Writing A Letter Of Intent

Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 3

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay

Academic Level:Undergraduate

Category:   Healthcare

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Issues In Health Care Reform (Interview)

Assignment 1: Issues in Health Care Reform (Interview)

According to the AACN (2006), “Political activism and commitment to policy development are central elements of professional nursing practice” (p. 13). Throughout this course, you will hone the skills and competencies required for this type of involvement in policy.

Research is an essential step in the process of acquiring the skills and competencies, and interviews are one form of research that can serve as a valuable source of information. As such, this Assignment (which you will start this week, and submit by the end of Week 9) provides an opportunity for you to identify a health reform issue of interest and discuss the issue with a state or national politician (or their aide).

To prepare:

  • Identify      a state or national politician (state representative or legislator,      senator, congressman, governor, etc.), or aide, whom you would like to      interview regarding current issues in health care reform. (I live in the state of Maryland.      The 2 states senators are Chris Van Hollen since 2017 and Ben Cardin since      2007; the Governor name is Larry Hogan. You can also google any of the      information about the state of Maryland in the US)
  • As      soon as possible, contact the individual’s office to request a meeting.      Keep in mind that it may be difficult to get on their calendar, so plan      accordingly. You may conduct the interview in person or by phone.
  • In      advance of the interview, ask yourself:
    • What       health care policy issue is important to me personally?
    • What       issue do I want to bring to this person’s attention?
  • With      this in mind, develop your list of questions for the interview around your      selected health policy issue. In addition, you may wish to include      questions related to health care reform:
    • What       are your constituents most concerned about regarding health care reform?
    • What       are the trade-offs associated with recent health care reform policy?

To complete:

  • Write  a 3- to 4-page paper with at least 5 scholarly references providing a summary and analysis of the interview and the health care reform issues you discussed. Include an introduction and a conclusion.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from appropriate Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate (at least 5 references). Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

This assignment is due by Thursday 04/26/18 by 10 pm.

Required Readings

Bodenheimer, T., & Grumbach, K. (2016). Understanding health policy: A clinical approach (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical.

Chapter 5, “How Health Care is Organized – I: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Care”

Chapter 6, “How Health Care is Organized – II: Health Delivery Systems”

McClellan, M. (2010). Accountable care organizations in the era of health care reform. American Health & Drug Benefits, 3(4), 242–244.

The PPACA of 2010 encourages the formation of accountable care organizations (ACOs) to improve the quality and efficiency of health care delivery. An ACO is a group of health care providers who coordinate care for their Medicare patients and share the financial incentives of health care improvement gains.

Moore, K. D., & Coddington, D. C. (2010). Accountable care: The journey begins. Health Care Financial Management, 64(8), 57–63.

This article provides information on the importance of health care provider organizations taking steps to become accountable care organizations (ACOs) and provides examples of systems that have historically functioned in this capacity. The authors also provide steps for developing and transitioning to an ACO structure.

Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Retrieved from http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health.aspx

This report discusses how nurses can and should play a fundamental role in meeting the challenges of increased demand for health care brought about by the implementation of the 2010 Affordable Care Act. In addition, it stresses the need for nurses to be partners with other health professionals and assume leadership roles in redesigning health care in the United States.

Institute of Medicine. (2010). Report brief: The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Retrieved from http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/~/media/Files/Report%20Files/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing/Future%20of%20Nursing%202010%20Recommendations.pdf

This report brief highlights the four key recommendations from the Robert Wood Johnson and Institute of Medicine the Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report. The recommendations focus on nursing practice, education and training, partnerships with other healthcare professionals, and workforce planning and policymaking.

HealthCare.gov. (n.d.). Understanding the Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/rights/index.html

This website introduces the Affordable Care Act and presents the timeline for implementation of the various provisions of the Act.

HealthCare.gov. (n.d.). Understanding the Affordable Care Act: About the law. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/rights/law/index.html

Read the full Affordable Care Act law at this website. An overview of the law is also provided along with an outline of how the Affordable Care Act helps reduce health insurance costs.

