What areas of your life have been or do you believe will be the most satisfying?

Book -Invitation to Life 3rd edition by Kathleen S.

Write  a report on a published biography or autobiography. Please provide a full reference.

In discussing information from your text, you must reference the appropriate chapters, identify and define each relevant concept, and explain why the psychological concepts you focus on are relevant to their  life.

Human Development: Conception to Old Age

You are to write an essay with a 2000 word minimum (not including title and reference pages) in which you analyze and synthesize psychological concepts and connect them to personal experiences.  In each section you are to describe personal events from that time and correlate it to the textbook information read.

The essay is to be divided into ten distinct sections that address the areas below. The examples provided after the initial questions are just that, examples. They are meant to stimulate your thinking. You may use them as they are written or feel free to elaborate as you see fit.

1. First describe your family. How many people were in your family during your childhood years? Did your family structure change (e.g., divorce of parents, death of a family member, inclusion of grandparent in the home, addition of a sibling)?

2. Write about your birth. Was there anything unusual about your birth (e.g., were you born early or a twin)? Were there any notable circumstances during your infancy (e.g., sibling was born)?

3. Write about what you remember about your early childhood, from 2 to 6 years of age (e.g. did you go to preschool? Who did you play with? What kinds of pretend play did you participate in? What scared you most?).

4. Write about your most vivid memories during middle childhood, from about 6 to 10 years of age (e.g. who were your friends: How did you do in school? What did you do in your free time? What kind of identity did you develop as a boy or girl? What kind of an identity did you develop as a member of an ethnic or cultural group? What kind of chores did you have at home?).

5. Write about your adolescence, from about 10 to 18 years of age (e.g. what do you remember about searching for your identity? What were your close friends like? What other kinds of peer interactions did you have? What were your romantic relationships like? Did you participate in extracurricular activities? What did you do to explore the boundaries of acceptable behavior – in other words did you participate in risky behaviors?).

6. Write about the accomplishments and struggles have you had or are experiencing as a young adult, from about 18 to 30 years of age (e.g., how have you or will you negotiate your personal relationships? What kinds of jobs have you had or are considering?).

7. Write about your experiences or experiences you anticipate having during middle adulthood, from about 30 to 60 years of age (e.g., What responsibilities have you had or anticipate having? How have your relationships changed or will change? Have you or do you anticipate remaining stable through this time or changing? What areas of your life have been or do you believe will be the most satisfying?).

8. Write about your experiences or experiences you anticipate having during late adulthood, from about 60 years of age and above (e.g., What type of health are you or will you be in? Are you or will you be active or sedentary? How have your relationships changed or will change with family and friends? What areas of your life have been or do you believe will be the most satisfying?).

9. Write about how your views on death have or have not changed as you will have aged. What do you feel will be you cause of death? How do you see your final days? How will you have prepared?

10. The final section or conclusion should summarize what you have learned about the areas of your life in relation to the information gained from this course. The final section will require you to use your critical thinking skills and your writing ability to address the question of relevance.

Your paper must be done using APA formatting style which includes:

• A title page with the title in the middle of the page

• Page numbering in the upper right corner beginning with 1 on the title page

• In-text citations in APA format (that means the citation follows either the quote or the paraphrase of the information provided)

• A reference page at the end (called References) in APA format

Summarize research related to the influence of nature versus nurture on the cause traumatic Brain Injury disability.

Traumatic Brain Injury: Jefferson’s Case

When new parents are expecting a baby, they rarely consider the possibility that the baby could have significant challenges. For those who have children with severe, multiple disabilities, planning for the future is a critical, lifelong process and requires considerable investments of time and effort, while potentially causing significant stress to the parents. With advances in our understanding, there are many more resources available to children and families than there were previously.

Review the following scenario:

Jefferson is a six-year-old boy in kindergarten. He has suffered from cerebral palsy and a severe seizure disorder since he was an infant, resulting in significant physical and cognitive impairment. Although he has received services and support through early childhood intervention (ECI) services, as he enters formal schooling, his parents have become increasingly concerned about his future. Jefferson spends most of his time in a wheelchair and uses a special touchscreen augmentative communication device. In addition to their concerns about the future, Jefferson’s father also harbors considerable guilt that he or his wife might have caused their son’s disabilities.

