My Health Issue Is Pre-Diabetes, Please Do Early On Due Date, This Is Not An Essay, Discussion

n Week 1 Project, you selected a particular health issue or health disease (for example, heart disease, cancer, or obesity) to act as a main theme or topic in this course. In this assignment, you will continue your analysis of your selected health issue or health disease topic by collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. Be sure to collect your information from a reliable online source, such as the CDC database surveillance website, the National Immunization Survey, or the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Analyze and synthesize this information as if you were going make a presentation to state public health officials and solicit funding to address the problem.

Respond to the following:

  • Explain why the health issue or health disease you have chosen is a problem in your community.
  • Explain how you might address this health problem in your community. Illustrate how you would develop a framework for your needs assessment and what instrument you would use to collect qualitative information.
  • Prioritize the steps that you might take to define the health problem. Explain in detail with a minimum of four examples and supportive evidence.

Write a 1–2-paragraph response. Comment on the postings of at least two peers with scholarly information.

Resume/Cover Letter

A resume is a personal document whose purpose is to promote one in a positive manner. This resume will be a current true representation of you as a professional Nurse practitioner. You can focus it as if you were applying for your current position. Each section in the resume should have a heading. Design should be uniform throughout the document and power words should be included. All sections must be flawless for spelling, punctuation, grammar, truth, etc. This resume should be accompanying by a cover letter. The cover letter formally introduces you and creates a critical first impression Should be specifically tailored to a specific position and company. Use professional vocabulary and style. Highlight relevant experiences / qualities as they relate to the position.

Quantitative Research

This is a Quantitative Research assignment. Please use the following article to prepare this assignment.

Record: 1

Title:Adoption of Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Practices in Primary Care for Older Adults with a History of FallsAuthors:Phelan, Elizabeth A.
Aerts, Sally
Dowler, David
Eckstrom, Elizabeth
Casey, Colleen M.Source:Frontiers in Public Health. Sept 8, 2016Publisher Information:Frontiers Research FoundationPublication Year:2016Subject Terms:Primary health care — Research
Evidence-based medicine
Medical research
Medicine, ExperimentalDescription:Author(s): Elizabeth A. Phelan, Sally Aerts, David Dowler, Elizabeth Eckstrom, Colleen M. Casey A multifactorial approach to assess and manage modifiable risk factors is recommended for older adults with a […]Document Type:Author abstract
ReportLanguage:EnglishISSN:2296-2565DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2016.00190Rights:Copyright 2016 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
COPYRIGHT 2016 Frontiers Research FoundationAccession Number:edsgcl.462848439 Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:<a href=””>Adoption of Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Practices in Primary Care for Older Adults with a History of Falls</a> Database:Academic OneFile


The purpose of assignment is to provide experience and feedback with critical appraisal of a quantitative research study. This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achievement of:

CLO 1: Evaluate existing scientific evidence to be used in decision making related to practice, leadership, or education. (ILO and PLO 3, ILO and PLO 7).


Use the provided template to critically appraise a quantitative study. Apply the grading rubrics to make sure that your submission is up to par with the requirements. Additionally, refer to the all unit resources (e.g., readings, recordings, announcements, etc.) to facilitate your process. Please make sure that you are choosing a quantitative study for your appraisal in a timely manner. Therefore, it is suggested to reach out one of our consultants from the USA library.


This assignment is due at the end of week 7 at 11 p.m. A template is provided which describes the expectations for each section. In addition to submitting this template, also MUST submit a PDF of the study that you chose to appraise. If you do not submit the PDF of the study, your assignment is incomplete and a late penalty will apply. The study that you choose should be a study that you will be using for your synthesis project. It must be a quantitative research study (not a systematic review or a qualitative study) or you will receive a 0 for this assignment. No rewrites or resubmissions will be allowed. Graduate level writing is expected. First person is expected because this is your appraisal of the study. The following rubric will be used to score this assignment.

Quantitative Research Critical Appraisal (Template)

Attached Files:

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment


Nursing Theorist

Based on the following theorist and theory, Kurt Lewin __Change Theorydescribe:

1. Background of the theorist

2. Description of the theory

3. Assumptions of the theorist

4. Comparison to your personal philosophy of nursing

5. Application to a clinical situation

Presentation style and creativity

500 -750 Essay On Nursing Shortage Absolutely No Plagiarism Due Tomorrow At 11:00 Am EST

In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.

Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:

  1. The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
  2. The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.
  3. A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.
  4. Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
  5. Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.
  6. A proposed solution to the identified project topic

You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment

My Disease Topic Is Prediabetes/ Four Pages Please/ Public Health

There are a variety of different public health evaluation models that have been used for planning and evaluating smoking and alcohol abuse, youth violence, chronic illness, and cancerous diseases. Some of the most popular models are the Planning Approach to Community Health (PATCH), Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships, Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH), Logic Model, and the Behavior Health Model. These various models are significant when planning public health programs to address or change habits or behavior.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet for research, write a 4–6-page report. Select 3–5 scholarly references to use in support of your response.

Research planning models include the Logic model, Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health (APEXPH), Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH), or CDCynergy. Think about how you might use one of the selected models in a health education program for your selected health issue or health disease topic.

Compare and contrast two of the models covering the following:

  • Address the purpose of each model.
  • Focus on the advantages and disadvantages of each model.
  • Include the various constructs or components of each model.
  • Emphasize the significance or key component of the models.
  • List strategies that are beneficial of each model.
  • Select one model for use in a health education program for your health issue or health disease topic:
  • Explain why your selected model may be more feasible and frequently used at the community level, academic level, or professional level, such as the workplace.

Submission Area:

  • Give reasons and examples in support of your responses. Be sure to address each component of program planning.

