Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion

Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion

Implementing evidence-based practice in the healthcare environment is critical for managing existing issues and needs and ensuring that the environment is adequately addressed. This practice incorporates the best practices and data for enhancing the management of the underlying practice issues and ensures that the healthcare environment is adequately and effectively managed. Clinical Decision Support and evidence-based practice are often interrelated and integrate clinical expertise, patient values and preferences, and the best available clinical research to make decisions and achieve the targeted experiences and outcomes. This approach provides healthcare professionals with timely, effective, and appropriate data for managing the challenges and issues affecting the healthcare environment (Zhao et al., 2023)Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion. Incorporating this approach in the clinical approach enhances the effectiveness of attaining the desired outcomes (Goldstein, 2023). This approach will enable healthcare professionals to make more informed, accurate, and effective decisions concerning the management plan. The synergy between evidence-based practice and clinical decision support often helps to bridge the gap between the underlying clinical practice and evidence-based practices.


It is important to note that Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Clinical Decision Support (CDS) in healthcare are very related.EBP entails the integration of research findings, clinical experience, and patient preferences toward providing clinical care.CDS systems improve this process by delivering up-to-date, evidence-based information through advice, notification, or reminders directly to clinicians when care is being delivered. This integration assists in maintaining standards and compliance with evidence-based practice, enhancing patient experiences and healthcare quality, and decreasing mistakes and inconsistency in care. Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion

Clinical Decision Support Tool: Critique and Immediate Warning

Critique and immediate warning are commonly used CDS tools in practice nowadays. Clinicians receive notifications at the point closest to order entry, while the tool offers alerts of issues such as drug-drug interaction, allergy, or variance from standardized protocols. It acts as more of a safety net in that it slows down the process and allows for the identification of mistakes and evaluation of the appropriateness of the proposed interventions in light of current knowledge and patient characteristics. Therefore, professionals can incorporate this tool in healthcare decision-making and attain a safe and efficient care environment.

Data-Mining to Change Practice and Promote Health Outcomes

In the context of utilizing the critique and immediate warning CDS tool, data mining can also help improve the clinician practice guideline by indicating their behavior patterns and patients managed by those clinicians. For instance, it can demonstrate the often suppressed alerts and explain why this happens, that is, where there is a need for modification of the clinical guidelines in a particular area or where the clinicians need to be trained further (Sahoo et al., 2021)Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion. Hence, it is crucial to analyze such data to understand the extent of these issues, identify approaches to tackle them, and enhance patients’ care and safety in healthcare organizations and their professional development courses. In this case, the safety checks and procedures that professionals put in place can reduce some risks and adverse effects, like medication errors, patient falls, and other medication risks.

Furthermore, data mining can be utilized to evaluate the success of the CDS tool, which increases awareness of medication errors and adverse events. In this way, the outcomes of these alerts can be constantly reviewed to address alert fatigue and enhance the alert system’s effectiveness. Such iterations ensure that the CDS tool is useful in enhancing EBPM, patient care, and organizational learning in healthcare contexts.


Goldstein, N. D. (2023). A researcher’s guide to using electronic health records. CRC Press.

Sahoo, K. C., Negi, S., Patel, K., Mishra, B. K., Palo, S. K., & Pati, S. (2021). Challenges in maternal and child health services delivery and access during pandemics or public health disasters in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Healthcare9(7), 828. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9070828

Tsai, C. H., Eghdam, A., Davoody, N., Wright, G., Flowerday, S., & Koch, S. (2020). Effects of electronic health record implementation and barriers to adoption and use: A scoping review and qualitative content analysis. Life10(12), 1–27. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7761950/Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion

Zhao, C., Liang, N., Zhang, H., Li, H., Yang, Y., Zong, X., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., & Shi, N. (2023). Harnessing the power of clinical decision support systems: challenges and opportunities. Open Heart10(2), e002432–e002432. https://doi.org/10.1136/openhrt-2023-002432

Relationship between Evidence-based Practice

Implementing evidence-based practice in the healthcare environment is critical for managing existing issues and needs and ensuring that the environment is adequately addressed. This practice incorporates the best practices and data for enhancing the management of the underlying practice issues and ensures that the healthcare environment is adequately and effectively managed. Clinical Decision Support and evidence-based practice are often interrelated and integrate clinical expertise, patient values and preferences, and the best available clinical research to make decisions and achieve the targeted experiences and outcomes. This approach provides healthcare professionals with timely, effective, and appropriate data for managing the challenges and issues affecting the healthcare environment (Zhao et al., 2023)Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion.  Incorporating this approach in the clinical approach enhances the effectiveness of attaining the desired outcomes. This approach will enable healthcare professionals to make more informed, accurate, and effective decisions concerning the management plan. The synergy between evidence-based practice and clinical decision support often helps to bridge the gap between the underlying clinical practice and evidence-based practices.

Critique and Immediate Warning’s data mining capabilities analyze diverse patient data and help determine the best course of action. Therefore, the healthcare team can aggregate these data sources by interpreting the data from multiple sources; it can uncover insights into the effectiveness of the treatment strategy implemented for diverse patients and populations and help make decisions for managing the client’s needs. For instance, professionals can evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment strategies implemented, determine the potential side effects, and result in the best outcomes for a specific patient population. The data management approach has enabled professionals to establish a safe and effective care approach based on the current evidence, contributing to improved patient care.

The Critique and Data-mining Technology and Quality Improvement

Through the data-mining technique implemented through the Critique and Immediate warning technology, healthcare professionals and stakeholders can identify the most at-risk populations and help relate the patient characteristics and the possible adverse effects that can occur. For instance, in this case, professionals can learn and understand the common clinical conditions most likely to be complicated by specific medications or medical procedures. Therefore, nurses and other healthcare professionals can integrate the best technological advancement that matches the underlying patient needs (Hak et al., 2022)Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion. This tool also allows professional growth and continuous learning by equipping professionals and stakeholders with the knowledge and skills to promote preventative care and ensure that these stakeholders allocate more resources to achieve the desirable outcomes.

With this knowledge, healthcare professionals can incorporate this CDS database and ensure individualized and proactive treatment strategies to enhance the overall experience and ensure that the service delivery approaches are adequate and effective in managing the underlying needs. In this case, professionals can make effective decisions even among patients with complex needs and ensure that resources and opportunities are adequate and effective in attaining desirable outcomes (Lehmann et al., 2023). In this case, professionals can apply the technology to promote medical error prevention rather than only detect and report errors.  Therefore, this technology offers strategies and mechanisms for achieving optimal results, especially when making diverse and complex decisions concerning patient care. Furthermore, it promotes collaboration and coordinated healthcare services and attains safe and efficient care strategies (Solomon et al., 2023).  However, achieving this goal requires adequate training and support systems in healthcare organizations for professionals to achieve the desired outcomes. In this case, professionals should understand the underlying analytical skills to utilize the approach to ensure that the recognizable patterns are adequate and optimal in attaining the targeted outcomes.



