What areas of your life have been or do you believe will be the most satisfying?

Book -Invitation to Life 3rd edition by Kathleen S.

Write  a report on a published biography or autobiography. Please provide a full reference.

In discussing information from your text, you must reference the appropriate chapters, identify and define each relevant concept, and explain why the psychological concepts you focus on are relevant to their  life.

Human Development: Conception to Old Age

You are to write an essay with a 2000 word minimum (not including title and reference pages) in which you analyze and synthesize psychological concepts and connect them to personal experiences.  In each section you are to describe personal events from that time and correlate it to the textbook information read.

The essay is to be divided into ten distinct sections that address the areas below. The examples provided after the initial questions are just that, examples. They are meant to stimulate your thinking. You may use them as they are written or feel free to elaborate as you see fit.

1. First describe your family. How many people were in your family during your childhood years? Did your family structure change (e.g., divorce of parents, death of a family member, inclusion of grandparent in the home, addition of a sibling)?

2. Write about your birth. Was there anything unusual about your birth (e.g., were you born early or a twin)? Were there any notable circumstances during your infancy (e.g., sibling was born)?

3. Write about what you remember about your early childhood, from 2 to 6 years of age (e.g. did you go to preschool? Who did you play with? What kinds of pretend play did you participate in? What scared you most?).

4. Write about your most vivid memories during middle childhood, from about 6 to 10 years of age (e.g. who were your friends: How did you do in school? What did you do in your free time? What kind of identity did you develop as a boy or girl? What kind of an identity did you develop as a member of an ethnic or cultural group? What kind of chores did you have at home?).

5. Write about your adolescence, from about 10 to 18 years of age (e.g. what do you remember about searching for your identity? What were your close friends like? What other kinds of peer interactions did you have? What were your romantic relationships like? Did you participate in extracurricular activities? What did you do to explore the boundaries of acceptable behavior – in other words did you participate in risky behaviors?).

6. Write about the accomplishments and struggles have you had or are experiencing as a young adult, from about 18 to 30 years of age (e.g., how have you or will you negotiate your personal relationships? What kinds of jobs have you had or are considering?).

7. Write about your experiences or experiences you anticipate having during middle adulthood, from about 30 to 60 years of age (e.g., What responsibilities have you had or anticipate having? How have your relationships changed or will change? Have you or do you anticipate remaining stable through this time or changing? What areas of your life have been or do you believe will be the most satisfying?).

8. Write about your experiences or experiences you anticipate having during late adulthood, from about 60 years of age and above (e.g., What type of health are you or will you be in? Are you or will you be active or sedentary? How have your relationships changed or will change with family and friends? What areas of your life have been or do you believe will be the most satisfying?).

9. Write about how your views on death have or have not changed as you will have aged. What do you feel will be you cause of death? How do you see your final days? How will you have prepared?

10. The final section or conclusion should summarize what you have learned about the areas of your life in relation to the information gained from this course. The final section will require you to use your critical thinking skills and your writing ability to address the question of relevance.

Your paper must be done using APA formatting style which includes:

• A title page with the title in the middle of the page

• Page numbering in the upper right corner beginning with 1 on the title page

• In-text citations in APA format (that means the citation follows either the quote or the paraphrase of the information provided)

• A reference page at the end (called References) in APA format

Summarize research related to the influence of nature versus nurture on the cause traumatic Brain Injury disability.

Traumatic Brain Injury: Jefferson’s Case

When new parents are expecting a baby, they rarely consider the possibility that the baby could have significant challenges. For those who have children with severe, multiple disabilities, planning for the future is a critical, lifelong process and requires considerable investments of time and effort, while potentially causing significant stress to the parents. With advances in our understanding, there are many more resources available to children and families than there were previously.

Review the following scenario:

Jefferson is a six-year-old boy in kindergarten. He has suffered from cerebral palsy and a severe seizure disorder since he was an infant, resulting in significant physical and cognitive impairment. Although he has received services and support through early childhood intervention (ECI) services, as he enters formal schooling, his parents have become increasingly concerned about his future. Jefferson spends most of his time in a wheelchair and uses a special touchscreen augmentative communication device. In addition to their concerns about the future, Jefferson’s father also harbors considerable guilt that he or his wife might have caused their son’s disabilities.

