Why does location matter related to reimbursement? 

enifer: Why does location matter related to reimbursement?

Post 2 response

Manuela Noel Week 2 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

  1. How does the location of where a service is performed determine which code set is used? Relate issues such as reimbursement schedules, co-pay amounts, and coverage limitations.

The location of place of services should always be code accurately when it comes to different setting that services is being rendered. For example, a check at your primary care doctor will be a different code and fee than conducting a minor surgery procedure at an outpatient clinic.

  1.  What is a reimbursement schedule?

Reimbursement schedule is a set of listing fee schedule used by healthcare insurance company (Medicare) to pay doctors, providers, or suppliers which is used to reimburse healthcare professionals on a fee for service basis. For example, after a patient undergo services from a doctor office or hospital the insurance company or government payers reimburse for the service that was provided.

  1. What is a copay?

Copay is a fixed amount that is being covered by a patient before seeing a health care professional to rendered service. For example, a patient goes in to see their primary care doctor to conduct a physical check-up for the visit at the office the fee to see the doctor id $89.00 the insurance covers for the visit however, for the procedure that is being provided the patient will need to cover the remaining 25% of service which is the copay.

4. What type of service does the term “procedure coding” includes?
Some of the procedures includes:
– Medicine (90281 to 99607)
– Anesthesia (00100 to 01999)

– Radiology (70010 to 79999)
– Evaluation and Management (99201 to 99499)
– Pathology and Laboratory (80047 to 89399)

– Surgery (10021 to 69990)

Aalseth, P. (2015). Medical Coding: What it is and How it Works ; Second Edition (2nd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

state the implications for nursing practice and health care policy.

NUR 390: Bioethical Issue Paper Grading Criteria

Objectives/Criteria for Bioethical Issue Paper:

1. Describe a specific ethical issue you have witnessed or are passionate about in your profession.

2. Select a position (support/oppose) of the ethical issue you have chosen to defend.

3. Defend your position with reasoned arguments using ethical theories and principles, facts, research, and/or case examples (NOT OPINION).

4. Examine critically potential objections to your position based on opposing commentary in the literature.

5. Based on preceding two positions, state the implications for nursing practice and health care policy.

6. Must include three (3) evidence-based articles supporting position.Use APA format, correct grammar and spelling, and demonstrate logical, concise organization of content.








Discuss at least 1 reason why the managed care delivery model was created. 

digital resources, discuss different types of models for managed care. Address the following:

  • Discuss at least 1 reason why the managed care delivery model was created.
  • Describe at least 2 different types of managed care, including their differences.
  • Identify at least 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of the managed care model.

NOTE: Use at least two scholarly references and cite using APA format.

reflect on the interactive process that takes place between the nurse and an individual while conducting a health assessment and a physical examination

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

1 NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh



PURPOSE As you learned in NR302, before any nursing plan of care or intervention can be implemented or evaluated, the nurse conducts an assessment, collecting subjective and objective data from an individual. The data collected are used to determine areas of need or problems to be addressed by the nursing care plan. This assignment will focus on collecting both subjective and objective data, synthesizing the data, and identifying health and wellness priorities for the person. The purpose of the assignment is twofold.

• To recognize the interrelationships of subjective data (physiological, psychosocial, cultural and spiritual values, and developmental) and objective data (physical examination findings) in planning and implementing nursing care

• To reflect on the interactive process that takes place between the nurse and an individual while conducting a health assessment and a physical examination


CO 2: Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to integrate clinical judgment in professional decision-making and implementation of nursing process while obtaining a physical assessment. (POs 4, 8)

CO 3: Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO 1)

CO 4: Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO 3) CO 6: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (POs 2, 5)

DUE DATE Please see the Course Calendar.



There are four graded parts to this assignment: (1) Obtain a health history and conduct a physical examination on an individual of your choosing (not a patient), (2) compile a health education needs assessment, (3) self-reflection, and (4) writing style and format. Instructions for each part follow.

