Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440

Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440

Our role as a nurse changing to more home health jobs:

The country is facing many changes especially with Obama Care being up in the air with the new president. The Affordable Care Act has restructured how we receive our health care in the United States. Nurses have and always will play a very important role in our health care today. Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440. The one change that is very different from how we receive our health care today is the simple fact that in years to come it is expected that nursing will be in high demand outside of the hospital compared to just having nurses in and around hospitals delivering acute care.

The practice of nursing is an ever evolving career. As we grow and evolve as a country so does the career in nursing. The concept of continuity of care used to be considered inside a hospital setting only but because our culture is changing so much it reflects on how nursing is approached. My goal is to provide you with information showing the recent trend of providing in home health care compared to the traditional hospital care we are all used to receiving. Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440.

Traditional roles vs. more opportunities

The traditional role of nursing has been to provide care inside the hospital. As a nurse we tend to think if we would like to work as a RN the place to apply would be a hospital. This is no longer the case. Job opportunities are going to be in the community especially because the Affordable Care Act has placed programs for the elderly to be at home for as long as possible. There are more and more rehabs, assisted living places being opened up by the 100’s.  The need for nurses at these facilities is only going to become greater as the bigger hospitals increase these types of programs. In a recent article by ANA Career Center Staff the topic being looked at was heath care and the affect it had on the nurses. It addressed things like the fact over half of the nurses were looking at retirement. They went as far as to state, “More than half of working nurses are over 50, which means there will be a lot of empty positions to fill in the coming years as they retire, says Susan Yox, EdD, RN, director of editorial content at Medscape.” (ANA, 2015). Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440.  Peggy Crabtree is from the Camden group and she believes that there will be more opportunities for the nurse to work considering how many patients will be discharged to one of the facilities outside of the hospital. The opportunities are really endless for nurses because there are now programs for this very thing everywhere. One of the options are ACO’s which are Accountable Care Organizations. These are a great alternative for the patient and the nurse to provide care in an environment other than the hospital. The ACO has been defined as a “model of care, an ACO generally consists of an interrelated system of providers that may comprise hospitals, home care and long-term care agencies, physician group practices, and other health care entities, such as medical homes, whose focus is primary care. The ACO assumes responsibility for managing the care of the patient and the delivery of services across the continuum of care, with a strong emphasis on primary care and prevention”. (Hart, 21012) Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440.


Home Hemodialysis

One program that I happened to know a bit more about is Home Hemodialysis. I just switched jobs recently and this is now what I am presently learning.  The home dialysis program is amazing for patient’s. These patients are tied down to the dialyzer for three to four times a week and it usually is for a 4-hour time period. Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440. So if you can only imagine the life style commitment these people make. So, if you can imagine this machine is the patient’s life line. It really helps that patient feel the least bit of freedom by giving them a bit of control with a home dialysis machine. It can do wonders for their health both mentally and physically. The patient is actually able to travel to different areas in the United States due to the Affordable Health Care Act. Most of them will qualify for the home dialysis unit which is portable if they are at a pretty high functioning level. It has made things like home dialysis an everyday topic rather than a wish that the patient longs for and dreams about. It can make it a reality. Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440.

Many years ago these things like home dialysis were not an option. Overtime things like rehab facilities, home health care, hospice, assisted living facilities are all fairly new. With these types of health care being offered over just the acute care units in the hospitals it requires a more diverse set of skills for the nurse to have. While all of this new and upcoming healthcare is great it definitely causes a nursing shortage. It requires the nursing community to rethink about how they are training the new nurses.

Nurses Response

I shared this with three colleagues on my floor and asked for their feedback. The following is some of their responses to my presentation. All three basically had the same thing to say in general. They all felt like they knew how fast our health care was changing but were not aware that it was changing towards home health more than the acute care in the hospital. The more all three were talking I saw that they also agreed that in general all of the programs offered were starting to have an affect on the patient census Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440. There are times of the year we see more patients especially now with the holidays but they also stated that having programs like home Hemodialysis is amazing. It allows our center the ability to see at least 100 more people in need. I think their point was that right now they really have not seen a change in the jobs for nursing dwindling in any way at the hospital but they have seen many of the jobs open up at home because of these new programs. I personally would have to agree with this point they were making too. Basically, in home dialysis there is so many patients waiting to be seen that yes many nursing jobs have been created at the home level but it still is in high demand at the acute care center in the hospital due to how many patients have needed this. Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440.