Based on your research, respond to the following:

  • Summarize research related to the influence of nature versus nurture on the cause of Jefferson’s disabilities.
  • Provide a hypothesis of Jefferson’s likely prognosis. What supports or services might maximize this outcome?
  • Evaluate what Jefferson’s future might have been if he were being raised in the U.S. in the 1940s.

Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format (not counting the title and reference pages). Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Be sure to include a title page and reference page, also in APA format.

Examine the influence of your own personal values

Clinical Supervision

For this assignment, you will refer to the Course Case Study. Reread the case study, looking specifically at issues related to clinical supervision. Examine the ACA’s ethical guidelines related to the issue of supervision in Section F and answer the following questions:

Course Case Study

Lily began supervising an intern, Jack. A few months after supervision began, Lily discovered that she would need to go on medical leave. Because the leave would only be for about six weeks and she was the only licensed mental health professional in the office, she and Jack decided that he would be fine working without her involvement until she got back. He would simply keep all the reports she needed to sign on her desk, and she would sign them all when she returned. Jack felt very competent in his ability to carry on while Lily was out until he conducted an intake assessment on a client who seemed to be having some breaks from reality. Jack was unsure how to determine if there really was psychosis occurring and what to do about it. He tried to contact Lily but was unable to get in touch. Anxious, he searched online for ideas on how to work with the new client and tried out a few techniques during sessions. He reassured himself that no matter what he did, ultimately Lily was responsible anyway. A week before Lily returned to work, the client was arrested as he tried to “fly” off a building, convinced that he could fly without difficulty. Upon being taken into custody, the client’s demeanor concerned the police officer and he was taken to the emergency room where an evaluation was conducted. It was determined that he was indeed experiencing psychosis, and antipsychotic medication was started. Once the client was stable, he filed a complaint against Jack and Lily with the state licensing board and threatened legal action. Understandably, Jack was scared and Lily was angry. She accused Jack of practicing without her consent, stating that he was to have continued with the clients he had when she left, not accept new ones. She subsequently informed him that she would no longer be his supervisor. Jack was furious that he was put in the position to make decisions on his own and did not receive support from his supervisor. Jack, in turn, filed a complaint against Lily due to lack of supervision.

  • Explain the ethical issues related to the supervisor.
  • Explain the ethical issues related to the supervisee/student.
  • Examine the influence of your own personal values as it relates to the issues presented in the case.
  • Compare the violations to the APA’s ethical standards and describe the similarities or differences in the ethical code using the following websites:
    • www.apa.org
    • www.counseling.org
  • Imagine you are a member of the ACA ethics committee. Describe the recommendations you have for the supervisor.
  • Describe the recommendations you have for the supervisee/student.

Your response should be at least 2 pages long.

What problems or risk factors (define the terms) were presented that appear to have caused the maltreatment?

Watch “The Broken Child” posted within Learning Module Two.

  1. Select one (1) of the people/situations portrayed in the video. Discuss the following questions for the person/situation you chose:

a. What type(s) of child maltreatment was portrayed?  Define the type(s) and explain what you saw that made you think of this type of maltreatment? b. What problems or risk factors (define the terms) were presented that appear to have caused the maltreatment?  c. What effect of the maltreatment did you see?  d. What was your opinion of the attempts at intervention that were made? e. What was surprising to you about this person or situation?  Why was this surprising to you?   The  purpose of the reflection paper is to provide you with an opportunity  to think about and respond to the video, particularly in light of  lectures and readings.  Thoughts, reactions, and questions about the video should be recorded in this paper.  Please do not simply summarize what happened in the video – you will lose points on the assignment for doing this. You MUST cite at least three (3) sources of information in your paper (e.g., material from your book, the readings, or the lecture) to receive full credit. Your paper should be at least two (2) pages and no more than three (3) pages. 
Must be able to find the textbook Child Abuse and Neglect: Second Edition by Monica L. McCoy and Stefanie M. Keen.
Will attach further readings and power point lectures
Everything must be cited in APA format including references page

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment


which type of interview is most appropriate to use?

Read each question and select the correct answer.