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Healthcare policy and advocacy: Reforming health care delivery: Accountable care organizations. Baltimore: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.

In this media presentation, Dr. Kathleen White explains the structure of accountable care organizations (ACO) and discusses the benefits and challenges of becoming an ACO.

Optional Resources

APRN Joint Dialogue Group Report. (2008). Consensus model for APRN regulation: Licensure, accreditation, certification & education. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/education-resources/APRNReport.pdf

Fisher, E. S., & Shortell, S. M. (2010). Accountable care organizations: Accountable for what, to whom, and how. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 304(15), 1715–1716.

Fisher, E. S., Staiger, D. O., Bynum, J. W., & Gottlieb, D. J. (2007). Creating accountable care organizations: The extended hospital medical staff. JHealth Affairs, 26, w44-w57. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.26.1.w44–57

McClellan, M., McKethan, A. N., Lewis, J. L., Roski, J., & Fisher, E. S. (2010). A national strategy to put accountable care into practice. Health Affairs, 29(5), 982–990.

Kaiser Health News. (2011). Accountable care organization proposed regulations: Resources. Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/Stories/2011/March/31/ACO-Documents-In-The-News.aspx

Policy And State Boards Of Nursing

Policy and State Boards of Nursing

Within the far-reaching and multi-layered realm of policy and reform, government at the state level plays an essential role. Consider the federally enacted PPACA’s individual mandate which sought to increase the number of consumers who receive insurance coverage and, therefore, greater access to care. In a system that is already stretched beyond capacity and confronting a nursing shortage, how can the health care system meet this increased demand? Since state boards of nursing determine scope of practice, it is important to stay up to date and current with the policies and regulations that are created by the state board of nursing.

To prepare:

  • Review      the Thomas, Benbow, and Ayars article and the Watson and Hillman article      focusing on how states regulate advanced nursing practice and how      legislative changes are impacting scope of practice.
  • Visit      your state board of nursing website and/or contact the board to determine      how the state board controls advanced practice through regulations (google mbon.org for my state board      of nursing)
  • Determine      if your state board has created any new policies or regulations that      address changes to scope of practice in response to legislative changes.

By tomorrow 04/25/2018 10am, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 scholarly references from the list of required readings below. Include the level one headings as numbered below”

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1) What are the most recent regulations promulgated through your state board of nursing for advanced practice?

2) How are the state regulations supported within your place of employment? (google mbon.org for my state board of nursing)

3) How do the states differ in terms of scope of practice? What impact does this have on professional nurses across the United States?

Required Readings

Chen, A. S., & Weir, M. (2009). The long shadow of the past: Risk pooling and the political development of health care reform in the States. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 34(5), 679–716.

The authors provide an analysis of varying state health care policies, with a basic premise that health care risk is either “pooled”—shared, or “actuarial”—segmented by risk level. Most states have taken a segmented approach to health care, and therefore, have not solved health care issues such as rising costs and access to care. The authors maintain that federal action is needed to create a uniformed approach to health care.

Junghee, L. (2009). Cultural, social, and political influences on state-level indigent health care policy formation. Journal of Policy Practice, 8(2), 129–146.

This article provides details on a 50-state study of Medicaid spending. The authors concluded that political and economic factors can positively predict individual state Medicaid spending, and that actual need has a negative impact on spending. In conclusion, a uniform, federal structure may be the only method to ensure equal access to Medicaid.

Mills, A., Engelhard, C. L., & Tereskerz, P. M. (2010). Truth and consequences—Insurance-premium rate regulation and the ACA. New England Journal of Medicine 363(10), 899–901.

O’Connor, J. C., MacNeil, A., Chriqui, J. F., Tynan, M., Bates, H., & Eidson, S. K. (2008). Preemption of local smoke-free air ordinances: The implications of judicial opinions for meeting national health objectives. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 36(2), 403– 412.

