discuss your position on whether the state should pay for the gender change surgery for an incarcerated individual with gender dysphoria?

  • 5:3 Discussion Topic

Activity: Reconstructive Surgery for Gender Dysphoria: Self-Directed: Nongraded
Activity: Reconstructive Surgery for Gender Dysphoria: Self-Directed: Nongraded
To complete this activity, read the following scenario:
Michelle is a thirty-four-year-old Caucasian female who is incarcerated for five years on charges of serious domestic assault on her sister. She has four years remaining of her sentence. She has a documented case of gender dysphoria. She is a female physically, but all her life, she has felt like a male emotionally and mentally. She takes hormone therapy (testosterone) to help her acquire some of the physical characteristics of a male. Just as with needed dental and medical services, the state correctional facility is required to provide Michelle with hormone therapy (medication) as well as weekly therapy sessions to discuss her emotional distress related to her gender dysphoria. Michelle wants to proceed with full gender reconstruction surgery to permanently alter her anatomy from female to male in order to become Michael. Since her prison therapist has reluctantly admitted that becoming a male would alleviate a fair amount of Michelle’s emotional distress, Michelle decides to ask the state to pay for her gender change surgery. The state declines to do so. Michelle is now suing the state to pay for her gender reconstructive surgery to physically become a male.
After reading the scenario, discuss your position on whether the state should pay for the gender change surgery for an incarcerated individual with gender dysphoria? Why or why not?

Write a descriptive composite of a typical case based on your chosen disorder

Assignment 3: Course Project Task V

Assessment and Diagnostic Plan

You have reached the point in the course project when you will begin to focus on the practical application of your research knowledge and the skills you’ve practiced through the assignments in other modules.

For the course project task this week, complete the following:

  • Write a descriptive composite of a typical case based on your chosen disorder. Base the fictitious case character on your research of the typical presentation of the disorder.This case example should include your knowledge of demographics, prevalence, and associated features. For example, if your chosen disorder most typically occurs within females between the ages of 20–34, your case example should be of a female of that age range. Add details to your case example based on other characteristics you’ve identified through your research.
  • Next, with this case composite, discuss specifically how this client’s symptoms are manifested in the sport/exercise setting.

To get started, create an identity for the athlete in your case example. Draw from both your professional experience and the information you learned from your literature review to help you create the profile of your client. You want to develop a detailed enough profile that the reader will gain an understanding of the symptoms and pathology.

After you have created your case example, discuss disorders that are similar to the disorder you have chosen to research and explain how you would differentiate between them. You might consult the DSM Differential Diagnosis section for your chosen disorder as a guide; however, also integrate information from your literature review with the discussion.

Create your two- to three-page case presentation description in Microsoft Word document format

Analyze psychology as a science

Choosing an Article for the Article Review Final Paper

This week, you will select an article to review for your final assignment in the course, the Aritcle Review, which is due in Week Six. Each article represents a topic and area of psychology. See the attached PSY600 Article Review List to read the articles and make your choice.

In your paper, clearly identify your article selection. Analyze psychology as a science as it is presented in your chosen article and explain why you have decided to focus on this particular topic. Assess the professional roles presented in the chosen article and describe the interactions between psychology professionals and professionals in other fields, if any. Explain any psychological theoretical perspectives presented in the article and why they are of particular interest to you.

The paper:

  • Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must address the topic with critical thought.
  • Must use at least one peer-reviewed source chosen from the PSY600 Article Review List
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • attachment

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How would you rate your current physical health?

Complete the intake assessment form you developed earlier in the course. Fill in as much of the data as you can from the facts of the case. Then, create your diagnostic impressions, selecting at least three possible diagnoses you would consider for this case. (NFL Star Brandon Marshall)

Finally, write a brief assessment plan that would enable you to gather further evaluation data. It should include at least four separate sources or methods of data collection.

Client Intake Questionnaire

Please fill in the information below and bring it with you to your first session.

Please note: information provided on this form is protected as confidential information.

Personal Information

Name:________________________Brandon Marshall ________________________ Date: ______________________

Parent/Legal Guardian (if under 18): ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: ___ _______________________________ May we leave a message? □ Yes □ No

Cell/Work/Other Phone: _________________________ May we leave a message? □ Yes □ No

Email: ________________________________________ May we leave a message? □ Yes □ No *Please note: Email correspondence is not considered to be a confidential medium of communication. DOB: ______________________________ Age: _______ Gender: ________________ Martial Status:

□ Never Married  □ Domestic Partnership  □ Married

□ Separated □ Divorced   □ Widowed

Referred By (if any): ________________________________________________________________


Have you previously received any type of mental health services (psychotherapy, psychiatric services, etc.)?

