what are the ethics involved in attempting to mandate a non-criminal adult to be evaluated?

To complete this activity, read the following scenario:

Ina is a Russian immigrant living in the U.S. with her husband of 5 years and two children, ages 2 and 4. Ina only lived in America a short time before meeting her husband, who began abusing her while they were dating. She recalls being hopeful that, with every stage of their relationship (marriage, children, etc.), he would change and the abuse would decrease. However, the opposite occurred. In the most recent incident a few weeks ago, Ina’s husband hit her in the head so hard (in front of their children) that she lost consciousness for about 20 minutes. Ina does not work outside the home due to her limited fluency in English, and she has no money of her own since her husband is in charge of all their finances. Thus, she has chosen not to leave her husband, because doing so would result in her and her children becoming homeless. One homeless shelter in her area is for both men and women and is geared towards offenders who have been recently released from prison. It is located in a high crime area. The other homeless shelter in her area caters to women who have suffered domestic abuse, but it has only a few beds and a wait list of 14 months.

Should Ina be evaluated and given recommendations about what she should do next? If she refuses an evaluation, what are the ethics involved in attempting to mandate a non-criminal adult to be evaluated? What is the appropriate response for a forensic mental health professional in this case?

. What is your experience with prescription, over the counter drugs and dietary supplements?

INSTRUCTIONS: Elaborate discussion forum by answering the following question(s) (400 words or more / Times New Roman, 10 / *double spaced not necessary for non-essay questions*) 1. When might a personality disorder be an advantage to a person or vocation? 2. What type of disorders would go with what vocations? New Assignment – PSY 340 INSTRUCTIONS: Elaborate discussion forum by answering the following question(s) (400 words or more / Times New Roman, 10 / *double spaced not necessary for non-essay questions*) 1. Define gender. What is the gender similarities hypothesis? 2. What are some common gender roles and how have they impacted society and culture? Think about the BOY and GIRL commercial posted. 3. Identify and discuss three of the aspects that attracts us to one another. 4. What new information did you learn from these chapters? What did you find most interesting? New Assignment – PSY 355 PART I INSTRUCTIONS: Briefly summarize the video(s) including the major topic(s) and your opinion(s) regarding the information contained in the material (400 words or more / Times New Roman, 10 / *double spaced not necessary for non-essay questions*) Video 1 Link: https://youtu.be/9CGlD50mdbs?list=PL76D7A1CF5AA77E57 Video 2 Link:https://youtu.be/dcWBFllF6ds?list=PL76D7A1CF5AA77E57 New Assignment – PSY 355 PART II INSTRUCTIONS: Elaborate a discussion forum by answering the following question(s) (400 words or more / Times New Roman, 10 / *double spaced not necessary for non-essay questions*) 1. What is your experience with prescription, over the counter drugs and dietary supplements? 2. What would your life be like without them? 3. What pros and cons do you see from their use?

  • attachment


Explain the limitations of what the evaluator can and cannot say.

Assignment 2: RA: Ethical Issues during Forensic Assessments

When conducting forensic assessments, it is important for forensic mental health professionals to have a thorough understanding of the following:

  • Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct Including 2010 Amendments
  • Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology: Adopted by APA Council of Representatives

Ethical issues are commonly present when completing forensic assessments. Read the scenario below and discuss the ethical issues therein.

Dr. Smith was contacted by the District County Attorney’s office to evaluate Mr. Doe as part of a sexually violent predator civil commitment hearing. Dr. Smith agreed to complete the evaluation and contacted the prison facility, where Mr. Doe was being held, to schedule an appointment.

