Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment. But technology—new and repurposed—will undoubtedly continue to be a driver of healthcare information. Informaticists often stay tuned to trends to monitor what the next new technology will be or how the next new idea for applying existing technology can benefit outcomes. Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends


In this NURS 6051C Week 6 Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.
  • Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.
  • Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery. NURS 6051C Week 6 Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends. Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends


Write a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain whyDescribe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.

Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends


Challenges To A Population Health Approach

Challenges To A Population Health Approach


As the healthcare paradigm shifts from treating illness toward preventing illness, providers are being challenged to adopt new models of care delivery and to embrace evolving concepts of value-driven reimbursement strategies. Moreover, healthcare providers must give increased attention to improving healthcare in a manner that improves health outcomes across population groups for the entire nation. For example, data must be collected on populations and assessed to determine the effectiveness of different approaches. Challenges To A Population Health Approach


Read the attached article, for insight into some of the issues that providers face in making the shift toward population health management. Imagine that you are the new Chief Population Officer for an integrated health system, and you are tasked by your health system CEO with identifying the challenges of such an implementation, analyzing why these challenges exist, discovering research-based proposed solutions for these challenges, and debating the pros and cons of each of these solutions.


Your assignment consists of three parts.

Part 1: Identify Challenges
  1. Identify five of the most significant challenges to implementing a population-health approach for improving health outcomes and promoting wellness in the United States.
  2. Each challenge should be a sub-heading in this part of the paper. Present the challenge, describe it, and provide some history or background, based on credible research sources. If you need writing assistance, see the Rasmussen College Writing Guide.
Part 2: Analysis of Challenges
  1. Explain each challenge you identified in Part 1 and provide a comprehensive discussion about why each has broad and far-reaching implications for improving the health of the U.S. population.
  2. Use data and scholarly research to support your thinking and bolster your discussion. Challenges To A Population Health Approach
Part 3: Discover Proposed Solutions
  1. Discuss proposed solutions to each of your five identified challenges. These are to be solutions you have found in your research.
  2. Discuss the pros and cons of the solutions you have discovered. What are the arguments for and against these proposed solutions and by whom? This requires critical analysis. You will want to assess the solutions, as well as their detractors and supporters and any possible biases for each. You will want to think through how solutions would be implemented, funded, supported, and received by various stakeholders such as medical professionals, government, and the public.
  • The complete paper should address the three parts and to include a title and reference page.
  • You must include at least eight credible sources, five of which must be scholarly sources from peer reviewed journals.
  • Format your paper according to APA guidelines. For help with APA, visit the Rasmussen College APA Guide.

Challenges To A Population Health Approach

Quality Improvement Initiatives

Quality Improvement Initiatives


You are the CEO of St. Thomas Regional Healthcare Center. Over the past five years, you lead significant quality improvement initiatives resulting in national recognition and Magnet status. You are invited to speak at a national quality improvement conference for other hospital leaders.



Complete a strategic plan and write a white paper, which reflect your process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives.

Your strategic plan should include:

  1. Summary of changes in healthcare quality improvement initiatives over the past 10 years and how they are influencing healthcare practices.
  2. An analysis of state and national health care quality measures and the quality improvement principles used in developing your initiatives.
  3. Discuss the Magnet model components and quality improvement initiatives developed to address patient safety outcomes.
  4. Explain the quality improvement model used and strategies developed to address patient safety challenges healthcare.
  5. Identify two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative.
  6. Summary of common threats to quality improvement in healthcare and apply a quality improvement model and strategies neutralizing the threats.

Quality Improvement Initiatives


Module 09 Discussion – Pediatric Safety

Module 09 Discussion – Pediatric Safety

Purpose of Assignment

This assignment will address the current issues in pediatric healthcare related to safety. Growth and development is an important factor that should be considered along with safety in many areas of pediatric health alterations. Many times the health alterations experienced by children can be prevented if safety education is provided.


