Early Child Education Brochure Paper

Early Child Education Brochure Paper

Because this is a pamphlet/brochure type assignment, you can choose any font size and type you like. You can submit the assignment as a word, publisher or PDF document. 

  1. You have been asked to develop a pamphlet for expecting mothers. The pamphlet would tell mothers-to-be about: the importance of prenatal care, what factors are conducive to healthy prenatal development and what factors are associated with adverse outcomes for babies, both prenatally and post-natally. Please remember that this will be a generic brochure, so plan what you wish to include in it, accordingly.
  2. The pamphlet should also describe, briefly, the stages of fetal development (from conception to birth) and the birth process (including the different approaches to this process).
  3. The pamphlet must be appealing to the eyes, and should not include too much scientific or medical jargon, except when absolutely necessary Early Child Education Brochure Paper.
  4. The information presented in the pamphlet will be worth 10 marks. The remaining 5 marks will be awarded to the appearance and appeal of the pamphlet.


  5. Please remember to reference your sources (according to APA guidelines). If there is no space in the actual brochure/pamphlet, for APA style references, you can just mention the title of the books or websites (that you are using) in the actual brochure, and you can submit your APA references as a separate document. As for in-text citations, there is no need to include them, in this assignment, unless you are using a direct quote. As for pictures, you do need to cite those, unless you are using pictures from Clipart.
  6. Please make sure the brochure looks like modern-day brochures, both in content and in form. This means that it would be a good idea to add links to a few websites that a person can go to, for more information, AND links to one or two videos that one can watch, also for more information. The links to the videos should be clear (e.g. a YouTube link) Early Child Education Brochure Paper. If the video is part of a website, that is fine, but you will need to make it clear that this particular website includes a video. Failing to do so will result in a lower grade.
  7. If you choose to use Microsoft Publisher, for your brochure, that is fine, but please save and submit it as a PDF file, as Canvas sometimes messes up the layout of publisher documents.

Early Child Education Brochure Paper

Gestalt Approach Primary Defining Features Essay

Gestalt Approach Primary Defining Features Essay

a. Discuss the primary defining features of the Gestalt approach. b. Describe some of the core techniques in this form of therapy. c. What are the strengths and limitations of this approach.


Microsoft Word.  Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, and one-inch margins (no exceptions). 3. 2-3 pages in length and MUST follow APA format. 4. Reference a minimum of 1 source (published books, textbook, or peer reviewed journal articles). 5. You will be allowed to reference a credible website Gestalt Approach Primary Defining Features Essay

Theories in Social Psychology Essay Paper

Theories in Social Psychology Essay Paper

Textbook: Theories in Social Psychology 1st Edition (Chapters 6, 9-10)- Derek Chadee & Social Psychology 11th Edition-Saul Kassin, Markus, & Fein. (Chapter 5). The Ironic Impact of Activists: Negative Stereotypes Reduce Social Change Influence, Music Preference, Social Identity, and Self-Esteem.

Social psychology as it relates to Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination Theories in Social Psychology Essay Paper.

Content Summary Assignment Instructions 


Before learning how to apply social psychological research and theory in real life scenarios, it is important to be able to synthesize complex information and relay this information in an understandable way. These Content Summary Assignments are a great way to learn how to take several different sources and to synthesize them into a concise and understandable way.

Just as a hint: your Content Summary Assignments will provide you with terrific study guides for the quizzes.


You will complete Content Summary Assignments throughout this course. The Content Summary Assignments are the core learning/building block for this course. As such, be careful to read all of the material and to make worthwhile summaries of the information presented. You will use this information for every other assignment in this course Theories in Social Psychology Essay Paper.

The Content Summary tends to confuse students. Synthesize all the material from the week into three main topics. Provide title page in APA format. Introduction (paragraph that briefly explains your overarching theme and the three areas you covered. The three areas will have level 1 headings. The conclusion is a wrap-up of what you wrote above in your paper. Under each area make sure you have two different sources (from our reading do not add other material).



