Details: Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance

Details: Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance

Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization
Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization. If you are not currently employed in a health care setting, you may elect to attend a committee meeting at another company, a community center, a local school, local chamber of commerce or other professional organization.

Observe the interactions between committee members and the process used by the committee to arrive at decisions.

In 500-750 words, describe the function of the committee and the roles of those in attendance. Describe your observations of the interactions between members of the committee and determine whether the process used to arrive at decisions is a form of shared governance.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines

In addition to your textbook,The Interprofessional Health Care Team: Leadership and Development”. A minimum of FOUR academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

  • attachment


Security Of Health Care Records

Post a 1 page in APA style ( No more than 250 word) analysis of the nurse’s responsibility to protect patient information and the extent that HIT has made it easier or more difficult to protect patient privacy. Comment on any security or ethical issues related to the use of portable devices to store information. Assess the strategies your organization uses to safeguard patient information and how these promote a culture of safety. Describe an area where improvement is needed and one strategy that could address the situation.


FYI: •Review the Learning Resources dealing with the security of digital health care information. Reflect on your own organization or one with which you are familiar, and think about how health information stored electronically is protected. •Consider the nurse’s responsibility to ensure the protection of patient information. What strategies can you use? •Reflect on ethical issues that are likely to arise with the increased access to newer, smaller, and more powerful technology tools. •Consider strategies that can be implemented to ensure that the use of HIT contributes to an overall culture of safety.

HITECH Legislation

Post a 1 page in APA style ( No more than 250 word) description of how HITECH legislation has positively or negatively impacted your organization. Address how its related incentives influence the adoption of health information technology in health care and impact the quality of patient care. Provide a summary of the article you identified and explain how it demonstrates the ability of health information technology to meet the requirements of meaningful use. CITE SOURCES & USE AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES.


•Review the Learning Resources on the HITECH legislation and its primary goals. •Reflect on the positive and negative impact this legislation has had on your organization or one with which you are familiar. •Consider the incentives to encourage the use of EHRs. Focus on the definition of meaningful use and how it is measured. •Reflect on how the incentives and meaningful use impact the quality of patient care. •Find an article in the Walden Library dealing with one of the criteria to qualify for meaningful use and how it has been successfully met.

Using Health Information Technology As A Source Of Evidence-Based Practice

Post a 1 page in APA style( No more than 250 word)description of your practice concern. Outline how you used health information technology to locate evidence-based practices that address this concern. Cite and include insights from the resources. Analyze how health information technology supports evidence-based practice. CITE SOURCES AND USE AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES.

FYI:  Read the following scenario from the text (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018 p. 506):Consider how the resources identified in the scenario above could influence an organization’s practice. •Twelve-hour shifts are problematic for patient and nurse safety, and yet hospitals continue to keep the 12-hour shift schedule. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine (Board on Health Care Services & Institute of Medicine, 2004) published a report that referred to studies as early as 1988 that discussed the negative effects of rotating shifts on intervention accuracy. Workers with 12-hour shifts realized more fatigue than workers on 8-hour shifts. In another study done in Turkey by Ilhan, Durukan, Aras, Turkcuoglu, and Aygun (2006), factors relating to increased risk for injury were age of 24 or less, less than 4 years of nursing experience, working in the surgical intensive care units, and working for more than 8 hours.  • •Select an issue in your practice that is of concern to you. Using health information technology, locate at least three evidence-based practice resources that address your concern and that could possibly inform further action.

Understanding Workflow Design

Post a 1 page in APA style( No more than 250 word) summary of three different concepts you found in “Workflow Assessment for Health IT Toolkit” that would help in redesigning a workflow in the organization in which you work (or one with which you are familiar) and describe how you would apply them. Next, summarize the article you selected and assess how you could use the information to improve workflow within your organization. Finally, evaluate the importance of monitoring the effect of technology on workflow. Cite Sources and use at least 3 references.

I can upload the Workflow Assessment for Health IT Toolkit, if that would be easier.