Health History Assessment and Physical Assessment (50 points)

 Using the following subjective and objective components, as well as your textbook for explicit details about each category, complete a health history and physical examination on an individual. You may choose to complete portions of this assignment as you obtain the health history and perform the physical examination associated with the body systems covered in

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

2 NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh

NR304. Please be sure to avoid the use of any identifiers in preparing the assignment. Students may seek input from the course instructor on securing an individual for this assignment. Keep notes on each part of the health history and physical examination as you complete them so that you can refer to the notes as you write the paper. 1. Subjective Data—Health History Components to Be Included

• Demographic data

• Reason for care (why they are in the facility)

• Present illness (PQRST of current illness)

• Perception of health

• Past medical history (including medications, allergies, and vaccinations and immunizations)

• Family medical history

• Review of systems

• Developmental considerations

• Cultural considerations

• Psychosocial considerations

• Presence or absence of collaborative resources (community, family, groups, and healthcare system)

***REMEMBER: Make notes of the health history findings, ensuring that you have addressed all of the

components listed here. Students are also encouraged to take notes about their experiences while

conducting the health history for reference when creating the assignment, particularly the reflection section.

2. Objective Data—Physical Exam Components to Be Included

 During the lab experiences, you will conduct a series of physical exams that includes the following systems.

 Keep notes on each part of the physical exam as you complete them to reference as you write the paper.

 Refer to the course textbook for detailed components of each system exam. Remember, assessment of the integumentary system is an integral part of the physical exam and should be included throughout each system.

 From NR302

o HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat)

o Neck (including thyroid and lymph chains)

o Respiratory system

o Cardiovascular system

 From NR304

o Neurological system

o Gastrointestinal system

o Musculoskeletal system

o Peripheral vascular system

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

3 NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh

***REMEMBER: Make notes of the physical examination findings, ensuring that you have addressed all of the

components listed on the Return Demonstration Checklist. Students are also encouraged to take notes

about their experiences while conducting the physical examination for reference when creating the

assignment, particularly the reflection section.

Needs Assessment (20 points)

1. Based on the health history and physical examination findings, determine at least two health education needs for the individual. Remember, you may identify an educational topic that is focused on wellness.

2. Select two peer-reviewed journal articles that provide evidence-based support for the health

teaching needs you have identified.

Reflection (20 points) Nurses use reflection to, mindfully and intentionally, examine our thought processes, actions, and behaviors in order to better evaluate our patients’ outcomes. You have interviewed an individual, conducted a head-to-toe physical assessment, and identified at least two health teaching needs. You have also located within the literature evidence-based support for the teaching that will be used to address the individual’s health education needs. As you formulate your findings in writing within this assignment, it is time to turn your attention inward. The final element of this assignment is to write a reflection that describes your experience.

1. Be sure your reflection addresses each of the following questions.

a. How did this assignment compare to what you’ve learned and expected?

b. What enablers or barriers to communication did you encounter when performing a health history and physical exam? How could you overcome those barriers?

c. Were there any unanticipated challenges encountered during this assignment? What went well with this assignment?

d. Was there information you wished you had available but did not?

e. How will you alter your approach to a obtaining a health history and conducting a physical examination the next time?

Writing Style and Format (10 points)

Your writing should reflect your synthesis of ideas based on prior knowledge, newly acquired

information, and appropriate writing skills. Scoring of your written communication is based on

proper use of grammar, spelling, and APA sixth-edition formatting, as well as how clearly your

thoughts and reasoning are expressed in writing.

Documentation of Findings or How to Write the Paper

Using Microsoft Word, create a double-spaced document. The paper should be formatted according to APA sixth-edition guidelines for the title page, running head, and reference page. The use of headings is required for this paper. All portions of this assignment should be included within the paper, including the reflection.

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

4 NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh

1. Begin by writing one to two paragraphs describing the individual’s stated condition of health medications and allergies. Also, include any of the following information that may be pertinent: demographic data, perception of health, past medical history, vaccinations and immunizations, family medical history, review of systems, developmental considerations, cultural considerations, psychosocial considerations, and the presence or absence of resources from the community, family, groups, or the healthcare system.

2. Write one paragraph describing the physical assessment findings, ensuring proper terminology is used to describe any abnormal or unusual findings.

3. Write one paragraph discussing (1) the rationale for the selection of the health teaching topics and (2) how the findings in the scholarly articles (identified in the needs assessment portion of the assignment and properly cited) were used to develop the health teaching topics to promote the individual’s health and wellness status.

4. Write one paragraph discussing (1) how the interrelationships of physiological, developmental, cultural, and psychosocial considerations will influence, assist, or become barriers to the effectiveness of the proposed health education and (2) a description of the impact of the individual’s strengths (personal, family, and friends) and collaborative resources (clinical, community, and health and wellness resources) on the proposed teaching.