Another point they were making was about the funding for these programs and if it was truly available. They were questioning the fact that like in many clinics or hospitals they never want to pay the nurse what she is truly valued at. They were asking about the load of work a nurse would be expected to do at a home treatment rather than the treatment in the hospital where they have access to PCT’s and CNS’s that help them tremendously. They raised some really good questions and points. They agreed that in general our health care is starting to use things like home health care over coming into the ER room and getting saline due to being dehydrated. They also agreed that these options were so much healthier for a family with a sick loved one Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440. The amount of time and energy it takes on the family to bring the patient to the hospital and then to be around all the other people that are sick when that person is likely immunocompromised to begin with.

Our Nursing Future

Once I shared with them some of the good these home clinics are capable of I think all tree were more likely to be on board with the fact our health care system is changing and it will affect nursing in the areas we actually are providing care to our patients. When you spend time explaining personal stories about how home health care has not only helped a patient but also has allowed the patient to feel a sense of control again over their own life all three of the nurses were listening with a new sense of hearing. We all get complacent with our job and all it took for a renewed outlook on things was for these three nurses was to listen to a presentation. I actually could tell when we went back into the clinic for the acute care hemodialysis that they were extra careful and sensitive with their patients. It made me realize just how much it helps our health care team see things as they are. We all might need to have an open mind about working and providing care in a home, rehab, or assisted care facility rather than the traditional hospital. It will do the whole nursing community a world of good. Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440.


Accountable care organizations: the future of care delivery? (n.d.). Retrieved December 18, 2016, from

  1. (n.d.). Affordable Care Act Summary. Retrieved December 17, 2016, from

4 Health Care Trends That Will Affect American Nurses. (n.d.). Retrieved December 17, 2016, from

Nather, D. (n.d.). Understanding Obamacare: A guide about the Affordable Care Act by POLITICO. Retrieved December 17, 2016, from Changing role of nursing essay example NRS 440.


N521- Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 2

R. W. is a 64-year-old Caucasian postal clerk who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 35 years

N521- Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 2

R. W. is a 64-year-old Caucasian postal clerk who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 35 years. He reports to his CNP in his family practice clinic. He presents with progressive difficulty getting his breath while doing simple tasks. He is having difficulty doing any manual work, but he has no symptoms when working behind his desk. He also reports a cough, fatigue, and weight loss. He has been treated for three respiratory infections a year for the past 3 years and feels like another one is developing now. On physical examination, you notice clubbing of his fingers, use of accessory muscles for respiration, wheezing in the lungs, and hyperresonance on percussion of the lungs. Pulmonary function studies show an FEV1 of 58%. R. W. is a 64-year-old Caucasian postal clerk who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 35 years.


In a paper not to exceed six pages, excluding title and reference pages, please answer the following:

  1. What is R. W.’s likely diagnosis?
  2. What stage of disease does RW have?
  3. List specific pharmacotherapeutic treatment goals for R. W.
  4. What drug therapy would the CNP likely prescribe? Why?
  5. What are the parameters for monitoring the success of the therapy?
  6. Describe specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy.
  7. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause the CNP to change therapy.
  8. What would be the choice for second-line therapy?
  9. What health promotion activities should be recommended for this patient?
  10. If RW was currently taking metoprolol for “headaches” would a change be recommended?
  11. R. W. is a 64-year-old Caucasian postal clerk who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 35 years

Please use the Case Study Analysis rubric provided to guide you in completing this assignment. It will be used to evaluate your submitted work.






Points Earned

Case Study questions completely and thoroughly answered with accurate evidence-based supported rationales Accurate and well defined discussion of all 10 questions for the case study using current evidence-based resources. Accurate discussion of nine case study questions  presented with use of  current evidence-based resources.  

Accurate discussion of 8 questions using current evidence-based resources

Missing response to questions or inappropriate answers to questions. No use of evidence-based resources.