Upon arrival at the prison, Mr. Doe’s attorney indicated that he wanted to be present for the interview and psychological testing. Dr. Smith agreed, and they proceeded with the interview. During the interview, while discussing his sex offense history, Mr. Doe admitted to offending against two adult females (one of which was the one for whom he was convicted). He also reported offending against his three-year-old daughter. He indicated that his relationship with his wife, although rocky at times, is generally supportive. Upon inquiry, he reported a history of domestic abuse, which was never reported. He explained that due to his arrest and incarceration, his wife has had to find a job to be able to continue to afford their housing. He reported that he previously worked as a general maintenance worker at a local trucking company. He explained that he cheated on his wife with a coworker, who has since stopped all communication. He indicated that this coworker used to visit and send him letters and money when he was first “locked up.” He reported that he was angry that she ceased all communication, without explanation, and spoke of her with rage and hostility. He said, “If I ever see her again, I’ll kill her.”

During the administration of the psychological tests, Mr. Doe asked to use the restroom once and was provided another five-minute break. There was a great deal of background noise throughout the interview and administration. On two occasions, Mr. Doe asked his attorney how he should answer the question. He was advised, and he answered as such. Upon the completion of testing, Dr. Smith thanked Mr. Doe and his attorney for their time and indicated that he would see them in court.

If released, Mr. Doe will return to his home with his wife and two daughters. He has reported to the prison staff that he will also return to his previous job and may enroll in vocational classes at an area community college.


As a forensic mental health professional, discuss the ethical issues in the scenario. Refer to the following resources:

  • American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct including 2010 amendments. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx
  • American Psychology-Law Society. (2011). Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology: Adopted by APA Council of Representatives [Unofficial version]. Retrieved from http://www.ap-ls.org/aboutpsychlaw/SGFP_Final_Approved_2011.pdf

Write a 5- to 6-page report in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:

  • Identify the appropriate APA ethical code(s) and the specialty guidelines that may apply to this scenario.
  • Examine the limits of confidentiality. How might those limits be affected by some of the information contained in the scenario?
  • Discuss specific circumstances in the case study in which there might be a duty to report or duty to warn.
  • Explain the limitations of what the evaluator can and cannot say.
  • Discuss the implications of the third-party observer to the overall evaluation.

Your report should rely upon at least four scholarly resources from the professional literature that are cited in APA format. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, and .gov).

Submission Details:

The RA is worth 200 points.

If you have made verbal notification, you do not need to make a written one?

10 Multiple Choice Questions


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

1. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as…..

Protecting children from maltreatment;

Preventing impairment of children’s health or development;

Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and

Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes..

All of the above


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

2. When a child discloses to you, you should NOT……

Listen to and take the information given to you by the young person seriously.

Confirm in a positive manner that the young person has done the right thing in telling you about their concern.

Convey verbally and by non-verbal communication that you know how difficult it might be for them to tell you about such difficult experiences.

Promise that you will not share any of the details with anyone

If taken by surprise, try and find a space where information can be discussed in privacy as soon as possible.


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

3. What questions CAN you ask during/ following a disclosure?

‘Why did they do that to you’?

‘Are you going to be safe when you leave school?

‘Are you able to tell me more?’

‘Can you tell me their name?

a) (i) and (ii)?

b) (ii) and (iii)?

c) (iii) and (iv)?

d) (ii) and (iv)?

This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

4. When making a report following a disclosure, you should NOT include the following…

the exact words of the pupil that were said without prompting.

Your understanding/judgment of the situation

your observations as to how the young person presented

information such any names, personal details of other people that might have been involved.

Include your own words throughout the conversation.


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

5. What indicators would NOT be considered good examples of ‘active listening’?

Avoiding eye contact?

‘Back-channeling’ such as ‘uh huh, Mmm, yup, ok, alright’…?

Nodding occasionally?

Smiling occasionally

Leaning slightly forward?

This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

6. Which of the following statement is a TRUE statement?

You have within ONE WEEK to inform the designated safeguarding officer?

If you have made verbal notification, you do not need to make a written one?

You can keep information confidential and that you do not have to pass it on?

You should not investigate the situation yourself?