5. Write one paragraph describing your reflection of this assignment from a holistic point of view. Consider the following areas: Include the environment, your approach to the individual, time of day, and other features relevant to therapeutic communication and to the interview process. You may find your textbook helpful in providing a description of therapeutic communication and of the interview process. Be certain to address the questions listed above in the reflection instructions.

4 NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II


Category Points % Description

Health History and Physical Assessment

50 50 Conducts a comprehensive health history and physical exam

1. Subjective data: demographic data; reason for care; present illness; perception of health; past medical history; family medical history; review of systems; developmental considerations; cultural considerations; psychosocial considerations; and collaborative resources.

2. Objective data: HEENT; neurological system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, neck; gastrointestinal system; musculoskeletal system; and peripheral vascular system.

Provides a written narrative that includes the following

1. One to two paragraphs describing stated condition of health, medications, and allergies. Also includes the following information: demographic data, perception of health, past medical history, vaccinations and immunizations, family medical history, review of systems, any developmental considerations, cultural considerations or psychosocial considerations, presence or absence of resources from the community, family, groups, or from the healthcare system

2. One paragraph describing: the findings of the physical examination

3. One paragraph discussing (1) the rationale for the selection of the health education topics and (2) how the findings in the scholarly articles were used in support of the health teaching topic to promote or improve the individual’s health and wellness status.

4. One paragraph discussing (1) how the interrelationships of

physiological, developmental, cultural, and psychosocial considerations influence (assist or become barriers to the effectiveness) the proposed health education and (2) provide a description of the impact of the individual’s strengths (personal, family, and friends) and collaborative resources (clinical, family, community, and health and wellness resources) on the proposed nursing teaching.

Needs Assessment

20 20 1. Identifies two health education needs for the individual based on the health history and physical examination findings and two peer- reviewed journal articles providing evidence-based support for the identified health teaching needs

2. APA sixth-edition formatting used for in-text and reference page citations

5 NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

Reflection 20 20 Reflects on the interaction with the interviewee holistically. Considers the interaction in its entirety: includes the environment, the approach to the individual, time of day, and other features relevant to therapeutic communication and the interview process. The reflection should address each of the following questions.

 How did your interaction compare to what you’ve learned and expected?

 What enablers or barriers to communication did you experience? How did you overcome the barriers?

 Were there any unanticipated challenges to conducting the interview or performing the physical examination? What went well?

 Was there information you wished you had but did not?

 How will you alter your approach the next time?

Writing Style and Format

10 10 Writing should reflect your synthesis of ideas based on prior knowledge, newly acquired information, and appropriate writing skills. Scoring of your work in written communication is based on proper use of grammar, spelling, and how clearly you express your thoughts and reasoning in writing. Proper use of APA sixth-edition style and format throughout this paper is required.

Total 100 100

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh



Assignment Criteria

Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance

A (92–100%)

Very Good or High Level of Performance

B (84–91%)

Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance

C (76–83%)

Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

F (0–75%)

Health History and Physical Examination (50 points)

Thoroughly presents a health history narrative that includes a detailed description of all the following components

 Demographic data

 Reason for care

 Present illness

 Perception of health

 Past medical history

 Family medical history

 Review of systems

 Developmental considerations

 Cultural considerations

 Psychosocial considerations

 Collaborative resources Thoroughly presents a physical exam narrative that includes a detailed description of all the following components HEENT

 Neurological system

 Neck

 Respiratory system

One of the key elements of the health history narrative is not presented or lacks sufficient detail.

 Demographic data

 Reason for care

 Present illness

 Perception of health

 Past medical history

 Family medical history

 Review of systems

 Developmental considerations

 Cultural considerations

 Psychosocial considerations

 Collaborative resources One of the key elements of the physical exam is not presented or lacks sufficient detail. HEENT • Neurological system • Neck • Respiratory system • Cardiovascular system • Gastrointestinal system

Two of the key elements of the health history narrative are not presented or lack sufficient detail.

 Demographic data

 Reason for care

 Present illness

 Perception of health

 Past medical history

 Family medical history

 Review of systems

 Developmental considerations

 Cultural considerations

 Psychosocial considerations

 Collaborative resources Two of the key elements of the physical exam are not presented or lacks sufficient detail. • HEENT • Neurological system • Neck • Respiratory system • Cardiovascular system • Gastrointestinal system • Musculoskeletal system

Three or more of the key elements of the health history narrative are not presented or lack sufficient detail.

