Health Assignment

The Joint Commission’s Impact and the Importance of Long-Term Care

This is a two-part assignment:

Part One: In preparation for accreditation at its facilities, the administration would like the staff to understand the important benefits of accreditation and how undergoing the accreditation process can enhance quality.

Go to The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Web site (, and answer the following questions. Be sure to set a positive tone that will appeal to and win over staff, emphasizing the benefits accreditation can provide your organization. Format your answers in a memo format and address it to me.

· What exactly are accreditation and certification?

· What is the difference between accreditation and certification?

· What are the benefits of accreditation?

· What are the benefits of Joint Commission certification?

· How can undergoing the accreditation process improve quality at a healthcare facility?

For instructions on how to write a memo, please visit this link.

Part Two:  In a one page, double spaced APA format, define what long term care is and why it has continued to increase in terms of importance amongst the healthcare landscape.  In your response be sure to use examples to augment your findings and include relevant citations.

Health Journal

********DUE IN 5 HOURS*************


Please write at least 150 words PER question (600 words) and cite a reference per question.

1. Provide an overview of what a behavioral health healthcare venue is and how these services compare to more traditional healthcare venues. In your response, please be sure to also include your personal thoughts related to each venue.

2. Consider the purpose of the Joint Commission in terms of how care is delivered in the United States. What does this mean to you in terms of quality of care for patients?

3. Provide an overview, in your own words, of what purpose a Forms/Documentation Committee serves for a Healthcare Organization. Be sure to include how this ultimately impacts patients downstream.

4. Think of a time where you had to fill out forms that seemed to be incredibly redundant when visiting a healthcare provider. What are some ways that medical record redundancies can be reduced using your personal experience?

Healthcare Discussion

**************DUE IN 5 HRS ********************

For Each Question, Please Write AT LEAST 100 Words Per Question. Please Cite All Sources Used.

1. Chapter 3 in your text lists the many different types of healthcare organizations and facilities in which a coder/biller, or IT health systems technician could be employed. From your text, select, and rank order the top three organizations/facilities you would like to work for and explain why, including if you have any personal or work experience with the three you selected.  Be sure to include references for any sources that you have utilized for your response. Please explore a website affiliated with your top three healthcare organization and be sure to provide references at the end of your forum post.

2. An individual’s medical record is an accumulation of all healthcare related events in their life thus far. Discuss the components of the medical record.  What is the purpose of the medical record?  What future changes or modifications would you like to see to the medical record and why?

3. Chapter 6 in your text outlines the Patient Self Determination Act (PDSA) of 1990, types of advance directive forms, and that AD laws and forms required, vary by state. Using the Internet, research the advance directive laws and forms required to be used in the state in which you live, identify your state and provide a summary of those laws, and copy and paste in the URL address(s) that support(s) the information in your post. Share if you do or don’t currently have a legal advance directive, and why or why not? If you so wish, you may also share if your family has had any experiences with family members being critically ill with or without advance directives and what your family would or would not do differently if a similar situation arose.

4. Discuss serial numbering system, unit numbering system, social security numbering system, family numbering system and serial unit numbering. Which system do you prefer and why? You may create a simple chart for each and identify advantages and disadvantages of each.

One Page Reflective Paper

 1 page- Nursing APA (Due in 30 hours)
What do I think of my caring relationships? What are my thoughts on caring relationships, both professionally and personally, and is there continuity? Have I experienced a caring moment?  Did I recognize it when it happened? Do I feel like I could create caring moments now, following this course?


Smith, M. C. & Turkel, M. C. (2012).

Caring in nursing classics: An essential resource.

New York, NY:

Springer Publishing.

ISBN: 978-0826171115

Book link from google:

Watson, J. (2008).The philosophy and science of caring, revised edition. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado.

Book link from google:

Essay No Plagiarism Due Tuesday June 27 At 4:00 Pm

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.

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Educational Preparation

Write a formal paper of 750-1,000 words that addresses the following:

  1. Discuss the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureate-degree level.
  2. Identify a patient care situation in which you describe how nursing care or approaches to decision-making may differ based upon the educational preparation of the nurse (BSN versus a diploma or ADN degree).


For additional help finding research on this topic, refer to the GCU Library tutorial located at in the Student Success Center.

Refer to the “American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Fact Sheet: Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce” as a resource.

Refer to the assigned readings for concepts that help support your main points.

Refer to “Grand Canyon University College of Nursing Philosophy.” This is an informational resource to assist in completing the assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Clinical Standard Presentations

Each student will present a Clinical Practice Presentation . The focus of the presentation must reflect current treatment recommendations from accepted professional organizations.


