Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

As we move forward with the class, I want to encourage you to keep in mind some of these FUNDAMENTAL principles that would not only help you utterly understand the material, but if you plan to go into the healing professions will serve you well and please

Respond to this post with a brief comment :


  1. First of all, you need to understand you are NOT treating disorders; you are TREATING PEOPLE. While patterns of pathology are largely consistent across peoples and cultures, how that disorder may be manifested, how it may be presented to you, and even how symptoms may differ from different times/situations, may seem confusing Psychology homework help. However, the most consistent and most important factor, the key to understanding is the person itself, in other words, to attend to and keep in mind the person who suffers; ALWAYS.


  1. Similarly, any behavior in question, whether is normal or abnormal is CONTEXTUAL. The basic understanding of human behavior is that IT is always the interaction of the person and his/her environment. No one acts in a vacuum, dissociated from culture, his or her personal history and even the beliefs and expectations of the culture. Look at these short films of the now PTSD diagnosis that once was called ‘Shell Shock” during WWI. Today you would never see such a presentation; why? Because it is not part of the culture anymore, and PTSD has a totally different presentation. At the time, “shell shock” presented itself as a hysterical disorder, mimicking a neurological condition Psychology homework help. It was a common belief that the exploding artillery shells, created the confusion and disorientation you see in those patients (today we know there is such a thing as Traumatic Brain Injury TBI), which could be caused by expanding blasts from artillery, IEDs etc, but that is different from PTSD). While Psychological Trauma is a reality now as it was then, the presentation of the disorder was different.


  1. Human behavior is always MEANINGFUL, and while your patients may not be able to effectively communicate his or her distress, that does not mean it lacks purpose and meaning. Even the language of schizophrenics if properly deciphered would reveal its purpose.  Today we do not bother much with that since we aim at controlling symptoms, rather than understanding people; it is faster, cleaner and more in tune with the goals and expectations of our society, but unfortunately it is wrong if it is the only thing we do. Everything we do, from the simple superficial acts such the way we talk or dress, to the most complex and impenetrable of human psychopathological condition is rich in meaning.
  1. It is important to develop and attitude for learning and commitment to your profession. In other words, you need to be COMPETENT. You may eventually be done with your formal schooling, but you should never stop learning Psychology homework help. Your “formal” learning may stop with your Masters or PhDs, but I hope you understand that you will always be learning. You are both a life student and a student of life 😊


  1. IN addition to academic or professional knowledge, you need to develop your INTUITION. In working with patients, this will often be your more successful tool. We often see and hear more than our senses tell us; that is intuition. It is not only about learning disorders and describing problems; it is looking beyond the obvious as well.
  1. Finally, you need to The ability to empathize and be in “tune” with our patients will carry you, and your patients, even at times when things do not seem to be clear or the problems seem insurmountable. This is extremely important, if you cannot “be with the one who suffers”, do not go into Clinical Psychology, at least not into Therapy Psychology homework help.

PCN-505 Topic 6: Benchmark – State Credentialing Board Research Project

PCN-505 Topic 6: Benchmark – State Credentialing Board Research Project 

PCN-505 Topic 6: Benchmark – State Credentialing Board Research Project Instructions

Directions: The purpose of this project is to help you become familiar with the credentialing and regulatory processes that will govern your practice as a counselor.

In order to complete this project, you will need to select a state to use as the basis for your research. You should select either the state in which you currently reside or the state in which you plan to practice.

Information regarding credentialing in the state you have selected can be gathered in one or more of the following ways. (These are options. You are not required to do both of these.)


  1. (Preferred) Reviewing the content of the state credentialing board website.
  2. Attending a public meeting of the state credentialing board and/or review public meeting notes online

Note: Please do not contact the board to get this information as most likely they will not get back to you in time to complete this assignment. In addition, as you will be gathering information about credentialing, it is important you use paraphrasing as well as in-text citations to avoid plagiarism issues PCN-505 Topic 6: Benchmark – State Credentialing Board Research Project .

State Credentialing Board Research Project


Using the information you gathered, write a 1,250-1,500-word scholarly paper on your state credentialing board. Include the following in your paper:

  1. Identifying information about the state board (name, location, etc.)
  2. The mission of the state board.
  3. The regulatory authority and scope (cite the statutes and rules that govern the board’s activities, describe the discipline(s) regulated by the board, and describe the scope of the board’s authority to regulate professional practice).
  4. The state board/committee structures through which the board performs its functions (committee names and responsibilities, frequency of meetings, topics included on board/committee agendas, and composition of board and committees).
  5. A summary of the licensure and certification requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.
  6. A description of the different tiered levels of licensure (such as LAC to LPC, LPC to LCPC, or counseling intern to LMHC) to establish eligibility for licensure.
  7. A description of the state’s legal complaint handling process and/or outcomes, descriptions of types of complaints, and observed patterns.
  8. At least three scholarly sources, one of which should be your state’s licensing board.