 Demographic data

 Reason for care

 Present illness

 Perception of health

 Past medical history

 Family medical history

 Review of systems

 Developmental considerations

 Cultural considerations

 Psychosocial considerations

 Collaborative resources Three or more of the key elements of the physical exam are not presented or lack sufficient detail.


 Neurological system

 Neck

 Respiratory system

 Cardiovascular system

 Gastrointestinal system

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh


 Cardiovascular system

 Gastrointestinal system

 Musculoskeletal system

 Peripheral vascular system

 Integumentary system integrated in exam of all systems where appropriate

Information is presented in a clear, organized, and professional manner.

46-50 points

• Musculoskeletal system • Peripheral vascular system • Integumentary system

integrated in exam of all systems where appropriate

Information is presented in a clear, organized, and professional manner.

42-45 points

• Peripheral vascular system • Integumentary system

integrated in exam of all systems where appropriate

Information is not presented in a clear, organized, and professional manner.

38-41 points

 Musculoskeletal system

 Peripheral vascular system

 Integumentary system integrated in exam of all systems where appropriate

Information is not presented in a clear, organized, and professional manner.

0–37 points

Needs Assessment (20 Points)

Accurately identifies two health education needs for this individual and provides at least three factors that may, positively or negatively, influence the person’s ability to incorporate the health teaching to improve his or her well-being. References two peer-reviewed journal articles that provide evidence-based support for the health teaching; APA format (most current edition) used to list the sources.

19-20 points

Accurately identifies a health education need for this individual and provides at least two factors that may, positively or negatively, influence the person’s ability to incorporate the health teaching to improve his or her well-being. References two peer-reviewed journal articles that provide evidence-based support for the health teaching but does not use appropriate APA format (most current edition) to list the sources.

17-18 points

Accurately identifies a health education need for this individual and provides at least two factors that may, positively or negatively, influence the person’s ability to incorporate the health teaching to improve his or her well-being. References one peer-reviewed journal articles that provides evidence-based support for the health teaching but does not use appropriate APA format (most current edition) to list the sources.

16 points

Accurately identifies a health education need for this individual and poorly or minimally applies one or more factors that may, positively or negatively, influence the person’s ability to incorporate the health teaching to improve his or her well-being. No references are submitted or, if they are used, they have three or more types of errors in APA format (most current edition) to list the sources.

0–15 points


(20 Points)

Thoughtfully appraises the individual holistically. Reflection

Thoughtfully appraises the individual holistically. One of the following questions is not

Broadly appraises the individual. Two of the following questions

Broadly appraises the individual. Three or more of the following

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR304 Health Assessment II

NR 304 RUA Grading Rubric and Grading Criteria V1.docx 10_16 SMa Revised 05/31/17 SP/nlh


includes a detailed response to all the following questions.

 How did your interaction compare to what you’ve learned?

 What went well?

 What barriers to communication did you experience?

 How did you overcome them?

 Were there unanticipated challenges to the interview?

 Was there information you wished you’d obtained?

 How will you alter your approach the next time?

Key and relevant information is presented in sufficient detail and is clear and organized.

19-20 points

presented or lacks sufficient detail.

 How did your interaction compare to what you’ve learned?

 What went well?

 What barriers to communication did you experience?

 How did you overcome them?

 Were there unanticipated challenges to the interview?

 Was there information you wished you’d obtained?

 How will you alter your approach the next time?

Key and relevant information is presented in sufficient detail and is clear and organized.

17-18 points

are not presented or lack sufficient detail.

 How did your interaction compare to what you’ve learned?

 What went well?

 What barriers to communication did you experience?

 How did you overcome them?

 Were there unanticipated challenges to the interview?

 Was there information you wished you’d obtained?

 How will you alter your approach the next time?

Key and relevant information is presented in insufficient detail but is clear and organized. 8 Points

questions are not presented or lack sufficient detail.

 How did your interaction compare to what you’ve learned?

 What went well?

 What barriers to communication did you experience?

 How did you overcome them?

 Were there unanticipated challenges to the interview?

 Was there information you wished you’d obtained?

 How will you alter your approach the next time?