Hak, F., Guimarães, T., & Santos, M. (2022). Towards effective clinical decision support systems: A systematic review. PLOS ONE17(8). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0272846

Lehmann, C. U., & Vignesh Subbian. (2023). Advances in clinical decision support systems: Contributions from the 2022 literature. Yearbook of Medical Informatics32(01), 179–183. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-1768751

Solomon, J., Dauber-Decker, K., Richardson, S., Levy, S., Khan, S., Coleman, B., Persaud, R., Chelico, J., King, D., Spyropoulos, A., & McGinn, T. (2023). Integrating clinical decision support into electronic health record systems using a novel platform (evidence point): Developmental study. JMIR Formative Research, p. 7, e44065. https://doi.org/10.2196/44065

Zhao, C., Liang, N., Zhang, H., Li, H., Yang, Y., Zong, X., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., & Shi, N. (2023). Harnessing the power of clinical decision support systems: challenges and opportunities. Open Heart10(2), e002432–e002432. https://doi.org/10.1136/openhrt-2023-002432 Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion

Discussion Post

Please respond to the following three questions.

  • Describe the relationship between EBP and Clinical Decision Support.
  • Using Table 19.3 of your text, identify a clinical decision support tool you use frequently in your own clinical practice.
  • Using the CDS tool you identified from your own practice, describe how data-mining from the clinical decision support tool can be used to change practice and promote health outcomes.

See attached picture

Thanks for your help Evidence-Based Practice In The Healthcare Discussion






Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion

Signs and Symptoms

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a complex disease that progressively affects the body’s muscles, bringing on symptoms such as weakness and atrophy. Patients like Mr. Hammen observe early symptoms like challenges in holding things, such as involuntary cramps or contractions in muscles known as fasciculations and muscle fatigue in the limbs, jaw, and the rest of the body. Other signs include difficulty swallowing, speech and language problems, and breathing issues in the latter stages. These symptoms are due to the loss of function of the upper and lower motor neurons, and the mixed motor neuron signs are the hallmarks of ALS. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion


Diagnosis and Confirmatory Tests

ALS diagnosis involves clinical examination, tests, and imaging. The first diagnosis indicates motor neuron damage and symptoms (Goutman et al., 2022). Electromyography confirms ALS, while NCS excludes other neuropathies. MRI helps rule out spinal cord tumors. Standard biochemical and hematological tests, including blood and urine tests, exclude other diagnoses. A genetic test is used in patients with familial ALS due to a family history. Other tests may also be conducted to exclude other possible diagnoses.


ALS is a fatal disease that affects motor neurons, and the progression of the disease is estimated to allow patients to live for 3 to 5 years after being diagnosed. Although the rate at which the disease progresses may not necessarily be fast, some patients may live longer, more so when they receive all the necessary supportive care. In Mr. Hammen’s case, there is nothing wrong with getting a diagnosis and treatment as early as possible to enable him to control the manifestations and possibly even halt the progression of the disease, thus improving the quality of life.

Treatment with Riluzole and Other Medications

Riluzole is the only drug proven beneficial in treating ALS by reducing glutamate release, a neurotransmitter linked to neuronal toxicity (Andrews et al., 2020)Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion. It slows the disease’s progression and increases a patient’s life expectancy. Edaravone, also known as Radicava, also slows physical deterioration. Symptomatic treatments include medications like Baclofen or Tizanidine, antidepressants, and Glycopyrrolate or Amitriptyline for emotional support.

Impact of ALS Through a Review of Systems

ALS affects various body systems, including musculoskeletal, neurological, respiratory, and cognitive (Mahoney et al., 2021). Musculoskeletal symptoms include weakness, atrophy, and spasticity, while neurological symptoms include hyperreflexia and spasticity. Respiratory issues include a deterioration in the diaphragm and intercostal muscle strength, leading to dyspnea and ventilatory assistance. Dysphagia increases the risk of aspiration and malnutrition, while dysarthria makes language comprehension challenging. Due to its rapid progression, ALS patients are more likely to suffer from depression and anxietyAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion.

Addressing Familial Concerns and Risk Factors

Mrs. Hammen’s concern about ALS being contagious is a misconception. ALS is not a contagious disease, with only a family history being a well-established risk factor. The remaining 90% occur randomly and do not have a pattern of inheritance. Genetic and genetic factors are believed to cause ALS. Age and gender may also be associated with CABG, with patients most affected between 40 and 70 years old.


The case highlights the challenges in diagnosing and addressing ALS. The team identified specifics of ALS, including diagnostic tests, and developed an extensive care plan based on understanding ALS pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, and treatments. ALS symptoms emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach, considering physical and psychological aspects and providing extensive support to patients and their families. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion


Andrews, J. A., Jackson, C. E., Heiman-Patterson, T. D., Bettica, P., Brooks, B. R., & Pioro, E. P. (2020). Real-world evidence of riluzole effectiveness in treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration21(7-8), 509-518. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21678421.2020.1771734

Goutman, S. A., Hardiman, O., Al-Chalabi, A., Chió, A., Savelieff, M. G., Kiernan, M. C., & Feldman, E. L. (2022). Recent advances in the diagnosis and prognosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The Lancet Neurology21(5), 480-493. https://www.thelancet.com/article/S1474-4422(21)00465-8/abstract

Mahoney, C. J., Ahmed, R. M., Huynh, W., Tu, S., Rohrer, J. D., Bedlack, R. S., … & Kiernan, M. C. (2021). Pathophysiology and treatment of non-motor dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. CNS drugs35(5), 483-505. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40263-021-00820-1  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion

Case Presentation

Jack Hammen is 64 years old. As he is walking to the exam room, he drops his water bottle stating with his arthritis he is always dropping something. Jack has enjoyed a relatively healthy life with no major illnesses. He is happily married with three children and his first grandchild is on the way. You ask what prompted his visit. Jack responds, “I was golfing and I noticed I was having difficulty griping my club as tightly as I needed to. I’ve noticed a pattern of general weakness—legs, arm, hands, even my jaw—sneaking up on me lately and I thought I should check it out.”

Physical Exam

Jack appears relaxed and alert. His height and weight are within a healthy range for his age. His vital signs are as follows: BP 127/85, HR 72, RR 17, O2 sat 97% on room air, temp 97.5. You ask Jack to swallow and you note he has some difficulty doing so. He states that is a common issue recently. He does exhibit a general muscle weakness—he can overcome a lowered resistance, but not full resistance in most cases.

Electromyography (EMG) demonstrates muscle twitching and decreased strength of muscle contraction. Laboratory studies show increased levels of Glutamate and creatinine kinase (CK)Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion.


Please answer all the questions below.

1. Mr. Hammen is diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). What are the signs and symptoms of ALS? How is the disease typically diagnosed? What test (s) should be performed to confirm the diagnosis? What is the prognosis for Mr. Hammen?

