Reflect on how the type of      interaction with a client (i.e. seeing a client, listening to a client on      the phone, or reading a written file) might impact your crisis response.

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). I have put in bold the classmates that you will need to respond to according to the instructions of the instructor. Please follow the instructions to get full credit for the discussion. I had the written format and I included my discussion. I need this completed by 10/13/18 at 8pm.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues. Be sure to select at least one colleague who had a different type of format/interaction than the one you were assigned. For example, if you were assigned the written transcript, respond to a colleague who watched the video or listened to the audio recording. Respond in the following ways:

  • Discuss the similarities and      differences in the risk factors and safety plan ideas you and your      colleague identified.
  • Reflect on how the type of      interaction with a client (i.e. seeing a client, listening to a client on      the phone, or reading a written file) might impact your crisis response.

My Discussion Post

1. Type of interaction: written transcript

2. Risk factors for the client: depression, irritability, despair, mental health conditions.

3. Things I would like to know about the client: presence of any suicide warning signals in her behavior. Warning signs to look for include, withdrawing from activities, isolating from family and friends, sleeping too much or too little, hopelessness for the future, loss of interest and rage. Having gone through the written transcript, I have gathered that Sue is at risk of committing suicide as a result of depression and possible mental illness. In her safety plan for intervention, I will therefore include the following: warning signs, preferred internal coping strategies, social contacts that may distract her from the crisis, family members or friends who may offer help, ways to make her environment safer and conducive for positive thoughts, help her recognize the reasons to go on living and professionals to contact in case of a crisis. Here is an example of a safety plan template that I would use for Sue’s intervention.

4. Patient Safety Plan

Warning signs for development of a crisis- behavior, moods and thoughts

Internal coping strategies- physical exercise and activities and relaxation

People and social settings that provide distraction- children, movie theatres and church

People whom I can seek help from-psychologist and counsellors

Professionals or agencies to contact during crisis-clinicians, local urgent care services and suicide prevention lifeline phone.

Making the environment safe


James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis Intervention Strategies. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning US.

Classmate K. Bre

The type of interaction that I reviewed was the video.

Risk Factors

Several risk factors were identified during the session with the client. I observed this individual to present with symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He seems to be replaying a number of traumatic events that he has experienced (Physical and Emotional abuse from his father, surviving an explosion that his friends died from). He also uses alcohol as a way to cope and to go to sleep. This individual also expressed losing his identity. He expresses that he is supposed to be providing for his family. However, he has no job and is dependent on his wife to provide as she is the only one working as a nurse. I found it interesting that he referred to himself as “the babysitter” instead of a stay at home father or something similar. The individual also expressed that he has no significant supportive relationships. He has no friends no support. He doesn’t identify his wife as support due to them fighting and arguing.

According to James and Gilliland(2017), Robert identifies with a number of “Characteristics of People who Commit Suicide”. He is enduring unendurable psychological pain (traumatic events), he has expressed affective characteristics (hopelessness with his work situation), and relational characteristic (The individual is communicating that his contemplating ending his life or believing that everyone will be better off without him). Another risk factor is the availability to a firearm.

Missing Information

I think that I would like to know more about how the traumatic events of his past are currently affecting him on a day to day basis. I would also want to know how long have Robert and his wife had issues. I would also want to know more specifics of his plan. When would he plan to do it? Is there a specific event that would push him closer to completing the act of suicide?

Safety Plan

I think it would be important for Robert to address his access to his firearm. I think it would also be important for Robert to identify key individuals he can talk with when he feels like committing suicide. I would also be interested if Robert would discuss with his son and his wife how he feels about them being better off without him. I think it would be important to provide Robert the suicide prevention hotline. I would also be inclined to get him connected to a veterans support group to assist Robert in gaining some natural supports.

James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis Intervention Strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

Classmate E. Sch

Audio Case Study

Robert, a military veteran, is seeking counseling in response to a recent fight with his significant other. Most of his unit died after driving over an explosive, leaving him to feel guilty about surviving without them. He also has a history of being abused as a child, and is concerned about his growing tendencies toward violence. He notes that he is still in possession of a gun, but denies any intention to use it on himself. Robert also reports drinking a case of beer each night to subdue his emotions enough to sleep, and feels as though spending copious amounts of money on beer makes him a burden to his family. Accordingly, his counselor is beginning to collect information regarding whether he is at risk for suicidal behavior (Laureate Education, 2018).