1. Susie has never felt comfortable with her therapist. While she has no reason for her feelings, she is easily angered by his questions and feels as though he is judging her. Susie has often thought that the therapist reminds her of her father. This is a case of

a. An ego defense mechanism

b. Countertransference

c. Transference

d. Insight

2. Choose the correct development process for Freud’s mental structures.

a. Id, superego, ego

b. Ego, superego, id

c. Ego, id, superego

d. Id, ego, superego

3. Choose the example of operant conditioning.

a. Anxiety when an abusive person walks into the room

b. Hesitance to touch a light switch because of previous shocks

c. Children rising from their seats to go outside when a bell rings

d. Improvement in writing skills from praise and positive coaching

4. Choose the example of classical conditioning.

a. Continuing to play the slot machine after hitting a small jackpot

b. Staying on a diet

c. Walking out of an elevator when the door opens, regardless of the floor

d. Driving the speed limit after getting a ticket

5. An effective interviewing behavior during an assessment includes the following.

a. Paraphrasing

b. Confirming

c. Probing

d. Silence

6. Which of the following is a multicultural issue for any of the psychological instruments customarily used in the United States?

a. Level of acculturation

b. Preconceived notions

c. Theoretical orientation

d. Distortion of information

7. One of the common concerns associated with IQ testing is that

a. a wide variety of human behaviors is being measured

b. a person’s performance is compared against others’ performances

c. testing is used to learn about cognitive strengths and weaknesses

d. there is a possibility of racial bias

8. Larry is a single, 40-year-old male who runs his own business. Lately, he feels tired all the time, lacks motivation and appetite, and is not enthusiastic about anything. Based on his symptoms, which type of interview is most appropriate to use?

a. Termination

a. Crisis

b. Mental status

c. Diagnostic

9. Which of the following is a potential threat to effective interviewing?

a. Time of day

b. Interviewer bias

c. Structured interviews

d. Self-monitoring

10. Examples of objective personality tests include all but this test.


b. Rorschach

c. MMPI- 2

d. Sixteen Personality Factors

Develop a script for how you would present information from the literature and how the parents could apply it to their lives in tangible ways.

Discussion: Enhancing Social and Emotional Development in the First Year

As your textbook suggests, applying knowledge from the study of social and emotional development is applicable for parents, teachers, health care providers, policy makers, and many other types of professionals. Perhaps it is for the first group—parents—that this knowledge is of most vital importance, since they are the main individuals who interact with an infant in the first year and thereby set the early foundation for social and emotional development throughout the lifespan.

Returning to the topic of orphanages mentioned in this week’s Introduction, a great deal of research has examined the impact of being raised in an orphanage setting on infants’ social and emotional development. Generally, they have found that the effects of early deprivation depend greatly on the length of time that the child was institutionalized. Specifically, O’Connor, Rutter, Beckett, Keaveney, and Kreppner (2000) found that children who were adopted into loving families by 6 months old were able to make up most developmental deficits that they had when they were adopted. However, children adopted after the age of 2 had lasting developmental delays. These early years are a critical period for brain development, and interestingly, children who had spent a longer time institutionalized also had a smaller-than-average head size, indicating the effects of these experiences on the brain. Further research has found that children who experience early deprivation also experience chronic stress, as noted with elevated cortisol levels, more than 6 years after their adoption (Gunnar & Cheatham, 2003; Gunnar, Morison, Chisholm, & Schuder, 2001). This high level of stress is associated with a variety of outcomes, including physical growth limitations, difficulties with focus and attention, and challenges with controlling anger and impulses. All of this research points to the importance of proper interaction and care for infants in the first year!

In this Discussion, imagine you are a developmental psychologist asked to give a presentation to a group of parents expecting their first child. In this presentation, you explain to these parents several tangible ways that they could nurture and support their infant’s social and emotional development in the first year of life.

To Prepare:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider social and emotional development in infancy.

· Imagine you must give a 5-minute presentation to expecting parents about how they might nurture, support, and enhance their child’s social and emotional development. For your intended audience, choose a cultural group or population different from your own.

· Develop a script for how you would present information from the literature and how the parents could apply it to their lives in tangible ways. Write the script using language actively directed toward your audience (e.g., “I would like to share with you several ways to…”). Practice reading your script aloud to ensure it could be presented within the time frame.