2. Mr. Hammen is prescribed Rilutek (riluzole). What is the mechanism of action for this medication? Why it is prescribed for the ALS patient? What other medications may be prescribed? Provide rationale. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion

3. Discuss the impact of ALS through a review of systems (ROS).

4. Mrs. Hammen expresses concern that she or one of their children may “catch” ALS or develop the disease in the future. What is your response to her? Is ALS contagious? What is the strongest risk factor for the disease?

5. Write a short reflection after completing this study. How confident were you in the plans of action? Did you use additional resources to assist with your responses Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Discussion





The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion

The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion

The development of the pediatric nurse practitioner roles in the healthcare setting was informed by the growing need for complex chronic disease management in the population and, more so, in the pediatric population (Mudd et al., 2023). The need for shorter hospital stay durations and inadequate access to pediatric specialists further reinforced the need for qualified nurse practitioners in this healthcare sector (Mudd et al., 2023)The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion. The role of pediatric nurse practitioners entails providing high-quality healthcare services to pediatric patients in both acute and primary care settings.


Despite the need to address the patient’s unique needs in the pediatric units, the care offered by pediatric nurse practitioners is patient-centered and not defined by the hospital context in which the nurse works (Mudd et al., 2023). During my pediatric rotation, the principle of patient-centered care that reinforces patient autonomy in the decision-making process regarding their care interventions was the most concerning area. The tenets of assent and informed consent, as they apply to the pediatric population, are challenging to actualize, and I faced some conflicting situations where the child or adolescent refused care despite explicit consent signed by their parents. I am glad for the teachings offered in this course about resolving ethical dilemmas in the nurse practitioner practice, which helped to guide the successful resolution of ethical dilemmas during my pediatric rotation The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion.

The rotation’s most exciting part was interacting with various patients and managing varied diseases in the patient population. The pediatric rotation offered significant insight and practice into the use of clinical assessments and patient history findings in developing appropriate diagnoses and, hence, appropriate patient management plans. I am grateful for the intensive and comprehensive course materials on the common diseases that affect the pediatric population and the discussion of approved clinical guidelines for managing these diseases. Through the pediatric clinical rotation, I deduced my strengths as a nurse practitioner, including developing a trusting and respectful therapeutic relationship with the patient and applying the knowledge and skills learned in the course to guide my clinical decision-making and practice. However, I struggled with ethical-legal implications for various aspects of my clinical practice, which I intend to improve by reading more about ethics and resolving ethical-legal dilemmas in pediatric nurse practitioner practice The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion.

Regarding my definition of family and family roles, the pediatric rotation helped to solidify my beliefs regarding family roles by demonstrating that family relationships are developed through caring acts driven by pure intentions and empathy. As such, the family involves not only people related by blood or marriage but transcends into social support systems that offer the patients the best caring and supportive environment that promotes healing or patient recovery. Consequently, the changing personal definition of family and family roles led me to patient and family-centered care. I desired to provide family-centered care to care for the caregivers who looked after the children under my care. Also, the ability of patient and family-centered care to enhance humanistic values among family members and reduce the mental burden of caring for the caregivers, such as reducing their stress levels and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, supported my decision to provide family-centered care (Seniwati et al., 2023). Therefore, to ensure family-centered care, I had to expand my patient assessments to evaluate the family members’ or caregivers’ readiness to collaborate and participate in the patient’s care (Seniwati et al., 2023)The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion. I also had to develop a supportive environment and demonstrate a desire or take the initiative to establish patient and family-centered care.

I developed a sense of the magnitude of culture’s impact on children and adolescents’ health. I identified barriers to the effective implementation of culture-sensitive care for patients, such as inadequate training in culture-competent care by pediatric curricula and the lack of appropriate infrastructure to actualize culture-sensitive care (Courtwright et al., 2024). Therefore, to ensure that I demonstrated cultural competency in my clinical practice, I disallowed my perception privileges from making me propagate any cultural stereotypes and allowed my patients, especially the adolescents, to school me on issues regarding their cultural identity and ethnicity and aspects of their culture or ethnicity that they would want to be incorporated or respected during their clinical encounter.

Finally, regarding my practicum experience goals, I accomplished most of these goals, such as demonstrating competencies in assessing and correcting, diagnosing, and treating common diseases affecting the pediatric population. I struggled with major ethical concerns regarding the pediatric nurse practitioner practice. For this aspect of my clinical practice in the future, I intend to develop competency in successfully resolving the moral and legal issues in caring for the pediatric population. The ethical-legal topics of most concern regarding the NAPNAP Position Statement on Age Parameters for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Practice include the treatment of non-traditional patients by pediatric nurse practitioners (Heuer et al., 2019)The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion. Until the patient’s care is effectively transitioned into adult-centered healthcare services, the pediatric nurse practitioner must attend to the patient’s special needs (Heuer et al., 2019). As a result, I want to refine my professional goals by adding the need to study ethical-legal aspects of the pediatric nurse practitioner practice, especially regarding the scope of practice and management of non-traditional patients.


Courtwright, S., Turi, E., Barr, E., & Burns, C. J. (2024). Facilitators and barriers to pediatric nurse practitioner practice in the United States: A systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2023.12.003

Heuer, B., Hunter, M. J., Hatton, A., Lee, A., Lofgren, M., Reyes, I., & Keesing, H. (2019). NAPNA Position statement on age parameters for pediatric nurse practitioner practice. Journal of Pediatric Health Care33(2), PA9-A11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2018.10.007 The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion

Mudd, S. S., Quinn, M., Busch, D., Key, M. S., Brown, K., Gilbert, E. G., & Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2023). Evaluating the practice of pediatric nurse practitioners: Is it time for dual primary and acute care preparation? Journal of Pediatric Health Care37(1), 74-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2022.08.005

Seniwati, T., Rustina, Y., Nurhaeni, N., & Wanda, D. (2023). Patient and family-centered care for children: A concept analysis. Belitung Nursing Journal9(1), 17-24. https://doi.org/10.33546%2Fbnj.2350

This week, you will write your last and final Journal Entry, reflecting on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement. Further reflect on your pediatric patients you have seen and the conditions that you have diagnosed and treated. Review your Journal Entry that you submitted in Week 1. The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion

Journal Entry (2–3 pages): 

Explain what most excited and/or concerned you throughout your pediatric clinical experience.
Discuss how your personal definition of family and family roles has changed or stayed the same.
How has your understanding of family and family roles influenced your assessment of children and their families?
Explain how your understanding of culture (both the culture of the provider and that of the child and his or her family) has changed and how it may have influenced the assessments you conducted during your practicum.

Assess how you did with accomplishing the goals and objectives you developed in Week 1 for the practicum experience.
Based on your practicum experience, refine your existing goals and/or develop new goals for your continued education and professional practice. Be sure to consider the NAPNAP Position Statement on Age Parameters for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Practice.
Use title page and references according to APA. The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Roles In The Healthcare Discussion





Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper

Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper

In this nursing model, Abdellah presents nursing as a unique profession that is based on science and an art. These disciplines mold several features of an individual nurse, including competencies, attitudes, experience, and technical skills, into the capacity and interest to assist all individuals, healthy or sick, in achieving their health needs (Mirzaee & Alishapour, 2022)Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper. Thus, this theory emphasizes that nursing should be a holistic practice. Nursing staff should perceive patients as human beings with diverse needs. Therefore, nurses should focus on meeting these needs through holistic care instead of targeting diseases affecting an individual patient.