Sommers, B. (2010). Enrolling eligible children in Medicaid and CHIP: A research update. Health Affairs, 29(7), 1350.

The enrollment and retention of eligible children in Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a health care concern. The article concludes that some state processes have mitigated this issue but other requirements, such as providing citizenship documentation, may have a detrimental effect. Therefore, these concerns should be incorporated into the implementation on PPACA of 2010.

Thomas, M. B., Benbow, D. A., & Ayars, V. D. (2010). Continued competency and board regulation: One state expands options. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(11), 524-528.

The authors use the changes instituted by the state of Texas in regard to the licensing of nurses to illustrate the need to adapt state licensing requirements to the changing diversity and scopes of practice among nurses.

Watson, E., & Hillman, H. (2010). Advanced practice registered nursing: Licensure, education, scope of practice, and liability issues. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 21(3), 25–29.

The expanded role of the advanced practice nurse has led to changes in licensure, education, certification, and scope of practice definitions. The author points out that this expanded role has led to increased liability and accountability concerns as well.

Yue, L., Harrington, C., Spector, W. D., & Mukamel, D. B. (2010). State regulatory enforcement and nursing home termination from the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Health Services Research, 45(6p1), 1796-1814. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2010.01164.x

Those nursing homes receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding are subject to strict quality and safety regulations. This article examines the consequences of enforcing those federal quality standards.


Optional Resources

Wieck, K. L., Oehler, T., Green, A., & Jordan, C. (2004). Safe nurse staffing: A win-win collaboration model for influencing health policy. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(3), 160-166.

Materials/Method Assignment Needed ASAP

Below are the instructions ATTACHED for this assignment.


Minimum 5 pages.

Below I am also providing examples and what I am basically looking to talk about for my final paper.

Must provide any citations in APA format.


Investigating Pandemics And Epidemics

Investigating Pandemics and Epidemics

Some of the most notable epidemics include the bubonic plague in the 14th century, smallpox in the 18th century, and influenza in the 20th century. Reportedly, the bubonic plague caused over 137 million deaths, whereas the death toll associated with influenza was 25 million (Ernst, 2001). These are dramatic examples of the kinds of acute outbreaks that led to the practice of epidemiology.

Many epidemiologists and health care professionals are concerned about the next potential pandemic or epidemic. With the increased mobility of society, the spread of infectious diseases continues to pose a serious threat. For this Discussion, you will investigate pandemics and epidemics using epidemiological tools, and you will consider strategies for mitigating disease outbreaks.

To prepare:

  • Using      the Learning Resources, consider examples of emerging or reemerging      infectious diseases that are occurring locally, nationally, or abroad.      Then, select one example on which to focus.
  • Explore      the epidemiological investigative process used to identify the emerging or      reemerging infectious disease or outbreak.
  • Examine      your selected infectious disease using the epidemiologic triangle and      vector theory.
  • Consider      how health care interventions may reduce the emergence or reemergence of      infectious diseases.

By tomorrow 04/25/2018 12pm, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 scholarly references from the list of required readings below. Include the level one headings as numbered below”

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1) Identify the emerging or reemerging infectious disease you selected.

2) Discuss the investigative process used to identify the outbreak, and describe its effect using descriptive epidemiology (person, place, and time).

3) Apply the epidemiologic triangle and vector theory to your selected outbreak.

4) Evaluate how prior health care interventions, or lack thereof, created the conditions that allowed this infectious disease to emerge.

5) Discuss how the disease outbreak might have been avoided or mitigated. Include agencies, organizations, and resources that could have supported these efforts. If appropriate, consider ongoing efforts to control the outbreak.

Required Readings

Friis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Chapter 12, “Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases”

In this chapter, the authors examine the epidemiology of infectious diseases, one of the most familiar applications of epidemiology.