R. W. is a 64-year-old Caucasian postal clerk who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 35 years





Evidence of

  • critical thinking
  • therapeutic decision-making in drug selection and evaluation of patient care
  • pathophysiology and current pharmacological research
  • assessment of the effectiveness of drug therapy
  • formulation of clinical care and teaching plans for persons from diverse populations
Well-defined evidence of

  • critical thinking
  • therapeutic decision-making in drug selection and evaluation of patient care
  • pathophysiology and current pharmacological research
  • assessment of the effectiveness of drug therapy
  • formulation of clinical care and teaching plans for persons from diverse populations

Evidence of critical thinking in prescriptive therapy, monitoring and adverse events.  May have lacked a teaching plan or pathophysiologic discussion.


Evidence of critical thinking but incompletely described therapeutic decision making and omitted teaching plan and pathophysiology.

Multiple bulleted points are absent or poorly defined in the assignment. There is no demonstration of critical thinking.

R. W. is a 64-year-old Caucasian postal clerk who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 35 years







Points Earned

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning (1-3 errors) There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation .(4-5 errors)

No content or more than 5 errors






APA Compliance The paper meets APA formatting guidelines There are a few minor errors (1-3 errors) There are significant errors in the format of the paper (4-5 errors)

No content or more than 5 errors


Total Points

R. W. is a 64-year-old Caucasian postal clerk who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 35 years

N521- Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 3

L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college last year. She reports to the CNP in her local community mental health center. She began working as an accountant 1 month after graduating L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college. Approximately 2 months ago, she moved into a two-bedroom apartment with another woman who works at the same accounting firm. She states that her roommate recommended that she see a doctor to find out if she has anemia or “some sort of fatigue syndrome.” She states that she has felt “restless” and “on edge” for most of the past 9 months. She becomes easily fatigued and irritable and has difficulty concentrating and falling asleep. She states that sometimes her mind “just goes blank,” and she is worried that her work performance is no longer excellent. She reports that all her life she had good grades in school and was very successful in everything she attempted. Although she has been “a worrier from the day I was born,” now she worries more than she ever has and feels nervous “all the time.” L. P. reports that she has a good relationship with her boyfriend but they do not get to see each other very often because he is attending graduate school 100 miles away. She reports having a satisfying sexual relationship with him. She denies having any problems with relationships with her parents, roommate, or peers. She denies having any financial worries unless she is fired from her job for poor work performance N521- Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 3. She reports that she has always been healthy and has taken good care of herself. The only medication she takes is birth control pills, which she has taken for the past 4 years without any adverse effects L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college.


In a paper not to exceed six pages, excluding title and reference pages, submit your answers to the following in an MS Word document:

  1. What is L. P.’s likely diagnosis?
  2. List specific pharmacotherapeutic treatment goals for L. P.
  3. L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college
  4. Should the CNP order any labs for L. P. at this time? Why?
  5. What drug therapy would the CNP likely prescribe? Why?
  6. What are the parameters for monitoring the success of the therapy?
  7. Describe specific patient monitoring based on the prescribed therapy.
  8. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause the CNP to change therapy.
  9. L. P. returns to see the CNP after six weeks, complaining of still feeling anxious and had heard of a medication called Klonopin that she would like to try; how should the CNP respond to her request?
  10. What health promotion activities should be recommended for this patient?
  11. What is L. P.’s long-term prognosis? L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college

Please use the Case Study Analysis rubric provided to guide you in completing this assignment. It will be used to evaluate your submitted work.






Points Earned

Case Study questions completely and thoroughly answered with accurate evidence-based supported rationales Accurate and well defined discussion of all 10 questions for the case study using current evidence-based resources. Accurate discussion of nine case study questions  presented with use of  current evidence-based resources. L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college Accurate discussion of 8 questions using current evidence-based resources

Missing response to questions or inappropriate answers to questions. No use of evidence-based resources.






Evidence of

  • critical thinking
  • therapeutic decision-making in drug selection and evaluation of patient care
  • pathophysiology and current pharmacological research
  • assessment of the effectiveness of drug therapy
  • formulation of clinical care and teaching plans for persons from diverse populations
Well-defined evidence of

  • critical thinking
  • therapeutic decision-making in drug selection and evaluation of patient care
  • pathophysiology and current pharmacological research
  • assessment of the effectiveness of drug therapy
  • formulation of clinical care and teaching plans for persons from diverse populations
Evidence of critical thinking in prescriptive therapy, monitoring and adverse events.  May have lacked a teaching plan or pathophysiologic discussion. Evidence of critical thinking but incompletely described therapeutic decision making and omitted teaching plan and pathophysiology.