This nursing theory consists of interrelated concepts derived from nursing problems, health, and problem-solving techniques. The first concept, “Individual,” considers individuals and their families as nursing recipients. Secondly, “Health” indicates the primary goal of nursing care. She considers an individual’s health as “total health needs.” The third concept, “Society,” is a factor considered in health optimization plans at various levels, ranging from local to international. Moreover, “Nursing Problems” are the health needs of an individual client that triggers one to seek nursing care. Lastly, “Problem-Solving” is the nurses’ ability to identify and address individual clients’ nursing problems to optimize their health outcomes and quality of life (Bahrudin et al., 2019).

This theory focuses on enhancing nursing practice in various clinical settings to meet different types of patient needs, including basic needs, remedial care needs, sustenance care needs, and restorative care needs. This model recommends that nurses encourage patients’ participation in the care, making them feel engaged and responsible for desired health outcomes. Moreover, this theory advocates for the incorporation of a patient-centered approach into nursing practice (Özçelik & Büyükgönenç, 2024)Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper. This approach to care delivery would allow nurses to perceive patients as humans with diverse health needs. Consequently, nurses provide holistic care, improving client’s mental, social, psychological, and physical health needs

The theory intends to improve patient outcomes through nursing practice. Thus, the Model proposes various concepts and strategies to revolutionize nursing practice globally. First, the holistic framework has provided nurses with a new perspective on viewing their clients. Hence, nursing staff consider patients as humans with diverse health needs that can be addressed through patient-centered care. Nurses focus on providing compassionate care depending on the patient’s current circumstances and unique health needs. Therefore, nurses should detect an individual patient’s health needs and resolve them through an effective nursing care plan, resulting in health promotion and maintenance. For instance, individualized pain management therapy prevents relapse of pain crisis in cancer patients (Mahmoudi et al., 2022)Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper.

Concepts of this Model are applicable in various clinical settings to meet patients’ health needs. For example, concepts and strategies proposed can guide nurses in improving health in adult patients with comorbidities, such as diabetes and obesity. In this case, the nurse should strive to address the patient’s diverse health concerns, including high blood glucose, excess weight, and psychological issues associated with these comorbidities. Therefore, nurses should adopt a holistic care approach with efficacy in improving outcomes among adult patients with multiple diagnoses (Powers et al., 2022). Additionally, nurses should incorporate proactive healthcare management into patient care to enhance patient’s self-efficacy, resulting in desired health outcomes. Moreover, nurses should adopt preventive care to reduce the risk of potential health complications. For instance, the patient should be educated about a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fiber and low in fats and carbs. This diet would reduce and maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of cardiac disorders (Pallazola et al., 2019)Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper.

The theory could contribute to innovation in nursing. Abdellah’s Model requires nurses to provide holistic and patient-centered care to meet patient’s unique health needs (Zaccagnini & Pechacek, 2019). Hence, nurses assess an individual client’s nursing problem to identify areas to be improved through nursing care. For instance, in cancer patients, nurses should strive to meet diverse health needs, including reducing the severity of cancer treatment side effects, managing pain crises, and improving cancer-related psychological symptoms, such as distress, depression episodes, and anxiety attacks. However, pain crisis is the most significant clinical problem in cancer patients. Hence, nurses should focus on managing cancer pain effectively to boost and improve patient health outcomes. Nonetheless, an individual patient might not respond to the current medication opioid therapy used in treating chronic pain in cancer patients (Merlin et al., 2019)Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper. Besides, using opioid therapy to manage a painful crisis might be contradicted by an individual cancer patient (Nadeau et al., 2021). These scenarios require nurses to focus on developing a new treatment therapy for managing cancer-related pain through research and scientific methods.

The Model is concerned with health outcomes and the well-being of individual clients. Abdellah’s Model supports nursing practice through various approaches to health care (Gözüm & Ilgaz, 2022)Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper. Nurses incorporate these approaches into patient care. Consequently, nurses provide holistic, proactive, and patient-centered care to address all health needs instead of treating symptoms. These approaches to care allow nurses to promote health and mitigate potential health risks, hence improving and maintaining an individual patient’s health and well-being.

Use a Power Point slides with notes to discuss and apply the selected theory
Slide 1 (title slide): Your name, theorist’s name (Faye Glenn Abdellah) and the name of the theory (21 Nursing Problems Theory)
Slides 2-3: Overview of the theory
Slide 4: Overall focus of the theory (type of practice, type of patient, or type of setting, etc.)
Slide 5: Example of knowledge the theory adds to nursing
Slide 6: Example of how the theory could be used to structure or support practice
Slide 7: Example of how the theory could be used to innovate nursing
Slide 8: Identify major strengths and major limitations of the theory
Slide 9: APA formatted references Nursing Problems Theory Discussion Paper






Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper

Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper


Polypharmacy (marked by the administration of more than one drug concurrently) is proven to have detrimental effects, with older adults with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) having the most risks. The problem is complex but requires careful treatment, with the main emphasis on palliative and hospice care (McNeil et al 2016)Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper.


Local-Level Interventions

The APNs can apply multiple techniques to solve polypharmacy at the local level. They can complete full reviews of patients’ current medications, taking into account interactions with other drugs, possible duplications, and therapy appropriateness. Working with interdisciplinary teams, along with the pharmacist and the physician, encourages collecting a background history and instituting holistic management of the drugs. Besides patient education that encompasses the meaning of adherence to medications and the dangers of polypharmacy, adherence can affect a person’s ability to engage actively in their care.

State-Level Advocacy

State-level actions may include active policy engagement to advance applicable deprescribing practices and ensure patients are on the best possible medications. APNs, for example, can engage legislation and initiate activities to improve deprescribing resources, support and reimbursement for medication reviews and medication therapy management services. Moreover, incorporating deprescribing guidelines into state health policy will promote the adoption of a unified method towards polypharmacy recycling in all sizes of healthcare settings.

National-Level Leadership

At the national level, APNs are undertaking a significant job of formulating healthcare policies and guidelines. In this regard, patients can develop evidence-based deprescribing protocols and push for their universal adoption by the medical fraternity. Networking with reputable organizations, including the American Nurses Association and the American Geriatrics Society, facilitates APNs to push for national advocacy goals on eliminating medication errors and polypharmacy management Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper.

Strategies in Chronic Illness Management

Chronic disease care in the outpatient setting requires APNs to deal with multiple medications at a time under close monitoring necessary for good results. These entail reducing the burden associated with medication use by having one dosing schedule, prioritizing treatments based on goals of therapy, and considering non-pharmacological methods as therapeutic options where necessary. Shared decision-making with clients and caregivers helps with a collaborative care plan being put in place where patient preference is respected by considering patient values in medication management.