Assessment Description

Access the “State Credentialing Board Research Project Instructions.” Complete the project according to the assignment instructions.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MS Addiction Counseling; MS Christian Counseling of Substance Abuse and Addictive Disorders

1.3: Demonstrate knowledge of requirements for licensure and certification for the practice of professional counseling.

2.2: Examine legal and professional ethical standards of professional counseling.

5.1: Differentiate between tiered levels of licensure or certification for professional counselors PCN-505 Topic 6: Benchmark – State Credentialing Board Research Project .


This assignment meets the following NASAC Standards:

20) Understand the addiction professional’s obligation to adhere to generally accepted ethical and behavioral standards of conduct in the helping relationship.

21) Understand the importance of ongoing supervision and continuing education in the delivery of client services.

35) Seek appropriate supervision and consultation.

47) Inform the client of his/her confidentiality rights, program procedures that safeguard them, and the exceptions imposed by statute.

65) Apply confidentiality-related legal restrictions appropriately.

66) Demonstrate respect and nonjudgmental attitudes toward the client in all contacts with other professionals or agencies.


110) Protect client rights to privacy and confidentiality in the preparation and handling of records, especially in relation to the communication of client information with third parties.

112) Prepare and record treatment and continuing care plans that are consistent with agency standards and comply with applicable administrative rules PCN-505 Topic 6: Benchmark – State Credentialing Board Research Project .

116) Demonstrate ethical behaviors by adhering to established professional codes of ethics that define the professional context within which the counselor works, in order to maintain professional standards and safeguard the client.

118) Adhere to federal and state laws, and agency regulations, regarding addictions treatment.

121) Conduct culturally appropriate self-evaluations of professional performance, applying ethical, legal, and professional standards to enhance self-awareness and performance.

122) Obtain appropriate continuing professional education.



PCN-505 Topic 6: Benchmark – State Credentialing Board Research Project

Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper

Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper Uploaded November 24, 2020 (click or copy and paste)

On the next page, you’ll use writing templates to complete Project One. You’ll be given a scenario in which you need to use your knowledge of statistics to create a memorandum (or memo) to effectively and clearly describe a data set. Your memo should contain three sections: Introduction, Conclusions, and Discussion.


The Introduction section should be only a few sentences long. In your introduction, you should provide the purpose of the research project that you plan to discuss. (The purpose is to support non-profit organizations in obtaining donations.)


The Conclusions section (your findings) should include the key main points that you want to convey to non-profit organizations. Each key point should be a sentence or two in length. Be sure to support all of your findings using the data you’ll provide in the Discussion section. It may be helpful to write up your findings after you complete the Discussion section Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper.


The Discussion section should include your data and summaries using the General Social Survey (GSS) data set within the following subsections: main analysis, recommendations, and limitations.

Main Analysis

This is the body of the analysis. Analysis is the use of the data to provide actionable results to help the organization make informed decisions.

The analysis contains the specifics of your project, including descriptions of the quantitative and qualitative data and a summary of the frequency distributions of the quantitative and qualitative data.

In the Main Analysis section, you will use graphs to represent the data and summaries. Be sure to include titles and numerical references (for example, “Figure 1: Education Level of Respondents”) to the graphs. Your summaries should make specific reference to each graph that you have included in your memo (for example, “see Figure 2”) Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper .



This is the “Now what?” part of the memo. In this section, you’ll write a paragraph or two discussing what action you believe the non-profit organization should take based on the findings of your project. Although you will not be the one to make these decisions, the organization will want to know what you think it should do next. The organization will likely appreciate smaller recommended actions, but if you believe that larger actions are warranted, consider breaking them down into smaller steps.


What are the limitations of your data and summaries? For example, if the data is incomplete or the sample size is small, you should bring that to the attention of the organization. Including this section supports your understanding of the context of your project.

Now that you’ve learned a little bit about Project One, it’s time to use writing templates to complete and download it on the next page Psy260-P1-W4 Project Assignment Paper.

Psy: Cognition & Instruction Dissertation Development Essay

Psy: Cognition & Instruction Dissertation Development Essay

The dissertation problem statement emerges from the topic to address what needs the research will fulfill. The problem statement must be supported by literature that upholds the need to explore the problem. In this assignment, you will construct an initial supported problem statement for your intended research topic.

My program is Doctor of Philosophy in General Psychology with an emphasis in Cognition & Instruction.