Key and relevant information is presented in insufficient detail and is not clear or organized. 0–7 points

Writing Style and Format (10 points)

Student presents information using clear and logical language. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are free of errors. APA sixth edition was used to guide the style and format of this paper. 10 points

Student presents information using clear and logical language. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have two or fewer types of errors, or there is no more than one error in APA sixth-edition formatting. 9 points

Student presents information using clear and logical language. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have three types of errors, or there are no more than two errors in APA sixth-edition formatting.

8 points

Information is unclear and difficult to follow. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have three or more types of errors, or there are more than three errors in APA sixth-edition formatting.

0–7 points

Total Points Possible = 100 points

Explain why it is important that a nurse's role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following:

  1. Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
  2. Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses.
  3. Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
  4. Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum.
  5. Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

  • attachment


Explain the rationale for selected nursing interventions based upon current nursing literature.

Assignment Guidelines NR224 Fundamentals – Skills

RUA: Patient Safety Goals Revised 07/22/18


Required Uniform Assignment: National Patient Safety Goals

PURPOSE This exercise is designed to increase the students’ awareness of the National Patient Safety Goals developed by The Joint Commission. Specifically, this assignment will introduce the Speak Up Initiatives, an award- winning patient safety program designed to help patients promote their own safety by proactively taking charge of their healthcare.

COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO #2: Apply the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention in the laboratory setting. (PO #2)

CO #8: Explain the rationale for selected nursing interventions based upon current nursing literature. (PO #8)


POINTS 50 points

REQUIREMENTS 1. Select a Speak Up brochure developed by The Joint Commission. Follow this link to the proper

website: https://www.jointcommission.org/topics/speak_up_campaigns.aspx

2. Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique and include current nursing or healthcare research to support your critique.

a. The length of the paper is to be no greater than three pages, double spaced, excluding title page and reference page. Extra pages will not be read and will not count toward your grade.

3. This assignment will be graded on quality of information presented, use of citations, and use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and organization based on the required components.

4. Create the review using a Microsoft Word version that creates documents with file names ending in .docx. This is the required format for all Chamberlain documents.

5. Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the Q & A Forum in Canvas or directly with your faculty member.

6. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper- and lowercase, bold, centered).

a. Introduction b. Summary of Brochure c. Evaluation of Brochure d. Conclusion

Assignment Guidelines NR224 Fundamentals – Skills

RUA: Patient Safety Goals Revised 07/22/18


PREPARING THE PAPER The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.

Read the brochure carefully and take notes. Highlighting important points has been helpful to many students.

1) Title page: Include title of your paper, your name, Chamberlain College of Nursing, NR224 Fundamentals—Skills, faculty name, and the date. Center all items between the left and right margins, beginning approximately 3 inches from the top margin.

a. NOTE: This style of cover page is required by the college and is a variance of APA formatting.

2) Use the CCN library or online library to find current nursing research that supports your findings. 3) The brochure you select must be properly cited in the body of your paper and on the reference list. 4) The brochure selected must be submitted with your work.


Category Points % Description

Introduction 3 6 This first part of your paper should be one paragraph that includes the brochure title, date published, and your understanding of who the information would benefit.

Summary of the brochure’s recommendations

10 20 Summary of brochure must include 1. main topics discussed; and 2. how communication between patients and healthcare providers

is encouraged.

Evaluation of the brochure

20 40 Critique the brochure. Include a full one- to two-page critique that answers all of the following questions.

1. What was done well, and what could have been improved in the brochure?

2. Why did this topic interest you? 3. Was the information provided in the brochure beneficial? Could

you incorporate it in your patient education? 4. Was the information presented clearly? 5. Did current nursing or healthcare related research support the

information presented in the brochure? 6. What population or individuals does this article apply to (i.e.,

who will benefit the most from this brochure)? Who else can use this information?

7. Will this information increase patient safety? Defend your answer.

Conclusion 5 10 An effective conclusion identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of following the brochure’s advice to a person at risk.

Clarity of writing 10 20 Use Standard English grammar and sentence structure. No spelling or typographical errors (typos) are present. The paper is organized around required components, using appropriate headers.

Assignment Guidelines NR224 Fundamentals – Skills

RUA: Patient Safety Goals Revised 07/22/18


APA format 2 4 All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be cited in the paper and listed in the references using (APA sixth ed.) format.