Polypharmacy in Palliative and Hospice Care

The purposes of palliative care and hospice services, in turn, revolve around reducing the residual symptoms and boosting the quality of life instead of concentrating on intensive disease treatment (Halli-Tierny et al., 2019)Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper. The emphasis is placed on multidisciplinary coordination to undertake thorough medication reconciliation, highlight medications with limited benefit or harm potentials, and prescription descriptions following patient-centered goals.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

These issues are also addressed by limiting polypharmacy and raising ethical and legal considerations. APNs encounter problems with obtaining informed consent, respecting the autonomy of the patient and being accountable for the duty of care when deprescribing patient’s medication use, especially when discontinuation of the medication may lead to harm. Staying connected with the patients, relatives, and healthcare providers brings about greater transparency and shared verdicts during the deprescribing process, improving participation and understanding, which paves the way for better care.


Finally, the work that must be done on addressing polypharmacy in palliative and hospice care is a comprehensive approach which involves APNS on a local, state, and national level. Through advocacy for the guidance of an evidence-based deprescribing approach, in support of medication optimization strategy, and by taking up the ethical and legal joys of the process, APNs play a vital role in ensuring safer medication usage, yet on a higher level of care (Dailah, 2024)Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper.



Dailah, H. G. (2024, January). The Influence of Nurse-Led Interventions on Diseases Management in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Narrative Review. In Healthcare (Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 352). MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/12/3/352

Halli-Tierney, A. D., Scarbrough, C., & Carroll, D. (2019). Polypharmacy: evaluating risks and deprescribing. American family physician100(1), 32-38. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2019/0701/p32.html

McNeil, M. J., Kamal, A. H., Kutner, J. S., Ritchie, C. S., & Abernethy, A. P. (2016). The burden of polypharmacy in patients near the end of life. Journal of pain and symptom management51(2), 178-183. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0885392415004819 Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper

Medicines are meant to help, not harm. But sometimes taking too many drugs can be dangerous, especially for older adults.

The use of multiple drugs to treat diseases and other health conditions is known as polypharmacy. This is a growing concern for older adults. Polypharmacy is more common among older adults, many of whom have multiple chronic conditions (MCC), defined as two or more chronic conditions such as arthritis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, depression, diabetes, and hypertension. But taking too many drugs can lead to safety concerns.

Your active participation in the discussions is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions will help you make meaningful connections between the course content and the larger concepts of the course. These discussions give you a chance to express your own thoughts, ask questions, and gain insight from your peers and instructor Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper.

Read: Deprescribing at End Of Life.pdf Download Deprescribing at End Of Life.pdf
Read: The burden of polypharmacy in patients near end of life.pdf
Read: Polypharmacy_Evaluating.pdf

What are the obstacles to implementing palliative care and what can the advanced practice nurse do in his/her role to remove these barriers at various levels of practice (local, state, national)?

Explain the methods of care to reduce polypharmacy. Include considerations in chronic illness (CO3)
Discuss how to reduce polypharmacy in cases of palliative and hospice care (CO3)
Analyze the ethical, and legal considerations when reducing polypharmacy. Reducing Polypharmacy Essay Discussion Paper

The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper

The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper

One of the educational models is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) that addresses instructional objectives, methods of assessment, processes of teaching, and learning materials to meet individual distinctions and needs (CAST, 2018) At the core of UDL is the belief that a standardized approach to education is limiting and hence, a preemptive problem-solving strategy is more effective than a postponed solution. (Many people believe that UDL is an approach that involves breaking free from the assumption that a single-size-fits-all model is ideal. Consequently, it addresses the variety of learners from the onset rather than waiting until later The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper


The fundamental tenet of the UDL model is based on the knowledge of how humans learn gathered from neuroscience research. It acknowledges that learners widely differ in their abilities, background, and preferences, and that by offering alternative means of engagement, representation, and expression, the same endeavors can be explored (CAST, 2018). For instance in a maths lesson, the teacher is likely to create video explanations, hands-on manipulatives and offer the students a way to demonstrate their understanding through writing, drawing or oral presentations. This holistic method is tailored to meet the different learning styles and to deal with the unique needs of each learner than just providing a single mode of instruction with an assumed mindset that all students will learn the same way The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper.

As a tutor, integrating the sourced UDL concept is vital for providing all learners with the essential factors including those with special abilities. The FEAP 4.d standard let us make a difference in the assessment by changing the forms and tests conditions to suit different learning styles and capabilities to learn. The lesson is also similar to the one of InTASC standards which stresses the significance of assessment preparation, special attention to exceptional learners and those with disabilities or language advantage. By planning units, activities, and evaluations particular for UDL paradigm, I can create suitable situations which help students of different abilities to participate in challenging and meaningful learning process.

For example, in the event of a unit on the Civil War, I think that students should be made aware of multiple ways in which they can be part of the learning process. Moreover I will add multimedia elements such as interactive timelines, historical simulations and critical analysis of primary sources in my lessons. Evaluation, in my case, would be performed through different approaches with students being given an opportunity to show their skills through written essays, creative projects, or oral presentations. This flexibility gives the students the ability to demonstrate their knowledge in a way that suits them as their level of strengths and preference The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper.

In addition to UDL, it is also closely related to the CEC 1.0 standard that called for the special education professionals to understand how the exceptionalities were interacting with learning and development. The application of UDL principles in designing instruction and assessment leads to the creation of responsive learning environments that address the academic strengths and highlight the individual uniqueness accompanied by different experiences. This could mean that reading materials are read to students with reading difficulties, answers are given extra time for students with speed processing difficulties or content is provided in more than one mode to support ESL learners.

Lastly, UDL is a framework that ensures that teachers like me create inclusive and successful learning spaces for all the students. I can augment the inclusivity and accessibility of the learning platform by intentionally designing for diversity and offering different methods of engagement, representation, and expression. Such pathway makes it possible for each learner to approach, participate, and exhibit their learning. The application of UDL principles in my work is very vital for my struggle to satisfy the requirements of professional standards and make the students experience the enriching and demanding learning process that is good for everyone.. The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper


CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from http://udlguidelines.cast.org

Understood. (2022). What is Universal Design for Learning? Retrieved from https://www.understood.org/en/learning-thinking-differences/treatments-approaches/educational-strategies/universal-design-for-learning-what-it-is-and-how-it-works

This formative assignment is designed for you to consider the issues needed to modify assessments and testing conditions to meet the needs of all learners. It is aligned with the following standards: The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper

FEAP 4.d "Modifies assessments and testing conditions to accommodate learning styles (preferences) and varying levels of knowledge. InTASC standards 6(h) The teacher prepares all learners for the demands of particular assessment formats and makes appropriate accommodations in assessments or testing conditions, especially for learners with
disabilities and language learning needs.6(p) The teacher understands how to prepare learners for assessments and how to make accommodations in assessments and testing
conditions, especially for learners with disabilities and language learning needs. CEC standard 1.0 Beginning special education professionals understand how exceptionalities may interact with development and learning and use this knowledge to provide meaningful and challenging learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper.

