What are the factors that affect the patient’s reaction to treatment?

Statistical Decisions Model

It is clear from the material in this course that descriptive and inferential statistics play a critical role in research in the behavioral and social sciences. Since you will further your education via coursework and application in your respective fields, it is important to reflect on the knowledge you have gained and its applicability to your future in your chosen profession. Utilizing all that you have learned and been exposed to in this course, write a paper or presentation providing an overview of your knowledge of basic and inferential statistics, specifically discussing how you would go about deciding upon the appropriate statistical tests to use for a study.

Include the following in your assignment:

  • Create and present a decision tree, outline, or other model that includes a series of questions to help someone decide what statistical test is appropriate for a study. Consider the number, type, and scale of measurement of the variables, as well as what you may want to know about the variables (e.g., relationship, difference, etc.). This may be presented as a chart, table, mindmap, or other visual representation, or simply formatted as an outline.
  • Explain the steps involved in the model and how you created this model for making statistical decisions. What were the easiest and most difficult parts of this process?
  • Describe two different studies of interest to you. (Note: Neither study should be one that you focused on in any of the assignments during the course.) Include the following in the description:
    • Research Question – List the research question for each study.
    • Hypotheses – List the statistical notation and written explanations for the null and alternative hypotheses for each study.
    • Variables – Identify the variables and each of their attributes: discrete or continuous, quantitative or categorical, scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and independent or dependent.
  • Demonstrate how you would utilize the statistical decisions model you created to choose the appropriate, specific test(s) for each study. What is your conclusion using this model? Did the model lead you to the correct test(s)? If not, how do you know and what changes might need to be made to the model?
  • Why might a statistical decisions model be useful in statistics and research methods? What are its limitations?
  • What did you learn or gain from creating this model and applying it to the study of interest? How might you use this model in the future?

The format for this presentation can take the form of a paper. The paper should be a minimum of 2100 to 2800 words long (excluding title and references pages) and include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references page. APA formatting should be used for the paper. Utilize at least four resources for this paper, which should be cited accordingly. You can use PowerPoint, video presentation with visual aids, or other format preapproved by the instructor.

Point Value: 15 Points
Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3



1. How does the employees’ motivation affect the organization Productivity?

In this research there are two main variables that is independent variable which in this case are the motivational factors to employees which include favorable working environment, compensation strategy, business culture and the management strategy. The dependent variable in this study is the organization productivity. The best effective scale for measuring these variables is ordinal scale basically because some variables have more impacts than the others.

2. What are the factors that affect the patient’s reaction to treatment?

The variables in these case include the type of medication, the lifestyle of the patient and the degree of the effect of the health condition has affected the patient. These variables have different effect on the patient’s reaction to treatment, the variables are categorical in nature. In this case the most effective measurement scale is the ordinal scale as well (Celli, Decramer, Wedzicha, Wilson, Agustí, Criner & Vogelmeier, 2015).

3. Does increase in gun ownership affect the crime level in the society?

This question has several variables that increase in criminal related deaths, criminal activities, assault cases. A rational scale level of measurement can be used in this research because of the nature of these variables. The variables depict some categorical characteristics they have different degrees of impact to the dependent variable in the question.

4. How does the school environment affect the student performance?

The security level in the school, the type of rules and the consequences of going against the rules and the level of strictness of the teacher in the school are the main variables in the research question. The rules and regulations is can be grouped into some category as well as the level of strictness of the teachers another subordinate staff, in this case the best scale of measurement to be used is the ordinal scale. The variables also have some categorical characteristics they are not numerical.

5. What is the probability that randomly selected teenager watches movie over three time in a week?

The possibility or the variables in this case is that the student watches three times, less, or even more in a week. In this case the main scales of measurement will be internal level, this is basically because they can be quantified but the decimal or rather the zero point is not relevant to the study or rather is meaningless (Pratt, 2015).

6. Is there any relationship between the traffic congestion and the price of fuel? 

The research questions in this has only one variable of interest which is the fuel prices which may or may not affect the traffic congestion. This is a question that is meant towards finding the if there is relationship between the variables in the study. The level of measurement in this case is therefore ordinal scale. The data in this case may have some continuous characteristics.

7. Is there any relationship between gender and student performance in statistics and science subjects?

The variables in this case will be the average performance of the students in the subjects of focus, they will be categorized according to their gender. These variables can actually be measured using the ratio level of measurements by some mathematical operations. In this case an average will be calculated of both genders performance on the subjects being studied. The data in this study will depict some continuous characteristics.