Include the following components in your Content Summary Assignments:

  1. Content Summary Assignments must be at least 5–2 pages
  2. Each summary must include an integration of the Kassin et al. text chapters, Chadee theory chapters, and two journal articles related to each module (found in the Learn Section).
    • Use your Kassin et al. textbook to navigate the summary. Then, explore specific issues from the text that the Chadee theories book and the required articles also discuss.
  3. The Content Summary Assignments must be in current APA format, including a cover page, a reference page, and appropriate subheadings (i.e. introduction, summary points, conclusion, etc.)
  4. Using sources outside the required Learn Section reading is allowed, but not required
  5. Cite all your sources you used (should include all read items from the Learn Section, as well as any outside sources used) in current APA format Theories in Social Psychology Essay Paper.


Use the following outline in your Content Summary Assignments:

  1. Introduction
  2. The introduction should be an overall summary of the Learn Section’s reading material (1–2 paragraphs).
  3. Body (Summary Points)
  4. The body of your summary should include 3–5 subsections, covering 3–5 of the major points that span across all reading sources in the module.
  5. Each subsection should not only summarize a major point, but also integrate the information gleaned from different sources about this major point.
  6. Subsections should be about 1–2 paragraphs long.
  7. Each subsection should have a minimum of 2 sources cited to support the major points. (This is to ensure that you are integrating the information, rather than summarizing the sources independently.)
  8. Conclusion
  9. Tie together the major themes you introduced in the body of the summary.


Make sure to check the Content Summary Grading Rubric before you start your Content Summary Assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool Theories in Social Psychology Essay Paper.

Poverty And Economic Inequalities Responses Essay

Poverty And Economic Inequalities Responses Essay

1.Living in the Bronx for most of my life, I’ve definitely done my grocery shopping at corner stores in my neighborhood with the help of EBT. Some of these corner stores are not Food Deserts, but they’re quite similar in my opinion. I live in Pennsylvania now, which can be considered rural. In Pennsylvania there are many places where they don’t have a corner store in their neighborhoods, they need to drive to their nearest supermarket Poverty And Economic Inequalities Responses Essay. Luckily for me, I live in a more urban area of Pennsylvania and I live nearby local stores, such as thrift shops, restaurants, corner stores, and laundry mats. Although I have access to these places much quicker than others, I still do my shopping in bigger stores like Walmart because these stores don’t always have what I need or want. With that being said, I believe although people are not in great need of these local shops, I still believe they can be very useful and beneficial for those neighborhoods, especially if you don’t have a car or need to rush to the store for something small. I don’t know why they haven’t opened more local stores in these rural places, I believe they can be very beneficial and appreciated by the locals.

I believe having these corner stores, food deserts, are very useful and important for anyone because they can find a fruit or healthy snack (if provided by the store), without worrying about the location being too far. Some of these stores do provide unhealthy choices of foods but that won’t take away the light on the good stuff they provide. I say this because they provide vegetables or condiments, and meat, that is needed to cook a healthy home-cooked meal.


2. Food Deserts was something I wasn’t aware existed until now. According to the CDC, Food Deserts originated in Scotland in the earlier 1990s and were used to describe poor access to an affordable healthy diet. (CDC, 2009.) We do not see similar grocery stores as such because we have access to numerous amounts of supermarkets and groceries stores, even public transportation in cities. Food Deserts are found where access is scarce and directly affect food insecurity in the rural communities. Several factors have been identified as being responsible for starvation and those include poverty, food and nutrition insecurity, inadequate infrastructure, limited access to healthcare facilities, low levels of education, and inadequate food intake. Obesity has been reported in areas with a lack of adequate resources to eat healthier. To improve an appropriate balance of healthy food everywhere I think there should be access available in all areas at affordable prices. Establish farmer’s markets at public transportation locations, support local farmers, and provide transportation in communities lacking transit options for future generations Poverty And Economic Inequalities Responses Essay.