Dissertation Topic Chosen: Individual Focused Learning for Better Memory Retention Through Experience


General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure the successful completion of the assignment: Psy: Cognition & Instruction Dissertation Development Essay

  • Locate the “Dissertation Development Template” in the Topic Resources.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA 7th style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.


Use the Dissertation Development Template to provide an annotated bibliography of ten empirical research articles on your proposed dissertation topic. For each article include a reference and an annotation (150-250 words each) of the key points of the article.

In the second portion of the assignment, you will answer questions regarding the alignment of your topic to your program and defend your selection of articles. Use the template to write a supported problem statement for your proposed dissertation topic. The statement must include a defense of the need to explore the problem and a discussion of the feasibility of the topic (250-500 words).


Individual Focused Learning for Better Memory Retention Through Experience


Grand Canyon University


Individual Focused Learning for Better Memory Retention Through Experience

Baker, V. L., & Pifer, M. J. (2011). The role of relationships in the transition from doctor to independent scholar. Studies in Continuing Education, 33(1), 5-17. 2010.515569

For this assignment select ten empirical, peer-reviewed research articles that are relevant to your dissertation topic and program of study. Provide a reference and an annotation (150-250 words) that includes important details about the article for each of the sources.

Annotations are descriptive and critical assessments of literature that help researchers evaluate texts and determine relevancy in relation to a research project. Ultimately, it is a note-taking tool that fosters critical thinking and helps you evaluate the source material for possible later use. Instead of reading articles and forgetting what you have read, you have a convenient document full of helpful information. An annotated bibliography can help you see the bigger picture of the literature you are reading. It can help you visualize the overall status of the topic, as well as where your unique question might fit into the field of literature Psy: Cognition & Instruction Dissertation Development Essay.

Your sources should not be class resources, dissertations, books, reports, conference papers, legal documents, book reviews, editorials, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and other sources that are not peer-reviewed.


Doctor of Philosophy in General Psychology with an emphasis in Cognition & Instruction

Research Focus

How does your topic area align with your degree and emphasis area?

Feasibility of Research Problem

It is important for you to select a topic that is viable and a problem that is researchable. Justify the feasibility of your proposed research project. For instance, is this a researchable problem? Is there a need for it? What is your proximity to a data source?

Problem Statement

A problem statement emerges from reading and studying the literature around a topic. Consider these dimensions of the problem you are investigating: what is known, what needs to be known, and what is the significance. To provide context, begin with how the problem has already been investigated. Next, address what has not been examined about the specific issue you want to address. Finally, discuss why this is an important problem that needs to be investigated, that is what is the benefit of studying this specific problem. (100-150 words) Psy: Cognition & Instruction Dissertation Development Essay

Defense of Article Selection

The selection of the articles you choose to include is essential in developing an understanding of the literature on your topic. For this assignment you should select five empirical articles that are important to your understanding of the problem. Your searches may turn up many articles on the topic and it is imperative for you to discern which articles to include and which to exclude. In this section, defend your selection of your five articles for the annotated bibliography.  Why were these five articles important enough to annotate? What do these add to your understanding of the problem? How do these align with your research focus? Are they current and relevant? (250-500 words) Psy: Cognition & Instruction Dissertation Development Essay

Steps an I-O Professional takes to Improve Employee Attitudes Essay

Steps an I-O Professional takes to Improve Employee Attitudes Essay

  • Describe the steps an I-O professional would take to improve employee attitudes and other employee-related outcomes. Consider specifically what an I-O professional would likely do when they first begins working with a client, how they would assess the issue, and what steps they would likely take to improve issues in areas such as job satisfaction.


  • Discuss how an I-O professional uses assessment data to advise a client on changes that would improve employee attitudes and other employee-related outcomes.
  • Explain how an I-O professional uses information about an organization’s current policies to advise a client on changes that would improve employee attitudes and other employee-related outcomes Steps an I-O Professional takes to Improve Employee Attitudes Essay.

Risk Assessment used in Family and Criminal Courts Essay

Risk Assessment used in Family and Criminal Courts Essay

Create a PowerPoint of 6 to 8 slides (not including the title page or reference slide), that addresses the following prompts:


  • Identify one risk assessment used in family, civil, and criminal courts (three risk assessments total).
  • Describe the application, purpose, population assessed, and differences for gender and age for each of the three assessments.

Each slide should have a minimum 150-200 words of speaker notes (the title and references slides are the only slides that do not require speaker notes) Risk Assessment used in Family and Criminal Courts Essay.