Suicide Risk Factors

Based on his traumatic military experiences, his symptoms, and their duration, it is possible that Robert might be suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (James & Gilliand, 2017). Posttraumatic stress disorder is a risk factor for suicide, as is substance abuse (May & Klonsky, 2016). In addition, he discusses wondering whether the pain he is experiencing is worth continuing to live (Laureate Education, 2018). In reality, suicidal thoughts like this are also a risk factor for eventual attempts and death (Ballard et al., 2016). Other risk factors present in Robert’s case include childhood abuse, isolation, feeling guilty, burdensomeness, and possessing a gun (James & Gilliand, 2017). Hence, the information that is available in the audio interview is indicative of a high risk for suicide. However, there is still some risk information that must be gathered.

Missing Information

Since this assessment is based entirely on the audio of an interview, there is no information available about Robert’s appearance and body language. Being able to conduct a visual assessment is critical when working with potentially suicidal clients, as there are a variety of behavioral cues that are indicative of increased risk (James & Gilliand, 2017). A visual assessment could identify agitation, which is predictive of suicidal behavior (Ballard et al., 2016). A counselor could also scan for obvious cutting, burns, hair pulling, and other forms of self-injury, as nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior can predict the transition from suicide ideation to attempts (Nock et al., 2018). In addition, it would be preferable to ask whether Robert has a specific suicide plan. He has shared that he has a gun, which is a suicide risk factor on its own (James & Gilliand, 2017). Essentially, his counselor should collect more information about whether Robert has developed a suicide plan that involves the gun. Ultimately, this information could play a critical role in the development of a safety plan.

Safety Plan

Safety plans provide clients with information about how to recognize crisis situations, how to utilize personal support systems, and how to contact mental health professionals. As a result, safety plans reduce suicide attempts, make hospitalizations less frequent, and increase the frequency of contact with outpatient mental health staff. are associated with a variety of benefits including fewer suicide attempts, fewer hospitalizations, and more frequent contact with outpatient mental health staff. Although suicide plans must be customized to fit the needs of each client, common themes include drawing support from family members, contacting hotlines, and reducing access to lethal means (Zonana, Simberlund, & Christos, 2018). Hence, Robert’s suicide plan could include surrendering his firearm, identifying family members that he could contact, and collecting the contact information for local suicide prevention services.


Ballard, E. D., Voort, J. L., Luckenbaugh, D. A., Machado-Vieira, R., Tohen, M., & Zarate, C. A.  (2016). Acute risk factors for suicide attempts and death: Prospective findings from the STEP-BD study. Bipolar Disorders, 18, 363-372. doi: 10.1111/bdi.12397

James, R., K., & Gilliand, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Suicide assessment and safety planning [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

May, A. M., & Klonsky, E. D. (2016). What distinguishes suicide attempts from suicide ideators? A meta-analysis of potential factors. Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, 23(1), 5-20. doi: 10.1111/cpsp.12136

Nock, M. K., Millner, A. J., Gutierrez, P. M., Naifeh, J. A., Stein, M. B., Kessler, R. C., . Ursano, R. J. (2018). Risk factors for the transition from suicide ideation to suicide attempt: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(2), 139-149. doi: 10.1037/abn0000317

Zonana, J., Simberlund, J., & Christos, P. (2018). The impact of safety plans in an outpatient clinic. Crisis, 39(4), 304-309. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000495

Required Resources


James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 8, “Crisis of Lethality”

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. (Nov 2016). Outcomes from eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in active-duty service members with posttraumatic stress disorder, Vol 8(6).

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services. (2018). Retrieved from

Document: Facility Response Activity Transcript (PDF)

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018a). Facilitative response activity [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: This media is a self-paced interactive piece.

Click here to download the transcript.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018b). How to accurately assess and help a client [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 37 minutes.

Accessible player –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018c). Suicide assessment and safety planning [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 16 minutes.

Accessible player –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript

Optional Resources

American Association of Suicidology. (2018). Retrieved from

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Retrieved from

May, A. M., & Klonsky, E. D. (2016). What distinguishes suicide attempters from suicide ideators? A meta-analysis of potential factors. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 23(1), 5–20. doi:10.1111/cpsp.12136

Shallcross, L. (2010). Confronting the threat of suicide. Counseling Today. Retrieved from

Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Shaw, S. L. (2017). Suicide risk assessment: What psychologists should know. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48(2), 98–106. doi:10.1037/pro0000106

How does the site collect and store information about clients?