□ No □ Yes, previous therapist/practitioner: _________________________________________

Are you currently taking any prescription medication? □ Yes □ No

If yes, please list:



Have you ever been prescribed psychiatric medication? □ Yes □ No

If yes, please list and provide dates:

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

General and Mental Health Information

1. How would you rate your current physical health? (Please circle one)

Poor  Unsatisfactory  Satisfactory   Good  Very good

Please list any specific health problems you are currently experiencing: _____________________


2. How would you rate your current sleeping habits? (Please circle one)

Poor  Unsatisfactory  Satisfactory   Good  Very good

Please list any specific sleep problems you are currently experiencing:



3. How many times per week do you generally exercise? ___________________________________What types of exercise do you participate in? ____________________________________________

4. Please list any difficulties you experience with your appetite or eating problems: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Are you currently experiencing overwhelming sadness, grief or depression? □ No □ Yes

If yes, for approximately how long?___________________________________________________

6. Are you currently experiencing anxiety, panics attacks or have any phobias? □ No □ Yes

If yes, when did you begin experiencing this? ___________________________________________

7. Are you currently experiencing any chronic pain?  □ No □ Yes

If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________

8. Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? □ No □ Yes

9. How often do you engage in recreational drug use?

□ Daily  □ Weekly  □ Monthly  □ Infrequently □ Never

10. Are you currently in a romantic relationship? □ No □ Yes

If yes, for how long? _______________________________________________________________

On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being poor and 10 being exceptional), how would you rate your relationship? ______________________________________________________________________________

11. What significant life changes or stressful events have you experienced recently? _____________

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Family Mental Health History

In the section below, identify if there is a family history of any of the following. If yes, please indicate the family member’s relationship to you in the space provided (e.g. father, grandmother, uncle, etc.)

Please Circle  List Family Member

Alcohol/Substance Abuse yes / no _______________________

Anxiety yes / no _______________________

Depression yes / no _______________________

Domestic Violence yes / no _______________________

Eating Disorders yes / no _______________________

Obesity yes / no _______________________

Obsessive Compulsive Behavior yes / no _______________________

Schizophrenia yes / no _______________________

Suicide Attempts yes / no _______________________

Additional Information

1. Are you currently employed?  □ No □ Yes

If yes, what is your current employment situation? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Do you enjoy your work? Is there anything stressful about your current work? ___________________



2. Do you consider yourself to be spiritual or religious?  □ No □ Yes

If yes, describe your faith or belief: _____________________________________________________


3. What do you consider to be some of your strengths? ______________________________________




4. What do you consider to be some of your weaknesses? ____________________________________




5. What would you like to accomplish out of your time in therapy? ____________________________


Case Diagnostic Exercise Template

Case Name: Anxiety Disorder

Diagnoses Considered:




Assessment Plan:

Sources of Clinical Data:

What are the key similarities and differences that you discern between May and the European humanistic perspectives about the individual and connection to others?

Many of his colleagues considered Rollo May the father of American existential psychology. What are the key similarities and differences that you discern between May and the European humanistic perspectives about the individual and connection to others? What makes these significant?

Supportive Reading Below:

Read Chapters 33 and 36.




Craig, E. (2008). A brief overview of existential depth psychotherapy. Humanistic Psychologist, 36(3/4), 211–226.




Tratter, A. M. D. (2013). Heidegger’s beck and call: A commentary. Humanistic Psychologist, 41(3), 256–260.




Keddy, P. (2011). My Experience with psychotherapy, existential analysis, and Jungian analysis: Rollo May and beyond. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(8), 806–817.



  • attachment


Demonstrate the use of career counseling theory to determine decision-making processes.

University of Phoenix user name claudiarangel pass Zion@2011

Applying Career Counseling Theories Role-Play Session Transcript

Assignment Content

Write a 350-word case scenario for a client who is seeking career guidance and counseling. Present this scenario and role play in class.

Write a 350-word transcript of a 5- to 10-minute career counseling session with this client. Include the following:

(I will need a intro and conclusion to this)

Demonstrate the use of career counseling theory to determine decision-making processes.

Demonstrate the use of theory-based counseling strategies to assist the client in developing career, educational, and life-work planning and management skills.

Demonstrate appropriate theory-based career counseling interventions.

Use a consistent theory throughout the role-play session.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Submit your case scenario and role-play transcript .

Note: For Local Campus students, you will also conduct your role-play in class.