Based on your research, respond to the following:

  • Summarize research related to the influence of nature versus nurture on the cause of Jefferson’s disabilities.
  • Provide a hypothesis of Jefferson’s likely prognosis. What supports or services might maximize this outcome?
  • Evaluate what Jefferson’s future might have been if he were being raised in the U.S. in the 1940s.

Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format (not counting the title and reference pages). Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Be sure to include a title page and reference page, also in APA format.

Examine the influence of your own personal values

Clinical Supervision

For this assignment, you will refer to the Course Case Study. Reread the case study, looking specifically at issues related to clinical supervision. Examine the ACA’s ethical guidelines related to the issue of supervision in Section F and answer the following questions:

Course Case Study

Lily began supervising an intern, Jack. A few months after supervision began, Lily discovered that she would need to go on medical leave. Because the leave would only be for about six weeks and she was the only licensed mental health professional in the office, she and Jack decided that he would be fine working without her involvement until she got back. He would simply keep all the reports she needed to sign on her desk, and she would sign them all when she returned. Jack felt very competent in his ability to carry on while Lily was out until he conducted an intake assessment on a client who seemed to be having some breaks from reality. Jack was unsure how to determine if there really was psychosis occurring and what to do about it. He tried to contact Lily but was unable to get in touch. Anxious, he searched online for ideas on how to work with the new client and tried out a few techniques during sessions. He reassured himself that no matter what he did, ultimately Lily was responsible anyway. A week before Lily returned to work, the client was arrested as he tried to “fly” off a building, convinced that he could fly without difficulty. Upon being taken into custody, the client’s demeanor concerned the police officer and he was taken to the emergency room where an evaluation was conducted. It was determined that he was indeed experiencing psychosis, and antipsychotic medication was started. Once the client was stable, he filed a complaint against Jack and Lily with the state licensing board and threatened legal action. Understandably, Jack was scared and Lily was angry. She accused Jack of practicing without her consent, stating that he was to have continued with the clients he had when she left, not accept new ones. She subsequently informed him that she would no longer be his supervisor. Jack was furious that he was put in the position to make decisions on his own and did not receive support from his supervisor. Jack, in turn, filed a complaint against Lily due to lack of supervision.

  • Explain the ethical issues related to the supervisor.
  • Explain the ethical issues related to the supervisee/student.
  • Examine the influence of your own personal values as it relates to the issues presented in the case.
  • Compare the violations to the APA’s ethical standards and describe the similarities or differences in the ethical code using the following websites:
    • www.apa.org
    • www.counseling.org
  • Imagine you are a member of the ACA ethics committee. Describe the recommendations you have for the supervisor.
  • Describe the recommendations you have for the supervisee/student.

Your response should be at least 2 pages long.

Why is having a relapse prevention plan an important part of treatment and recovery?

Discussion 8 – PART A:

Why is having a relapse prevention plan an important part of treatment and recovery? Discuss the difference between “relapse” and a “lapse”. How might a relapse and/or lapse in recovery be utilized as a future relapse prevention tool and/or a growth opportunity?


Students: Please explore the NIDA website and discuss on the discussion board any interesting facts you discover about substances, treatment, research statistics, grants, etc. The goal is for you to become familiar with this website, a very useful tool.

http://www.nida.nih.gov/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  • attachment


what aspects of social and emotional development do you think are influenced by one’s environment and surrounding culture?

Discussion Spark: Biology Versus Environment

Culture is one of many key aspects of our environment that has been shown to deeply impact how we develop and change across the lifespan. For example, researchers set about to examine whether infant temperament varied across cultures. Rothbart & Bates (2006) found that many broad aspects of infant temperament are found across cultures, such as impulsivity, fear, and inhibitory control. However, differences based on infant culture did emerge. For example, researchers found that Chinese babies tended to be calmer, to console themselves more quickly, and to be comforted by an adult more easily than American babies. What accounts for these differences?

You begin this week by considering the universality of developmental change and growth, a topic you revisit in this week’s Discussion.

By Day 2

Post your opinion about the following:

What aspects of social and emotional development unfold universally for people across the globe, and what aspects of social and emotional development do you think are influenced by one’s environment and surrounding culture?

Note: Spark Discussions are intended to generate ideas and spark thoughts before you review the week’s Learning Resources or begin your Assignments. For this reason, your responses may be briefer than a regular Discussion post and are due on Day 2 (unlike regular Discussion posts, which are due on Day 4). Therefore, no APA citations of Learning Resources are required for your Spark posts. A response post is not required, although you are welcome to respond to your classmates.

