Parental Neglect Sample Essay

Parental Neglect Sample Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete APA research paper. Your final APA research paper is based on your original research topic proposal, annotated bibliography, and outline.

You will use  Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (Links to an external site.)  (see Chapters 1-3 in the Santrock text). Based on this theoretical lens, select one (1) stage of development. Based on that one stage of development, develop a research question and thesis statement.

Using the WCU Library, select a minimum of 3 to 4 peer-reviewed journal articles that will help you answer the research question while supporting your thesis statement.


Your final APA research paper must be a minimum of 4 to 6 pages (not including the required cover page, abstract, or reference page) Parental Neglect Sample Essay.

Your final APA research paper must include the following elements:

1. Properly Formatted  Heading Levels (Links to an external site.) . Use the APA Publication Manual and review Table 2.3. Format for the Five Levels of Heading in APA Style & Figure 2.5 Format of Headings in a Sample Paper.

1. Properly Formatted  Title Page (Links to an external site.) . Use the APA Publication Manual and review Figure 2.2. Sample Student Title Page.

1. Properly Formatted  Abstract (Links to an external site.) . Use the APA Publication Manual and review 2.9. Abstract.

1. Properly Formatted  Reference Page (Links to an external site.) .

1. Properly Formatted  in-text Citations (Links to an external site.) .

Beginning on page 3, write your introduction and thesis statement followed by your research question (be specific, focus on the age range within the selected stage).

For the body of your APA final research paper, discuss how your 3 to 4 peer-reviewed journal articles support your thesis statement and answer your research question.

Then, include your Personal Narrative (Level 1 Heading) and discuss why you selected that development stage.

Finally, include a Conclusion (Level 1 Heading) and tie together the paper’s main points, show why your argument matters, and leave your reader with a strong impression. Remember, your conclusion should give a sense of closure and completion to your argument and show what new questions or possibilities have opened up.

Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing. Use the APA 7th Edition writing style, mechanics, and format Parental Neglect Sample Essay.

Parental Neglect & How It Affects A Child’s Mental Health

Introduction and Thesis

Childhood neglect is the inability of parents and guardians to respond to the emotional needs of their respective infants.

Thesis: Immediate emotional effects of parental neglect and abuse directly translate to long-term consequences including poor mental behavior and health and high chances of substance use disorders.

Problem Statement

“Everyone suffers some injustice in life, and what better motivation than to help others not suffer in the same way.” (Brainy Quote). It is more painful when children are suffering as a result of neglect and mistreatment from their parents Parental Neglect Sample Essay.


Child abuse has turned out to be a very serious problem across the globe. More than 1500 children in the United States die annually because of exposure to child abuse. Therefore, there is a need to study this problem in detail to save their lives.

Research Question

I. How are we going to protect all the children and safeguard their rights?

Literature Review

· Emotional neglect impacts the physiological and medical consequences of the children which later leads to brain dysfunction and eventually death.

· Child neglect results in cognitive consequences among children

· Child neglect and abuse impair the psychosocial processes of children.

Method and Design

The affected children will be required to fill out a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions about their past relationships with parents or guardians.

Significance and Conclusion

Summary of the research pointing out its importance and recommendation strategies that can be applied to reduce the number of affected children Parental Neglect Sample Essay.


Camilo, C., Vaz Garrido, M., & Calheiros, M. M. (2021). Recognizing children’s emotions in child abuse and neglect. Aggressive behavior, 47(2), 161-172. Retrieved from

Mulder, T. M., Kuiper, K. C., van der Put, C. E., Stams, G. J. J., & Assink, M. (2018). Risk factors for child neglect: A meta-analytic review. Child abuse & neglect, 77, 198-210. Retrieved from

Niu, L., Brown, J., Till Hoyt, L., Salandy, A., Nucci‐Sack, A., Shankar, V., … & Diaz, A. (2021). Profiles of childhood maltreatment: associations with sexual risk behavior during adolescence in a sample of racial/ethnic minority girls. Child Development, 92(4), 1421-1438. Retrieved from

Selwyn, C. N., Lathan, E. C., Richie, F., Gigler, M. E., & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J. (2021). Bitten by the system that cared for them: Towards a trauma-informed understanding of patients’ healthcare engagement. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 22(5), 636-652. Retrieved from


Title: Parental neglect & how it affects a child’s mental health

Thesis: Immediate emotional effects of parental neglect and abuse directly translate to long-term consequences including poor mental behavior and health and high chances of substance use disorders.

I. Introduction

A. Definition of parental neglect.

B. Thesis

C. Arguments

II. Background

A. Relationship between the child behavior and parental neglect and lasting effects.

B. Establish an understanding of why parental child neglect exists.

C. What does that feeling of neglect feel like in children?

III. Emotional effects of child neglect.

A. Physical Consequence: brain dysfunction and premature deaths as a result of the accidents the children get (Camilo et al., 2021). Physical development is hindered by a poor diet which is at the top of the list when during parental neglect.