2 PG Public Health (HIV/AIDS)Final Project: Stage I—Annotated Bibliography

DUE 6/24 5P.M EST



his week, you explore annotated bibliographies, which are part of a larger systematic review of literature. The main purpose of the annotated bibliography is to delve into the current knowledge base surrounding a chosen problem. Reviewing the literature and discovering the current state of the research will help to identify gaps in the knowledge or questions not yet answered about the problem. An annotated bibliography is usually your “first look” at the published literature relating to a problem of interest. Annotated bibliographies help identify the all-important research question that needs to be addressed related to that problem. According to the Walden Library, an annotated bibliography combines “a set of notes, comments, or critiques” with “a list of references that helps a reader identify sources of information”

What type of information should be included in these notes, comments, and critiques? The annotations should summarize the key information in the article or resource without merely paraphrasing the content. The intent is to provide a succinct analysis of the “why” behind the study you read in the published material. It should be based on your opinion of why the author(s) believed the study was necessary and chose the particular methods of investigation used. Annotations might also include theories and conclusions postulated by the authors. An effective annotation includes the strengths of an article, but even better, the weaknesses or deficiencies as well.



Paper (2pages)

Section I

  • Summarize the health problem related to the particular community you identified for your Final Project.
  • Develop a research question related to a problem.
  • Provide a rationale for your selection of this question, along with supporting data.

Section II

Create an annotated bibliography of research related to this problem. In your annotated bibliography, include the following:

  • Six to eight resources on the identified public health problem related to the research question.
  • For each source, write a brief summary of the key points of the study. Include the problem, main research question, study type, and an analysis of the major findings. You may also include any information or notes that you believe are relevant and would be useful to you as you revisit your bibliography later.
  • An explanation of the problem areas and gaps in the existing research revealed by the annotated bibliography.

The majority of the resources should be primary research. Annotations should describe relevancy and timeliness and should indicate whether the research is primary or secondary.

Personal Energy Equation

Step 1. Calculate your BMI and BMR

On this website, use the calculators to compute your BMI (Body Mass Index) and your BMR ( basal metabolic rate – the calories you burn just staying alive.

Step 2.  Compute your AEE (activity energy expenditure) in planned or spontaneous physical activity.  

  • If your primary form of physical activity is walking, record how far you walked and estimate how briskly you walked. If you regularly workout at a gym or fitness facility, record the length and intensity of your workout. Using a treadmill or other type of exercise machine will give you a lot of information, but if you don’t have access to that equipment just write down what you do, how long you do it, and estimate intensity.
  • You can also use any of the mobile apps, FitBit or other tracking devices, or an old fashioned pedometer to track the number of steps you walked.

Step 3: Compute your TEE (total energy expenditure)

Add your BMR and an average of your AEE for the day you tracked your physical activity.

Step 4: Depict and Discuss Your Energy Equation

  • Devise a way of showing how your input compares to your output. This can be a simple table, a graph, or a chart.
  • Using the link below, write a brief discussion in which you address the following questions:
  • Did input and output come close to balancing each other out? Was output more than input, or was the opposite true?
  • Its not just calorie totals that are important in diet analysis. Looking at the total energy input for the day you tracked, were the proportions of each of the three macronutrients in line with the Guideline recommendations? Does your total calorie intake represent the concept of proportionality so that you have a “balanced” diet?
    • Did carbohydrates supply 50-60% of your total caloric intake? Were added sugars less than 10% of your total carbohydrate intake?
    • Did 25-30% of your total caloric intake come from fats, with less than 10% being from saturated fats?
    • Did protein (plant and animal) account for no more than 15-25% of your total caloric intake?
  • If you were to make every day for the next six months look like this one, do you think you would lose or gain weight? Why? 
  • Be sure to include your “energy equation”in the body of your paper.
  • Attach as Word documents copies of your Nutrient Report and your Activity Report from SuperTracker or an equivalent app. (

1 Page Public Health (Creating An Algorithm) HIV/AIDS

DUE 6/24 4 P.M EST



Tracking the spread of diseases can be an intricate, complex, and labor-intensive process. As a result, automated surveillance systems utilizing algorithms are employed to interpret data. In this segment of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, you develop a simple algorithm to interpret data related to the disease  (HIV/AIDS) To aid your development, review your Learning Resources and research the construction of algorithms.

To complete this portion of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, write a 1-page paper that addresses the following: (ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN PAPER)

  • 1)Identify the indicators you chose to include and explain why they are appropriate.
  • 2)Describe the logical process of the algorithm (you may wish to illustrate using a diagram).
  • 3)Justify any other salient features of the algorithm.
  • 4)Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the algorithm.

Epidemiology /Nursing

Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the  lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or  attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7%  percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with asthma and there have  been a growing number of new cases since that time. There are several  known risk factors identified as triggers of asthma symptoms and  episodes, including inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection,  cold air, vigorous exercise, and emotional upsets. There is also growing  evidence relating body-mass index to asthma in both children and  adults. Design a study to investigate whether there is such an  association.

Choose a study design and justify the reasons you chose the design over others.

Select a statistical measure you would use to describe the association (if there is one) between body mass index and asthma.

In addition, address:

  1. Subject selection
  2. Issues relating to the measurement of both the exposure and the outcome
  3. Potential biases that the study might be prone to, and how they might be handled
  4. Possible confounding factors and effect modifiers and how to overcome their effect

Present the information in a 750-1000-word report, using section  headings where each requirement is described and justified under each of  the following headings: Study Design, Statistical Measures, Subject  Selection, and Measurement Issues.

Refer to the “Key Elements of a Research Proposal.”

You are required to use a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.  You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.