How can I be sure if my parent is really an alcoholic?"


Please discuss your understanding of ACOAs from this reading.  Note what stood out to you, surprised you, what reinforced other readings and information you have on this topic, and anything else of particular interest to you on this topic. 


Adult Children of Alcoholics

When a parent misuses or abuses alcohol, it can have a profound effect on the whole family. Being a child in an alcoholic family system means learning to relate to the world and the people in it in ways that are not necessarily healthy or adaptive. If you are a child of an alcoholic, then your emotional and psychological well-being may have been affected. You may even consider yourself an “Adult Child of an Alcoholic” (ACoA).

What is an ACoA?

Stephanie Brown, author of Safe Passage: Recovery for Adult Children of Alcoholics, points out that growing up with an alcoholic parent is both a common experience and a unique experience. It is the similarities among those from alcoholic families that led to the adoption of the label “Adult Child of an Alcoholic” many years ago. To quote Stephanie Brown:

The alcoholic family has been described broadly as one of chaos, inconsistency, unpredictability, unclear roles, arbitrariness, changing limits, arguments, repetitious and illogical thinking, and perhaps violence and incest. The family is dominated by the presence and the denial of alcoholism. The alcoholism becomes a major family secret, most often denied inside the family and certainly denied to outsiders. This secret becomes a governing principle around which the family organizes its adaptations, its coping strategies, and its shared beliefs, to maintain its structure and hold the family together (p. 8).

Obviously, having lived day to day in a family that is like this can continue to affect you even as an adult. It is important to learn about the unique and specific ways that you were affected.

Consider the following questions:

“How can I be sure if my parent is really an alcoholic?”

It is not necessary to diagnose your parent. Alcohol disrupts the consistency and predictability which should be present in every family. It is this disruption and the resulting confusion and chaos that are important

– not a medical diagnosis of your parent. A recent poll reported that one in every three American families is affected by alcohol abuse. If alcohol was or is an important influence in your family, it is important that you learn about patterns related to being an Adult Child of an Alcoholic. An “alcoholic” family is any family disrupted by alcohol abuse.

“But I’m gone from home now; why should my parents’ problems bother me?”

If you grew up in an alcoholic family you may have longed for the day when you could go to college and leave the pain and chaos of your family behind.

You may be surprised, therefore, to find at college that you experience feelings of dissatisfaction, apathy, or distance from other people, similar to those you felt at home. Such feelings are easy to understand when you consider that families are places where you learn about yourself and about life. Although all families operate with “rules,” alcoholic families have rules which severely limit the development and growth of their members.

Claudia Black, a leading author and theorist regarding ACoAs, has identified three such rules in alcoholic homes:

1. Don’t trust. In alcoholic familes, promises are often forgotten, celebrations cancelled and parents’ moods unpredictable. As a result, ACoAs learn to not count on others and often have a hard time believing that others can care enough to follow through on their commitments.

2. Don’t feel. Due to the constant pain of living with an alcoholic, a child in an alcoholic family must “quit feeling” in order to survive.

After all, what’s the use of hurting all the time? In these families, when emotions are expressed, they are often abusive, and prompted by drunkenness.

These outbursts have no positive result and, along with the drinking, are usually denied the following day. Thus, ACoAs have had few if any opportunities to see emotions expressed appropriately and used to foster constructive change. “So,” the ACoA thinks, “why feel anything when the feelings will only get out of control and won’t change anything anyway? I don’t want to hurt more than I already do.”

3. Don’t talk. ACoAs learn in their families not to talk about a huge part of their reality – drinking. This results from the family’s need to deny that a problem exists and that drinking is tied to that problem.

That which is so evident must not be spoken aloud. There is often an unspoken hope that if no one mentions the drinking it won’t happen again.

Also, there is no good time to talk. It is impossible to talk when a parent is drunk. When that parent is sober, everyone wants to forget. From this early training, ACoAs often develop a tendency to not talk about anything unpleasant.

“If my family is the root of all this, why do my brothers and sisters seem OK?”

Each member of an alcoholic family tends to find his or her own way to live with these three rules. Claudia Black and others talk about different “roles” that emerge for children in their attempts to make sense of the


Hero: These children try to ensure that the family looks “normal” to the rest of the world. In addition, they often project a personal image of achievement, competence, and responsibility to the outside world. They tend to be academically or professionally very successful. The cost of such success is often denial of their own feelings and a belief that they are “imposters.”

