Epidemiology Exam

30 questions

Describe Your Vision Of Your Role As An APN

Describe your vision of your role as an APN

  1. Describe your vision of your role as an APN. why you decided to pursue and Advanced Practice major?
  2. What is the role of the advanced practice nurse?
  3. What is the evidence suggesting regarding the role of FNPs in primary care?
  4. What do you think Family Nurse Practitioners could do differently to improve patient outcomes? Is EBP the answer? Give specific examples.
  5. What do you think are the Skills & Personality Traits to be a  Successful Nurse Practitioner?

EXAMINATION Of The Thorax And Lungs: Inspection

APA format, 3 pages, double spaced, in text citations, and must have 4 references, one of which has to come from the book. ( Information is attached)

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APA format, double spaced, 3 pages, in text citations, and 4 references. One of the references must come from the book. (Information is attached).

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Clinical Standard Of Practice Presentation. Current Treatment Recommendations For Asthma.

1. Clinical Standard of Practice Presentation (10% of Grade)

Students are expected to expand their use of resources for evidence-based practice beyond the required text, and explore nursing and related literature to improve their understanding and application of advanced interventions. Each student will present a Clinical Practice Presentation. The focus of the presentation must reflect current treatment recommendations from accepted professional organizations. Presentations will be evaluated related to the criteria listed. Presentations must be 8 slides in a PowerPoint format with a Reference List in APA format, will be no more than 15 minutes in length. Topic will be Current treatment recommendations for Asthma.

Grading Criteria .Criteria Points


1- Presents   the case including CC(chief complaint) ,  HPI(history of present illness), Hx(medical history), ROS(review of system) and PE findings concisely .10


2- List possible differential diagnosis with   supporting/excluding criteria. 10


3- What   labs or tests are typically ordered in relation to this condition? What   results should the NP   expects to see with this diagnosis? 20


4- What   medications are typically prescribed for this condition? List specific drugs,   starting doses, dose ranges, precautions to keep in mind when prescribing   these drugs. 20


5- What are   the outcomes expected or unexpected for this specific condition? And What   patient outcomes will trigger a referral?. 20


6- Provide   patient teaching materials specific to their condition. 20


Total 100

Regulated Scope Of Practice

 As a team, review the State Practice Environment regulatory map on the AANP website.

States to be compare are Arizona and South Carolina. This is a team group work. I only need to do South Carolina. Arizona will be done by another student. See attached the designed used by the other student and add information to the infographic presentation. Information is being attached. Of more information added include reference. feel free to change the color font as best for reading. Scope of practice SC is attached. The proffessor question is down below. Thank you.

***Create an infographic presentation that compares and contrasts the scope of practice in both states. 

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QUESTION 1: Find An Organization Related To Your Health Care Discipline And Identify.

This is a discussion post, ABOUT 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly preferred.

QUESTION 1: Find an organization related to your health care discipline and identify.

Find an organization related to your health care discipline and identify the mission and vision statement.

Based on your experiences as a member of the health care team,

explain how the values of the organization are or are not reflected in these statements.

A minimum of THREE academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment


Current Issues For Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Prepare a 1,400-word paper using the findings from the Regulated Scope of Practice Learning Team assignment to guide you in addressing the questions below: The 2 states used in learning team are Arizona and south Carolina. Please paper based on those 2 states only. Paper needs to address questions below. All questions Needs to be addressed in the paper.

1.How do the state-specific regulations impact NPs?

2. What regulatory barriers continue to exist for NPs in each state?

3. Where has progress been made, if any?

4. What remains to be done?

5. Explain the four different roles of the advance practice registered nurse: nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, clinical nurse specialist, and the certified registered nurse anesthetist.

6. What professional opportunities are available to develop interprofessional relationships within advanced practice nursing?

7. Describe at least one ethical issue that may be faced by an NP. Explain how you as an NP would address the issue.

8. Describe concepts of profession and professionalism as they pertain to the APRN. What is different as an RN for a profession and professionalism as compared to an APN?

9. Analyze historical factors contributing to the development of advanced practice nursing roles.

10. What has happened over time that has made APRNs what they are today?

Cite and reference using APA guidelines. Master Level Writing Please….

Healthcare Quality Issue

Promoting Health Care Quality-  Quality Improvement Issue

To help you move forward with your Course Project, this week you identify a quality issue that you would like to address and submit a description of this issue for Instructor feedback.   Your proposed issue should reflect a genuine need for improvement within your selected health care organization. Through your Course Project, you will analyze this issue and propose strategies to improve outcome(s), including the redesign of a related process.

To prepare: •Review the six quality improvement aims from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) presented in Chapter 3 of the Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, and Shabot text.

•Conduct a search of the literature to help you identify a specific issue that warrants attention and action to promote quality improvement.

•Consider what you have surmised thus far through your analysis of the organization that you selected. What have you noticed that could help you identify a quality-related need for improvement? For instance:

•What has captured your attention in meetings, reports, and/or daily activities?

•Have you noticed discrepancies between activities in the organization and recommendations in the research literature, quality standards, and/or the organization’s stated policies and procedures?

•If so, what do you think could be the reason(s) for variations or gaps between what you have observed and what is recommended?

•Identify a quality improvement issue that you would like to investigate for this project.

The instructions for this assignment asks for students to identify a quality improvement issue, and provide a description of the issue they wish to pursue. This can be accomplished in 2 paragraphs.

ReferencesHickey, J. V., & Brosnan, C. A. (2017). Evaluation  of health care quality in for DNPs (2nd  ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

•Chapter 10, “Evaluation of Patient Care Standards, Guidelines, and Protocols” (pp. 207-226)

•Chapter 12, “Evaluating Populations and Population Health” (pp. 265-280) Chapter 10 reviews methods for using national, local, and organizational standards to evaluate the quality of health care practices. Chapter 12 examines strategies for identifying quality issues through the evaluation of populations.   Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations, Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

•Chapter 3, “General Concepts in Quality” (pp. 45–82) See the six aims for quality proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM).   Bellot, J. (2011). Defining and assessing organizational culture. Nursing Forum, 46(1), 29–37.


Using Natural Medicine To Treat Cirrhosis

For this project, you will take the role of a nurse practitioner treating a patient with a chronic condition( CIRRHOSIS). Your patient is not completely satisfied with the treatments you’ve tried and asks about a specific alternative therapy (**natural medicine to treat cirrhosis). Unfamiliar with these sorts of therapies, you decide to do some research before making recommendation. Your objective is to determine whether or not you would recommend regular treatment( which one as per CDC’S guideline recommendations)  either alone or in combination with alternative treatment. The paper should be 4 pages excluding the title page and references. Is required a professional APA format , with scholarly journals  citations no older than 5 years.  Paper will be checked in turnitin for similarity ,more than 15 percent will be consider plagiarism.

EBI Paper Grading Criteria Rubric .Criteria Points  Grade

– Description   of the Chronic condition (*including pathophysiology and etiology). 10

–  Definition   of the specific treatment options including EBP guidelines and first-line   pharmacotherapy. 20

– Summary   of the current research in the specific alternative therapy. This area should include specific research   studies, the population description, size (n =) and the results NEED EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE. 20


– After   reading the evidence. What are some   non-pharmacological treatment options that you would recommend? 20

– What did   I learn doing this paper? 20

– On time, APA format, correct   grammar and spelling. 10

Total :100