Prioritize nursing interventions when caring for pediatric clients with health disorders.


This discussion will focus on the importance of teaching a chosen safety concern in the pediatric population. You will present your response in the discussion addressing the following questions: (discussion should be 300 words).


Initial Post:

  1. Determine the age and developmental stage and how that impacts the child related to the safety concern.
  2. Describe why you believe the safety education you chose will benefit the pediatric population. Who do you believe is the target age range for this specific educational teaching?
  3. Describe at least three nursing diagnoses related to the incident you are providing teaching to prevent. Support your choices with rationales citing 1-2 scholarly sources.

Module 09 Discussion – Pediatric Safety

The Approaches of Nursing Leaders and Managers to Issues in Practice

The Approaches of Nursing Leaders and Managers to Issues in Practice

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation.
Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs. The Approaches of Nursing Leaders and Managers to Issues in Practice


Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.
Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue.
Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting.

The Approaches of Nursing Leaders and Managers to Issues in Practice

Benchmark – Nursing Process: Approach to Care

Benchmark – Nursing Process: Approach to Care

The nursing process is a tool that puts knowledge into practice. By utilizing this systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care.

Write a paper (1,750-2,000 words) on cancer and approach to care based on the utilization of the nursing process. Include the following in your paper:
Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects. Benchmark – Nursing Process: Approach to Care


Discuss what factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans.
Explain how the American Cancer Society (ACS) might provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend and why?
Explain how the nursing process is utilized to provide safe and effective care for cancer patients across the life span. Your explanation should include each of the five phases and demonstrate the delivery of holistic and patient-focused care.
Discuss how undergraduate education in liberal arts and science studies contributes to the foundation of nursing knowledge and prepares nurses to work with patients utilizing the nursing process. Consider mathematics, social and physical sciences, and science studies as an interdisciplinary research area.

You are required to cite to a minimum of four sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Benchmark – Nursing Process: Approach to Care

Reflection on Importance of Nursing Education

Reflection on Importance of Nursing Education

The IOM published report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” makes recommendations for lifelong learning and achieving higher levels of education.
In 1,000-1,250 words, examine the importance of nursing education and discuss your overall educational goals.


Include the following:
Discuss your options in the job market based on your educational level.
Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. Describe what professional certification and advanced degrees (MSN, DNP, etc.) you want to pursue and explain your reasons for wanting to attain the education. Discuss your timeline for accomplishing these goals.
Discuss how increasing your level of education would affect how your competitiveness in the current job market and your role in the future of nursing.
Discuss the relationship of continuing nursing education to competency, attitudes, knowledge, and the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics.
Discuss whether continuing nursing education should be mandatory. Provide support for your response.
You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment.

Reflection on Importance of Nursing Education

The Influence of the IOM Report on Nursing Practice

The Influence of the IOM Report on Nursing Practice

Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
2. Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses.
3. Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.


4. Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum.
5. Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.

The Influence of the IOM Report on Nursing Practice

Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Prepare a 4-6 page annotated bibliography in which you identify and describe at least four peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Be sure that your annotated bibliography includes all of the following elements: Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing


Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic
What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this?
What research process did you employ?
Which databases did you use?
Which search terms did you use?
Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first-person since you are asked to describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use third person in the rest of the bibliography, however.
Annotation Elements
For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation.
Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose.
Provide a summary overview of the publication.
According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of care?
According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the work of the interdisciplinary health care team?
Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read. Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing
Summary of Recommendation
How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined?
What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs, and/or employee empowerment.
How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? This is the section where you will justify (prove) that the implementation of the
patient care technology is appropriate or not. The evidence should be cited from the literature that was noted in the annotated bibliography.
Consider the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patientcare/satisfaction, and interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Effective Nursing Leadership

Effective Nursing Leadership

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation.


  2. Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs. Effective Nursing Leadership
  3. Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.
  4. Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
  5. Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue.
  6. Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting. Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles other than those presented in your text or provided in the course.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Effective Nursing Leadership