Adjuster: In order to cope with the chaos of their families, these children learn to adjust in inappropriate ways. They learn never to expect or to plan anything. They often strive to be invisible and to avoid taking a stand or rocking the boat. As a result, they often come to feel that they are drifting through life and are out of control.

Placater: These children learn early to smooth over potentially upsetting situations in the family. They seem to have an uncanny ability to sense what others are feeling at the expense of their own feelings. They tend to take total responsibility for the emotional care of the family.

Because of their experience in this role, they often choose careers as helping professionals, careers which can reinforce their tendencies to ignore their own needs.

Scapegoat: These people are identified as the “family problem.” They are likely to get into various kinds of trouble, including drug and alcohol abuse, as a way of expressing their anger at the family. They also function as a sort of pressure valve. When tension builds in the family, the scapegoat will misbehave as a way of relieving pressure while allowing the family to avoid dealing with the drinking problem. Scapegoats tend to be unaware of feelings other than anger.

Some of these roles may look more effective than others, but each has its own drawbacks and its own pain. From the perspective of your role, it may be hard for you to understand the pain of a brother or sister in another role.

Even though their pain may not be obvious, all of these roles have potentially serious consequences.

“The past is the past; shouldn’t I just try to forget it and move on?”

Trying to forget the past without understanding how if affected you will usually not work and may lead to more problems. The best way to “move on” is to squarely face the past, its importance, and its meaning for you. Often this means understanding and forgiving your parents so that the healing process can begin. You can learn more about making peace with the past in several ways. You may choose to read some of the excellent books written for ACoAs or you may opt for individual therapy, group therapy, Al-Anon, or support groups for ACoAs. Most communities also offer educational programs for ACoAs. Recovery is not easy, but it is possible.

Some excellent books on the topic are:

1. It Will Never Happen to Me. Claudia Black. Denver, Colorado:

Medical Administration Press, 1982.

2. Safe Passage: Recovery for Adult Children of Alcoholics.

Stephanie Brown. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992.

3. Another Change: Hope and Health for the Alcoholic Family. Sharon Wegsheider. Science and Behavior Books, 1981.

4. Guide to Recovery, A Book for Adult Children of Alcoholics. H.

Gravitz and J. Bowden. Pompano Beach, Florida: Health Communications, Inc., 1985.

5. The Struggle for Intimacy. Janet Woititz. Pompano Beach, Florida:

Health Communications, Inc., 1985.

Copyright 1996 by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Adult Children of Alcoholics Introduction Many adolescents believe that they are escaping from the emotional and social problems of their alcoholic parent by leaving home and going to college. However, they eventually realize that these problems continue to affect them, even as an adult.

Definition of an Alcoholic Parent

When excessive drinking interferes with a parent’s health, social, and economic functioning, then that parent is an alcoholic parent.

Home Environment for Children of Alcoholic Parents

*           The family bears the burden of coping with the alcoholic parent and

assisting him/her with facing the problem.

*           The family experiences feelings of:

*           helplessness

*           confusion

*           fear

*           guilt

*           self-pity

*           The family feels anger and resentment towards an alcoholic parent

who cannot maintain responsibility.

*           Alcoholic parents may lose their jobs due to inefficient performance

and absenteeism.

*           Alcoholic parents constantly break promises made to children.

*           Older children experience role confusion

*           taking care of younger siblings

*           worrying about their parents

*           Life is unpredictable and inconsistent:

*           Parents are fighting.

*           Alcohol produces mood fluctuations in the alcoholic parent.

*           Children make excuses for their alcoholic parents when they have not

fulfilled their obligations.

*           Children have fantasies of running away.

*           Children are afraid to confide in anyone about their family

situation. They have difficulty identifying and expressing their feelings.

*           Why the Family Will Not Speak Out

*           Denial that this is happening to their family.

*           Embarrassment about the reality of the situation.

*           Lack of knowledge about the impact of alcohol abuse.

How Adult Children of Alcoholics are Affected in the Long Run

*           Low self-esteem.

*           No frame of reference for a normal life.

*           Difficulty expressing feelings.

*           Difficulty building a healthy intimate relationship.

*           Feelings of isolation and aloneness.