Multiple bulleted points are absent or poorly defined in the assignment. There is no demonstration of critical thinking.

/40 L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college






Points Earned

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning (1-3 errors) There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation .(4-5 errors) No content or more than 5 errors







APA Compliance

The paper meets APA formatting guidelines

L. P., age 23, is a Hispanic woman who graduated from college

There are a few minor errors (1-3 errors)

There are significant errors in the format of the paper (4-5 errors)

No content or more than 5 errors


Total Points


NR392 all weeks discussions

NR392 all weeks discussions

Week 1 discussion

Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing

Think of an area of opportunity within your current or former clinical setting that is quality driven. Define (D) one nursing care issue (not a workforce issue such as staffing) from a current or former nursing workplace (or clinical setting) that could be impacted by improved quality. This nursing care issue should not be one that has already undergone a quality improvement process. Tell us details of this issue and how it this issue impacts nursing care quality at that facility.

Week 2 discussion

DMAIC Process for a Real Life Issue

Why is it important to have a structured process to approach and improve nursing care quality? How can use of this structured process help to improve quality nursing care in your setting? nr392 all weeks discussions.


Week 3 discussion

Quality Improvement Education

In your prelicensure nursing education program, what did you learn about quality improvement in nursing? How was quality improvement emphasized? As you consider nursing education today, what would you suggest be included in future education or orientation programs about the important topic of quality improvement in nursing?

Week 4 discussion

Culture of Safety

How does your current or former clinical environment maintain a culture of safety? How are errors reported and managed to improve quality? nr392 all weeks discussions What suggestions would you make as a nurse leader to improve the culture of safety?

Week 5 discussion

Strategies for Interprofessional Collaboration to Promote Quality

This week as we focus on interprofessional collaboration to promote quality, please remember that professionals include dietitians, therapists (respiratory, physical, occupational, and speech), social workers/case managers, psychologists, physicians, pharmacists, and others. Professionals do not include patients, families, aides, or unlicensed assistive personnel.

Working as an interdisciplinary team helps promote positive patient outcomes. What strategies do you use to successfully work with other professions in your workplace to promote quality care? What strategies are not successful? nr392 all weeks discussions. What are the barriers to interprofessional collaboration, and how will you overcome these barriers?

Week 6 discussion

Quality Improvement Using Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Consider a single nursing care issue at your facility where quality has already been improved by implementation of evidence. Answer the following:

How was evidence on that topic located in scholarly professional nursing journal articles and evaluated?

What was the implementation plan?

How was the improvement in quality measured after the implementation?

What do you suggest that would have improved this implementation and maintenance of improved quality? nr392 all weeks discussions.

Week 7 discussion

The Role of Patients in Your Course Project Nursing Issue

Considering the nursing issue for your Course Project, address the following:

Provide a brief summary of your Course Project for the class.

What patient data is collected? What data do you want collected?

How will this actual and desired data help you to continue to improve quality on this nursing issue?

Week 8 discussion

Reflection on AACN BSN Essential II

Quality is an overriding principle in the AACN BSN Essentials document. Essential II specifically describes the role of the baccalaureate nurse in quality improvement. As you complete this course, reflect on how you will implement lessons learned about quality improvement into your future nursing practice. Provide details about what you plan to do to improve quality in your current or ideal future professional nursing position. Think big! nr392 all weeks discussions.

NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing

Week 2 Discussion

Quality Improvement Processes

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO).

CO2: Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing. (POs 2 and 8)

For this week’s discussion, answer the following:

Why is it important to have a structured process to approach and improve nursing care quality?

How can the use of this structured process help to improve quality nursing care in your current or former setting?

NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing

Week 4 Discussion

Quality Improvement Data

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO).

CO2: Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing. (POs 2 and 8)

Consider the following questions:

How does your current or former clinical environment share data collected on quality measures or initiatives with the staff? nr392 all weeks discussions.

What further data would you like to have shared and why?

NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing

Week 5 Discussion

Culture of Safety

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO).

CO3: Examine culture of safety principles that improve patient outcomes based on current evidence. (POs 7 and 8)

Consider the following questions:

How does your current or former clinical environment maintain a culture of safety?

What suggestions would you make as a nurse leader to improve the culture of safety?

NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing

Week 7 Discussion

Sustaining Quality After Improvement

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO).

CO1: Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7)

Considering the nursing issue for your Course Project, address the following:

Provide a brief summary of your Course Project nr392 all weeks discussions.

How could your plans sustain quality in your setting?

NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing

Week 8 Discussion

Reflection on AACN BSN Essential II

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

CO1: Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7)

CO2: Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing. (POs 2 and 8)

Quality is an overriding principle in the AACN BSN Essentials document. Essential II specifically describes the role of the baccalaureate nurse in quality improvement.

As you complete this course, reflect on how you will implement lessons learned about quality improvement into your future nursing practice. Provide details about what you plan to do to improve quality in your current or ideal future professional nursing position nr392 all weeks discussions.

N521- Advanced Pharmacology Discussion 8

N521- Advanced Pharmacology Discussion 8

J. L., a 27-year-old African-American female account executive, presents to the Family Medicine office for her annual checkup with her CNP. She has no significant past medical history. Her medications include calcium carbonate 500 mg orally twice a day and a multivitamin daily. She exercises regularly. Her family history is significant for cardiovascular disease (her father had an MI at age 54 and died of a further MI at age 63). She notes that she has been dating her current partner for approximately 5 months. She is interested in a reliable form of contraception. After discussing the various contraceptive options, she decides that an oral contraceptive (OC) would best fit her needs J. L., a 27-year-old African-American female account executive, presents.


In this discussion forum:

  1. Discuss what tests or examinations the CNP would likely perform before prescribing an OC regimen, and why.
  2. Discuss two different OC regimens that could be chosen for J. L. Discuss their differences and why you chose them.
  3. Discuss the potential side effects of each OC regimen that need to be relayed to J. L. Discuss especially those effects for which she should seek immediate medical care. J. L., a 27-year-old African-American female account executive, presents
  4. Discuss health promotion recommendations you would consider for J. L.
  5. What ethical issues should be considered?

Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please see the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Requirements and Grading Criteria. J. L., a 27-year-old African-American female account executive, presents

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles Essay Assignment Discussions

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles Essay Assignment Discussions

Unit 1 Discussion

Definitions of Advanced Nursing Practice

Identify the three elements of Hamric’s definition of advanced nursing practice that you think are most important. Why did you pick these three?

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 2 Discussion

Role Transition

The transition from Registered Nurse to an advanced practice nursing role occurs through acquiring the educational component of role acquisition and the occupational or work component of role implementation. Discuss three strategies for enhancing advanced practice nursing role development. MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles Essay Assignment Discussions.

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 3 Discussion

Guidance and Coaching Competencies

Guidance and coaching is a core competencies of advanced practice nursing.

How do you think guidance and coaching in the advanced practice role is different from the RN role of teaching/coaching?

Are there certain elements of this competency that are more important than others? MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles Essay Assignment Discussions.

How does the teaching and coaching role fit with wellness versus sickness model of care?


MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 4 Discussion

Team Dynamics

Reflect on your experiences as a member of an interdisciplinary team.

What makes a team effective in terms of achieving expected outcomes for patients, staff, students, and agencies?

What situations or conditions make it difficult for teams to work together?

Provide an example of an interdisciplinary team from your current nursing practice. Was this team effective or ineffective? Provide an example to justify your answer.

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 5 Discussion

Opinion Leader Perspectives

Consider some of the situations that motivated you to return to graduate school.

Describe one in which you were (or wished you could have been) an opinion leader.

What are the characteristics of opinion leaders? MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles Essay Assignment Discussions.

In what ways do you see yourself being an opinion leader?

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 6 Discussion

NP and APN Roles Comparison

Compare and contrast the primary care NP role with other APN roles and the role of physician assistants. What are the similarities among the roles and what are the differences

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 7 Discussion

The Four P’s of Marketing

What are the four P’s of marketing and how can they applied to marketing advanced practice nursing?

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 8 Discussion

Political Competence

Advanced practice nurses can serve as content experts for policymakers and their staff. Discuss methods that you can use to stay current with your health policy knowledge. Be specific with your response and share names of publications, websites, and other resources. MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles Essay Assignment Discussions.

MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 9 Discussion

Data Management

Reflect on your experience with different aspects of data management — for example, identifying the target population and relevant measures, access to data sources, strategies for data collection, coordination of data entry, and data analysis to final deliverable to stakeholders. Discuss those areas in which you feel skilled versus those areas that will require more skill development.  MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles Essay Assignment Discussions List at least three activities in which you might engage in your current practice setting that would increase your competencies in the area of data management.

NUR2488 Mental Health Nursing Discussion Essay

NUR2488 Mental Health Nursing Discussion Essay

Module 2 Discussion

The Nurse-Client Relationship

In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions:

What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in general? Are you interested in mental health nursing, or do you approach the topic with some anxiety?


What do you feel are essential aspects of a good nurse-client relationship?

Please include an example of how you established good rapport and a good professional relationship with a patient in the work or clinical setting. What nonverbal and verbal techniques did you use in this relationship?

NUR2488 Mental Health Nursing

Module 2 Discussion

The Nurse-Client Relationship

In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. NUR2488 Mental Health Nursing Discussion Essay Please answer the following questions:

What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in general? Are you interested in mental health nursing, or do you approach the topic with some anxiety?

What do you feel are essential aspects of a good nurse-client relationship?

Please include an example of how you established good rapport and a good professional relationship with a patient in the work or clinical setting. What nonverbal and verbal techniques did you use in this relationship? NUR2488 Mental Health Nursing Discussion Essay.


N521- Advanced Pharmacology Reproductive System Medications

N521- Advanced Pharmacology Reproductive System Medications

Module 8 Overview


This week we will focus on the pharmacotherapeutics of reproductive system disorders, including commonly occurring conditions and their commonly prescribed medications.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Utilize advanced nursing and pharmacological interventions in reproductive system disorders to resolve complex and biological, psychological, physiological and pathophysiologic conditions. N521- Advanced Pharmacology Reproductive System Medications
  • Teach patients, family members, and others from diverse populations regarding safe and effective use of drugs and natural products in reproductive system disorders.

Reading & Resources

Read Chapters 55-58 & 36-37 in Arcangelo, V. P., & Peterson, A. M. (2017). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. N521- Advanced Pharmacology Reproductive System Medications

Learning Activities

  • Discussion: Participate in Discussion 8.
  • Assignment: NA
  • Test: Complete Progress Test 4. Click on the Progress Test 4 link for more details.
  • Evaluations: Complete the Student Course Evaluation.

Discussion 8

J. L., a 27-year-old African-American female account executive, presents to the Family Medicine office for her annual checkup with her CNP. She has no significant past medical history. Her medications include calcium carbonate 500 mg orally twice a day and a multivitamin daily. She exercises regularly. Her family history is significant for cardiovascular disease (her father had an MI at age 54 and died of a further MI at age 63). She notes that she has been dating her current partner for approximately 5 months. N521- Advanced Pharmacology Reproductive System Medications She is interested in a reliable form of contraception. After discussing the various contraceptive options, she decides that an oral contraceptive (OC) would best fit her needs.


In this discussion forum:

  1. Discuss what tests or examinations the CNP would likely perform before prescribing an OC regimen, and why.
  2. Discuss two different OC regimens that could be chosen for J. L. Discuss their differences and why you chose them.
  3. Discuss the potential side effects of each OC regimen that need to be relayed to J. L. Discuss especially those effects for which she should seek immediate medical care.
  4. Discuss health promotion recommendations you would consider for J. L.
  5. What ethical issues should be considered? N521- Advanced Pharmacology Reproductive System Medications

Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please see the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Requirements and Grading Criteria N521- Advanced Pharmacology Reproductive System Medications.

DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions

DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions

Week 1 discussion

Importance of Theory in Nursing

For many students enrolled in NR501, this is an initial course for nursing theory. So, let’s have a debate!!! Is nursing theory important to the nursing profession? If you believe that it is important, explain why it is useful. If you do not believe that it is useful, explain why nursing theory is not necessary to the profession? Be sure to provide an example that demonstrates your opinion and a scholarly reference (not using the required textbook or lesson) which supports your opinion.


Week 2 discussion

Significance of Nursing Concepts within the Profession

This discussion considers the metaparadigm of nursing and the four concepts of the nursing profession—person, environment, health and nursing profession. Select a practice area of the nursing profession (i.e. education, executive, informatics, healthcare policy, and advanced clinical practice) and apply EACH of the four concepts to the selected area. Be sure to apply EACH of the four concepts and include an example that demonstrates the application to the practice area. Don’t forget to support your initial posting with scholarly references.