In recent years as of a census report in the year of 2004 “following a series of city and state financing efforts, which began with the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative in 2004 (Karpyn et al., 2010). To date, such public efforts have provided more than USD 220 million, which has leveraged more than USD 1 billion in private investment through public-private partnerships, to fund nearly 1 000 retailers serving areas of limited food access in 35 states (PolicyLink, The Food Trust and The Reinvestment Fund, 2015)” This initiave would help provide money to rural communites that may or may not see a lot of nutrional beneficial storefronts in their area. Otherwise, disparity rages around the U.S. in different locations mainly economic to socio-economic situations on which people cannot access the right stores, or food locations. “because the number of low-income communities across the country had increased by more than 5 percent since 2010, the net number of low-income and low-access communities increased 0.36 percent (Rhone et al., 2017) Poverty And Economic Inequalities Responses Essay.” These numbers provide the blueprint for the economic downtrodden of America when it comes to food deserts. Scott Stinger who is the President of Manhattan Borough had this to say “Large supercentres also evoke considerable worry about the viability of local retail. For example, a report by Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer showed that (a new) Walmart on 125th street in Harlem, New York would result in 25 percent of the nearby supermarkets and bodegas going out of business within a year (CBS New York, 2011).” This shows the amount of impact these supercenters to have on rural and inner city communites. Both of these situations come to an important moment in history where food deserts are becoming more prominent in inner city to more economically satiated communites which is not what we have seen before, I feel the only way to substatiante the economic issues in this country is to allocate more money to these communites and shut down any super centers that are in these communites from taking away the nutrional and benefical stores from these people Poverty And Economic Inequalities Responses Essay.

Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Paper

Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Paper


What is Alzheimer’s disease, What are the classifications, signs and symptoms. what they complications, medications. how is Alzheimer’s treats. what are the nursing interventions. The conclusions.



What is Alzheimer’s disease, What are the classifications, signs and symptoms. what they complications, medications. how is Alzheimer’s treats. what are the nursing interventions. The conclusions Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Paper.

Biological psychology Sample Paper

Biological psychology Sample Paper

RWP #1: Biological psychology

Real World Psychology: Psychology is all around us. I hope that as you learn more and more about the field that you start to recognize this and become more curious about why people act the way they do. You will be asked to observe 4 real world psychology examples, of you choosing, and then will find a peer-reviewed research article that is meant to answer your question. Each of these 4 assignments is worth 10% of your final grade and will roughly cover 4 different sections of the course materials Biological psychology Sample Paper.

THIS DB is for RWP #1:  Biological psychology 

You may work on this before the due date. You will upload everything onto the DB, in 2 stages. Both Stage 1 and 2 are due by the due date. You will need to get clearance from me (on the DB) for Stage 1 before moving to Stage 2. I will reply to you on the DB whether you’ve been cleared, then you can reply back to me with your Stage 2 response. Do not leave this until the last minute.


  • Stage 1 (4 points).  Describe a real world psychology example using the concepts we have talked about in each section of the course. Tell us why you think it is an important observation and what questions the observation leaves you with.
  • Stage 2 (6 points). After you have clearance from me, find a peer-reviewed article that is related to your observation and outstanding question. You must find a peer-reviewed article, upload the PDF to your answer (1 point), give the APA citation of the article (1 point), and then describe the article’s findings (3 points), and explain how it relates to your observation/question (1 point).

This DB has a “due date” for stage #1 due date will disappear after the stage #2 due date and will be back after it is graded fully Biological psychology Sample Paper.

“Comment from the professor on the last work: Nice explanation of the AP. Be sure you put your answers in your own words. For your fMRI response, you didn’t say what your hypothesis, IV, and DV would be using this method.