Record Keeping

For your initial post to this discussion, briefly describe the record-keeping practices that are used at your current fieldwork site.

How does the site collect and store information about clients? Information is collected online, or when the client comes to the office, and on the phone. The site is a confidential site, The forms is printed out in the office and added into a chart that is stored into a locked cabinet

How do they keep track of payments made, insurance companies billed, release forms that have been signed, or formal communications sent out about clients? There is a biller who uses a billing website. The system for making sure all clients are billed is, every time a client is seen by a therapist a progress note is done and a ticket is filed by the therapist. and handed to the biller the owner check the sign in sheet and the calendar to make sure that all client that was seen was billed. One must even submitted a ticket and a progress note for no shows which are called non-billable.

Describe some of the skills you have developed regarding record keeping and case management methods in order to meet your site’s requirements. one skilled that I have developed is completing progress notes and billable tickets.

What aspects of record keeping have been challenging for you? one aspect that has been a challenging for me is developing a treatment plan with the client on the third visit.

Discuss the steps you will take in order to continue improving your record-keeping skills. I will practice having a computer and pad in session with me i still feel uncomfortable with a computer in the room.

Please use 2 reference and make one page.

Putting aside for a moment the small detail that the murder is a crime – is this action justified in some way?

Select two readings or one reading and one video clip

In a minimum of 750 words, explain why you disagree with the source/s’ point of view; feel free to use the other readings for this week or outside credible academic sources to underscore your points

Now, try to imagine the possible response/s to your arguments and objections.  Explain the response and rebut your opponent in this imaginary debate.  In your rebuttal, consider that you may come across many opportunities to disagree with fellow students throughout your Brandman experience.  Write your rebuttal with consideration of how you would address such controversies with fellow students in a debate that is not imaginary.


Consider this scenario (in a minimum of 750 words):

In Dostoyevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment the main character plots and carries out the murder of an old woman who has a considerable amount of money in her apartment. After killing her, he steals the money. He argues that

She is a malicious old woman, petty, cantankerous and scheming, useless to herself and to society (which happens to be true), and her life causes no happiness to herself or to others; and Her money, if found after her death, would only fall into the hands of chisellers anyway, whereas he would use it for his education (no doubt at Brandman University).

Putting aside for a moment the small detail that the murder is a crime – is this action justified in some way? Yes or no and why? There is one catch; the only sources you can use to buttress your arguments one way or the other must come from this week’s readings and video clips.

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What was the role of religion in post-WWII society?

Write a 500-word essay on the transformation of American society after WWII. Discuss important topics like suburbanization, the GI Bill, the automobile, and the effects of consumerism on society and gender spheres, racial experiences, and youth culture. Conclude your essay by answering the following question: What was the role of religion in post-WWII society?

Use a minimum of three of the sources provided to support your assignment and be sure to cite the sources.

Prepare this assignment in the APA sytle

What makes Pax Campus clinical philosophy different from traditional IOP programs?

Class Presentation: ‘Clinical Toolbox’

Students will provide a 15-20 minute presentation

A) live Powerpoint GoToMeeting presentation during

class time. The first part of the presentation will be an introduction of the site, include a website address of

your site, if available. The next part of the presentation you will describe three skills, techniques, or

activities used at your Practicum site with the specific client population. (CoDependency) (Trust) (Fear) Open Forum …Students are expected to illustrate important points/aspects of the techniques, research evidence, explain the theoretical underpinnings, and

describe when the techniques would be indicated and contraindicated. Then, you will demonstrate one of

the three skills, techniques or activities in class (either with a peer for an individual technique, or with the

entire group for a group technique). The purpose of this assignment is to share and expand students’

technical repertoire of skills, techniques or activities.

Florida’s Top Drug Rehab

PAX Campus, one of the best drug and alcohol rehabs in Florida, is proud to serve clients seeking addiction treatment.

Not only are one of the top drug rehabs, we offer Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and addiction counseling by licensed therapists.

The facility has a leadership team with extensive addiction, trauma and co-occurring disorders experience and is one of the highest credentialed outpatient facilities in the country.