1. Document setup 2. Title and reference pages. 3. Citations in the text and reference page.

Total 50 100%

Assignment Guidelines NR224: Fundamentals-Skills

RUA: Patient Safety Goals Revised 07/22/18 4

GRADING RUBRIC Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of

Performance A (92–100%)

Very Good or High Level of Performance B (84–91%)

Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance C


Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance F (0–



3 points

Introduction provides a full and complete identification of the brochure, including the brochure title, date published, and understanding of who the information would benefit.

3 points

Partial identification of required elements OR introduction contains no required elements OR no introduction

0–2 points

Summary of the article

10 points

Summary is complete and thoroughly covers all required elements.

10 points

Summary is complete and is missing no more than one required element.

9 points

Summary is complete and is missing no more than two required elements.

8 points

Summary is incomplete or not included and is missing more than one required element.

0–7 points

Evaluation of the Article

20 points

Critique of article demonstrates critical thinking and answers all required questions and supported findings with current nursing research.

19–20 points

Critique demonstrates basic understanding of article, answers all but one of the required questions, and/or does not support findings with current research.

17–18 points

Critique demonstrates basic understanding of article, answers all but two or three of the required questions, and/or does not support findings with current research.

16 points

The critique of the article is poor, lacks critical or original thinking, and fails to answer two or more questions

0–15 points


5 points

Original explanation is well evidenced and developed.

5 points

Original explanation is present and well evidenced, yet not well developed.

4.5 points

Original explanation is present, though not well evidenced or developed.

4 points

Conclusion is omitted, OR no original explanation is present in conclusion.

0–3 points

Clarity of writing

10 points

Paper has excellent use of Standard English, showing original thought, has no spelling or grammar errors, and is well organized.

10 points

Paper has some evidence of own expression and competently uses language, no more than two spelling or grammar errors, and is well organized.

9 points

Paper has some evidence of own expression and competently uses language, no more than four spelling or grammar errors, and is well organized.

8 points

Language needs development. There are five or more spelling and/or grammar errors, and paper is poorly organized.

0–7 points

Assignment Guidelines

RUA: Patient Safety Goals Revised 07/22/18 5

APA, grammar, spelling and/or punctuation contain multiple errors, and/or many citations are missing.

0 points

Paper has three to five errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax and/or one–two citations are missing.

1 point 2 points

Paper correctly follows APA format with no more than two types of errors. APA format

2 points

Total Points Possible = 50 points

How can the QSEN competencies for nurses be implemented into your workplace or professional nursing setting?

PLEASE USE the textbook below for reference and at least one SCHOLARLY PEER-Review

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Explore the website for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative at http://www.qsen.org (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site Go to the education section on top, click on competency.. How can the QSEN competencies for nurses be implemented into your workplace or professional nursing setting? If you are not currently employed as a nurse, consider a previous work setting that would have benefited from implementation of the QSEN competencies.

explain the steps to accurate coding.

Question 1. In coding, the letter A represents a sequela, and the letter D stands for subsequent visit. True or false

Question 2.  Each unique I-10 diagnosis code may be reported more than once for an encounter. true or false

Question 3.  For bilateral sites, the final character of the codes in the I-10 always indicates laterality true or false

Question 4. Multiple codes are often required for late effects, complication codes, and obstetric codes. true or false

Question 5.  Assign codes as directed in the index, only after verifying the code in the tabular. true or false

Question 6.  A late effect is the residual effect after the acute phase of an illness or injury has passed. true or false

Question 7. It is important to follow any cross-reference instructions in the index of the I-10, such as see also. true or false

Question 8. If there are separate codes for both the acute and chronic forms of a condition, the code for the chronic condition is sequenced first as long as both codes are listed at the same indentation level of the index. true or false

Question 9. Systemic lupus erythematosus with associated endocarditis (M32.11) is an example of dual coding. true or false

Question 10. The official Coding and Reporting Guidelines are updated every year by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the American Medical Association (AMA), which could affect the steps to accurate coding. true or false

Question 11. Using the ICD-10-CM (Encoder Pro), complete the following statement.

The correct reporting for acute cholecystitis with cholelithiasis with obstruction is:





Question 12. A combination code is a single code used to classify all of the following EXCEPT:

two diagnoses

diagnosis with an associated secondary process (manifestation)

a diagnosis with an associated complication.

more than two diagnoses.


