What intervention strategies have been offered to the interviewee in the workplace?

As introduced in Week 3, you will now conduct an interview. Your interview summary will be due in Week 6.

Interview someone who self-identifies with one of the mental conditions described by Thomas & Hersen (2002) in Part III. Examples of individuals to interview include, but are not limited to, someone:

  • seeking therapy for depression
  • with ADD or panic attacks
  • with a traumatic brain injury from illness or accident
  • diagnosed with dissociative disorder or schizophrenia

The interviewee may or may not be employed at the time of the interview. Explain to the person that you will be writing a summary of the interview for a university assignment, but will include no identifying information on him or her or on the company. Ask the interviewee to provide you with a description of how the condition affects him or her in the workplace. Ask what, if any, are effects on work performance and relationships in the workplace because of the condition.

What intervention strategies have been offered to the interviewee in the workplace? What would the person like the organization or management to offer?

Prepare your summary to post in Week 6. Write a summary of the interview, without giving the interviewee’s name. Include the condition, age, and gender of the interviewee. Provide a general description of the work environment without including any specific identifying information about the company. Include research from scholarly sources regarding workplace interventions related to this condition in providing additional ideas for treatment and/or interventions the company could implement to help others in the same situation.

How did venting your anger affect you? 

What did you think of the character’s response to the women who took her parking space?

  • How did venting your anger affect you?
  •  According to the research in your textbook, what’s the “best” way to handle anger?
  • What do you think about the research compared to your personal venting experience?  Explain why you agree or disagree with the research.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b9Z3MYo2M0

How will you address and prepare for these ethical issues in a professional way?

Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric: Ethical Issues

Prompt: Evaluate potential ethical issues that should be considered or guarded against when developing your intervention plan. Include rationale describing how the ethical issues have been addressed appropriately within your plan. How will you address and prepare for these ethical issues in a professional way?

Format: The assignment should follow these formatting guidelines: 2–3 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.

  • attachment


describe the patient’s therapy history to inform your diagnostic  impression.


Taking the Patient’s History

Each assignment in this course will help you prepare your Final  Paper. For each assignment, you will use the movie character or  historical figure you chose in your Week One journal. Remember, after  submitting this week’s assignment, you will not be allowed to change  your movie character or historical figure.

One of the first steps  in any clinical assessment is to gather a thorough history from the  patient. This history includes, at minimum, the patient’s identifying  information, presenting problem, and relevant personal history relating  to their presenting problem.

For this assignment, you will write  the first few sections of your psychological report. View the complete  instructions for the Final Paper in the link within Week Five of your  online course or the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this  guide. This week, your assignment must cover the following sections of  your psychological report and include the headings as listed:

  1. Identifying Information
    Within this section, you  will describe basic information on your patient, including the person’s  name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, occupation, and  location of residence (country, state, and region).
  2. Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem
    Within this  section, you will include the patient’s primary complaint verbatim to  identify and describe the main source of his or her distress and/or  concerns. If there is no verbatim complaint, include observable  information to create an overall picture of the presenting problem.
    Typically,  this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the  following question (further elaboration within this section is  encouraged where possible):

    • What are the patient’s complaints? (e.g., the patient might complain about “feeling on edge” or experiencing stress)
  3. You will not be completing section III of the Final Paper for this week’s assignment.
  4. Personal History
    Within this section, you will  describe your patient’s personal background and history of abnormal  behavior(s) that inform your diagnostic impression. You will also gather  information about the patient’s cultural background and cultural norms.

    Typically,  this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the  following questions (further elaboration within this section is  encouraged where possible):

    • Where did the patient grow up?
    • What cultures did the patient experience throughout life?
    • What was the patient’s school life like?
    • What were his or her grades? What is his or her highest level of education?
    • What is the patient’s interpersonal relationship history?
    • What was/is the patient’s romantic relationship history?
    • What was/is the patient’s friendship history?
  5. Family History
    Within this section, you  will describe the patient’s familial relationship(s) and identify any  abnormalities that might affect future treatment. You will also  integrate information about the patient’s family and cultural background  to identify any maladaptive behaviors and relational patterns.

    Typically,  this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the  following questions (further elaboration within this section is  encouraged where possible):

    • How old were the patient’s parents when the patient was born?
    • Who were the patient’s primary caregivers?
    • What was/is family life like? (Include any information relevant to your diagnostic impression.)
    • Did the family move often?
    • What was/is the patient’s relationship with their siblings (if applicable)?
    • What culture did/does the family come from?
    • What belief systems are attached to that culture?
  6. Therapy History
    Within this section, you will  describe the patient’s therapy history to inform your diagnostic  impression. Analyze the patient’s therapy history to identify the  effectiveness of previous treatment(s). Evaluate previous treatment  interventions based on information and knowledge of the patient’s  cultural background.

    Typically, this section within a  psychological report seeks to answer the following questions (further  elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible):

    • Who was the previous therapist (if any)?
    • How long did the previous therapy/therapies last?
    • What was the patient’s diagnosis?
    • What interventions did the therapist(s) use?
    • Were those interventions appropriate for the patient’s culture?
    • Was treatment successful?