8. How does the training frequency affect muscle growth for body builders?

The variables in this case are time, the intensity of training and the diet. These are the three basic factors that affect muscle growth. These variables can be measured using some interval level of scale because they affect muscle growth differently in body builders. This scale will be giving some difference in categories in the manner they affect the dependent variable here which is muscle growth. The data in this case will be analyzed mathematically and so will give some discrete results (Sahin, Serdar, Serteser, Unsal & Ozpinar, 2018).

9. What is the relationship between mortality rates and poverty level?

This research question is intended to establish the existence of any relationship between the mortality rates within a population and the poverty level of that population. The variables in these case will be poverty and death rate which will be measured using the ordinal level scale because it will be giving the degree to which these variables affect each other. The variables in this case will be having some continuous characteristics because they rise and fall at some level.

10. How does technological development impact learning in schools?

This research question has two directions, that is, the dependent variable may affect the independent in two ways either positively or negatively. The variables in this case will include the teaching techniques used by the teachers, the accessibility of the learning materials and so on this will have some positive impact on the learning processes. These variables will be measured using the ordinal level scale because they will be categorized and rated on the impact they have on the subject of study.


Pratt, M. G. (2015). Crafting and Selecting Research Questions and Contexts in Qualitative Research. Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research: Innovative Pathways and Methods, 177.

Celli, B. R., Decramer, M., Wedzicha, J. A., Wilson, K. C., Agustí, A., Criner, G. J., … & Vogelmeier, C. (2015). An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society statement: research questions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 191(7), e4-e27.

Sahin, O. N., Serdar, M., Serteser, M., Unsal, I., & Ozpinar, A. (2018). Vitamin D levels and parathyroid hormone variations of children living in a subtropical climate: a data mining study. Italian journal of pediatrics, 44(1), 40.



Required Text

Sukal, M. (2013). Research methods: Applying statistics in research. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Chapter 12: Choosing an Appropriate Statistical Test

Recommended References

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author.

Cengage Learning (2005). Statistics Workshops. Available from: http://www.wadsworth.com/psychology_d/templates/student_resources/workshops/stats_wrk.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Choosing the Correct Statistical Test

MicrOsiris. (n.d.).The decision tree for statistics. Adapted from Andrews, Klem, Davidson, O’Malley, and Rodgers, A guide for selecting statistical techniques for analyzing social science data (2nd ed.).Retrieved fromhttps://www.microsiris.com/Statistical%20Decision%20Tree// (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Selecting statistics. In Research methods knowledge base (2nd ed.).Retrieved from Web Center for Social Research Methods Web

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  • Posted: 8 Hours Ago
  • Due: 30/10/2018
  • Budget: $25

Child Abuse Assessment Case Study

PCN-545 Child Abuse Assessment Case Study

Directions: Read the case study of Rachel and answer the questions following the case study.

Rachel is a 15- year-old Caucasian female. Rachel is a ward of the state and lives in a group home with 12 other girls. Rachel is in the group home because she has a pattern of arrests and truancy that led her to juvenile detention. After serving a sentence of 6 months in the juvenile detention center, she was remanded to a therapeutic group home for a year. Rachel sees her mother and father once a week, on family day.

Rachel has a history of learning difficulties and her case worker reports that she has been diagnosed with a cognitive disability. The case worker explains that Rachel lacks age-appropriate social cues and struggles to make friends.

Rachel was brought into your office by a group home case worker. The case worker explains that she discovered that Rachel has been communicating with an unknown male over a social networking website. The case worker explains that the material that has been shared is “inappropriate” and involves a tactic called “sexting.” There is little known about the online contact, for instance they do not know the individual’s age, name, or true identity.

1. Identify three follow up questions you have for Rachel.




2. Identify three follow up questions you have for the case worker




3. Describe at least three indicators/symptoms you would be assessing for in Rachel’s case.

4. Is Rachel a victim of sexual exploitation? Explain.

explore race, gender, and occupational stratification in the workforce.

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Race and Sex in the Workplace

The purpose of this assignment is to explore race, gender, and occupational stratification in the workforce.

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  • Choose a person to interview. This person should have experience with race, gender, and/or occupational stratification, either as a human resources manager, a hiring manager, or someone similar, OR you may choose someone who personally experienced race, gender, and/or occupational stratification.
  • Create at least five interview questions related to racism, sexism, and stereotypes in the workforce.
  • Interview this person.
  • Discuss the interview in an organized paper, supporting your analysis of the interview with the text, lectures, and appropriate other resources.  Be sure to address issues of racism, sexism, and stereotypes in the workforce.   Finally, apply your own experiences to your interviewee’s responses. Be sure to include your interview questions and the person’s responses to the question in your paper.

Explain how this insight may impact your behaviors in the future to lead to better psychological and physical health.