Martin, T. W., Stevens, L., & Miller, J. W. (2011). Rare germ drives outbreak. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303745304576360780812512492?mod=djemHL_t&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303745304576360780812512492.html%3Fmod%3DdjemHL_t

In news coverage of a deadly outbreak, the authors note unusual aspects of the situation, as well as the economic, political, and personal ramifications.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). CDC says “Take 3” actions to fight the flu. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/preventing.htm

This page contains the CDC’s most up-to-date recommendations regarding the prevention of seasonal flu. In addition to this page, you may wish to explore the CDC’s Seasonal Influenza home page, http://www.cdc.gov/flu/

World Health Organization. (2012). Disease outbreak news. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/csr/don/en/

The World Health Organization (WHO) provides information on the most recent disease outbreaks around the world. Stay up to date by visiting this site.

HealthMap. (2007). Retrieved from http://www.healthmap.org/en

Explore this interactive map that lists disease outbreaks around the world.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Morbidity and mortality weekly report: Summary of notifiable diseases. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/mmwr_nd/index.html

Review the most current report on infectious diseases as reported by health care providers to state or local authorities. According to the CDC, “A disease is designated as notifiable if timely information about individual cases is considered necessary for prevention and control of the disease.” This report highlights infectious diseases reported in 2009.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012). Epidemiology and population health: Infectious disease: Two case studies [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8 minutes.

In this week’s program, the presenters discuss HIV and AIDS

Capstone Project – Objectives And Strategies ONLY

  1. List my mission and vision statement. Which is;
  • Vision Statement Our vision is to improve the health of every child in the community for a better future.
  • Mission Statement Our mission is to enhance the health conditions of special needs children through providing the best medical care, safe, affordable high-quality child care to where children are encouraged to grow at their own pace and which will benefit the child, the parent, the staff and the community.
  • 2. Create at least two project objectives that have a measurable component. Example of a program objective: “Successfully launch 3 new products in the next 2 years.”
  • 3. Create a timeline for each project objective. Include the month and year of completion for each item. Example, “By December…” or “In the 2018 Fiscal year…
  • 4. Create at least one program strategy statement to accompany each project objective that you create. Think: How will the project reach its objective?
  • 5. In each statement, include specific details about who will complete each objective and how. Example of a program strategy statement: “Marketing and research will launch one new product each six month for trial”. You may choose to even get more in depth with specific names of your personnel if you know those details.
  • Include References 

Discussion: Diversity In The Workplace

Discussion: Diversity in the Workplace

Creating and managing a diverse workforce is a process, not a destination.  —R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.  What concepts come to mind when you think of diversity? What kinds of diversity exist in your workplace? How does diversity impact communication, working relationships, productivity, and patient care?  In the workplace, focusing on differences can create divisiveness. Nurse managers should approach diversity as a way to highlight, communicate, and build on the commonalities of their workforce. Modeling this behavior can encourage appreciation for diversity and create a more positive workplace environment. When managing a diverse workforce, nurse managers should never make assumptions about an individual’s motivations, goals, or work ethic based upon personal traits such as age, gender, race, or culture. Nurse managers should strive to facilitate an inclusive environment for all.  To prepare •Review the article, “Diversity within Nursing: Effects on Nurse-Nurse Interaction, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover.” Examine Figure 1 on p. 218. Determine how these and other diversity issues might impact the interaction of nurses in the workplace. •Consider situations in your current organization or one with which you are familiar in which obvious diversity exists. How do these types of diversity issues affect the daily work environment? •Examine this week’s Learning Resources to identify strategies for finding commonalities among workers. How might these strategies also help to increase appreciation of diversity within the workplace?  By Day 3  Post an explanation of how diversity-related issues impact your current organization or one with which you are familiar. If you do not believe there are any issues related to diversity, explain how this workplace instills a culture of acceptance and positivity. Conclude your posting by describing at least two commonalties everyone in this workplace shares and at least one new strategy you could implement to increase appreciation of both differences and similarities.