Your assignment should include both a title page and reference page,  and be of sufficient depth and detail to support and inform your  diagnostic impression, with an absolute minimum of four pages (not  including the title and reference pages). A cursory or surface level  review of the patient’s presenting problem and history will unlikely  provide enough information for your diagnostic impression.

Any sources used in the paper must be cited and referenced in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

how accurate are the various media  representations of psychopathology?

For this discussion, you will enter into a dialogue on another  ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal  psychology. Specifically, how accurate are the various media  representations of psychopathology?

As you enter into this conversation, analyze depictions of the  identification and treatment of abnormal behavior in media sources. Then  take a moment to consider and comment on the consequences of accurate  and inaccurate depictions of mental health conditions in popular media.  Identify at least one theoretical perspective (e.g., biological,  cognitive, psychodynamic) from the literature that informs your  observations. Additionally, you should integrate information on how  media shapes our cultural expectations and norms with respect to  abnormal/maladaptive behavior. Be sure to utilize fundamental concepts  for the ethical application of psychology from Standards 2.04 and 5.04  of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct as you  create your responses.

Totaling 800 words

Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological trauma and the imp act of victimization within this population.

Assignment 2: LASA: Victim Population Analysis

Working with the population for which you were approved in formulating the bibliography in Module 1, follow the general guidelines for your Victim Population Analysis paper outlined below.


Read the research literature related to your chosen victim population. Consider the specific aspects that you will cover in your final paper (i.e., trauma, demographics, interaction with criminal justice system, victims’ rights, assessment, evaluation, and treatment). Using the research literature and specifically empirical studies, write a 12- to 14-page paper addressing the following:

· Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological trauma and the impact of victimization within this population.

· Identify and evaluate commonalities and differences in demographic variables and psychological profiles between subtypes of victims that may present in this population.

· Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to the assessment and evaluation of victims in this population.

· Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to treatment for victims in this population.

· Define and analyze the role and impact of the criminal justice system on victims within this population.

· Define and analyze the role and impact of past and current legal rights on victims within this population.

· Cite the references appropriately.

Your paper should rely upon scholarly resources from the professional literature. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

LASA is worth 300 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological trauma and the impact of victimization within this population. 48
Identify and evaluate commonalities and differences in demographic variables and psychological profiles between subtypes of victims that may present in this population. 48
Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to the assessment and evaluation of victims in this population. 40
Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to treatment for victims in this population. 40
Define and analyze the role and impact of the criminal justice system on victims within this population. 48
Define and analyze the role and impact of past and current legal rights on victims. 48
Academic Writing
Writing is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension. Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format. 28
Total: 300







Working with the population for which you were approved in formulating

the bibliography in



, follow the general guidelines for your

Victim Population Analysis paper outlined below.


Read the research literature related to your chosen victim population.

Consider the specific aspects that you will cover in your final paper (i.e.,

trauma, demographics, interaction with criminal justice system, victims’

rights, assessment, evaluation, and

treatment). Using the research

literature and specifically empirical studies, write a 12

to 14

page paper

addressing the following:


Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological

trauma and the imp

act of victimization within this population.


Identify and evaluate commonalities and differences in demographic

variables and psychological profiles between subtypes of victims that

may present in this population.


Compare and contrast empirical research fi

ndings related to the

assessment and evaluation of victims in this population.


Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to treatment

for victims in this population.


Define and analyze the role and impact of the criminal justice system on


ctims within this population.


Define and analyze the role and impact of past and current legal rights on

victims within this population.


Cite the references appropriately.

Your paper should rely upon scholarly resources from the professional

literature. Th

e literature may include the Argosy University online library

resources, relevant textbooks, peer

reviewed journal articles, and

Assignment 2: LASA: Victim Population


Working with the population for which you were approved in formulating

the bibliography in Module 1, follow the general guidelines for your

Victim Population Analysis paper outlined below.


Read the research literature related to your chosen victim population.

Consider the specific aspects that you will cover in your final paper (i.e.,

trauma, demographics, interaction with criminal justice system, victims’

rights, assessment, evaluation, and treatment). Using the research

literature and specifically empirical studies, write a 12- to 14-page paper

addressing the following:

 Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological

trauma and the impact of victimization within this population.

 Identify and evaluate commonalities and differences in demographic

variables and psychological profiles between subtypes of victims that

may present in this population.

 Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to the

assessment and evaluation of victims in this population.

 Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to treatment

for victims in this population.

 Define and analyze the role and impact of the criminal justice system on

victims within this population.

 Define and analyze the role and impact of past and current legal rights on

victims within this population.

 Cite the references appropriately.

Your paper should rely upon scholarly resources from the professional

literature. The literature may include the Argosy University online library

resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and

Which type of justice is most useful based on the psychological theories of crime?

Assignment 1: Society’s Response to Crime

Society’s response to crime has changed over the past century. The approach of rehabilitation in the 1960s has gradually been replaced with a “get tough on crime” approach, bringing in mandatory sentencing laws and long prison sentences. Regardless of the approach, crime continues to be a problem, and recidivism for some crimes and some offenders remains high. In this assignment, you will explore society’s response to crime and different concepts of justice.