B. Intellectual and Cognitive consequences: Some research has proved reduced intellectual functioning amongst abused children (Niu et al., 2022). Sexually abused children and those neglected by their parents are most affected.

C. Psychosocial consequence: Effects of neglect like lack of enough water and food can result in delayed growth amongst children (Selwyn et al., 2021). Neglect fuels the development of unhealthy relationships among children.

IV. Recommendations strategies

A. Enhance primary care

B. Subject parents to behavioral parental training

C. Curing and less harmed on time

D. Treating to prevent later behavioral problems like violence.

V. Conclusion

A. Summarize the findings.

B. Recommend future changes to minimize the mess Parental Neglect Sample Essay .



Camilo, C., Vaz Garrido, M., & Calheiros, M. M. (2021). Recognizing children’s emotions in child abuse and neglect. Aggressive behavior, 47(2), 161-172.

Niu, L., Brown, J., Till Hoyt, L., Salandy, A., Nucci‐Sack, A., Shankar, V., … & Diaz, A. Profiles of Childhood Maltreatment: Associations with Sexual Risk Behavior during Adolescence in a Sample of Racial/Ethnic Minority Girls. Child Development.

Selwyn, C. N., Lathan, E. C., Richie, F., Gigler, M. E., & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J. (2021). Bitten by the System that Cared for them: Towards a Trauma-Informed Understanding of Patients’ Healthcare Engagement. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 1-17 Parental Neglect Sample Essay.

Psychology of Abnormal Behavior Essay Paper

Psychology of Abnormal Behavior Essay Paper

Discussion topic – Psychology of Abnormal Behavior

In your opinion, what is an addiction? Why is it so difficult to quit abusing drugs?

At least 275 words or more response.


Chapter 8: Eating Disorders  Chapter 9: Substance-Related Disorders

Course Materials

Kearney. C & Trull. T,  Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach, 3rd edition.

Cengage, 2018 -ISBN: 9781337273572( Mind Tap)


Psychology of Abnormal Behavior Essay Paper

A Holistic Response to Crime Victimization Essay Paper

A Holistic Response to Crime Victimization Essay PaperA Holistic Response to Crime Victimization

The focus of the Holistic Victim Restitution Plan is to critically analyze victimology through the application of information from sociology, law, psychology, ethics, and related fields to the study of victimology and to develop a holistic plan for victim restitution.

Consider the following questions when analyzing the 10 required scholarly sources:

  • Who conducted the research or project?
  • Who or what was the topic or focus of the research?
  • What was done (if it was a data driven article)?
  • How was it done (if it was a data driven article)?
  • What were the findings or conclusions of the author? A Holistic Response to Crime Victimization Essay Paper
  • What were the contributions (findings that may have been made to new information on the topic area or applications)?

In creating your Holistic Victim Restitution Plan, you are required to

  • Discuss the history of victimology, victimology theories, and varying approaches used to address the needs of crime victims.
  • Explain who the stakeholders are in crime victimization.
  • Describe the interrelationship of victimology to social justice and the operations of the criminal justice system, including, but not limited to: crime scene investigation techniques and security; the collection, preservation and presentation of evidence; and issues related to correctional institutions, incarceration, and release of offenders.
  • Identify the socioeconomic (cultural) diversity and its relation to contemporary criminal and social justice and victimology.
  • Detail the breakdown of possible strategies and interventions designed to address criminal victimization.
  • Describe how techniques of addressing victimization impact the needs of crime victims.
  • Predict how crime prevention and intervention strategies will be handled over at least the next two decades.
  • Create a holistic plan for addressing victim restitution A Holistic Response to Crime Victimization Essay Paper.


The Holistic Victim Restitution Plan

  • Must be nine double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must include a formal abstract.
  • Must include section sub-headings.
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must include a discussion of the eight elements listed in the instructions above.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least 10 scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center A Holistic Response to Crime Victimization Essay Paper.

Introduction To SPSS For Quantitative Analysis Essay

Introduction To SPSS For Quantitative Analysis Essay

Understanding the data sampling procedure and the description of the data is critical to accurately interpreting the results of a study. In this assignment, you will practice describing data from an SPSS data set.


General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Refer to the Topic 1 assignment, “SPSS: Download and Install.” As a result of completing that assignment, you should have downloaded and installed SPSS on your computer. You will use the SPSS software in this assignment Introduction To SPSS For Quantitative Analysis Essay.
  • Refer to the SPSS introductory video found at
  • Access the document, “Introduction to Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics, Student Guide” to complete the assignment. It is attached to this assignment.
  • Download the file “Census.sav” and open it with SPSS. Use the data to complete the assignment.
  • Refer to the document, “Example: Introduction to SPSS for Quantitative Analysis” attached to this assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Open the attached document, “Introduction to Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics, Student Guide.”