Unit IV PowerPoint Presentation

Weight: 10% of course grade

Grading Rubric

Due: Tuesday, 12/04/2018 11:59 PM (CST)


Create a minimum of a 10-slide presentation that explains the steps to accurate coding. For each step, include detailed instructions about the coder’s role. Within your presentation, include the need specificity in diagnosis coding with multiple codes as well as how to report acute and chronic conditions, combination codes, residual effects, and late effects. Additionally, include the alphabetical index and tabular.

You must use at least your textbook as an outside source. Although not a required outside source, you may find the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website helpful, which can be accessed by clicking the link below:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). CDC 24/7: Saving lives, protecting people. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/

All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.


Write an argumentative research paper on a managed care-related topic assumption or myth; about social media and health education thoroughly explaining what it is, why it's important, and how it fundamentally impacts the managed care system today.

Write an argumentative research paper on a managed care-related topic, assumption or myth; about social media and health education thoroughly explaining what it is, why it’s important, and how it fundamentally impacts the managed care system today. You will gather evidence on present a well-reasoned argument or debatable issue. The goal of an argumentative paper is to show that your perspective is valid. You are to form reasons, draw conclusions and apply them to your findings. The purpose is not to completely prove your point, but to convince readers, with your evidence, that your argument or position has merit.

An original research paper with a body of 6-8 pages. In general, your paper should consist of the following pages:

Title Page – captivating title, your name, title of the course, date

Body – 6-8 pages of introduction, background on your topic, research support, personal evaluation, strong conclusion. Body should be organized with a minimum of the following titles

  • Introduction
  • Thesis or Position
  • Reasons
  • Objections
  • Support of Responses
  • Conclusion

References Cited page – in APA format. 5 sources

Explain expected client behaviors while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities.

Chamberlain College of Nursing

NR304 Health Assessment II


Teaching Brochure Guidelines


The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to integrate their knowledge of health assessment as it related to a medical diagnosis and teaching needs. Students will develop a tri-fold or bi-fold brochure for a client that will provide information about a specific disease, the related symptoms, and the management approaches.


This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO2. Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO#2, PO#5). Explain expected client behaviors while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities. (PO#1)




1. Research a disease process using two scientific articles from nursing journals.

2. Develop a teaching brochure which could be given to a client who is newly diagnosed with this disease to help them understand the signs and symptoms, disease process, and management approaches.

Sections to include:

· Introduction

· Subjective Findings

· Objective Findings

· Description of Disease (brief)

· Risk Factors/Causes

· Management

· Medications (Note: You have not taken your pharmacology course yet, so please do not focus on medication treatment. Under this section please add only one sentence “Your practitioner may recommend over the counter medications or prescription medications to treat your disease.” But, please do not go into any additional detail.)

· Conclusion

3. Include at least one image and up to three images that would help the client understand classic symptoms of the disease process. This picture should assist the class in better understanding the disease process.

4. Include your references on the back of the brochure in APA format.

5. Submit your brochure on time to the Dropbox (I will not accept emailed copies). Be sure to save the electronic file with your last name and first initial and the diagnosis you are describing.


1. Identify appropriate articles for review.

2. Begin to search for images in your textbook or online (make sure you reference your source).

3. Begin the project as soon as possible, allowing yourself plenty of time to make it look good. This means the brochure should be print ready. I expect these to look professional which means you need to spend some time on it.


Category Points % Description
Format 20 27 Brochure is developed as a bi-fold or tri-fold brochure. Submitted on time and properly labeled. Written for the appropriate age group. References are in APA format and include at least 2 nursing journal articles. Includes at least one and up to three appropriate images and the image source is acknowledged. Note this more than 25% of your grade – follow directions!
Definition of Medical Diagnosis 10 5.5 Defines the medical diagnosis clearly and concisely.
Subjective Findings 10 13.5 Clearly identifies the common subjective findings and key history questions. Differentiates subjective from objective.
Objective Findings 15 13.5 Clearly identifies the common objective findings and key physical exam techniques. Includes pertinent procedures and laboratory findings. Differentiates objective from subjective.
Risk Factors/ Causes 15 13.5 Clearly identifies individuals at risk for the medical diagnosis, including modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
Management 15 13.5 Includes a concise summary of the management approach for the disease process in terms that a client can understand.
Creativity 15 13.5 Impress me!
100 100 A quality brochure will meet or exceed the above requirements.