Link to article
https://www.understood.org/en/learning-thinking-differences/treatments-approaches/educational-strategies/universal-design-for-learning-what-it-is-and-how-it-worksLinks to an external site.

After reading the article on UDL and reading the standards above, write a 2-page summary (double-spaced, 12-point font) of what UDL is and how it impacts your work as a teacher. Be sure to cite the reading at least once and provide examples of ways to consider the standards above in your planning. Your references should be APA style (see UNF library website for guidelines). Submit your summary/response to assignments. The Application Of UDL Principles Essay Paper





Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment

Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment


Ethics, sexuality, and gender are very important broad, and yet closely related themes in religion and theology. This coursework consists of three important parts, with each covering a different theme on sexuality and religion. Part one will cover the issue of pornography and its effects on Christian’s life as well as its translation on daily encounters. The second part covers the issue of gender and the diminishment of women, while the third part covers different approaches to LGBTQ+ individuals and the issues linked to them. Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment



Effects of pornography, argument summary

Watching pornography has been said to be harmful to psychology, biology, and religion. In his article, Struthers has related the harm to the brain, specifically on how the human brain is wired. In his argument, Struthers argues that pornography affects the emotional processing of the body, various hormonal responses, and the body’s neurology. Prolonged exposure to pornography interferes with the brain cells, causing a series of neurotransmitter releases, like for example dopamine, resulting in increased arousal and ungodly sexual behaviors (Struthers).  Additionally, Struthers points out the role played by the mirror neurons of the brain towards the promotion of sexual behaviors portrayed in pornography. This further point, out how the human brain links pornographic content and arousal. He also clarifies how the pleasure response is intensified by the release of endogenous opiates that take place during orgasm, playing a bigger part in pornography addiction (Struthers)Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.

Translation to daily encounters

About Struthers’ observations, it is clear that the nervous system and endocrine systems of the human body play a major role in the addictive behaviors of pornography.  The arousals that happen to someone after watching pornographic content are triggered by these two body systems. Pornography addiction victims face various challenges in their daily lives, including reduced eyesight, and confidence, while others struggle to maintain healthy relationships and attachments with their spouses thereafter. The addiction affects the brain in such a manner that the victims’ social relations with other people are completely affected (Struthers).  It is hard for a porn addict to maintain eye contact with other people because their social and interpersonal interactions have been interfered with Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.


Peeler and Jones’ concerns about diminishment of women

In their articles, Peeler and Jones seek to overcome a historic failure in the church and society regarding the diminishment of women, centering their concerns around the historic failure of the church in fighting and advocating for the dignity and equality of women, distortion of sexuality, and commodification and objectivation of female bodies. Jones expresses his concern about the societal norms as well as the societal expectations, that perpetuate undesirable notions of desirability and worth that lead to the idolization of some body types while at the same time relegating others (Jones). Peeler also expresses his concern about the marginalization of women that has happened since time immemorial, restricting their roles in societal and religious structures, thus misunderstanding the gender roles that perpetuate injustices and inequalities against women (Peeler)Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.

Theological resources to direct better understanding of gender mutuality.

To deal with the highlighted concerns, Jones and Peeler highlight several theological resources that would help in understanding gender mutuality better. Peeler challenges societal norms that have prioritized patriarchal reinforcements while at the same time advocating for theological frameworks that regardless of their gender, advocate dignity and equality for all. On the other side, Jones quotes the biblical teachings of St. Paul in the books of Ephesians and Corinthians in support of his argument (Jones). According to him, the verses try to advocate for mutual respect and holiness of all human bodies in society or marital environment. The authors also touch on the theology of the human body, which views it as a divine image while emphasizing how interconnected the human body, spirit, and mind are. Still, with their hopes of directing us to a better understanding of the mutuality of gender and being societal leaders, they advocate for faithful witness and mutuality. In the context of sexuality, it is important to point faithful witness through self-giving love, respect, and mutual care whether in singleness or marriage Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.

Using Jones and Peeler’s leads in personal contexts

Education and theological reflections can be used in individual contexts, particularly in promoting a better and healthier understanding of sexuality and bodies. Holding seminars, giving out sermons, teaching sessions, and other common grounds to advocate and train people on theological principles of respect, the sacredness of the human body, and respect for God’s creation. There should also be some policies in religious churches and other centers of society, whose objective is the promotion of gender equality. Leadership roles in religious organizations and society should constitute both men and women Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.


Yuan and Williams’s approaches to LGBTQ+ people and issues

As a Christian who embraced celibacy, Yuan’s approach to the LGBTQ+ issue is based on his personal experiences with this group of people. “My dad, mom, and I have had the privilege of getting to know numerous fathers and mothers with children identifying as gay or lesbian”, (Yuan 1). Yuan places more emphasis on understanding sexuality in the context of Christian discipleship, advocating for adherence to traditional ethics regarding sexuality compassionately, viewing marriage and sexuality between a man and a woman, and not against the order of creation. As he was celibate, he placed a strong emphasis on this virtue, especially among those experiencing same-sex attraction. Having been a victim of same-sex attraction and overcoming it through celibacy, yuan draws attention to the importance of the church in creating supportive communities that will help people to gain understanding, get encouragement, and be accountable in their celibacy journey (Yuan)Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.

On the other hand, Williams approaches the issue from a theological and Christian doctrine perspective, to explore the complexities of human relationships and sexuality. According to Williams, themes of mutual recognition, grace, and the transformative power of love should be discussed within the theological framework. He also emphasized the importance of understanding sexuality as both an individual and communal aspect of human existence. Both authors offer their insights regarding the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and those relating to them. Biblically, Yuan’s approach related to the interpretations of the scripture more closely to the interpretation of sexual ethics, especially on matters of celibacy and marriage, while Williams draws his attention based on the broader theological framework. While we should condemn sex against the order of nature, it is important to understand where it comes from and what triggers it. According to Williams, “It is impossible, when we’re trying to reflect on sexuality, not to ask just where the massive cultural and religious anxiety about same-sex relationships that is so prevalent at the moment comes from”, (9)Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.


Impact of either approach on modern climate

Each of the approaches has its strengths and weaknesses in the modern climate. Yuan’s approach for example may offer a clearer guidance for those willing to reconcile their sexuality with their faith, particularly Christians who uphold their teachings. Williams offers a compassionate and more nuanced response regarding the challenges response regarding the intricacies of human sexuality, which might palpitate those advocating for understanding and inclusivity within the church. Ultimately, the perspectives and specific needs of groups grappling with LGBTQ+ issues determine the effectiveness of each approach.


In conclusion, discussion on ethics, sexuality, and gender in the realm of religion and theology has uncovered several intricate intersections that require further examination. Whether it is the devastating impact that pornography has on the male mind, the long-standing oppression of women, or the ever-changing dialogue on LGBTQ+ matters, all three parts speak to the importance of careful contemplation and response. It is theologically resourced authors such as Struthers, Peeler, Jones, Yuan, and Williams who can provide those in controversy with knowledge. It should be mentioned that to overcome the challenges of the modern climate, it is essential to embrace diverse perspectives and respond to the needs of marginalized groups Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment.