Required Readings  Beheri, W. H. (2009). Diversity within nursing: Effects on nurse-nurse interaction, job satisfaction, and turnover. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 33(3), 216–226.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.     Beheri’s article examines the effects of diversity in nursing. The study found that nurses who are satisfied with their jobs and have a higher level of education are more likely to tap into the potential offered by cultural diversity.   Collins-McNeil, J., Sharpe, D., & Benbow, D. (2012). Performance potential. Aging workforce: Retaining valuable nurses. Nursing Management, 43(3), 50–51.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.     Due to the increasing connectivity between patient safety and government-sponsored financial incentives, it is important for nurse managers to understand the specific language used by finance. This article examines the importance of this topic.   Harton, B. B., Marshburn, D., Kuykendall, J., Poston, C., & Mears, D. A. (2012). Self-scheduling: Help or hindrance? Nursing Management, 43(1), 10–12.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.     This article discusses the possibility of allowing nurses to create their own schedules to boost retention.

Please Answer This Question ,Please Fallow Instruction Below


In this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. If you wish to use a character from a movie not included on the following list, get the approval of your instructor.


  1. Away From Her
  2. Lorenzo’s Oil
  3. Mask
  4. My Sister’s Keeper
  5. Philadelphia
  6. Rain Man
  7. Steel Magnolias
  8. Stepmom
  9. The Elephant Man
  10. The Mighty
  11. The Tic Code


  1. Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.”
  2. Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client).
  3. Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.”
  4. Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie.
  5. Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client.
  6. Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples.
  7. Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment.
  8. Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance.
  9. Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices.

In addition to submitting the presentation to the instructor, post your assignment to the Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Main Forum as directed by instructor. Respond to other students’ posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion. Each person should make at least three substantive comments.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Need A Power Point Done For The Below Research Paper Assignment

APA format 6 peer review references 3 from Walden Library.  Please pick the topic Congestive Heart Failure or COPD from below list and follow instructions


Assignment: Application: The Pathophysiology of Disorders

In previous weeks, you explored various body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and hematological. These seven systems work together, along with other body systems, to complete a myriad of functions. For this reason, when disorders occur within one body system, they can create potentially devastating effects throughout the entire body. For instance, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system, yet its alterations actually affect multiple body systems, from the cardiovascular system to the gastrointestinal system. In this Assignment, you examine alterations associated with disorders, as well as the impact of the alterations on multiple body systems.

To prepare:

  • From the list below, select a disorder of interest to you:
    • Alzheimer’s disease
    • Asthma in children
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    • Congestive heart failure
    • Hepatic disease (liver disease)
    • Hypertension
    • Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
    • Seizures
    • Sepsis
  • Reflect on alterations associated with the disorder you selected. Consider the pathophysiology of the alterations. Think about how these alterations produce pathophysiological changes in at least two body systems.
  • Think about the types of drugs that would be used to treat alterations associated with the disorder you selected.
  • Reflect on how patient factors, such as genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the pathophysiology of the alterations you identified. Then, consider how these factors might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as measures you might take to help reduce any negative side effects.
  • Locate an agency that provides patient education on your selected disorder and review the available materials and curriculum. Consider how you might be able to use those materials to educate a patient on the disorder, treatment options, management, and self-care.
By Day 7

Develop a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:;

  • Describe the disorder you selected, as well as associated alterations. Explain the pathophysiology of the alterations, including changes that occur in at least two body systems.
  • Describe the types of drugs that would be prescribed to treat alterations associated with the disorder.
  • Explain how genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the pathophysiology of the alterations you identified and the effects of prescribed drugs.  Then, describe measures you might take to help reduce any negative side effects.
  • Explain how you would use materials from a supporting agency to educate patients on the disorder, treatment options, management, and self-care.

This assignment is due.

Pathophysiologyand Nursing Management Of Client's Health

 APA formatted in text citation of any sources used and references.


  • Your interaction in classroom discussion demonstrated deeper or broader thoughts about a topic, rather than just rephrasing what the textbook has to say on the topic.
  • Your posts encouraged further discussion and ongoing dialogue with other students in the class.
  • Three responses with citation and references.
  • attachment