Read the following article from the Argosy University online library:

  • Tyler, T. R. (2006). Restorative justice and procedural justice: Dealing with rule breaking. Journal of Social Issues, 62(2), 307–326. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4560.2006.00452.x (EBSCO AN 20779250)
    http://libproxy.edmc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=pbh&AN=20779250&site=ehost-live

Research the ideas of justice using the textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

Based on your research and the discussions so far, analyze the usefulness of the ideas of justice in lowering recidivism. Address the following:

  • Is restorative justice useful in lowering the rate of recidivism? For which types of crimes and offenders is it most useful? Make sure to include any demographic information that may be useful in defending this type of “justice.”
  • Is procedural or moral justice more applicable for this aim? For which types of crimes and offenders is it most useful? Make sure to include any demographic information that may defend one or the other.
  • Which type of justice is most useful based on the psychological theories of crime? For which types of crimes and offenders is it most useful?

Make sure your essay includes the following:

  • A title page with a running head
  • Headings
  • A reference page

Write a 5–7-page essay in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.

Describe potential treatment strategies that would likely be incorporated into a treatment plan based on results from an MMPI-2-RF


Create a PowerPoint presentation of 16-18 slides for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF).

Address and include the following in your PowerPoint:

  1. A title, introduction, and conclusion slide.
  2. What is the MMPI-2-RF and what does it measure?
  3. What are the legal and ethical requirements for a professional to administer, interpret, and/or report the results of an MMPI-2-RF?
  4. How would information gathered from the MMPI-2-RF assist in the intake and treatment planning process?
  5. Describe potential treatment strategies that would likely be incorporated into a treatment plan based on results from an MMPI-2-RF.
  6. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50 words.
  7. A reference slide with a minimum of four scholarly references in addition to the textbook.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Describe different methods for acquiring the key measurement constructs of reliability and validity.

Comparison of Assessment Tool Constructs

For this assignment, complete the following:

  • Select one assessment tool from those listed in the Resources area.
  • Explore the literature to identify another assessment tool that is purported to measure the same constructs.
  • Identify intervew skills that would be necessary to utilize to complete the assessment process, and provide a description of how each skill could be used in the assessment process.
  • Compare the assessment tools, the one chosen from the Resources list and the one found via the literature, on the basis of key test measurement constructs of reliability and validity.
  • Describe different methods for acquiring the key measurement constructs of reliability and validity.
  • Describe how results on each assessment are interpreted. For example, describe how scores are interpreted in comparison to group means and norms (for a standardized or norm-referenced test) or to cutoff scores (for criterion-referenced test), and how scores on this assessment correlate with other tests and measures.
  • Incorporate a minimum of six scholarly research studies analyzing the effectiveness of each selected assessment tool in professional settings.
  • Based on the review of literature, evaluate which assessment tool has clearer application of measurement concepts.

Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors so the overall message is clear.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current edition of the APA manual.
  • Number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions will likely exceed the minimum.
  • Length of paper: 6–8 double-spaced, typed pages, excluding title and reference pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • attachment


What do you think about the use of other possible treatments such as Ketamine or magnetic therapy?

350 words

Minimum of 1 peer-reviewed journal article for initial post (other than the articles listed in this activity)


In middle and late childhood, Piaget theorized humans follow certain patterns in relation to cognitive development. Today, we question so many of our structures. Does Piaget stand up to modern psychological practices? Did Piaget take into account variation and children with disabilities? Does today’s modern classroom have room for Piaget?

Question 2

YouTube videos: Jenny’s ECT Diary:

Link (video): Electroconvulsive Therapy Day 1

Link (video): Electroconvulsive Therapy Day 2

Link (video): Electroconvulsive Therapy Day 3 and What Is ECT?

Link (video): Electroconvulsive Therapy Day 4

Link (video): Electroconvulsive Therapy Day 5,6,& 7

Link (video): ECT 3 Month Update

Link (video): ECT 6 Month Update

Link (video): ECT One Year Review

Link (video): ECT 15 Month Update

Link (video): ECT 18 Month Update

Link (video): ECT 30 Month Update


When people think about treatment for depression, mood disorders, anxiety, and psychosis, they most often think about therapy or medication as options. However, there are several other options, many of which are quite controversial such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), magnetic therapy, and Ketamine. The research on these treatments is mixed, but many believe that they hold promise in the treatment of severe and persistent mental illness that has remained unchanged with more traditional treatment.

Initial Post Instructions

After reading/watching the resources for this week’s discussion, answer the following questions.

Many people tend to think of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as a barbaric, outdated treatment for mental illness, although some research and personal accounts tout its success. After reading the research on ECT and watching the YouTube videos about Jenny’s experience with ECT, what is your opinion about ECT in the treatment of depression and other mental health disorders?

What do you think about the use of other possible treatments such as Ketamine or magnetic therapy?

In general, what is your opinion on medication vs. therapy for the treatment of mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders? Should therapy always be the first option before trying medication? What about less invasive holistic therapies such as modifications to one’s diet, meditation, or intentional exercise?

Make sure to cite at least one of the resources listed in this activity in your initial post.