By Day 4

Post the presentation script that you would use to inform parents how they could nurture, support, and enhance their infant’s social and emotional development in the first year in a context that relates to their culture. (You do not have to record the presentation.)

Required Readings

Cole, P. M., Martin, S. E., & Dennis, T. (2004). Emotion regulation as a scientific construct: Methodological challenges and directions for child development research. Child Development, 75(2), 317–333.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Halberstadt, A. G., & Lozada, F. T. (2011). Emotion development in infancy through the lens of culture. Emotion Review, 3(2), 158–168.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Kochanska, G. (2001). The development of self-regulation in the first four years of life. Child Development, 72(4), 1091–1111.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Lewis, M., et al. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of emotions (4th ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

· Chapter 15, “The Emergence of Human Emotions” (pp. 272–292)
Handbook of Emotions, 4th Edition by Lewis, M. Copyright 2016 by Guilford Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Guilford Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Required Media

Balmes, T. (Director). (2010). Babies [Motion picture]. France: StudioCanal. Available from Focus Features at http://www.focusfeatures.com/babies

Note: You will need to purchase the DVD or rent streaming access to this documentary. It is available through many online video distribution services. 

Please use at least 3 references

Why is assessment needed in   clinical psychology?

1 Why is assessment needed in   clinical psychology?

2. How are psychological assessment   and psychological testing the same or different?

3. What are the factors that   contribute to effective interviewing?

4. What are the different types of   clinical interviews?

5. What are major threats to   effective interviewing?

6. What are the major methods to   directly observe behavior in an assessment?

7. What are some of the advantages of   checklists and inventories?

8. What are examples of assessment   procedures that measure physiological activity?

9. Why might a psychologist be interested   in assessing physiological activity?

10. About how many sessions does it   take to build rapport?

Do the findings justify the author’s conclusions? 

Journal Article Reflection Paper


The goal of this assignment is for you to learn about social psychology from primary resources. You are to submit a 4-5 page write-up of a chosen article detailing how it relates to social psychology (with all sources cited).


This assignment is due on  December 10, 2018. NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE!!


 You may only choose from the articles provided for you.  You MUST submit (attached to your final paper) a copy of the FULL TEXT journal article you’ve chosen.  Please do not submit your paper in Question & Answer format. The paper should be written in a scholarly fashion.  Your paper MUST be written in appropriate APA style.


The paper should include BOTH:


(a)  3 page summary of the article. Please make sure you are addressing the following questions:

a. What is the main hypothesis? 

 b. Why is this research important? 

 c. What were the variables in the study? 

 d. What was the key finding (results) of the research? 

 e. What are the author’s conclusions? 

 f. Do the findings justify the author’s conclusions? 

 g. Are there any alternative interpretations of the data that the author did not address?  


(b)  1 – 2 page personal reaction to the article focusing on your own examples (for example, tell me how it relates to your own personal experiences or observations). This area involves applying the concepts to the real world.  a. You may select a particular portion of the article on which to focus for your personal 

For your paper, please select ONE of the following articles:  


Isen, A. M., & Levin, P. F. (1972). Effects of feeling good on helping: Cookies and kindness. Journal of  Personality and Social Psychology, 21, 384-388. 

How can efficacy beliefs best be enhanced to significantly modify behavior?

Self-efficacy is one of the most important constructs to affect achievement. Efficacy can affect both individuals and groups and can be derived from several sources. Efficacy information is obtained from social comparison, physiological variables, emotional states, vicarious experiences, past experiences, and imaged experiences. How can efficacy beliefs best be enhanced to significantly modify behavior? Why?


Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.



Spence, G. B., & Oades, L. G. (2011). Coaching with self-determination in mind: Using theory to advance evidence-based coaching practice. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring, 9(2), 37-55.



How does learning style influence counseling intervention and/or approach?

How we differ in the ways that we learn has been of interest to psychologists and educators alike for the last several decades.

Distinguish between the three most supported learning style typologies: visualizer-verbalizer dimension, Kolb’s theory, and Sternberg’s theory. How does learning style influence counseling intervention and/or approach?

Post should be at least 300 words.