Also, your APA citation is not correct. I won’t take this off on the DB, but it will count towards your RWP grade so make sure you look it up here: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_articles_in_periodicals.html

Biological psychology Sample Paper

Unit 4 DB: Poverty And Economic Inequalities Essay Sample

Unit 4 DB: Poverty And Economic Inequalities Essay Sample

Many individuals have been to a corner market in a city and noticed soggy lettuce, a moldy cucumber or other far from fresh produce being offered to that community in that specific area. Until now, many may not have known that this is what is referred to as a Food Desert. Why is it that we do not see similar grocery stores in these areas as we do in more rural communities? As a result, what does this do to the health and well-being of the thousands of people living in that community?


Discuss Food Deserts in this Discussion Thread focusing on why they exist in the first place and how we can improve the situation for generations to come.

You must support your response with scholarly sources in APA format.  Simply stating your opinion is not enough, back up your opinion with citations.  Refer to the DB Grading Rubric for more details Unit 4 DB: Poverty And Economic Inequalities Essay Sample.

Victimology and the History and Evolution of Victims’ Rights Essay

Victimology and the History and Evolution of Victims’ Rights Essay

VC004: Victim Services

4-page review of the study of victimology and the history and evolution of victims’ rights

  • Define victimology.
  • Provide a brief history to include the victims’ rights movement, legislation, and current status.
  • Discuss the role of the victim. Define victim precipitation, victim facilitation, and victim provocation. Provide examples of each.


  • Discuss why it is important to focus on crime victims. Describe how focusing on crime victims might aid in crime prevention efforts.
  • Identify three individuals who have contributed to the field of victimology. Ensure you pick individuals from different countries. Describe their contributions.

three scholarly resources (must be included) Victimology and the History and Evolution of Victims’ Rights Essay.

Organization- The American Red Cross- International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

Organization- The American Red Cross- International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

For this assignment:

  1. Analyze the mission and vision of the organization.
  2. Link the roles of mission and vision to the financial success of the organization.
  3. Identify the budget format or process used in the organization.
  4. Analyze the financial operations of this nonprofit by examining each of the financial categories reported. How does this approach compare with financial operations for-profit and government human service organizations?
  5. Analyze the relevant rationale or theories and practices of organizational fiscal management and control, as related to the mission and budget of the organization Organization- The American Red Cross- International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Is there a match? Is anything missing?


Submission Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, consistent with the expectations for stakeholders in human services professions.

APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting requirements. Include correct headings, citations, and references.

Number of resources: Include at least 5 resources (peer-reviewed publications), excluding the course text. Critically evaluate the literature and the practices addressed.

Length of paper: 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, not counting the cover page, abstract, and references.

Structure of paper: Include a cover page, an abstract, and a reference page.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point Organization- The American Red Cross- International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

Headings: Use headings in APA format, based on the assignment tasks.


Organization- The American Red Cross- International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper

Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper


For this discussion, we are going to further explore your topic of interest and begin drafting the paper.  In the last two modules, you thought about a possible topic and found an article related to this idea.  You sketched out a critique of the article as well, so you should have a good handle on it.

You will build upon these two to create an introductory section and thesis suitable for a research paper.  Research papers normally begin with providing context and highlighting the importance of their research.  Sometimes that includes providing statistics, sometimes it includes a concrete definition taken from the literature that serves as the operational definition for the paper.  This is usually a paragraph or two Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.


*****The whole first section should build up to the thesis for the paper.  Your thesis should not be written in the first person and should convey the direction of your future paper.

*******Finally, in the last section, you will bring your first source – the article you critiqued – into your paper.  This section should NOT be a copy of your article critiqueCondense this information into one or two paragraphs.  Be sure to relate your interpretation back to your thesisHow does this article support your thesis or how does this article conflict with your thesis?  Provide the details necessary for the reader to see why this article is important.  Be sure to cite the information in APA format for both in-text and as part of a references page.

Write these ideas within your discussion post.   DO NOT SUBMIT AS A WORD DOCUMENT (you may craft this in word but cut/paste your writing into the discussion board for posting).  As a discussant in this board, you should provide substantive feedback on the quality of the writing, the clarity of the thesis, and the integration of the first source as support for this thesis Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.