Carefully read the following lessons in the Guide:

  • Lesson 0: Course Introduction
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Statistical Analysis
  • Lesson 2: Understanding Data Distributions
  • Lesson 3: Data Distributions for Categorical Variables

As you read, work through all the tasks in the sections labeled, “Procedure: …,” and complete the “Apply Your Knowledge” activities within each lesson. These activities are designed to help you learn to navigate the SPSS program and build your understanding of statistical analysis. You will not submit your work on these activities; they are for your personal practice in learning SPSS. Note that not every lesson has these components.

Complete the tasks in section 3.9 Learning Activity in Lesson 3: Data Distributions for Categorical Variables by doing the following:

  • Locate the data set “Census.sav” and open it with SPSS.
  • Run the Frequencies procedure as directed in question 1.
  • Answer questions 1-3 in the activity based on your observations of the SPSS output.
  • Type your answers into a Word document Introduction To SPSS For Quantitative Analysis Essay.
  • Copy and paste the full SPSS output including any supporting graphs and tables directly from SPSS into the Word document with your answers to the questions for submission to the instructor.
    The appropriate tables and charts must be copied from the SPSS output into the Word document under each related question to support the written answer.
    The SPSS output must be included in the submission with the problem set answers in order to receive full credit for the assignment. Note: If your output is large, you may need to reduce the size by compressing it. For instructions on how to compress a file, please click here.

Following the pasted image of the SPSS output in the same Word document, write a reflection (250-500 words) describing the following:


  1. The challenges you faced in downloading and using SPSS to complete the 3.9 Learning Activity.
  2. How you overcame those challenges to complete the assignment.
  3. Your overall perceptions of using SPSS for doing quantitative analysis.
  4. How you build on your introductory knowledge of SPSS as you begin to define your dissertation topic and methodological approach Introduction To SPSS For Quantitative Analysis Essay.

Submit to the instructor the single Word document with the following items:

  1. Your answers for 3.9 Learning Activity, questions 1-3.
  2. The SPSS Output for 3.9 Learning Activity that correspond to the questions.
  3. Your reflection on the use of SPSS.

Download link:

Introduction To SPSS For Quantitative Analysis Essay

Use of Medical Experiments Essay Paper

Use of Medical Experiments Essay Paper

Final Paper-Book Response: The use of medical experiments are a milestone of advancements in medical science – But at what cost? Thankfully today there are many layers of consent necessary for any experiment that utilizes human participants. Sadly these guidelines and requirements have not always been used. Below you will find three books about medical experiments that have resulted in advancements in various aspects of medical science. I would like you to choose ONE of these books to read, and write an opinion paper addressing this question, “Does the end justify the means?” Do the advancements in medical science outweigh the atrocities that resulted in these discoveries? Two books are more obvious as they address actions from World War-2 with German and Japanese medical experiment units Use of Medical Experiments Essay Paper. The third may be more difficult to draw this line as it is a case from our own US History. I look forward to hearing your opinions!


-The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Scloot

-Doctors From Hell, Vivian Spits

-Japan’s Infamous Unit 731, Hal Gold

Requirements for the paper include a minimum of 5 pages (APA Format, 6th Edition). This assignment is due NOT LATER THAN Monday the last week of the course. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED Use of Medical Experiments Essay Paper.

Cross-Examination of Direct Testimony Essay Paper

Cross-Examination of Direct Testimony Essay Paper

Cross-Examination of Direct Testimony – In this assignment, you will prepare for cross-examination in a courtroom setting. Remember that because the cross-examination cannot typically go beyond the material covered in the direct examination, it should be quite predictable. Complete the following:

Develop a series of 8–10 questions that you would expect during cross-examination. Each should be followed by a brief explanation of why you believe they effectively challenge your own direct testimony Cross-Examination of Direct Testimony Essay Paper. To do so, you should imagine what questions one might ask while representing the opinion opposite to your own.


The following topics must be represented in your questions:

  • Methodologies used, including whether others were better suited.
  • Possible contradictions between the original report data, and conclusions and opinions drawn.
  • Logical inconsistencies or vagueness of language in your direct testimony.
  • Limitations of the report data.

  • Formatting: Number and bold face your questions.
  • Length: 5-7 double spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points Cross-Examination of Direct Testimony Essay Paper.