*           Difficulty having fun.

*           Constant seeking of approval and affirmation.

*           Being extremely responsible or irresponsible.

*           Difficulty completing projects.

*           Judging oneself harshly.

*           Difficulty solving problems.

*           Lying unnecessarily.

Showing extreme loyalty even when it is not necessary.

*           Acting impulsively.

How to Cope and Break the Cycle

*           Learn skills and techniques for relating to others in a comfortable

and responsible manner.

*           Become aware of your bad habits and try to change them, for example,

do not judge yourself harshly.

*           Become aware of the things you do well and build on them:

*           Reward yourself for your accomplishments.

*           Whenever someone gives you a compliment, think positively.

*           Take time out to become socially active.

*           Find time to consider the consequences of your action.

*           Join a support group.

Copyright – Counseling Services, State University of New York at Buffalo



How does this differential approach to infant sleep ultimately impact children’s social and emotional development?

Assignment: Cultural Influences on Infant Development

In your Discussion Spark this week, you began to consider how culture impacts infants’ social and emotional development. This is not an easy question with easy answers. In fact, the more you learn about factors that influence development, the more you may realize that development is incredibly complex! The influence of culture on development is no exception.

One specific cultural difference that emerges with respect to caring for infants in the first year is sleeping arrangements. In some cultures, such as the United States, putting together a nursery is a large part of the preparation that occurs as a couple awaits the arrival of a new baby. In a culture that values independence, having an infant sleep independently in his or her own room is highly valued. However, other cultures have a preference for parent-infant sleeping. In fact, over 90% of the world co-sleeps with their infants. (The United States is an exception to the norm!) How does this differential approach to infant sleep ultimately impact children’s social and emotional development? Research has shown that, despite the worry of co-sleeping critiques, children who co-sleep with their parents are not at a disadvantage either social or emotionally and are not overly dependent on their parents (Okami, Weismer, & Olmstead, 2002).

In your Assignment this week, you take a cross-cultural view of parenting in the first year. By watching the documentary Babies, you see the varied approaches that parents in the United States, Japan, Mongolia, and Namibia take to raising their infants. You view this documentary through the lens of what you have learned this week in the readings about social and emotional development in the first year and see the varied ways parents can differentially promote infant development.

To Prepare:

  • Watch the documentary Babies, focusing specifically on two of the four babies for this Assignment.
  • Consider each of your two selected babies’ social and emotional development and how it may be influenced by cultural practices or beliefs.

The Assignment (3–4 pages):

Write a paper in which you do the following:

  • Analyze the social and emotional development of your two selected infants in their cultures. How do their various cultural contexts shape the way their social and emotional development unfolds in the first year? In your paper, give specific examples that you noticed in the documentary. Interpret your observations through the Learning Resources or other scholarly resources.

illustrate the relationship between the client’s cognitions, affect, and behavior.

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please review Cases 18, 19, and 20 in Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology (Gorenstein & Comer 2015) and any relevant Instructor Guidance.

In practice, clinical and counseling psychologists utilize psychoeducational tools (e.g., bibliotherapy, client handouts, worksheets, etc.) to enhance the client’s knowledge about mental health issues, coping strategies, and resources.

For this interactive assignment, you will create a visually interesting client handout based on the case study chosen for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in PSY645 and your Week Six Psychological Treatment Plan in this course. You must attach your client handout document to your initial post in the forum.

The client handout will include the following required elements.

Education: Explain, with as much visual information as possible, the client’s cognitive or behavioral symptoms based on your selected theoretical orientation. You may choose to create diagrams, figures, or charts to illustrate the relationship between the client’s cognitions, affect, and behavior.

Intervention: Create a self-help exercise (e.g., a dysfunctional thought record, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, muscle relaxation, thought stopping, etc.) to assist the client in monitoring or reducing maladaptive cognitions, affect, and/or behavior outside of therapeutic sessions. Include an explanation about how the handout could be useful in reducing the client’s symptoms. You may choose to visually represent this exercise with charts, scripts, steps, or other media.

Resources: Assess current trends in psychotherapy, and list complete APA reference entries for five sources that would help the client learn more about his or her presenting problem(s), early warning signs of relapse, and managing symptoms. Please include hyperlinks if such exist for your resources.
Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers, including one response that covers a case different from the one you chose by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion.