Week 3 discussion

Steps of Concept Analysis

At the end of Week 4 your concept analysis is due. This discussion provides an opportunity to start this assignment.

Select a nursing concept (be sure to use a nursing theory) and then provide a response to each one of the steps included in a concept analysis regarding your selected concept. This information does not have to be comprehensive but provides a foundation to the upcoming assignment. Be sure to include a scholarly reference.

Week 4 discussion

Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

While the focus of this course is nursing theory, some nurses say that theory has no role in clinical practice. What are your thoughts? Does nursing theory have a role in clinical practice? How would you use nursing theory to improve or evaluate the quality of clinical practice? Be sure to include an example that demonstrates your thoughts. Don’t forget to include a scholarly reference DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions!

Week 5 discussion

Borrowed (non-nursing) Theories Applied to the Nursing Profession

While the focus of this course is nursing theory, frequently the use of non-nursing or borrowed theories occurs. Select a nursing practice area (i.e. education, executive, advance clinical practice, informatics, and health care policy); then identify a non-nursing (borrowed) theory; and apply it to the area you have selected. DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions. Be sure to provide an example of how the non-nursing theory can be used to enhance the selected practice area. Don’t forget to include scholarly reference(s) to support your information.

Week 6 discussion

Impact of Nursing Theory Upon Healthcare Organization

Discuss how a specific middle-range nursing theory has been or could be applied by nurse leaders or nurse managers to effectively deal with an administrative issue (i.e., staffing, use of supplies, staff performance issues). Include an example from the literature or your own experience to illustrate your points. DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions.

Week 7 discussion

Nursing Theory Applied to Research

In NR 500, you developed a PICOT question. Select a nursing theory that you find useful in nursing practice. Discuss each of the following selected elements of the PICOT format by applying your selected nursing theory to the element. Be sure to include a scholarly reference.

Population/ Patient Problem: Consider how your selected nursing theory may guide you in selecting the population and/or patient problem

Intervention: Does your selected nursing theory identify a possible intervention? If not, how is your selected intervention consist with your selected nursing theory? DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions.

Outcome: How would the outcome of your PICOT study contribute to your selected nursing theory? Would it add new information? Would it confirm some part of the theory?

Week 8 discussion

Course Reflection and Future Application

Throughout the discussions occurring within NR501, a common element has been application of theory. In this our last discussion regarding theory, it is time to focus on you and your capstone experience (yes, it is never too early consider this major project!). While it is too early to identify your project, let’s consider on your future practice area as this is the setting your project will occur in.

Based upon your self-reflection and use of nursing theory within the discussions and assignments, select ONE nursing theory that you prefer and answer the following questions:

1. Why do you prefer the nursing theory you selected DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions?

2. How can this theory be used in your current practice area (education, executive, advanced clinical practice, informatics, or healthcare policy)?

3. How can this theory be used in your future practice area (education, executive advanced clinical practice, informatics or healthcare policy)? DeVry nr501 Weekly Essay assignment discussions.

NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions

NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions

Week 1: Making Nursing History Today

106106 unread replies.116116 replies.

Nursing history is not just about the past and famous people, but is being made by nurses every day. Who do you know that is making nursing history today? Describe the contributions that one specific nurse is making to nursing history today. NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions.

NR390 Week 2 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Week 2: Practices from the Past

115115 unread replies.122122 replies.

Catherine McAuley’s philosophy of careful nursing was applicable in pre-Nightingale times and is applicable today NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions. Select one of the 10 key concepts of the philosophy of careful nursing and describe how it might have been applied in McAuley’s time and how it might be applied in your professional nursing practice today.


NR390 Week 3 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Week 3: Nightingale Information New to You

106106 unread replies.120120 replies.

The basic story of Florence Nightingale is familiar to most nurses. This week we learned more about Nightingale’s life and work. Select at least one piece of the Nightingale legacy that was new to you and tell us how this changed your understanding of this great woman and her contributions to nursing.

NR390 Week 4 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Week 4: Impact of 19th-Century Nurses

8989 unread replies.113113 replies.

