EPID Mod 3 Case

Module 3 – Case


Case Assignment 

This assignment has two parts.

Part 1: Write a descriptive epidemiological analysis of the following diseases: Lyme disease or Malaria. Describe the basic epidemiological patterns of this health condition by person, place, and time.

Part 2: You are a Health Officer for a rural county health department and have been assigned to study the frequency of an infectious disease such as tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS. Write an essay in which you do the following:

  1. Describe observational and experimental epidemiology as the two (2) study designs apply to either of the diseases you have chosen.  Be sure to identify differences between these two types of analytic epidemiology.
  2. Under what conditions will you conduct a case-control study as opposed to a cohort study?

Be sure to support your opinion with evidence from the literature. Please research from the module materials and any credible, scholarly and professional source including the University’s online library in providing your response.

Length: 3-4 pages, excluding title page and references.

Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric that is linked within the course. Review it before you begin working on the assignment.

Health Issues

Resource 1: CLC Health Issue Analysis Overview 

Group work has benefits and liabilities. EVERYONE assigned to a CLC is expected to equally participate in the work in terms of time and quality of effort. Each participant has strengths and it is reasonable to apportion the work to make best use of this. Some are natural leaders. Our strengths can be our greatest liabilities: No one wants to be bossed around no matter how skilled the boss is. Honest communication is critical to effective group work. The best way to avoid conflict is to set very clear expectations up front. Then, if someone does not do what is expected him/her, he/she can be referred to the original agreement rather than have the confrontation become personal.

Course instructors are able to observe the group process in the CLC forum. If the work takes place outside the forum, this information will be absent. Be certain (even if communicating via e-mail, phone, or face-to-face) to record the communication in the CLC forum.

CLC Project Overview

The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze a health care issue through the focus of major concepts from each Topic. There are six components to this assignment after the CLC agreement is signed and the topic is identified. It is not expected that every member of the CLC group will contribute to each assignment, but that assignments will be divided fairly and equally among the group. Each of the written components of the CLC project will be 500-1,000 words. These papers should be in APA format with a title and a reference page. An abstract is not required. An introduction is required ONLY for Part 1 and is not required in any parts thereafter. It is the intention that if one were to take the six parts of this assignment and put them together, a comprehensive and cohesive analysis would be produced. Part 1 is worth 3 points and each of the subsequent parts (2-6) are worth 4 points each.

Topic 1 (10 points)

Check into the CLC group and provide contact information and describe prior experience, if any, with health policy. Locate and read the CLC Agreement provided by the instructor, located within the Additional Resources Folder in Canyon Connect. Choose one member to transfer the document to the CLC forum. Decide upon the process needed to fill out the contract. Everyone should participate. Before filling out the agreement, it may be helpful for each student to describe the most difficult, frustrating, helpful, or beneficial aspects of working on a collaborative project. Getting this type of information out in the open ahead of time may help to prevent conflict later on. Since no one is angry yet, you can comfortably list what is likely to make you angry and also what would make you satisfied.

Complete the CLC Agreement (except for the final block, which is used at the end). Select someone to submit the CLC Agreement by the end of Topic 1.

Topic 2 (10 points)

Initiate a conversation regarding potential topics of interest. This should be a health issue with national and international relevance that will be the basis for your final project. It may be helpful to identify a number of topics of interest and have individual group members do a quick survey of the literature to be sure that there is current information available. Revise the CLC Agreement with the choice of the topic identified in the title and re-submit the CLC Agreement. There is no formal writing requirement for the topic selection. It is merely a brief paragraph declaring your identified topic. 

