Nursing Assignment Part Two

Part Two:

This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more

This week you will reflect upon the effects of the nursing shortage to answer the following questions:

  • What steps can we take to address the nursing shortage?
  • Briefly define the series of events that led to the nursing shortage.
  • Reflect on your future role as a nurse or healthcare employee in the midst of a nursing shortage crisis.
  • How do you see the role of legislature contributing to safe staffing during a shortage?

Assignment Expectations: 

  • Length:
    • 1500-2000 words (6-8 pages); answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner
  • Structure:
    • Include a title page and reference page in APA style
  • References:
    • Two scholarly references are required; you should include the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions

Health Policy Proposal Analysis (Policy Brief)

Assignment 2: Health Policy Proposal Analysis (Policy Brief)

Nurses engaged in the policy arena often are asked to provide information on a health care topic of interest to policy makers. This is frequently accomplished through developing a policy brief. A policy brief advocates for a particular recommendation (prior to the enactment of a policy). Learning how to write a policy brief in a clear, succinct, scholarly, and professional manner is an essential skill for advanced practice nurses.

For this Assignment, you will assess one of the recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health: Report Recommendations. You will then develop a policy brief to advocate for this recommendation (the written policy brief is due in Week 7).

To prepare:

  • Review      the Lavis et al. article on preparing and writing policy briefs provided      in the Learning Resources (See      attached file).
  • Select      one of the recommendations within the IOM The Future of Nursing:      Leading Change, Advancing Health: Report Recommendations to focus      on for this assignment. (For this assignment, I have selected      RECOMMENDATION 1, please see attached file)
  • Research      the history of the problem behind the recommendation and what has been      done to try to solve the problem.
  • What      does the recommendation say should be done? Are there any groups, nursing      and others, currently supporting work to implement the recommendation      (e.g., Kaiser Family Foundation, professional organizations)? Does the      recommendation suggest specific groups that should be involved in the      implementation? Think critically about how the recommendation should be      implemented – did the IOM get it right? What other strategies are possible      to consider?

By Sunday 04/15/2018 12pm, 

To complete:

  • Develop      a scholarly and professionally written 2- to 3-page single-spaced policy      brief on the recommendation you selected from the IOM report following the format presented in      the Lavis et al. article (follow the exact format, including how the layout      of the paragraphs, and the way the references [at least 10 scholarly      references] are displayed at the end, numbered in-text and number plus      citation at the end, copy the same exact format as the article please).      (See attached file for the article). Include the following:
    1. Short       introduction with statement of the problem.
    2. The       selected recommendation (from the IOM Report)
    3. Background
    4. Current       characteristics
    5. The       impact of the recommendation from the perspective of consumers, nurses, other       health professionals, and additional stakeholders
    6. Current       solutions
    7. Current       status in the health policy arena
    8. Final       conclusions
    9. Resources       used to create the policy brief

Required Readings

Hyder, A., Syed, S., Puvanachandra, P., Bloom, G., Sundaram, S., Mahmood, S., … Peters, D. (2010). Stakeholder analysis for health research: case studies from low- and middle-income countries. Public Health, 124(3), 159–166.

This study demonstrates how the engagement of stakeholders in research and policy making can assist in the successful implementation of policy proposals. The authors propose that by engaging stakeholders, researchers and policy makers are provided with multiple perspectives on proposed policies, which can lead to greater success with policy adoption and implementation.

Lavis, J. N., Permanand, G., Oxman, A. D., Lewin, S., & Fretheim, A. (2009). SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) 13: Preparing and using policy briefs to support evidence-informed policymaking. Health Research Policy & Systems, 71–79. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-7-S1-S13

The purpose of a policy brief is to communicate an issue clearly and definitively to policy makers. The authors of this article propose an outline for policy briefs and also stress the importance of using research when creating a policy brief.

Lowery, B. (2009). Obesity, bariatric nursing, and the policy process: The connecting points for patient advocacy. Bariatric Nursing & Surgical Patient Care, 4(2), 133–138.

This article provides an example of nurse involvement in policy making by examining a bariatric nursing issue. The author stresses that nurses, in their patient-advocacy role, have a responsibility to be involved in the health care policy process.

Moore, K. (2006). How can basic research on children and families be useful for the policy process? Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 52(2), 365–375.

Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health: Report recommendations. Retrieved from

Introduced in Week 2, this IOM report highlights four key recommendations in its proposal for the future directions of the nursing profession. These recommendations focus on nursing practice, education and training, partnerships with other healthcare professionals, and workforce planning and policymaking.

National Center for Policy Analysis (2010). Ideas changing the world: Free-market health care policy. Retrieved from

The NCPA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes private sector solutions to public policy issues (See attached file and choose recommendation 1).

Slack, B. (2011). The policy Process. Retrieved from 

The author presents a policy-making framework and provides details on the four steps of that process: problem definition, policy objectives and options, policy implementation, and policy evaluation and maintenance.

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Healthcare policy and advocacy: Agenda setting and the policy process. Baltimore: Author. 

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 17 minutes.

Dr. Kathleen White and Dr. Joan Stanley share their insights into agenda setting and how issues are moved forward into the policy process.

Optional Resources

Barnes, M., Hanson, C., Novilla, L., Meacham, A., McIntyre, E., & Erickson, B. (2008). Analysis of media agenda setting during and after Hurricane Katrina: Implications for emergency preparedness, disaster response, and disaster policy.

American Journal of Public Health, 98(4), 604–610.

Jennings, C. (2002). The power of the policy brief. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 3(3), 261–263. doi: 10.1177/152715440200300310

Neumann, P. J., Palmer, J. A., Daniels, N., Quigley, K., Gold, M. R., & Chao, S. (2008). A strategic plan for integrating cost-effectiveness analysis into the US health care system. American Journal of Managed Care, 14(4), 185-188.

Plan, Policy, Procedure Relationship Diagram. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Congressional Budget Office: Options For Reducing The Deficit ( FOR (MHA 516 Thom Sloan Instructor)NYANA) Please Don't Repurchase This Answer If This Is Your Professor

Download Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2017 to 2026 from the Congressional Budget Office website.

Read Ch. 5 of the report.

Select one of the health options listed.

Select a health care facility or service (e.g., hospital, physician practice, long-term care facility, ambulance service, pharmacy, or skilled nursing facility), and evaluate the effects that implementing the health option would have on a health care facility or service you selected.

Write a 350- to 525-word article about your evaluation and proposed changes to the facility or service that can help curb negative effects.

Publish the article on your own social media account (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.), or post it on a health care message board of your choice.

Include a citation of your article in your assignment. (I WILL PUBLISH)

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

attached is the grading rubic for this assignment pay attention



  • Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2017 to 2026 – found on internet
  • Congressional Budget Office- found on internet
  • attachment


Nurse Practitioner Role Transition: A Concept Analysis

 See attached the selected article needed for writing. Carefully follow all the instructions given below.

Select one of the articles from this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings to use as the basis for this assignment. Article selected(Nurse Practitioner Role Transition: A Concept Analysis)

Create 18 to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on the article with detailed speaker notes.

Include the following in the presentation:

Describe the credentials of the author(s): academic credentials, position held, and any other information available which is usually located at the bottom of first page of article or after the reference list.

-Explain why you selected the concept analysis.

-Describe each step of concept analysis from the article. The number of steps in the concept analysis will depend on the method selected by the author(s).

-Describe how you could apply the concept analysis to your practice.

Provide references for all sources cited on a separate slide and format according to APA guidelines.

  • attachment


Gate Control Theory And Management Of Pain

See attached the chapter needed for the paper. must used info attached.

Review gate control theory on pp. 349–350 in Ch. 15 of Theoretical Basis for Nursing.

1-Write a 200-word message describing how you might apply gate control theory to the management of pain.

  • attachment


Practical Use Of Theory

 All the information needed for the paper is attached. Paper is about the 2 questions bellow. please stay on topic and use information given.

Read the 10 Caritas Processes™ on the Watson Caring Science Institute website which further elaborate on the carative factors listed in Box 8-4: Watson’s 10 Carative Factors located on p. 183 of Theoretical Basis for Nursing.

Write a 250-word message in which you:


1-Reflect upon the caritas and address how these compare to your practice with patients and families, and relationships with other nurses and health care professionals. 

2-Identify how you would use this theory to change your relationships with patients and others.

  • attachment


Nursing A Profession Or An Occupation

 write a 200 word message discussion . 100 word each question. must use the information from the chapter attached.

1- discuss whether nursing is a profession or an occupation. What can current and future nurses do to enhance nursing’s standing as a profession?