Important nurses of the 19th century are often overshadowed by Nightingale’s prominence. Select one 19th-century nurse other than Nightingale and describe this person’s contributions to the profession NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions. Although some duplication is expected, please try to select a nurse who has not already been presented by a classmate.

NR390 Week 5 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Week 5: Progress in Nursing in the Early-to-Mid 20th Century

8888 unread replies.106106 replies.

There was much progress in nursing during the early-to-middle part of the 20th century (1900 through the late 1930s). After reading the textbook and the lesson for this week, describe one area of change in nursing that intrigues you during that time period. Discuss how that area could be applied today.

NR390 Week 6 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Week 6: Amazing Changes and Events

9797 unread replies.109109 replies.

The mid-to-late 20th century was filled with amazing changes and events in professional nursing. Select one of these changes or events, describe it, and explain how that change or event has impacted the quality of nursing practice today.

NR390 Week 7 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Week 7: Interview Impact

9999 unread replies.105105 replies.

You have completed your interview of a nurse who is making nursing history today. How will that nurse’s contributions and accomplishments impact your future professional nursing practice? As you reflect on your own nursing practice, how are you contributing to nursing history? NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions.

NR390 Week 8 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Week 8: AACN BSN Essential VIII and Your Future Practice

2323 unread replies.2323 replies.

AACN BSN Essential VIII clearly calls for BSN graduates to appreciate nursing history and its impact on today’s professional nursing practice. As you consider yourfutureprofessional nursing practice, tell us

· Howyou will share stories and lessons from nursing history with your nursing colleagues, and

· Howlessons from nursing history will impact your future nursing practice.

DeVry NR390 Week 1 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 1: Making Nursing History Today

8080 unread replies.111111 replies.

Nursing history is not just about the past and famous people, but is being made by nurses every day. Who do you know that is making nursing history today? Describe the contributions that one specific nurse is making to nursing history today.

NR390 Week 2 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 2: Practices from the Past

8484 unread replies.113113 replies.

Catherine McAuley’s philosophy of careful nursing was applicable in pre-Nightingale times and is applicable today. Select one of the 10 key concepts of the philosophy of careful nursing and describe how it might have been applied in McAuley’s time and how it might be applied in your professional nursing practice today. NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions.

NR390 Week 3 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 3: Nightingale Information New to You

8989 unread replies.107107 replies.

The basic story of Florence Nightingale is familiar to most nurses. This week we learned more about Nightingale’s life and work. Select at least one piece of the Nightingale legacy that was new to you and tell us how this changed your understanding of this great woman and her contributions to nursing.

DeVry NR390 Week 4 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 4: Impact of 19th-Century Nurses

9191 unread replies.107107 replies.

Important nurses of the 19th century are often overshadowed by Nightingale’s prominence. Select one 19th-century nurse other than Nightingale and describe this person’s contributions to the profession. Although some duplication is expected, please try to select a nurse who has not already been presented by a classmate NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions.

NR390 Week 5 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 5: Progress in Nursing in the Early-to-Mid 20th Century

8383 unread replies.103103 replies.

There was much progress in nursing during the early-to-middle part of the 20th century (1900 through the late 1930s). After reading the textbook and the lesson for this week, describe one area of change in nursing that intrigues you during that time period. Discuss how that area could be applied today.

NR390 Week 6 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 6: Amazing Changes and Events

5555 unread replies.6060 replies.

NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions The mid-to-late 20th century was filled with amazing changes and events in professional nursing. Select one of these changes or events, describe it, and explain how that change or event has impacted the quality of nursing practice today.

NR390 Week 7 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 7: Interview Impact

8282 unread replies.9696 replies.

You have completed your interview of a nurse who is making nursing history today NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions. How will that nurse’s contributions and accomplishments impact your future professional nursing practice? As you reflect on your own nursing practice, how are you contributing to nursing history?

NR390 Week 8 Discussion latest 2017 August

Week 8: AACN BSN Essential VIII and Your Future Practice

7777 unread replies.9797 replies.

AACN BSN Essential VIII clearly calls for BSN graduates to appreciate nursing history and its impact on today’s professional nursing practice. As you consider yourfutureprofessional nursing practice, tell us

  • Howyou will share stories and lessons from nursing history with your nursing colleagues, and
  • Howlessons from nursing history will impact your future nursing practice. NR390 – History of nursing essay discussions.