Students are expected to expand their use of resources for evidence-based practice beyond the required text, and explore nursing and related literature to improve their understanding and application of advanced interventions. Each student will present a Clinical Practice Presentation. The focus of the presentation must reflect current treatment recommendations from accepted professional organizations. Presentations will be evaluated related to the criteria listed. Presentations must be no more than 8 slides in a PowerPoint format with a Reference List in APA format, will be no more than 15 minutes in length. Topics will be listed and students must sign up for presentation by the second week of the course. Topics may include: pneumonia, COPD, Parkinson’s, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, Asthma, joint replacement, psoriasis, and others.

Grading Criteria

In order to get the full grade you must have all this aspects


Presents the case including CC, HPI, Hx, ROS and PE findings concisely


List possible differential diagnosis with supporting/excluding criteria.


What labs or tests are typically ordered in relation to this condition? What results should the

NP expects to see with this diagnosis?


What medications are typically prescribed for this condition? List specific drugs, starting doses, dose ranges, precautions to keep in mind when prescribing these drugs.


What are the outcomes expected or unexpected for this specific condition? And What patient outcomes will trigger a referral?


Provide patient teaching materials specific to their condition

Cover Letter

You will find a job announcement of interest to you and write a letter of application to the job as ARNP ( nurse practitioner) Be sure to address the qualifications and job requirements that the employer is seeking in your letter. Market yourself to the employer by highlighting your experiences that will make you a good candidate for this job.

Resume/Cover Letter

A resume is a personal document whose purpose is to promote one in a positive manner. This resume will be a current true representation of you as a professional Nurse practitioner. You can focus it as if you were applying for your current position. Each section in the resume should have a heading. Design should be uniform throughout the document and power words should be included. All sections must be flawless for spelling, punctuation, grammar, truth, etc. This resume should be accompanying by a cover letter. The cover letter formally introduces you and creates a critical first impression Should be specifically tailored to a specific position and company. Use professional vocabulary and style. Highlight relevant experiences / qualities as they relate to the position.

Quantitative Research

This is a Quantitative Research assignment. Please use the following article to prepare this assignment.

Record: 1

Title:Adoption of Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Practices in Primary Care for Older Adults with a History of FallsAuthors:Phelan, Elizabeth A.
Aerts, Sally
Dowler, David
Eckstrom, Elizabeth
Casey, Colleen M.Source:Frontiers in Public Health. Sept 8, 2016Publisher Information:Frontiers Research FoundationPublication Year:2016Subject Terms:Primary health care — Research
Evidence-based medicine
Medical research
Medicine, ExperimentalDescription:Author(s): Elizabeth A. Phelan, Sally Aerts, David Dowler, Elizabeth Eckstrom, Colleen M. Casey A multifactorial approach to assess and manage modifiable risk factors is recommended for older adults with a […]Document Type:Author abstract
ReportLanguage:EnglishISSN:2296-2565DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2016.00190Rights:Copyright 2016 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
COPYRIGHT 2016 Frontiers Research FoundationAccession Number:edsgcl.462848439 Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:<a href=””>Adoption of Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Practices in Primary Care for Older Adults with a History of Falls</a> Database:Academic OneFile


The purpose of assignment is to provide experience and feedback with critical appraisal of a quantitative research study. This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achievement of:

CLO 1: Evaluate existing scientific evidence to be used in decision making related to practice, leadership, or education. (ILO and PLO 3, ILO and PLO 7).


Use the provided template to critically appraise a quantitative study. Apply the grading rubrics to make sure that your submission is up to par with the requirements. Additionally, refer to the all unit resources (e.g., readings, recordings, announcements, etc.) to facilitate your process. Please make sure that you are choosing a quantitative study for your appraisal in a timely manner. Therefore, it is suggested to reach out one of our consultants from the USA library.


This assignment is due at the end of week 7 at 11 p.m. A template is provided which describes the expectations for each section. In addition to submitting this template, also MUST submit a PDF of the study that you chose to appraise. If you do not submit the PDF of the study, your assignment is incomplete and a late penalty will apply. The study that you choose should be a study that you will be using for your synthesis project. It must be a quantitative research study (not a systematic review or a qualitative study) or you will receive a 0 for this assignment. No rewrites or resubmissions will be allowed. Graduate level writing is expected. First person is expected because this is your appraisal of the study. The following rubric will be used to score this assignment.

Quantitative Research Critical Appraisal (Template)

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