This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

7. The Designated Safeguarding/Child Protection Officers are………..respectfully?

Leon Bareham/Ian Rosario-Hopkins/Jenna Rawlings

Neesha Bhullar/Phoebe Wanjugu/Warucu Kijuu

Lucy Darwin/Christina Lacey/Payal Kakkar

Clare Hooper/Ian Rosario-Hopkins/Jenna Rawlings

Lucy Darwin/Warucu Kijuu/ Payal Kakkar


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

8. Which of the following could be considered types of ‘cyber-bullying’?




Happy – slapping?


All of the above?


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

9. Which of the following statements is NOT as responsibility of the designated Child Protection Officers…..?

Organising child protection training/induction?

Providing, with the Headteacher, an annual report detailing any changes to the policy/procedures; training; number and type of incidents/cases etc.?

Liaising with other agencies and professionals?

Ensuring all the governors attend the requisite Child Protection training?

Ensuring that all written records of concerns about a child are kept confidentially and securely and are separate from pupil records?


This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

10. Remember: Your job is to…………..?






This resource was produced by Lucy Darwin when completing the Pivotal Education’s online Level 2 Safeguarding for Schools course. The views in this document do not necessarily represent the views of Pivotal Education Ltd. For more information about our online courses and other training please visit www.PivotalEducation.comwww.PivotalEducation.com .

What is the difference between a legal standard for insanity and a psychological assessment instrument?

Assignment 1: Standards and Tests for Criminal Responsibility

Criminal responsibility (insanity) assessments play a significant role in forensic psychological assessment, and information about them is directly relevant to the psycholegal assessment questions on the comprehensive exam.


Using resources from the professional literature, research legal standards and assessment tools used with the criminally insane population. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu and .gov).

In a minimum of 300 words, address the following:

  • Identify and discuss at least two legal standards for insanity in a criminal defendant.
  • Explain why such legal standards are important for our judicial system. What information may assist in understanding the defendant’s capacity to control his or her behavior at the time of the offense?
  • Describe at least one type of assessment instrument for criminal responsibility. What is the research support for utilization of these instruments?
  • What is the difference between a legal standard for insanity and a psychological assessment instrument?

Review your Self-Care Plan and choose one strategy to implement.

Week 5

Discussion 2: Document Your Self-Care Plan

Good planning without good working is nothing.

—Dwight D. Eisenhower


Plan your work and work your plan.

—Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich

In the previous Module, you created a Self-Care Plan to help you develop and maintain your personal and professional well-being. This plan includes strategies to help you make progress in particular areas of interest without losing site of overall wellness.

But a plan by itself is just words on a page. Implementing the plan is as critical as developing the plan. This Discussion is meant to help you get started on working your plan.

For this Discussion, you will implement one strategy in your Self-Care Plan.

To Prepare:

· Review your Self-Care Plan and choose one strategy to implement.

By Day 4

Post the implementation of your strategy. Include the following:

· Describe the implementation of your strategy. For example, if your strategy is to walk your dog for 30 minutes a day, identify the time and day of your walks, or post a photo from one of your walks.

· Describe how the implementation of your strategy went. Please feel free to be creative with how to submit. Some ideas for submission are pictures, audio, video, or text.

· Have fun with this check-in! Be creative. No citations or extra research are necessary.

Identify the factors that might impede competency restoration.

Assignment 2: Competency Restoration

If criminal defendants are deemed incompetent to face a trial, they have the right to have their competency restored since they cannot be released without having a trial and they cannot be held indefinitely without being given the opportunity to become competent. Accordingly, it is important to state how they will be restored to competency.

Create a 3- to 4-page paper in a Microsoft Word document answering the two parts of this assignment.

Part 1:

CST has long been a sought-out legal procedure. Identify a landmark case decision that has played a factor in this process and address the following issues:

  • Explain the process of competency restoration.
  • Describe why the process of competency restoration is important.
  • Discuss one landmark case decision that has played a role in the process of restoration.

Part 2:

Elaborate on your discussion by including the process of restoration in the forensic arena.

In your report, address the following:

  • Identify the appropriate APA ethical codes and the specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists that may apply to the process of restoration.
  • Examine the limits to confidentiality.
  • Identify the factors that might impede competency restoration.