Review your classmate’s handout and provide feedback regarding each component of the document. Provide an evaluation of your peer’s explanation of the client’s symptoms, and share an alternative explanation using a different theoretical orientation. Suggest ways in which the document might be improved, and include a rationale for all modifications. Recommend two bibliotherapy resources to supplement the handout.

NOTE:The Case Study I choose is Julia which is attached 

  • attachment


Describes  cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and identifies  cultural issues that may require additional exploration

LASA: Etiology and Treatment

In M3 Assignment 2 RA, you reviewed a  case study about Jessica, made primary and secondary diagnoses, and  identified differential diagnoses for each principal and secondary  diagnosis. The skills you developed and the feedback you received after  completing this required assignment, will significantly help you in  completing the following LASA. For example, both assignments (RA and  LASA), require you to complete similar tasks such as identifying the  principal and secondary diagnoses, providing rationale for the  diagnoses, and offering differential (alternative) diagnoses.

In this assignment, you will discuss the etiology and  treatment of your principal and secondary diagnoses for the following  case study using a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on etiology and  a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on treatment. Your paper should  have separate sections for the etiology of each principal and secondary  diagnosis, therapeutic modalities for each principal and secondary  diagnosis, justification of the selected therapeutic modalities for the  disorders, application of the treatment for the disorders, and a  reference page for your sources. Your citations and references should be  in APA style, and your paper should be 8–10 pages in length.

Click here to read the second case study (Psychological Evaluation for Homer Brine).

Once you read the case, complete the following tasks:

  • Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis.
  • Describe multiple elements of the etiology  for the principal and secondary diagnoses. Explain how the etiology  contributed to each (principal and secondary) diagnosis.
  • Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnosis.
  • Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study.
  • Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the principal and secondary diagnoses.
  • Discuss key cultural factors that may influence diagnosis and treatment.

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner;  demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and  attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and  punctuation. Include citations in text and at the end of the document in  the correct APA format.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, save your diagnoses as M5_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit the document to the Submissions Area.

LASA is worth 300 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

Because this assignment is worth 30% of your overall  grade in the course, it is particularly important to view the rubric for  additional clarity on the requirements and point values for each  component of the assignment.

Assignment Component   Proficient   Maximum Points    Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis. Identifies  at least one principal and one secondary diagnosis that are rationally  linked to the case provided. Provides detailed information about how  diagnoses were reached and how the client’s symptoms fit the diagnostic  criteria. Evidence is presented in a logical manner that builds a solid  case which supports diagnostic impressions.  48    Describe  multiple elements of the etiology for the principal and secondary  diagnoses. Explain how the etiology contributed to each (principal &  secondary) diagnosis. Presents  a clear understanding of the possible origins of the principal and  secondary diagnoses. Demonstrates ability to integrate and conceptualize  all of the information presented. Clearly states how the diagnoses/  presenting issue began (ETIOLOGY) and what may be maintaining them.  48    Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnoses. Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client.  48    Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study. Demonstrates  a clear application of the selected therapeutic modality for treatment  of the principal and secondary diagnoses of the person in the vignette.  48    Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the primary and secondary diagnosis. Clearly  discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were ruled-out  as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses.  32    Discussed key cultural factors that may influence diagnosis and treatment. Describes  cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and identifies  cultural issues that may require additional exploration. Outlines how  the cultural factors influence treatment options.  48    Academic Writing   Writing  is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical  scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and  generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are  few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.
Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format. Writing  is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical  scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and  generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are  few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.
Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.  28    Total:    300       Due DateOct 8, 2018 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics

Rubric Name: FP6005_M5A2_Grading_Rubric

This  table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The  first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a  numeric scoring method.CriteriaMaximum PointsGR1 Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis.48 points/ 48GR2  Describe multiple elements of the etiology for the principal and  secondary diagnoses. Explain how the etiology contributed to each  (principal & secondary) diagnosis.48 points/ 48GR3 Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnoses.48 points/ 48GR4 Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study.48 points/ 48GR5  Clearly discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were  ruled-out as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses.32 points/ 32GR6  Describes cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and  identifies cultural issues that may require additional exploration.  Outlines how the cultural factors influence treatment options.48 points/ 48GR7  Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical  scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources;  and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.28 points/ 28Total— / 300

Rubric Name: FP6005_M5A2_LASA Rubric

This  table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The  first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a  numeric scoring method.MAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeLevel 1 UnsatisfactoryLevel 2 EmergingLevel 3 ProficientLevel 4 ExemplaryC1 Principal & Secondary Diagnosis (PO1).