Specifically, for this assignment you will:

  • Keep a sleep/dream journal for at least 10 days throughout Weeks 3 and 4. In your journal make note of:
    • any dreams you had
    • any initial thoughts about the dream – events of the day that may relate, etc.
    • your general sleep schedule (if you have a tracker such as fitbit, include data on your sleep patterns as well – wakefulness, restlessness, times asleep/awake per night, total sleep, etc.)
    • your general eating habits by day
    • your general exercise habits by day
    • anything else of note in your psychological or physical health (stress, excitement, changes, etc.)
  • You may use any format you wish to record the data (notepad, computer, hardcopy spreadsheet, etc.).
  • Complete a 3-4 page reflection (not counting title or reference pages) in which you analyze the results of your sleep/dream journal. Consider how your psychological and physical health interacted. What patterns did you see? Discuss the impact that various factors such as fatigue, diet, stress and exercise had on your dreams and sleep patterns. Explain how this insight may impact your behaviors in the future to lead to better psychological and physical health.
  • Utilize at least 2 academic resources (your course readings can comprise one of the sources) to support your analysis and discussion.

Assignment Deadline: 11:55pm Eastern Time Sunday at the end of Week 5 of the course term. Submission should include:

  • Title page in APA format
  • Reflection minimum 3 pages, double spaced
  • Reference page in APA format
  • If desired (this is optional), a copy of the original data/journal

Access the Psych Central Personality Test

You are to complete this assignment as follows:

Access the Psych Central Personality Test: http://psychcentral.com/personality-test/start.php

Navigate to Quizzes then scroll down to Personality. Take the test by answering the questions as honestly as possible.  Upon completion, find your comprehensive personality report on the five personality traits and reflect upon the positive aspects of your relationship with each trait.  Choose the most positive information in the report and reflect upon how that trait is a personal strength that you possess.

To begin your essay, state and highlight or indicate in italics or bold your positive Trait.  It is notnecessary to define the trait or reiterate the description of it from your results.

Now, describe your reaction in the following ways:  How does this trait represent who you are as a person? Were you surprised by the results?  How does this trait act as a personal strength, and in what ways do you find having it important and helpful to your quality of life?  Aside from the test results, what other character strength(s) do you feel you have, and how are they important or helpful in reference to your psychological well-being?  Some examples include leadership, gratitude, spirituality, bravery, honesty, justice, perseverance, appreciation of beauty, wisdom, etc. You will want to address the answers to these questions clearly and completely as this is 25% of your grade on the essay.

Next, explain how you can apply this personality trait / strength or your other strengths to the important areas of your life such as work, school, relationships, play, and/or parenting.  You may even wish to use your strengths in a way that you have not done before and report on that.  Again, please provide a thorough discussion, as this part is also worth another 25% of your grade on the essay.

explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a meaningful life can benefit our psychological well-being

For this Discussion, please address each of the following:

Pleasant Life: Design a beautiful day for yourself. Think about activities that you would find highly enjoyable and those that are important to you. Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to carry out your plan.  Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a pleasant life can benefit our psychological well-being.

Good Life: Decide on some unpleasant or tedious task that you must do. Think about how you can accomplish it in a more invigorating way. Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to help you transform the unpleasant task into a pleasant one.  Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a good life can benefit our psychological well-being.

Meaningful Life: Plan the “perfect” surprise for someone who needs it.  Think about what is important to that person and how you can help them.  Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to carry out your plan. Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a meaningful life can benefit our psychological well-being

how would you help your company create a high performing team culture that would increase customer value.

You have just graduated from your program at the University of the Rockies. You have been hired for a position in Organizational Development in the Training and Development Department at Pikes Peak Manufacturing Company (PPM). PPM is a $400 million company that is in the business of manufacturing plastic parts. Corporate headquarters is in Colorado Springs with three manufacturing plants; one in Dallas, Texas, one in Mexico City, Mexico, and one in Huntsville, Alabama. The CEO of PPM has been pleased with the overall performance of the company, even in these tough economic times. However, after reading numerous books, such as the Wisdom of Teams by Katzenbach and Smith and Group Dynamics for Teams by Levi, and attending a high level executive training program, she has decided that PPM can enhance customer value by creating a more team-oriented culture. Although there have been pockets of team success, especially in the manufacturing plants, the CEO still believes that the company functioning fully in a team culture will produce a higher level of customer satisfaction through creativity, higher level problem solving, and synergy. Some of PPM’s cultural highlights are:

  • Privately owned by one family
  • Strong entrepreneurial culture
  • High work ethic, with most managers working 50 to 60 hours a week
  • Strong individual players who get things done by persistence and their personalities
  • A top executive team that leads the company’s departments and functions like a group of high performing individuals
  • High performance teams that function in some manufacturing plants and the accounting division, while other groups function as teams only in name

One of the main reasons the position you accepted was created was to lead this organizational initiative and drive a team culture.