Educing Negative Perceptions As It Relates to Stereotypes Essay

Educing Negative Perceptions As It Relates to Stereotypes Essay

Article Review Assignment Instructions 


Reading and understanding original research is an important skill for working in the field of psychology. Understanding research methodology and the sections of a journal article is critical for success in our field. This Article Review Assignment will help you learn to objectively evaluate research, to find scholarly sources of information, and to use them as a source of knowledge. This Article Review Assignment can also help you in your professional development Educing Negative Perceptions As It Relates to Stereotypes Essay.

These Article Review Assignments are to help you to remember the most important aspects of each article. By the end, you will have three article summaries on social psychological research that can help you both in this course and in future research and coursework.



Over several modules, you will complete three Article Review Assignments that relate to the following topics:

  • Module 1: Introduction. Please choose any topic of interest that is related to Social Psychology.
  • Module 3: Reducing Negative Perceptions as it relates to the topic of Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination
  • Module 6: The Need to Belong as it relates to the topic of Close relationships


In each Article Review Assignment, you will find and learn about the research that relates to one of these topics. To find these articles, you can search google scholar, one of the library’s psychology databases (i.e. PSYC INFO), or look in a specific journal (i.e. Journal of Applied Psychology).


Note: do not use the journal articles in the Learn Sections for this.


Once you have chosen an article that relates to the topic, summarize the article in at least 350 words.


Your Article Review Assignments should include the following components:

  • Introduction: Include general information about the article in the introduction, including a ​very brief overview of the previous literature on the topic and identifying the gap in the literature that demonstrates the need for this article.
  • Hypothesis Section: what the article attempts to find out or answer
  • Methods Section: how the article answers the question or questions it proposes
  • Results Section: what the article found
  • Practical Significance/Discussion: What the results actually mean
  • References page: Title and authors of the article in current APA format Educing Negative Perceptions As It Relates to Stereotypes Essay

Be careful to ensure that your answers to the above information make sense to you. You want to be able to develop the skill of making complex/academic information easy to understand to non-academic people. Make sure to explain any complex ideas in plain language, and do not assume the reader already knows what you are talking about. Summarize these articles succinctly but yet thoroughly.

Refer to the Article Review Template for guidance on this Article Review Assignment.

Make sure to check the Article Review Grading Rubric before beginning this Article Review Assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool Educing Negative Perceptions As It Relates to Stereotypes Essay.

How Environment affects Motivation and Arousal Essay

How Environment affects Motivation and Arousal Essay

KIN 454

Discuss how your client’s (Girls High school Athlete) physical and social environment, family culture, and other pertinent influences can affect their motivation, arousal, stress, anxiety, desire to compete, and their need of feedback and reinforcement How Environment affects Motivation and Arousal Essay . Ex: If your target population is a high school athlete, how does their social life at school affect their desire to play? Are they intrinsically motivated to play a sport because they love it or extrinsically motivated by popularity and the potential to get a scholarship?  Is one better than the other?


After identifying those those, choose 4 of the following:

Motivation, Arousal, Stress, Anxiety, Desire to Compete, Need for Feedback, Reinforcement and write a paragraph for each on how their Physical Environment, Social Environment, Family Culture, or any other factors you deem important can influence your target population How Environment affects Motivation and Arousal Essay.

Effectiveness of Curfew to Overcome Teen Troubles Essay

Effectiveness of Curfew to Overcome Teen Troubles Essay

Are curfews effective in keeping teens out of trouble? (Audience: Parents)

0. Curfew Laws: rules about driving, delinquency, crime

0. Curfew Driving Laws

1. Curfew laws, drinking, delinquency, crime Effectiveness of Curfew to Overcome Teen Troubles Essay

The purpose of writing a social commentary is to present your stance and insights to a specified audience with a valid argument. In other words, you have a position on a topic backed up with evidence and are trying to persuade the audience that your perspective is valid. In your presentation, you will want to present the issue/problem, your evidence, and your conclusion.


(1) Issue is well-explained with background information

(2) Research articles are relevant and appropriate

(3) Stance is clear and argument is persuasive

Effectiveness of Curfew to Overcome Teen Troubles Essay

Mental Health Disorder Essay Sample

Mental Health Disorder Essay Sample

Describe the mental health disorder (e.g., anxiety, depression, feeding/eating) you chose.

2. What resources are actually available to help someone who thinks they might be suffering from this? Choose two levels of resources to examine: 

3. To whom are resources available? How can they be accessed?

  • e.g., Are resources only available to those with insurance? Are resources only available to certain populations such as students, single mothers, older adults? Are resources only available if you follow certain steps?

4. Is there a gap between what is recommended regarding treatment and what people actually have access to? (e.g., are there barriers to treatment?)

  • If yes, what are the consequences of this gap and how can we address it?
  • If no, what are the consequences of having the needs of this population adequately addressed? Mental Health Disorder Essay Sample