Essays Due Tomorrow At 8:00 Pm Absolutely No Plagiarism Follow Instructions Carefully Needs To Be An A Paper Due April 15 At 8:00 Pm EST

As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals.

Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics.

Share your presentation with nurse colleagues on your unit or department and ask them to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes.

In 800-1,000 words summarize the feedback shared by three nurse colleagues and discuss whether their impressions are consistent with what you have researched about health reform.

A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Please Answer Base In This Answer In APA Format .Write At Least 250 Words , Please Answer The Comments By Number And List Your Answers Please, Thank You

1-Telling teenagers not to do something can sometimes have the reverse effect of what we wish to happen. Instead of telling teenagers to not have sex, even though we want them to refrain from it because of the risks of infection and pregnancies, it is more important to educate them on how to have safe sexual intercourse and how to effectively use methods of contraceptives. It is better to work with teenagers instead of against them.


2-I agree with you about African American teens still have the highest pregancy in USA and they are facing greatest risk for preeclampsia, low birth weight infant, and preterm delivery.  Unfortunately, these teens were born to teen moms as well and their vicious cycle doesn’t seem to end.  They lack parental supports, no desire to be educated, and drop out of high school and work at lower paying job inconsistently.  Kids born to teen moms usually grow without their father as well and being a teen mom seems almost normal to these young girls growing looking at their young mom without any role modles guiding them to the right way.


3-. It’s amazing and sad how poverty can have negative impact on so many things. Socio-economic circumstances seem to play a major role in rates of teen pregnancy. Throughout the developed world, teenage pregnancy is more common among young people who have been disadvantaged in childhood and have low expectations of education or the job market.  The literature shows that youth living in poverty have a teen pregnancy rate which is five times the average. For some disadvantaged youth, particularly for girls whose self-esteem tends to drop as they mature, sexuality may be all they have to value. Lack of opportunity and hope for the future, have been identified as a driving force behind high rates of teen pregnancy.

Healthcare Technology

For each question below, write a minimum of 75 words EACH. Be sure to cite sources for EACH of the following questions and separate the three paragraphs.

· What have been the positive and negative outcomes from the development of the current healthcare system?

· Discuss the rise of non-physician practitioners. Be sure to discuss if these professionals will be able to meet not only the current demand of primary care services, but future need as well.

· Determine the role that ethics plays in the development of healthcare technology.

2 Discussion Questions … Needed Tomorrow … No Intro Or Conclusion Needed Just Please Address All Topics In A Few Sentences

Please respond to the following: “Market Expansion and Drivers Management”

  • -Interpret the importance of continually pursuing opportunities for growth within the health care marketplace, and identify expansion opportunities available to health care institutions through the use of Igor Ansoff’s Product-Market Expansion Grid. Provide support for your response.
  • -Assess the critical pursuit of identity management and its role in helping health care entities build strong, recognizable brands. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of identity initiatives within a health care organization.

Assignment: Practicum – Journal Entry

Reflect on a pediatric patient who presented with a hematologic or metabolic disorder during your Practicum experience. Describe your experience in assessing and managing the patient and his or her family. Include details of your “aha” moment in identifying the patient’s disorder. Then, explain how the experience connected your classroom studies to the real-world clinical setting. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last 8 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.

2 Discussion Questions Needed Tomorrow- Only A Few Sentences To Address The Questions.. No Intro Or Conclusion Needed! Must Addresss BOTH Topics And Requests Below!

Please respond to the following: “Marketing Growth and Strategic Planning”

  • -Justify the assembly of a balanced product portfolio by marketing managers as a means of ensuring extended success in the health care market industry. Provide two (2) real-life examples to support your rationale.
  • -Assess the importance of portfolio planning in the health care industry, and determine at least one (1) approach to portfolio planning that can help marketing managers to ensure productive marketing operations. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of portfolio planning in a health care organization with which you are familiar.

Discussion: Diagnosis And Management Of Hematologic And Metabolic Disorders

In clinical settings, pediatric patients often present with hematologic and metabolic disorders such as anemia and diabetes. Many of these disorders are manageable with drug therapy and lifestyle changes, but they can pose serious complications for patients if left untreated. In your role as the advanced practice nurse, you must identify patients at risk of hematologic and metabolic disorders and provide the appropriate education for them and their families. Consider potential treatment, management, and education strategies for the patients in the following case studies.

Case Study 1

You see a 1-week-old Asian infant for a weight check. The infant is back to his birth weight and is breastfeeding for 10 minutes every 2 hours with one 3-hour stretch a day. He is alert, has bowel movements with each feeding, and wets 8–10 diapers a day. His blood type is A+ and his mother’s blood type is A+. Coombs’ testing at birth was negative. You note slight scleral and skin jaundice.

Case Study 2

Jimmy is a 3-year-old “picky” eater according to his mother. He refuses to eat anything but waffles for breakfast and macaroni and cheese or chicken nuggets for lunch and dinner. He will eat apples and bananas but refuses all vegetables except corn. After a normal physical examination, you obtained blood testing that revealed the hemoglobin is 11.4 mg/dl and his hematocrit is 30% (both obtained by venipuncture). The CBC revealed microcytic hypochromic RBCs.

Case Study 3

Melissa is a 13-year-old who presents to your office for a well-child check. Physical examination reveals a thin child who is short of stature. Breast Tanner stage is II and pubic hair development is Tanner I. Neurologic, skin, heart, lung, abdominal, and HEENT examinations are normal.

To prepare:

  • Review “Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders” and “Hematologic Disorders” in the Burns et al. text.
  • Review and select one of the three provided case studies. Analyze the patient information.
  • Consider a differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected. Think about the most likely diagnosis for the patient.
  • Think about a treatment and management plan for the patient. Be sure to consider appropriate dosages for any recommended pharmacologic and/or non-pharmacologic treatments.
  • Consider strategies for educating patients and families on the treatment and management of the hematologic or metabolic disorder.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of the differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected. Explain which is the most likely diagnosis for the patient and why. Include an explanation of unique characteristics of the disorder you identified as the primary diagnosis. Then, explain a treatment and management plan for the patient, including appropriate dosages for any recommended treatments. Finally, explain strategies for educating patients and families on the treatment and management of the hematologic or metabolic disorder.


– This assignment about Saudi Arabia
– Follow instructions in the attached file carefully
– Avoid Plagiarism
– 7 pages  not including the cover page and the references.
– follow APA style.
– provide in text citation and at least 7 updated articles after 2013.
Kindly stick to your price if you change I will dispute

Impact Of Health

Impact of Health

In a two to three page paper, examine the impact health has on the population as a whole. Address the benefits of a healthy population as well as the costs of an unhealthy population. Be sure to also include a discussion as to if the development of our current healthcare system over time has increased population health or has had no effect. Lastly, research another country’s healthcare system. How does it compare to the system currently place in the United States? Is the population healthier as a result of their system?

Be sure to cite your references.

Effects Of Disease On The Health Care Industry

please cite 2 references and make sure the text are in the same handwriting

  • attachment