What makes Pax Campus clinical philosophy different from traditional IOP programs?

Many traditional IOP programs focus mostly on general early recovery skills and 12 step concepts, such as the identification of relapse triggers, the development of a sober support system and treating symptoms of addiction that present in the here in now. While obviously at Pax Campus we address all of these aspects of the recovery process, we go much deeper into the underpinnings of addiction. We don’t simply chase symptoms.

Challenging the I = Addict Mentality:

How do you evaluate or critique this from a biblical, Christian perspective?

The purposes of this assignment are to:

· Demonstrate proper use of current APA format in a term paper.

· Demonstrate proper use of one of the research methods studied in this course—specifically, the case study.

· Reflect on what you have learned in this course and write about it.

· Reflect on the course content as critiqued from a biblical, Christian perspective and write about it.

· Note: Thinking and reflecting on what you have learned will take a considerable amount of time. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time for this assignment.

Instructions: Using a case study approach, write a four to eight page research-based paper using yourself as the research subject by answering the assigned research questions:

· What have you learned about research at an introductory level?

· How do you evaluate or critique this from a biblical, Christian perspective?

You will use the APA skills that you honed during Module/Week 3, the case study skills you developed in Module/Week 5, and all the content you studied throughout all the modules/weeks of this course. Current APA format needs to be demonstrated in all aspects of this assignment.

Your paper must include a properly-formatted title page, four to eight pages of content with correct APA formatting throughout, including proper citations and levels of headings, and a reference page. The title page and references page are in addition to the assigned four to eight pages of content. Maintain consistency between your citations and reference page. Your paper must include at least four references to sufficiently support your paper. Required references include your Introduction to Research textbook and the Publication Manual, and at least two additional scholarly references, plus whatever other content-related sources you would like to include. Remember, use current APA format throughout (including your title page, running head, author note, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure, introductory statement, in-text citations, page numbers, levels of headings throughout the document, a conclusion statement, and consistency between your in-text citations and references).

You may use your Discussion Board Forum posts and additional personal reflection. Your answer will be unlike anyone else’s, and that is what is expected. Be sure to consult your Publication Manual for proper formatting for your in-text citations and references for these other sources.

Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism.

Note: Some matching on the SafeAssign report is not unexpected. You will be citing sources that others may have used in other papers, so some matches might appear. Your instructor will be able to discern what is appropriate matching due to properly cited sources. This assignment is open-book/open-notes, open-Bible, open to discussion with friends, etc. Be sure to document your sources appropriately as in-text citations and as references when you use the textbook or other material from this course, personal interviews with friends, etc.

This assignment requires that you incorporate proper APA formatting throughout the document. Formatting errors will result in point deductions.

Please follow the attached Grading Rubric

Virtual Book:

  • attachment


What are the major challenges confronting correctional administrators who are involved in designing and managing care and treatment

Read the Hafemeister, T. L., Hall, S. R., & Dvoskin, J. A. article, which discusses the administrative concerns associated with the treatment of offenders with mental illness. In a 660-1980 word (or 4-6 page) paper, address all of the following:

  • What are the major challenges confronting correctional administrators who are involved in designing and managing care and treatment programs for adult offenders with mental illness?
  • Describe two proposed solutions that the assigned article introduces (Special Housing, RTUs, line staff training, etc).
  • What makes these programs effective in treating mentally ill offenders, and why?
  • What challenges are faced when implementing these programs?

Describe your plan for debriefing co-workers and a plan for self-debriefing and self-care following the tragedy. 

Throughout the course, various theories and concepts related to assessment of emergency and crisis situations will be presented. The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to demonstrate the ability to analyze crisis and emergency situations, applying appropriate assessment, intervention, and treatment plan options in practical scenarios, articulating clear rationale for the decisions made.

To complete Case Vignette  assume you are in the role and case study scenario described below.

  • ROLE: First Responder Crisis Management Team Supervisor.
  • CASE STUDY: You and your team are responding to one of the school shootings in the chart below.