Using your reading and at least four other resources, write a 4,200 – 5,250 word paper analyzing how you would help your company create a high performing team culture that would increase customer value. Make sure that you address the following:

  • Instilling structures of successful teams and team process
  • Creating effective team communication channels
  • Selecting, developing, and training effective team members and leaders
  • Identifying issues surrounding diversity and multiculturalism
  • Embedding team culture in the organization
  • Creating and implementing team training
  • Ensuring lasting team culture by creating a strong team performance-management system and reward system.

Your paper must follow APA (6th ed.) guidelines for in-text citations and references. The total number of pages does not include a title page or reference page.

Did you have identity issues as an adolescent?

For this discussion board post, we’ll be discussing a topic that, according to Erikson, is central to adolescence: identity development.  Adolescents seem to struggle with identity – trying to figure out who they are and what they’re all about.

For your original post, you will answer the following questions: Did you have identity issues as an adolescent? Do you still?  How can they be resolved?  Do you feel compelled to resolve them?  If you didn’t feel any identity conflict, why didn’t you?  (Keep in mind this is a public forum so share what you’re comfortable with.)

When is a dual or multiple relationship in counseling considered unethical or unprofessional?


ABC/123 Version X

Mid-Course Assessment

CCMH/515CA Version 4


University of Phoenix Material

Mid-Course Assessment


For the following scenarios, consider the ACA, AMHCA, and NBCC Ethical Guidelines, as well as your state’s legal statutes for professional practice.

1. Suzy is a new counselor at a community counseling agency. During her first session with her new client Jennifer, she spent a lot of time establishing a therapeutic relationship and the session went well. They scheduled a second session for the following week. On Saturday night that week, Suzy went to the grocery store with a couple of her friends. While out, she ran into Jennifer, and Jennifer approached Suzy. What are the ethical concerns in this situation? What would be the appropriate ethical response for Suzy? Explain your response. How would this situation be different if Jennifer did not approach Suzy?

2. Vincent is finishing his termination session with his client, Amy. The termination session goes well and as Amy leaves, she asks Vincent if he would like to go to dinner. Amy is an attractive woman and Vincent would like to go to dinner with her. What are the ethical concerns in this situation? How should Vincent ethically respond? Explain your response.

3. John, a counselor in private practice, is in his third session with his client Eduardo. In session, John realizes that Eduardo is the work supervisor of his best friend, Mark. Mark often shares with John negative work experiences involving his supervisor. Mark has conveyed to John that he strongly dislikes his supervisor and wishes that he worked for someone else. What are the ethical concerns in this situation? How should John ethically respond? Explain your response.

4. Candice starts at a community counseling agency as an intern. Her first client has been diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Candice has no experience with this specific mental illness, and is not sure what steps to take in her counseling session. What legal and ethical issues are present in this scenario? What would be an appropriate and ethical response in this situation?


Respond to the following.

1. Describe the elements of a valid informed consent form.

2. Describe the Tarasoff case and explain its effect on ethical behavior in counseling.

3. What are the differences between confidentiality and privileged communication?

4. Describe three limits to confidentiality, and explain why these limitations are important

5. What are three examples of ethical record keeping?

6. When is a dual or multiple relationship in counseling considered unethical or unprofessional? How might these standards be different for counselors who work in small towns where everyone knows everyone?

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Copyright © 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

What brain functions and neuroscience most interest you and why?

Week 1 – Discussion

5151 unread replies.6969 replies.

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Careers in Neuroscience

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 in the text and review the required websites for the week including the NeuroJobs Career Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
In your initial post, discuss a potential career path that interests you in an area of neuroscience and share your answers to the following questions with your classmates:

  • Why does this career path or position interest you?
  • What brain functions and neuroscience most interest you and why? Select one or more from the following list:
    • Neurobiological theories that explain dysfunctions in vision, language, memory, emotion, and behavior networks
    • Receptor and neurotransmitter theory in relation to behavior
    • Laboratory studies of brain chemicals or structural abnormalities
    • Disorders of language or visuospatial functioning
    • Disorders of memory
    • Disorders of development (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
    • Disorders of aging (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia)
  • What academic training is required?
  • Are there additional requirements (clinical practicum, research background)?
  • What types of employment opportunities are available in this area?

Guided Response: Review several of your classmate’s posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week who have picked a different career path than you. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion.  In your response, list at least one potential barrier to your colleague’s career choice (e.g., cost, length of education, future job prospects) and how this barrier could be overcome.  Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) on Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.