Topic 3 – Part 1 (50 points)

Research and outline the history of the health issue. Write a formal paper in APA format (500-1,000 words in length), describing the history of the issue. A title, introduction, and a reference page are required, but an abstract and conclusion are not. Include the following:

1. Influences such as determinants of health and socioeconomic status.

2. Past and present initiatives (private and public) to address the issue.

3. Outcomes that have been developed and utilized to measure progress on the issue.

4. The current status of the health issue based on measured outcomes.

Topic 4 – Part 2 (60 points)

Describe the national and international implications of the health issue. Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. Include a title page and a reference page. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required. Include the following:

  1. Scope      and depth of the problem.
  2. Countries      that are faring better or worse than others.
  3. How      the U.S. ranks on this issue in relation to other countries.
  4. Efforts      of the World Health Organization and other agencies on this issue.
  5. Existing      disparities (include race, age, and gender, as appropriate) in relation to      the issue – describe the populations that have emerged as being      disadvantaged and why.

Topic 5 – Part 3 (60 points)

Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. Include a title and a reference page. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required. Include a title page and a reference page, and the following:

  1. Discuss      past and present funding for initiatives that address the health issue.      Include both public and private sources.
  2. Analyze      past and present quality initiatives that address the health issue.      Include both public and private sources.
  3. Differentiate      how being insured versus uninsured impacts health outcomes relative to      this issue;
  4. Compare      health outcomes for the issue between the U.S. and a country with      universal health coverage.

Topic 6 – Part 4 (60 points)

Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. A title page and a reference page are required, but an abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not. Include the following:

  1. Examine      the previously addressed aspects of health policies, finance,      global/national prevention, and/or treatment initiatives related to the      health issue by identifying applicable ethics principles.
  2. Differentiate      how application of the identified ethics principles to the health issue      has resulted in population disparities.
  3. Hypothesize      how existing disparities might be eliminated using alternate ethics      principles.
  4. Critique      whether the applicable ethics principles are consistent with the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses.

Topic 7 – Part 5 (60 points)

Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. A title page and a reference page are required, but an abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not. Include the following:

1. Discuss cultural beliefs and influences relative to the health issue.

2. Differentiate any religious/spiritual beliefs and values relative to the issue.

3. Appraise how religious/spiritual beliefs and values have influenced progress in addressing the issue – either negatively or positively.

4. Compare differences in ideologies related to the issue across political party lines, geographic regions, and countries of the world.

Topic 8 – Part 6 (60 points)

Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. A title page, conclusion, and a reference page are required, but an abstract and introduction are not. Include the following:

  1. Assess      the past and present impact nurses, including advanced professional/ advanced      practice nurses, have made in addressing this health issue.
  2. Describe      how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing health policy      related to this issue. Include available resources.
  3. Hypothesize      how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision      of care for persons affected by the health issue.
  4. Synthesize      all aspects of the health care issue through a summary conclusion,      concisely tying up Parts 1-8 of the CLC project.

Case Exemplar,Case Study

Design & Implementation of Health Care Initiatives

Chapter 2, Case study 1, Quality teams approach to discharge planning

  1. What is the value of an action plan and managing clinical symptoms?
  2. How can medical record reminders promote patient-centered care delivery?
  3. Identify tools that are useful in implementing quality improvement projects. Which of the tools are most useful when developing and implementing projects?

Scientific Underpinnings

 Please read and understand the instructions, proper use of English and grammar, use of in text citation and references


Construct a 2,500-3,000 word (approximately 10-12 pages) case report that includes a problem or situation consistent with area of practice.


1. Use a minimum of two theories (Health promotion and Hildegard Peplau) to develop the case report.

2. Apply one or more theories to describe understanding of the problem or situation of focus.

3. Apply one or more theories to the recommended intervention or solution being proposed.

4. Develop the case report across the entire scenario from the identified clinical or health care problem through proposing an intervention, implementation, and evaluation using an appropriate research instrument.

5. Describe the evaluation of the selected research instrument in the case report.

6. Lastly, explain in full the tenets, rationale for selection (empirical evidence), and clear application using the language of the theory within the case report.