Neglects to identify a principal or secondary diagnosis and neglects to rationally link the diagnosis to the case study.

Neglects to identify a principal or secondary diagnosis or neglects to rationally link the diagnosis to the case study.

Identifies  at least one principal and one secondary diagnosis that are rationally  linked to the case provided. Provides detailed information about how  diagnoses were reached and how the client’s symptoms fit the diagnostic  criteria. Evidence is presented in a logical manner that builds a solid  case which supports diagnostic impressions.

Identifies  one or more principal and secondary diagnoses that are rationally  linked to the case provided and supported by references. Provides  detailed information about how diagnoses were reached and how the  client’s symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria. Evidence is presented in a  logical manner that builds a solid case which supports diagnostic  impressions.

C2 Etiology of Diagnoses (PO1).

Either lacks a description of elements of etiology of one or more diagnoses or description is inaccurate and incomplete.

Provides  a description of elements of etiology of one or more diagnoses but at  least one of the descriptions is inaccurate and incomplete.

Presents  a clear understanding of the possible origins of the principal and  secondary diagnoses. Demonstrates ability to integrate and conceptualize  all of the information presented. Clearly states how the diagnoses/  presenting issue began (ETIOLOGY) and what may be maintaining them.

Presents  a clear understanding of the possible origins of the principal and  secondary diagnoses based on empirical research. Demonstrates ability to  integrate and conceptualize all of the information presented. Clearly  states how the diagnoses/ presenting issue began (ETIOLOGY) and what may  be maintaining them.

C3 Therapeutic Modality (PO1).

Neglects to identify an appropriate therapeutic modality.

Identifies a specific therapeutic modality but neglects to articulate how it was appropriate for the diagnoses identified.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client and supported  by research literature.

C4 Therapeutic Modality Txt Application (PO1).

Neglects to apply or erroneously applies a therapeutic modality to treat the diagnosis.

Identifies a specific therapeutic modality but neglects to articulate how it was appropriate for the diagnoses identified.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client and supported  by research literature.

C5 Differential Diagnosis (PO1).

Neglects to identify any alternative diagnosis for either the primary or secondary diagnosis.

Identifies one alternative diagnosis, but neglects to articulate rationale for the diagnosis and why it was ruled out.

Clearly  discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were ruled-out  as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses.

Clearly  discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were ruled-out  as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses. Articulates  any assessments or additional information to rule out and alternative  diagnosis.

This  table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The  first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a  numeric scoring method.MAFP_PO5_Multicultural CompetenceLevel 1 UnsatisfactoryLevel 2 EmergingLevel 3 ProficientLevel 4 ExemplaryC6 Cultural Factors (PO5).

There was no opinion provided on the defendant’s risk of dangerousness or insanity.

The opinion provided was vague and not well connected to the case vignette.

Describes  cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and identifies  cultural issues that may require additional exploration. Outlines how  the cultural factors influence treatment options.

Describes  cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and identifies  cultural issues that may require additional exploration. Outlines how  the cultural factors influence treatment options supported by  appropriate research literature.

Associated Learning ObjectivesLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C1 Principal & Secondary Diagnosis (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C2 Etiology of Diagnoses (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C3 Therapeutic Modality (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C5 Differential Diagnosis (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C4 Therapeutic Modality Txt Application (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO5_Multicultural CompetenceAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C6 Cultural Factors (PO5).Required Performance:  Level 3 Proficient

demonstrate your theoretical understanding of psychological momentum

Assignment 2: Critical Thinking Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your theoretical understanding of psychological momentum and to also have you research and think about this topic in more detail.

Read Critical Thinking Question Number 3 on pg. 141 of your textbook and answer the question in a 1-2 page essay that meets these additional requirements:

Clearly and concisely explain the projected performance model of psychological momentum.Clearly and concisely explain your feeling about this model.Support your answer with relevant and scholarly appropriate sources.Write the analysis in 1–2 pages and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file M5_A2_LastName_CriticalThinkingEssay.doc.

Submit it by the due date assigned to the Submissions Area.All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsClearly and concisely explained the projected performance model of psychological momentum.

26Clearly and concisely explained your feeling about this model.

15Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.15


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