Your responses should rely upon at least three scholarly resources from the professional literature that are cited in APA format. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu and .gov).

Submission Details:

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria  Maximum Points    Explained the process of competency restoration.  16    Described why the process of competency restoration is important.  14    Discussed one landmark case on competency restoration.  14    Identified the appropriate APA ethical codes and the specialty guidelines on the process of competency restoration.  12    Examined the limits to confidentiality.  12    Identified the factors that might impede competency restoration.  12    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.  20    Total:  100

How can what you have learned about yourself help support your learning performance?

Prior to engaging in this discussion please read Chapter 7: Evolving Frameworks, in your e-book, watch the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.video, read the article “Multiple Intelligences” (2011), and review the Instructor Guidance.

Traditionally, someone who is intelligent is defined as an individual who can solve problems, use logic to answer questions, and think critically. However, psychologist Howard Gardner has created a much broader definition of intelligence called multiple intelligences, which is more focused on our areas of learning preferences. For this discussion, please complete the following:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of intelligence (IQ) and multiple intelligences (MIs) by comparing and contrasting the differing variables associated with each.
  • Thinking critically about these foundational differences, comment on how Gardner’s ideas about learning preferences might change the way we assess a person’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Click the following link and take the MI assessment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Review your results.
    • Do you agree with the assessment? How can what you have learned about yourself help support your learning performance? List at least two behaviors you could change or traits you could develop in your own behaviors, and explain how they support your assessment results.

how would you explain how both genetics and her environment play a factor in behaviors.


In Chapter 4 we discussed cultural factors in perception.

Think of a demographic based on race, sexual orientation, or disability.

1. Choose a demographic and list some of the prejudices, biases, stereotypes, and discrimination that group may face either at work, community, or in social settings.

2. Are these perceptions based in fact. If so, please state the reasons to support this. And if not, how are these perceptions unfounded?

3. What are some things needed to socially change the perceptions of this demographic group?


Imagine that you have a client, Tiffany Harris coming to see you for help. The client tells you she has a family history of mental illness specifically mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. The client witnessed her mother who suffered from depression all of her life. She is seeking medication and or therapy to manage her behaviors which mirror anxiety.

Answer the following 3 questions:

1) As a student “intern” based on your understanding of the material, how would you explain how both genetics and her environment play a factor in her behaviors.

2) If the client continues to push for medication, what neurotransmitter drug would be helpful to assist her?

3) What other behavior intervention strategies or coping skills could she implement in ADDITION to medication management?

in what ways will the job analysis that led to this job description continue to be useful?

Assignment 1: Discussion Question

By the due date assigned, respond to the discussion question. Submit your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions, and continue the discussion through the end of the module.

Discussion Question

You are a job applicant interested in the position of Marketing Manager at Jay Marketing. Following is a description of the required profile:

Primary Responsibilities of the Marketing Manager:

Research and implement effective marketing strategies and best practices.

Act as a liaison between clients and Jay Marketing.

Interact with brand managers to ensure a consistent brand experience.

Utilize market research metrics as a measure of successful ad placement.

Oversee market research and focus groups.

Select and partner with various brands to conduct marketing tie-ins.

Take a proactive approach to problem-solving, and provide leadership in resolving issues within the marketing department.

An Ideal Candidate:

Education Level: BA/BS in marketing or a related field required; MA/MS in marketing or a related field preferred

Experience in marketing required, leadership experience a plus

Exceptional consulting and account management skills required

Statistical knowledge preferred

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Exceptional organizational skills

Exemplifies the values of Jay Marketing

You apply for the job and are asked to appear for an interview.

Which aspects of the above job description do you think may have resulted from job-oriented job analysis techniques?

Which aspects of the job description do you think were products of worker-oriented job analysis techniques?

After this position is filled, in what ways will the job analysis that led to this job description continue to be useful?

Will the company need to conduct another job analysis for this position in the future? Why or why not?

What do you think are the similarities and differences between this job posting and those you have seen? Use specific examples of other job postings in your response.