Work Cited

Jones, Beth Felker. Faithful: A theology of sex. Zondervan, 2015.

Peeler, Amy. Women and the Gender of God. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2022.

Struthers, William M. Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain. InterVarsity Press, 2009.

Williams, Rowan. “The body’s grace.” Christianity. Routledge, 2017. 41-58.

Yuan, Christopher. Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story. Multnomah, 2018.

After completing the reading, answer (with nuance) the following questions. Answer each set of questions with depth in its own section, appropriately labeled (e.g., “Section 1”): Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment

(1) We often say that pornography is harmful. Struthers demonstrates that the effects are evident at the level of the wiring of the brain itself. Summarize his argument. In what ways might his observations translate to our daily encounter of people and our subconscious evaluation of people?

(2) Peeler and Jones seek to overcome a historic failure in the church and society regarding the diminishment of women. What are the concerns? What theological resources do they highlight in hopes of directing us to a better understanding of the mutuality of gender and, therein, to be a leader for society in general? Evaluate their arguments. Are there particular ways in your context that you can follow Peeler’s and Jones’s lead?

(3) Yuan and Williams take aim at a significant challenge for the church today: how to relate to LGBTQ+ peoples and issues. Sketch their approaches and place them in dialogue. Does either approach better attend to biblical witness? Does either approach better equip you in the modern climate? Explain and evaluate.

The response essay paper needs to be three to four (3-4) pages and MLA formatted Ethics, Sexuality, And Gender Essay Assignment






Demonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper

Demonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper

Demonstrating Your Future Role (Im a DNP) as a Leader on an Interprofessional Team
For your final assignment in this course, create a case study that demonstrates your future role as a leader collaborating on an interprofessional team. Role-playing is highly preferred. In the case study, include three interprofessional team roles of your choiceDemonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper.


Your presentation should address the following components:

Demonstration of effective communication;
Conflict resolution;
Personal/professional ethics; and
Improving patient or organizational outcomes

Your team has several presentation options:

Voice over PowerPoint–Submit completed PowerPoint
Voice over Prezi–Submit completed Prezi
iMovie–Submit link to role play iMovie demonstration
YouTube–Submit YouTube link
Teams–Create video using TEAMS role-playing. Record the session, invite faculty to join your TEAM to view the role-play activity.

NOTE: A minimum of 4 scholarly sources should be provided to support your ideas. These will be submitted as a separate document in APA 7 format.

For this assignment the presentation should include:

A title slide
The case study scenario
Demonstration of effective communication
Conflict resolution
Personal/professional ethics
How to improve patient or organizational outcomes
Conclusion slide
A document written in APA 7 style demonstrating references for the presentation Demonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper.


In order to address healthcare concerns, professionals must be devoted, hardworking, and equipped with the required abilities to make the necessary changes.
Critical abilities are necessary for DNP-prepared nurses to address challenges and participate in the transformation process.
A nurse with a DNP must also possess excellent leadership abilities.

Case Study Scenario

You are Dr. Sarah Adams, a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) serving as a frontline manager in a Norwegian hospital.
The scenario involves leading an interprofessional team comprising social educators, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care for patients with cognitive impairment.
Highlight the challenges faced in integrating social educators into healthcare service areas traditionally dominated by other clinical professions Demonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper.

Demonstration of effective communication

Dr. Adams facilitates a team meeting to discuss patient care plans.
The importance of clear, respectful communication among team members to ensure effective collaboration and coordination of care.
Active listening, empathy, and clarity in conveying information as essential communication skills for improving patient outcomes.

Conflict resolution

Conflicts arise among team members regarding the delegation of tasks and responsibilities for patient care.
Effective conflict resolution techniques, such as open dialogue, compromise, and consensus-building are employed.
The importance of addressing conflicts promptly to maintain team cohesion and enhance patient care delivery.
Leadership also includes managing conflict and ensuring everyone works together towards the same goal Demonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper

Personal/professional ethics

Ethical considerations involved in integrating social educators into healthcare settings and defining their roles and responsibilities.
The need for Dr. Adams to uphold personal and professional ethics, including integrity, honesty, and respect for diversity, in leading the interprofessional team.
The importance of ethical decision-making in ensuring patient-centered care and maintaining trust among team members.

Improving patient or organizational outcomes

Strategies for improving patient outcomes are enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration, optimizing care coordination, and implementing evidence-based practices.
The potential impact of these strategies on organizational outcomes include increased efficiency, reduced healthcare costs, and improved patient satisfaction.
The role of effective leadership in driving positive patient and organizational outcomes is through collaborative teamwork and continuous quality improvement Demonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper.


The key points discussed in the presentation, includes the importance of effective communication, conflict resolution, and ethical leadership in interprofessional collaboration.
The role of nurse leaders, like Dr. Adams, in promoting patient-centered care, enhancing team dynamics, and achieving optimal outcomes in healthcare delivery.
Strong leadership skills includes motivating, inspiring, and empowering others to take action and make a positive impact.
Frontline managers need to support individual and collective efforts in order to reach the overall goals for the services Demonstrating Leadership On An Interprofessional Team Essay Paper.





Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment

Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment

In my practicum environment at Kinston Community Health Center in North Carolina, we cater to different populations, comprising older adults, women, adolescents, and children. Besides, as a community health center, the facility meets susceptible people, comprising homeless clients and those experiencing mental health issues Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment.


Mental health screening tools are vital, primarily when recognizing patients who may need psychiatric services. At Kinston Community Health Center, we use diverse screening tools for diverse mental conditions. Firstly, the facility uses Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7) to examine anxiety manifestations and severity (Johnson et al., 2019)Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment. It encompasses seven queries linked to anxiety signs encountered over the past fortnight. Scores assist healthcare professionals in deciding the demand for interposition or further assessment.

Further, Patient Health Questionnaire – 9 (PHQ-9) is utilized to screen and assess for depression (Costantini et al., 2021). It encompasses nine queries concerning depression signs encountered in the past fortnight and the scores of direct therapy resolutions and referrals.

Lastly, the Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination (SLUM) is invaluable when examining cognitive function and discerning early dementia symptoms (Alqurashi et al., 2022)Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment. It assesses memory, language, attention, and other cognitive areas. Notably, it is not exclusively a screening tool.

Moreover, the quality of care at my facility is laudable. Its behavioral health professionals perform holistic clinical evaluations, contemplating a patient’s whole life contexts to discern diagnoses and therapy plans. It focuses on cognitive-behavioral perspectives and other curative models to tackle personal and family problems. Also, the facility’s substance abuse services use evidence-based methods, highlighting that addiction is just a challenge or problem to conquer.

Discrepancies and prejudices continue to plague the facility and the whole system since people like the homeless encounter hurdles to ingressing care (Hossain et al., 2020). To improve screenings within the groups, the following changes are suggested. Firstly, community education and outreach such as amplified awareness where the facility can partner with community centers and local shelters to raise awareness about mental health screening. Also, mobile clinics can be used to get to homeless people Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment.