Infoplease. (2008). Time line of recent worldwide school shootings. Retrieved May 17, 2008 from,

In responding to the case presented, implement the following:

  • Select one of the shooting incidents as a focus.
  • Research and investigate the selected tragedy.
  • Provide a synopsis of the situation’s key events and characteristics.
  • Outline your assessment and courses of action.
  • Describe a single-session intervention with a parent of a student, with a witness/survivor, or with a First Responder having difficulty with the event while on the scene.
  • Describe and outline long-term treatment goals, objectives, plan and expected outcome for the individual.
  • Describe your plan for debriefing co-workers and a plan for self-debriefing and self-care following the tragedy.

Include a minimum 7 to 8 pages, not including APA formatted required title and reference pages; submit APA style in-text citations throughout the work as well.

The basic parts of a paper should also be included; these are the opening, introduction section, with a precise thesis statement, the body of the paper with clear, discernable headings formatted to APA style levels of heading where appropriate, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the major points of the entire paper. for general APA formatting information and for formatting help on many topics.




Needs Improvement



Analysis of Case

50 points possible

Student provides a thorough analysis of the assigned case, critically evaluating each component, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of related theory and concepts.

Student analyzes the assigned case, evaluating most components, demonstrating an adequate understanding of related theory and concepts.

Student provides a marginal analysis of the assigned case, demonstrating an acceptable understanding of related theory and concepts.

The work does not reflect an acceptable analysis of the assigned case.

Practical Application

50 points possible

Student identifies and explains selected assessment, intervention, and treatment methods, each of which is aligned with identified parameters of the case.

Student identifies and explains selected assessment, intervention, and treatment methods, alignment with case parameters may not be present.

Student identifies selected methods, these may not be explained or aligned with the case parameters.

The work does not include application practical application of assessment, intervention, and treatment methods.


20 possible points

Course materials and other scholarly sources are used to support assertions.

Course materials are used to support some assertions in the work.

Assertions in the work are not supported by evidence.

Work is based upon opinion only.


15 possible points

Work is presented in a logical and coherent way. Writing is clear, articulate, and error free.

Work is grammatically sound with a few minor errors.

Work contains frequent grammatical errors.

Significant grammatical errors within the work severely affect the readability.


15 possible points

APA formatting is complete, with all required paper elements accurately noted.

APA formatting is complete with some minor errors.

Work contains incomplete and inaccurate APA formatting.

Work contains no formatting.


150 possible points

What factors influence the development of language?

How do we learn a language? What factors influence the development of language?

Review the theories of language development and then respond to the following questions in the discussion forum.

1. According to Skinner, why do children learn to speak a particular language?  Explain.

2. How do we learn the rules for arranging words and symbols for a given language?

3. What are the stages of language development?

Important guidelines to follow:

Write at least a 300-word, well-developed and well-written response.  Use APA Formatting Guide to create accurate citations and documentation to give credit for any resource material used in your response.

How are sexual behaviors of older women and older men perceived by human service students?

Human services professionals working with diverse populations often face challenges because of the clients’ various values and beliefs. Long-established beliefs (and sometimes fears) may influence clients’ access to services and resources, interfering with your ability to practice as a professional. For this Assignment, select a key issue related to working with a diverse population of clients in a specific region or area. Consider key barriers to providing services for this population and how you might overcome these barriers.

To complete this Assignment:

By Day 7

Write a 3- to 4- page paper that addresses the following:

· Describe the issue and region or area you selected. Include the population of clients, and be sure to use official resources when obtaining this demographic information.

· Explain challenges for human services professionals practicing in the region or area you selected. Include key barriers to providing services (e.g., language, accessibility, social stigma).

· Explain a strategy or process to assist with reducing prejudice, stereotyping, or bias in accessing services related to the issue you selected. Include how you, as the human services professional, might implement this strategy or process in the region or area you selected.

Reminder: Proper formatting and APA citations are required. Refer to the Writing Template for Course Papers for additional guidance.

Kane, M. N. (2008). How are sexual behaviors of older women and older men perceived by human service students? Social Work Education, 27(7), 723–743.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

This article examines undergraduate students’ perceptions of sexual behavior among older adults. It emphasizes the need for educators to heighten students’ awareness of older adults in order to reduce oppression and discrimination.

Painter, K., & Scannapieco, M. (2009). Part II: Multisystemic therapy: Addressing racial disparity and its effectiveness with families from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. Journal of Family Social Work, 12(3), 197–210.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

This article examines the health and mental health services delivered to racial and ethnic minorities. It also identifies considerations for practitioners working with children and families from diverse populations.