Article Critique Assignment

Please download this sheet page or copy and paste this entire page into a MS word document. Once in Word, write your answers to the questions IN THAT DOCUMENT-you can take up as much space answering as you’d like. Be thorough, so your instructor knows that you understand it, but do not use phrases or paragraphs from the study. USE ONLY YOUR WORDS – paraphrase everything and try to keep it short (do not rewrite the entire article).

To provide me with context, please copy and paste the abstract for your chosen article into this word document.  In addition, include the APA-style reference below and then upload this single document (including Abstract, Reference, and Responses to the questions) to the drop box with your name in the title of the file. Please pay close attention to what you are being asked to address in your critique.

Due Date:

This assignment is due on or before Sunday 11:59PM ET.

Helpful Hints:

Select an article you are comfortable with and understand well to complete this assignment. 

Copy and Pasted Abstract here:

Despite weak theoretical grounding and ample research indicating women feel high levels of decision rightness and relief post-abortion, claims that abortion is inherently stressful and causes emergent negative emotions and regret undergirds state-level laws regulating abortion in the United States. Nonetheless, scholarship does identify factors that put a woman at risk for short-term negative post abortion emotions—including decision difficulty and perceiving abortion stigma in one’s community—pointing to a possible mechanism behind later emergent or persistent post-abortion negative emotions Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.

APA-Style reference here:

Rocca, C. H., Samari, G., Foster, D. G., Gould, H., & Kimport, K. (2020). Emotions and decision rightness over five years following an abortion: An examination of decision difficulty and abortion stigma. Social Science & Medicine, 248, 112704. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112704

Response to the Questions:

  1. What the author said:
  2. What is the central question addressed by the article? What is the study’s hypothesis?

The study’s central question is what are the emotional and decision rightness experiences of post abortion over a period of five years?

  1. Briefly (but thoroughly) outline the procedures the author used to test the hypothesis. Also

                pay attention to the sample.

The authors used longitudinal data. They collected the data one-week post-abortion and semi-annually for women who aborted. The data was collected over five years from 30 facilities between 2008 and 2010. The authors evaluated the participants’ emotions and feelings that abortion was the right decision. 667 women participated in the study

  1. Using your own words, succinctly summarize the major findings of the study.

First, the authors did not find evidence supporting that, women who had aborted experienced negative emotions or regretted their actions. Secondly, the analysis results showed that positive and negative emotions weakened after the first two years of abortion while decision rightness remained high. Many of those who aborted believe that they had made the right decision. Five years after the abortion, women experienced varied feelings such as anger, sadness, guilt, happiness, and regret.

  1. What major conclusions does the author draw from these findings?

Emotions about abortion are based on individual and social context and not the procedure itself.


  1. Integration and evaluation
  2. Assessment: Do you think the author’s conclusions are valid (both internally and externally), reliable and reasonable? Provide an explanation. How do these conclusions relate to the methods used to test the hypothesis? Specifically, address the following:

Yes, the author’s conclusions are valid internally and externally. Use of large sample size and studies from different facilities reduces the bias and make the findings representative of the entire population. Longitudinal study method adds to the construct validity of the article. It also statistically valid because the authors used different both descriptive analyses and happy and guilt scales.

  1. Integration: How does this research article fit into your research project? Does it support your project hypothesis? Does it support other literature you are reviewing?

The article fits into my project in that it discusses the emotional experiences of women after abortion. I am focusing on abortion and its effects Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.


  1. What Questions Remain? Are there important issue this article does not address or resolve? How do these issues relate to your research project? Be specific.

First, the researchers did not inquire from the participants about the reasons that informed abortion. Secondly, the authors only explored the emotional effects abortion has on women but failed to discuss how it affects other aspects such as relationships. These issues relate to my study because I want to approach the topic holistically Discussion 3 Psy 530 Essay Paper.