.Accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential through the use of specific
  • 2. A valid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse that uses specific examples is given.
  • 3.At least two valid consequences of failures of credit risk management that include specific examples are given AND who is affected by each failure is thoroughly discussed.

How do you see yourself as a change agent guiding others to move from a process focus to an outcomes focus?

250-300 word APA format

According to Porter O’Gradey and Malloch (2015), “In the twentieth century the focus of work was on performing the right processes. In the twenty-first-century the focus is on obtaining the right outcomes” (p. 4). The purpose of using evidence to guide practice is to promote positive outcomes. How do you see yourself as a change agent guiding others to move from a process focus to an outcomes focus? Discuss this in relationship to your area of concentration – practice and/or education. Elaborate the rationale behind the change from process to outcomes.

Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice

CO1: Propose individualized comprehensive care by integrating theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines when planning comprehensive patient-centered care. (PO1)

CO2: Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice and increase collaboration with other disciplines when planning patient-centered care within systems-based practice. (PO2)

Think of the best leader or manager you have ever known (or your ideal leader or manager) in nursing or another field. How did this person lead others? How did you feel working with this leader? What impact did this person’s leadership style have on your future leadership?

references: Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2018). NR351 Transitions in Professional Nursing: Week 6 lesson. Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication.

Describe the role the patient history and physical exam play in the diagnosis

Diagnosing Gastrointestinal Disorders

In primary care settings, patients often present with abdominal pain. Although this is frequently a sign of a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder, abdominal pain could also be the result of other systemic disorders, making this type of pain difficult to assess. While abdominal pain is most common, many other GI symptoms also overlap multiple disorders, further increasing the difficulty in diagnosing and treating patients. This makes provider-patient communication essential. You must be able to formulate questions that will prompt the patient to provide the necessary information, as this will guide your assessment and diagnosis. For this Discussion, consider potential diagnoses for the patients in the following case studies.

Case Study 1:
A 49-year-old man presents to the office complaining of vague abdominal discomfort over the past few days. He states he does not feel like eating and has not moved his bowels for the last 2 days. His patient medical history includes an appendectomy at age 22 and borderline hypertension, which he is trying to control with diet and exercise. He takes no medications and has no known allergies. Positive physical exam findings include a temperature of 99.9 degrees Fahrenheit, heart rate of 98, respiratory rate of 24, and blood pressure of 150/72. The abdominal exam reveals abdominal distention, diminished bowel sounds, and lower left quadrant tenderness without rebound.

Case Study 2:
A 40 year-old female presents to the office with the chief complaint of diarrhea. She has been having recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. She has lost 9 pounds in the last month. She takes no medications, but is allergic to penicillin.  She describes her life as stressful, but manageable. The physical exam reveals a pale middle- aged female in no acute distress. Her weight is 140 pounds (down from 154 at her last visit over a year ago), blood pressure of 94/60 sitting and 86/50 standing, heart rate of 96 and regular without postural changes, respiratory rate of 18, and O2 saturation 99%. Further physical examination reveals:
Skin: w/d, no acute lesions or rashes
Eyes: sclera clear, conj pale
Ears: no acute changes
Nose: no erythema or sinus tenderness
Mouth: membranes pale, some slight painful ulcerations, right buccal mucosa, tongue beefy red, teeth good repair
Neck: supple, no thyroid enlargement or tenderness, no lymphadenopathy
Cardio: S1 S2 regular, no S3 S4 or murmur
Lungs: CTA w/o rales, wheezes, or rhonchi
Abdomen: scaphoid, BS hyperactive, generalized tenderness, rectal +occult blood

Case Study 3:
A 52-year-old male presents to the office for a routine physical. The review of symptoms reveals anorexia, heartburn, and weight loss over the past 6 months. The heartburn is long standing, occurring most days during the week. He takes TUMS or Rolaids to relieve the discomfort. The patient describes occasional use of ibuprofen for back pain, but denies other medications including herbals. He has no known allergies. He was adopted so does not know his family history. Social history reveals that, although he stopped smoking ten years ago, he smoked for 20 years. He occasionally consumes alcohol on the weekends only. The only positive physical exam finding for this patient was slight epigastric tenderness. The remainder of his exam was negative and the rectal exam was negative for blood.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s media presentations and Part 12 of the Buttaro et al. text in the Learning Resources.
  • Select one of the three case studies listed above. Reflect on the provided patient information including history and physical exams.
  • Think about a differential diagnosis. Consider the role the patient history and physical exam played in diagnosis.
  • Reflect on potential treatment options based on your diagnosis.

Post on or before Day 3 an explanation of the differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected. Describe the role the patient history and physical exam played in the diagnosis. Then, suggest potential treatment options based on your patient diagnosis.