PSY4320 W5 Course Project Paper

PSY4320 W5 Course Project Paper


Course Project Part II

The interviews that you completed in Week 3 (that is attached)provide background information for your course project to be submitted in this assignment. To support your work, you will also include a literature review. You will need at least three scholarly journal articles. You can use the articles that you referenced in previous weeks’ readings and assignments, or you can search for articles from Online Library for your literature review. A literature review can be just a simple summary of the sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both a summary and a synthesis PSY4320 W5 Course Project Paper .

In your literature review:

  • Write a short summary (one to two paragraphs) for each article.
  • Write a brief analysis (one to two paragraphs) for each article and relate each analysis to your course and text readings.
  • Make a connection, if possible, to the interview process and your own evaluation of each interviewee.

When researching information for your literature review, you also will need to incorporate one or more of the following factors to relate with the interviewees’ evaluations:

  • Similarities and differences between development according to gender, ethnicity, and socially derived groups
  • Age-appropriate and socially constructed milestones
  • Impact of interpersonal factors (e.g., social roles and relationships) during early and middle adulthood
  • The nature of stress, coping, and resistance in the context of gender
  • The importance of gender identity in the context of work


Develop your final project in a 4- to 5-p age Microsoft Word document written in APA format, including the following sections:

  • A title page
  • An abstract (summary of the course project)
  • An introduction section including:
    • An introduction to gender development and identity based on your course and text readings
    • The purpose of the p aper
  • A literature review section including:
    • A review and analysis of the scholarly journal articles
    • An understanding of how gender theories apply to the interview responses and a comparison with your own responses (identifying the theories)
  • A methods section including:
    • The proposed participants and age groups (without any personal information)
    • The questions used
    • The setting (one-on-one interviews) PSY4320 W5 Course Project Paper 
  • A results section including:
    • General information, such as the setting (time and place) of the interviews
    • Answers to the demographic and interview questions
    • Applicable quotes from the interviewees that highlight your analysis
  • A discussion section including:
    • An analysis of gender development and the identity of each of the individuals interviewed
    • A comparison of the interviews
    • An examination of central themes in gender development and identity (e.g., early learning about gender, influence of gender on roles and decisions, transitions, conflicts, challenges, etc.)
    • Concluding remarks regarding the interviews
  • A references section PSY4320 W5 Course Project Paper

Understanding and Evaluation of Social Psychology Essay Paper

Understanding and Evaluation of Social Psychology Essay Paper

We covered much over the past several weeks.   As we continue to expand our understanding of social psychology it is important to evaluate current research.

For this assignment, first provide a detailed description for each of the following topics Understanding and Evaluation of Social Psychology Essay Paper.


  1. Group behavior
  2. Organizational behavior
  3. Attraction or intimacy
  4. Friendships
  5. Altruism
  6. Prejudice and stereotypes
  7. Aggression
  8. Applied social psychology


Article review:

  • Next, choose 3 topics from the list above and find a scholarly journal article for each.
  • Find current (not more than 5 years old) scholarly research articles from the South University Library databases only.
  • Remember the articles must be related to psychology.
  • Provide an in-depth analysis for each article, integrating information from your course and text readings.

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Reference any sources you use using the APA format on a separate page Understanding and Evaluation of Social Psychology Essay Paper.

Developmental Disabilities Sensitivity Essay

Developmental Disabilities Sensitivity Essay

Many developmental disabilities can be diagnosed within a child’s first few months of life; however, little education is given to parents who are pregnant to avoid causing unnecessary stress.


There are numerous stories about parents believing something is wrong their newborn and being dismissed by doctors and medical staff as new parent hypervigilance. How should medical staff sensitively educate new parents? What should new parents look for in regards to developmental signs and symptoms? How should medical staff address new parents with concerns?

Developmental Disabilities Sensitivity Essay

Benchmark Quantitative or Qualitative Research Reporting Assignment

Benchmark Quantitative or Qualitative Research Reporting Assignment

Benchmark Quantitative or Qualitative Research Reporting Assignment Instructions 


Throughout this course you have learned about the importance of research in counseling and how evidence-based research can inform how counselors practice.  This assignment will help you develop the skill of interpreting data and writing results based upon your research findings.



Please navigate to the Benchmark Qualitative or Quantitative Research Reporting Assignment Case Scenario and Template and follow the steps to complete the assignment. Within this document, there are two case scenarios that detail a summary of the study, purpose, research question, hypothesis (for only the quantitative case), study design, data, method of analysis of the data, and the results. You will address the questions based upon which path you choose, and you will write one well-developed paragraph that has a logical flow using current APA format Benchmark Quantitative or Qualitative Research Reporting Assignment .

Please see the Quantitative Reporting Example or the Qualitative Reporting Example for additional guidance.

  • This paragraph should be no more than 1/2 to 1 page.
    • For further study, section 3 of the APA manual discusses Journal Article Reporting Standards.
  • Please follow APA formatting for this assignment Benchmark Quantitative or Qualitative Research Reporting Assignment.