Further, extended hours and incorporated care can also be implemented. This means these screenings can be incorporated into primary care. Also, hours for the mental health units can be extended to handle emergencies.

In sum, by executing these transformations, the facility can improve mental health ingress, decrease biases and prejudice, and enhance results among susceptible populace.


Alqurashi, Y. D., AlHarkan, K., Aldhawyan, A., Bahamdan, A., Alabdulkader, A., Alotaibi, R., … & Ghamdi, K. A. (2022). Association between nap duration and cognitive functions among Saudi older adults. Frontiers in neuroscience16, 917987.

Costantini, L., Pasquarella, C., Odone, A., Colucci, M. E., Costanza, A., Serafini, G., … & Amerio, A. (2021). Screening for depression in primary care with Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9): A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders279, 473-483.

Hossain, M. M., Sultana, A., Tasnim, S., Fan, Q., Ma, P., McKyer, E. L. J., & Purohit, N. (2020). Prevalence of mental disorders among people who are homeless: An umbrella review. International Journal of Social Psychiatry66(6), 528-541 Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment.

Johnson, S. U., Ulvenes, P. G., Øktedalen, T., & Hoffart, A. (2019). Psychometric properties of the general anxiety disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale in a heterogeneous psychiatric sample. Frontiers in psychology10, 449461.


Application of Course Knowledge

Identify your clinical practicum setting (Kinston Community Health Center at Kinston NC.) and a population that you typically see (All type of population children, adolescents, women, older adults)Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment.

Discuss mental health screening tools used at your clinical site. If no screening tools are currently used, which ones would you recommend? (Example we use frequently for a new patients or patient with diagnostic of depression Anxiety screening, and Depression screening and for patienr that are coming for Medicare preventive visit we use SLUM for dementia)

Describe the quality of the mental health care you have observed. Discuss disparities or biases, if any, in the care provided to different members of the population.


Screening opportunities are often missed in vulnerable populations (because we are a community center, we saw many homeless patients and patients with many mentals problems. Kinston Community Health Center have a mental health department that works also in emergency hours IS SOMETHING THAT YOU CAN TAKE INTO ACCOUNT) and those with limited access to care. Mental Health Screening Tools Essay Assignment

Describe at least TWO changes you recommend in your practice setting and community to increase the frequency of mental health screenings within vulnerable populations.






Coaching Diverse, Equitable And Complex Teams Assignment

Coaching Diverse, Equitable And Complex Teams Assignment

As the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) there is a need to develop every nurse to become a leader (Institute of Medicine, 2011).  This is because nurse leaders have a critical role in influencing change and enhancing improvement toward achieving better patient outcomes and sustaining a safe practice environment for other care providers (Institute of Medicine, 2011)Coaching Diverse, Equitable And Complex Teams Assignment. Also, nurses are the backbone of healthcare hence they should lead from the front in influencing all levels of healthcare organizations and practices such as research and innovation, policy development, point of care, and clinical education. To enhance better nursing leadership within complex care organizations I will begin by offering mentorship to nurses in educating them about the importance of nursing leadership.


This will be through using experienced nurse leaders to mentor the nurses about the essence of nurse leadership and its contribution to nursing practice. The second step will be to provide them with models of communication that nurse leaders should embark on to become effective across every department (Institute of Medicine, 2011). Thirdly, I will be encouraging nurse leaders to motivate teamwork across every setting to improve patient outcomes and also to improve the quality of care (Brunt, 2023). In addition, I will highlight to nurse leaders the aspect of accountability as an important trait of a good nursing leader. Lastly, I will elaborate on the need for dedication to work as a nurse and ways of influencing others into action which includes leading by example (Manzano, 2021).

As a leader in the Outpatient Practice organization, I will ensure the AONL principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are adequately established. I will advocate for the DEIB across the outpatient practice by following principle #1 where DEIBs are the cornerstones of human wellness (AONL, 2024). This will be influential by ensuring that the nursing workforce is united and well-supplied with internal and external resources to meet the needs of the larger patient population. Through this principle multigenerational workforce will be encouraged where age, life experiences, and wisdom will be leveraged as an important strength. Diverse groups of healthcare providers will also be encouraged to ensure there is shared decision-making to bring a culture of belongingness.

Principle #3 will be useful in leading the Outpatient practice organization where partnerships will be vital in advancing the vision of the organization (AONL, 2022)Coaching Diverse, Equitable And Complex Teams Assignment. This will be leveraged through partnering with learning institutions such as universities, nursing schools, and other organizations aimed at educating nurses about the practice development, policies, programs, procedures, and organization cultures towards enhancing the most ideal outpatient competencies. Through such collaborations, the organization will be able to lead change through coming up with evidence-based clinical experiences, and community outreach programs for improved care provision. The collaborations will also enhance access to education and opportunities via the use of e-learning and virtual learning platforms across practice-based and academic environments.

As the leader in the Outpatient Practice organization, I will apply principle #4 anchored on the use of data, technology, and research in achieving the desired goal (AONL, 2022).  Through collaboration with health policy and statistical experts, the organization will use modern technology in collecting, storing, and disseminating information to help improve patients’ outcomes. Through the use of DEIB, the organization will achieve research of high value to help produce innovative nursing techniques for safe, effective, timely, and equitable patient-centered care. As a leader, the application of technology is indispensable as this will help in monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating the wellness of staff and their risk of burnout and harnessing early interventions to address such challenges Coaching Diverse, Equitable And Complex Teams Assignment.


AONL. (2022). AONL Guiding Principles on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. https://www.nurseleader.com/article/S1541-4612(22)00027-1/fulltext

AONL. (2024). AONL Guiding Principles: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Toolkit. https://www.aonl.org/resources/DEIB-Toolkit

Brunt BA, Bogdan BA. (2023). Nursing Professional Development Leadership. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519064/

Institute of Medicine. (2011). Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. (2011). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. National Academies Press (US).

Manzano, W., & Vose, C. B. (2021). When nurses lead, health follows. Nursing Management52(12), 36–42. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NUMA.0000800340.10607.36

Coaching Diverse, Equitable and Complex Teams

 Learning Activities

The learning activities for this week include:

  1. Read Albert et al Chapters 12,13, & 14
  2. Read AONL article on guiding principles
  3. Review AONL Toolkit website
  4. Complete the Discussion Forum

Discussion question:

  1. In the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing Report(2011), there is a recommendation that every nurse be developed to become a leader. With this in mind, what steps might you take within your own complex health system(real or hypothetical) to develop nurse leaders? (assume you are the Chief Nursing Officer). Be creative and use the content of chapters 12-14 to come up with your plan.
  2. Think about your own organization and where they align with the AONL principles for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB). Describe how you would advocate for advancing the AONL guiding principles for DEI and Belonging within your organization. Highlight at least 3 of the guiding principles in your response.  Coaching Diverse, Equitable And Complex Teams Assignment

    Please see link below to help with discussion



My organization is outpatient practice