2- Select one of the middle range theories derived from a grand nursing theory and one derived from a non-nursing theory. Analyze both for ease of application to research and practice.

  • attachment

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Leadership Styles And Development


Today’s complex organizations often require the smooth, integrated functioning of teams across several functional areas. Leading of a team of diverse individuals is quite a challenge. Encouraging the effective collaboration of multiple teams of diverse individuals is even more challenging and requires skilled leaders who can understand and impart organizational vision to team members. Skilled leaders must also foster leadership skills in others to achieve collaboration and organizational success.

Imagine yourself in the complex situation of ensuring the integrated functioning of multiple teams. How prepared are you for such a challenge? What knowledge and skills will you need to acquire on your own leadership development journey to successfully prepare for such a challenge?


Leadership positions within teams can often be fluid and dynamic. Circumstances may require an individual to step forward and lead in some situations and then adopt the role of follower in others. As a leader, how do you know when it is appropriate to lead and when it is appropriate to follow? How can you foster leadership skills in your team members so they too feel confident enough to lead when the situation calls for it?


1. Constructing a Coaching Model to Promote Well-Being Based on Attributes of Spiritual Leadership: Keeping Leaders Healthy 

Read “Constructing a Coaching Model to Promote Well-Being Based on Attributes of Spiritual Leadership: Keeping Leaders Healthy,” by Nobles, from Journal of Practical Consulting (2012).

2. Leadership Styles of Effective Project Managers: Techniques and Traits to Lead High Performance Teams

Read “Leadership Styles of Effective Project Managers: Techniques and Traits to Lead High Performance Teams,” by DuBois, Koch, Hanion, Nyatuga, and Kerr, from Journal of Economic Department Management, IT, Finance and Marketing (2015).

3. Shared Leadership and Innovation: The Role of Vertical Leadership and Employee Integrity

Read “Shared Leadership and Innovation: The Role of Vertical Leadership and Employee Integrity,” by Hoch, from Journal of Business and Psychology (2013).

4. Team Member Change, Flux in Coordination, and Performance: Effects of Strategic Core Roles, Information Transfer, and Cognitive Ability 

Read “Team Member Change, Flux in Coordination, and Performance: Effects of Strategic Core Roles, Information Transfer, and Cognitive Ability,” by Summers, Humphrey, and Ferris, from Academy of Management Journal (2012).


1. Build a Tower, Build a Team

Watch “Build a Tower, Build a Team. from Ted Talks.

                                                                     QUESTION 8


Select a female leader that faced challenges based on gender and whose circumstances would be different if the leader had been male. What challenges did this female leader face in the business world? How did the female leader you selected overcome those challenges?


What characteristics result in toxic leadership? What are possible repercussions of toxic leadership? Provide a personal experience (do not disclose specific names) or public example of toxic leadership.



1. Advanced practice nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession

Read Chapters 28 and 29.

2. Theoretical Basis for Nursing

Read Chapters 21 and 22.

Electronic Resource

1. Economism, Efficiency, and the Moral Ecology of Good Nursing Practice

Read “Economism, Efficiency, and the Moral Ecology of Good Nursing Practice,” by Weiss, Malone, Merighi, and Benner, from the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research (2002), located on the McGill website.

e-Library Resource

1. Individual, Practice, and System Causes of Errors in Nursing: A Taxonomy

Read “Individual, Practice, and System Causes of Errors in Nursing: A Taxonomy,” by Benner, Sheets, Uris, Malloch, Schwed, and Jamison, from JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration (2002).


1. Apply Middle-Range Nursing Theory Grading Criteria.

Review “Apply Middle-Range Nursing Theory Grading Criteria.”


MileStone Chart

Age group is Infancy = birth -2 year,  preschool = 2-6, middle childhood= 6-12, Adolescence= 12-18, Emerging adulthood= 18-25, early adulthood= 25- 40, middle adulthood= 40-65, late adulthood= beginning at 65, Has to include theories about the age groups from cobert, Erikson, Freud, and Piaget.

Learning Teams: Introductions

Write a 185-word message in which you:

1-Describe your past experience collaborating with others on a team project or assignment. Include any challenges that you experienced working with a team.

2-Identify your strengths and limitations regarding team work.

3-Address what you like most about working with a team.

4-Briefly share what you know about theory and its relation to quality care.