This might help you

The STEPs for Documenting Career Counseling Sessions

By Rhonda Sutton, Ph.D., LPC, LPC-S, is the author of “STEP notes TM: The Counselor’s Guide to Progress Notes” and president of STEP Notes TM, Inc. She also owns a private career and mental health counseling practice in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she provides career and mental health counseling. For more information, feel free to contact Rhonda via email at rhonda@stepnotesinc.com.

Progress notes are a vital aspect of any counselor’s work, and career counselors are no exception. The career counseling process builds upon itself, and it is important to see a client progressing. Client attendance can also be sporadic, so having a solid record of all counseling sessions helps career counselors better serve their clients. Additionally, even though career counselors do not directly address mental health issues, it is important to assess if a client needs to seek supplementary assistance for personal concerns. Take the following fictional case study as an example:

Ariana is a 26 year old undergraduate student in her junior year. She took time off from school when her mother was diagnosed with lymphoma. Her mother passed away two months ago, and Ariana’s father has “forced” Ariana to return to college to earn her degree, especially since there are three younger siblings at home. Ariana’s father needs her to get good grades and major in “something worthwhile” so that she can help support the family financially. Ariana originally wanted to major in history with the goal of becoming a history professor, but now she is changing her major to business administration. She is seeking career counseling to find out about the types of jobs she can get and what she should do to “make the most” of the next two years of college. When she meets with you, a career counselor at her university, Ariana appears unkempt in baggy sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt and uncombed hair. She barely looks you in the eye, shifts around in her chair a lot, and seems tearful when she briefly refers to the loss of her mother. Ariana shares that she is having a hard time concentrating in her business classes and does not sleep much given that she is working a full-time job to help pay for college.

The STEP notes TM method provides concrete “STEPs” for documenting this session:

“S” refers to the SUBJECTS the client discussed and the SYMPTOMS the client reported or exhibited. Subjects Ariana disclosed include: death of her mother, change of major, and stress. Symptoms can be emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and/or physical. Ariana’s emotional symptoms appear to be sadness and uncertainty. Behavioral symptoms to document for Ariana include loss of sleep, minimal eye contact, acting withdrawn, and agitation. Ariana’s difficulty concentrating is a cognitive symptom, and her disheveled appearance is a physical symptom. Seeing how the subjects and symptoms increase, decrease or change over the course of counseling help the career counselor better ascertain ways in which career counseling is progressing.

“T” refers to the actual THERAPEUTIC TOOLS the counselor utilized during the session with the client. For example, Ariana’s career counselor may utilize Holland’s theory of vocational choice or Super’s developmental self-concept theory. Also, the counselor may be person-centered or use solution-focused techniques with Ariana. In addition to the therapeutic approach, what the counselor actually does during the session should be documented in the progress notes by using action verbs. Words such as, “aligned, demonstrated, explored, reframed” are all examples of action verbs that can start a sentence describing how the counselor put a theoretical approach into practice. For example, “Explored Ariana’s reason for changing majors and what she hopes to accomplish by doing so.”

“E” indicates the EVALUATION section of the progress note. Evaluation involves the client’s level of engagement in therapy; for example, is the client minimizing, open, or guarded? In the example with Ariana, it appears she is somewhat guarded. Evaluation also needs to include an assessment of the client’s current level of functioning. Utilizing a scale of 1 to 10 is helpful, with “1” indicating an inability on the part of the client to engage in career counseling and a “10” signifying that the client has met her career counseling goals. Ariana is probably functioning at a “2” to “3” level given that she is dealing with the loss of her mother, pressures from her father, and uncertainty about her major. In this section, it would also be important for the career counselor to note if the client was referred to additional services to deal with deeper concerns, such as grief over the loss of a parent.

“P” is the last part of the progress note and references both the short- and long-term PLAN for the client. The plan may include the homework, assessments, and long-range goals. Examples of a plan for Ariana may include taking a career assessment of her interests and skills, exploring jobs one can get with a business major, and learning about resources to deal with the loss of her mother. The plan can also include topics or details that were not addressed in the current session but that the counselor wants to follow up on during the next appointment.

These “STEPs” provide career counselors with a format to efficiently and clearly document their counseling sessions. As one can see from the case study example above, using the STEPs format to document sessions can assist with systematically noting present concerns and planning future goals. The categories provide an organized structure for evaluating progress as well as assessing if career counseling interventions are meeting client needs. The goal of STEP notes TM is to provide a professional and thoughtful conceptualization of counseling sessions, and to be a useful tool for counselors to note the progress of their clients. More about STEP notes can be found at www.stepnotesinc.com.

Explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Paper

  • Briefly explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Complete this diagram by providing three examples that meet the needs of each category.
  • Identify the characteristics of self – actualizers and identify behaviors that lead to self-actualization.
  • Identify criticisms of Maslow’s theory.
  • Identify strengths of Maslow’s theory.
  • Explain the significance of the following statement: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a pyramid, not a triangle.
  • Identify your favorite quote from Maslow and explain why it appeals to you.
  • Reflect on and identify what motivates you. Provide some examples.

Find at least one scholarly source to support your ideas.

Use APA format to style your paper and cite and reference your sources.

Your paper should be 2—4 pages long, in addition to a title page and a reference page.

Refer to the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.

Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)

Points: 100

Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

Application Paper #4 – Intelligence


Application Paper #4

1.Please pick 1 or 2 of Gardner’s Intelligences which you find you do well. What are they and what are your strengths in these areas?

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Gardner asked, How is the person smart, not how smart are you? Gardner believes there are at least a minimum of 8 different Intelligences. these do not act alone; they act in concert.

  • Musical Intelligence = Skills in tasks involved in music.
  • Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence = Skills in tasks involved in using whole or parts of body

such as dancers ,athletes, actors, surgeons.

  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence = Skills in problem-solving and scientific thinking.
  • Linguistic Intelligence= Skills in production and use of language.
  • Spatial Intelligence = skills re: spatial configurations for instance artists and architect
  • Interpersonal Intelligence =Skills interacting with others, understanding sensitivity to moods, temperaments, motivations, and intentions of others.
  • Interpersonal Intelligence = Knowledge about internal aspects of oneself; access to one’s feelings and emotions.
  • Naturalistic Intelligence = Ability to identify and classify patterns in nature

2. Enclosed is information about intelligence. Please read the following scenario.

Practical and Emotional Intelligence:

Practical Intelligence produces overall success in living and is used through observation of others’ behavior. Emotional Intelligence shows skills that underlie accurate assessment, evaluation, expression of emotions, and regulation of emotions. It is the basis of empathy for others, self-awareness, and social skills. It shows understanding of others’ feelings and so can assist others.


“An employee who reports to a supervisor that you supervise, has asked to talk with you about waste, poor management practices, and possible violations of company policy and the law on the part of your supervisor. You have been in your position for only a year, but in that time you have had no indications of trouble with that supervisor.

Neither you nor your company has an ” open door” policy. It is expected employees take their concerns to their immediate supervisor before bringing the information to others. The employee who wished to meet with you has not discussed the issues with her supervisors because of its delicate nature.”

What would you do?

What are your reasons?

Explain the form of intelligence ( practical and/or emotional) you used and how you used it.

  • attachment


An outline of how you have formulated your response to Richard Hackman's statement.

Creating a Report

In the week 3 discussion, you began the Pre-Writing step for a report for your boss on Richard Hackman’s statement that using a team to complete a complex project may not be the best approach. Review your classmates’ contributions to the discussion forum so that you are able to leverage a wide variety of perspectives.

Your written assignment this week is to continue the 3×3 writing process and complete the report.

Continuing your research using the South University Online Library, complete the report. Your report must include the following:

  • An outline of how you have formulated your response to Richard Hackman’s statement. Your outline should provide a reasonable framework for the report and show where you are going to use each of the pieces of information you found through your research
  • An introduction to the report that explains the purpose of the report, the significance of the topic, and a preview of the main points to be discussed
  • The body of the report that uses clear headings and topics arranged logically, in an appropriate tone
  • Meaningful conclusions and practical recommendations in the report
  • Multiple current and credible sources

Submission Details:

  • Submit your answers in a Microsoft Word document.
  • Name your document SU_BUS2023_W3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • Cite any sources you use in APA format on a separate page.

How do researchers make sense of the phenomena?  

Research a Topic in Developmental Psychology

  1. For this research paper, you can choose a developmental psychology topic of interest and report on it.
  2. Maybe you’re interested in language development, how attachment in infancy affects later life relationships, how children decide on the trustworthiness of adults, mathematical development, etc.
  3. For this paper, you will identify your topic and discuss what scientific research has been done on it. What research has been conducted? Are there theories in addition to the evidence? How do researchers make sense of the phenomena?   What have scientists found?

You should find and cite 3-5 scientific journal articles (NOT WEBSITES).

Where to find journal articles:

1) http://mvc.edu/library/a_z.cfm#p1 and use the psychology database to find articles.

2) scholar.google.com and find FREE articles.