In addition, your case report must include the following:

1. Introduction with a problem statement.

2. Brief literature review.

3. Description of the case/situation/conditions explained from a theoretical perspective.

4. Discussion that includes a detailed explanation of the synthesized literature findings.

5. Summary of the case.

6. Proposed solutions to remedy gaps, inefficiencies, or other issues from a theoretical approach.

7. Identification of a research instrument to evaluate the proposed solution along with a description of how the instrument could be evaluated.

8. Conclusion.

Assign 3-WK 7(A)




  • attachment

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MDGs And Social Determinants Of Health

This assignment about Saudi Arabia

·  Follow the instruction in the attached file

· 1 and a half page 

· Avoid plagiarism

· 3 updated articles not later than 2013 

· Follow APA format

  • attachment


Financing Health Services (4-6 Pages APA Format)

“The complexity of financing in health care is one of the primary characteristics of medical care delivery in the United States” (Shi & Singh, 2012, p. 129). There are numerous reimbursement methods (e.g., capitation, fee-for-service, package pricing, etc.) that are used by health care organizations and providers to get paid for the health care services that they provide. Building upon your Individual Project from Unit 1, write a 3-5 page paper not including a title page and reference page that contains the following:

  • Summarize 3 different reimbursement methods that are used by health care providers and organizations.
  • Choose which method(s) will work best for the health care facility that you have proposed to be developed, and explain why you chose that method(s).
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the reimbursement method(s) that you chose.
  • Discuss the impact that the method(s) may have on the financial operations of the facility that you chose.

Note: You should include a minimum of 3 references, properly cited in APA format.

Essays Due Tomorrow At 8:00 Pm Absolutely No Plagiarism Follow Instructions Carefully Needs To Be An A Paper Due April 15 At 8:00 Pm EST

As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals.

Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics.

Share your presentation with nurse colleagues on your unit or department and ask them to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes.

In 800-1,000 words summarize the feedback shared by three nurse colleagues and discuss whether their impressions are consistent with what you have researched about health reform.

A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Please Answer Base In This Answer In APA Format .Write At Least 250 Words , Please Answer The Comments By Number And List Your Answers Please, Thank You

1-Telling teenagers not to do something can sometimes have the reverse effect of what we wish to happen. Instead of telling teenagers to not have sex, even though we want them to refrain from it because of the risks of infection and pregnancies, it is more important to educate them on how to have safe sexual intercourse and how to effectively use methods of contraceptives. It is better to work with teenagers instead of against them.


2-I agree with you about African American teens still have the highest pregancy in USA and they are facing greatest risk for preeclampsia, low birth weight infant, and preterm delivery.  Unfortunately, these teens were born to teen moms as well and their vicious cycle doesn’t seem to end.  They lack parental supports, no desire to be educated, and drop out of high school and work at lower paying job inconsistently.  Kids born to teen moms usually grow without their father as well and being a teen mom seems almost normal to these young girls growing looking at their young mom without any role modles guiding them to the right way.


3-. It’s amazing and sad how poverty can have negative impact on so many things. Socio-economic circumstances seem to play a major role in rates of teen pregnancy. Throughout the developed world, teenage pregnancy is more common among young people who have been disadvantaged in childhood and have low expectations of education or the job market.  The literature shows that youth living in poverty have a teen pregnancy rate which is five times the average. For some disadvantaged youth, particularly for girls whose self-esteem tends to drop as they mature, sexuality may be all they have to value. Lack of opportunity and hope for the future, have been identified as a driving force behind high rates of teen pregnancy.

Healthcare Technology

For each question below, write a minimum of 75 words EACH. Be sure to cite sources for EACH of the following questions and separate the three paragraphs.

· What have been the positive and negative outcomes from the development of the current healthcare system?

· Discuss the rise of non-physician practitioners. Be sure to discuss if these professionals will be able to meet not only the current demand of primary care services, but future need as well.

· Determine the role that ethics plays in the development of healthcare technology.