Successful Implementation Of Electronic Health Information Technology

Post  a 1 page in APA( no more than 250 words) analysis of the ramifications of an organization not involving nurses in each stage of the systems development life cycle when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Give specific examples of potential issues at each stage and how the inclusion of nurses could help avoid such issues. CITE SOURCES, USE AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES

FYI: To prepare: •Review the steps of the systems development life cycle. •Think about your own organization, or one with which you are familiar, and the steps the organization goes through when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. •Consider what a nurse could contribute to decisions made at each stage when planning for new health information technology. What might be the consequences of not involving nurses? •Reflect on your own experiences with your organization selecting and implementing new technology. As an end user, do you feel you had any input in the selection or and planning of the new HIT system?

Benefits And Challenges Of Electronic Health Records In Health Care

Post a 1 page (not over 250 words) overview of at least three challenges in the implementation of electronic health records and provide an example of each challenge. Develop strategies for addressing each challenge based on what has been demonstrated to be successful. Cite your resources. Use at least 3 References

FYI: •If applicable, consider your own experiences with implementing EHRs. What were some positive aspects of the implementation? What suggestions would you make to improve the process? •Reflect on the reactions of others during the implementation process. Were concerns handled effectively?

Personal Goal Statement MSN FNP

Write an essay explaining your goal for MSN FNP program and plans to maintain your success in the program.

Masters Degree Family Nurse Practitioner program.

FYI: I graduated from the associate degree registered Nursing program and the Bachelor degree Nursing program from this same school this statement to be sent. I have had some hiccups during my program due to family tragedies, unclear goals, my disability of Cataplexy and Narcolepsy untreated.

Community Nursing Clinical

Research the different nursing care facilities in your community. Discuss the pros and cons of the facility in terms of what they offer. Provide a brief report with the following questions:

• What is the basic rate for room, board, and services (it’s a good idea to get this information in writing)?
• What services are covered by this rate?
• Are there other services available and how much do they cost?
• What are the payment policies?
• What is the refund policy if someone leaves before the end of a month?
• What is the policy for rate increases?
• How long has the current administration been in place?
• Is there enough staff available to meet my needs?
• Is there frequent staff turnover?
• Is some level of nursing care provided (RN, LPN, Nursing
• Assistant)? How often is it available?
• Who will help me with medications if I need it (e.g. reminding me to take them, opening the bottle)?
• Can someone administer medications to me if I can’t take them myself (e.g. applying medication to my skin, putting a pill in my mouth)?
• Can someone help me if I need special care (e.g. caring for a wound)?
• What happens if I have an emergency? Can I get help right away?
• Are staffs suitably dressed, personable, and outgoing?
• Do the staff members treat residents with respect and dignity?
• Do staff members treat each other in a professional manner?
• What language does most of the staff speak?
• What type of help with personal care is available (e.g. bathing, dressing)?
• How flexible is the schedule for receiving help with personal care?
• What, if any, transportation services are available? (e.g. medical appointments, shopping, religious services).
• Will staff arrange for activities (e.g. hair appointment, concert)?
• How does the home support and accommodate personal hobbies?
• Are there regularly planned activities that I will enjoy?
• Will I be able to attend religious services of my choice?
• Can I bring my pet with me when I move?
• When can I have visitors?
• Are there shops, a library, a park, or other amenities within walking distance?
• Is the home close to activities I enjoy?
• Is the home on a bus line?
• Is there an outside area to sit, walk, or garden?
• Are there shops, a library, a park, or other amenities within walking distance?
• Is the home close to activities I enjoy?
• Is the home on a bus line?
• Is there an outside area to sit, walk, or garden?
• Is the floor plan easy to follow?
• Are doorways, hallways, and rooms accommodating to wheelchairs and walkers?
• Are there hand rails to help with walking and in the bathroom?
• Are cupboards and shelves easy to reach?
• Are there nonskid floors and firm carpets to assist walking?
• Does the home have good natural and artificial lighting?
• Is the home clean, free of odors, and well heated and cooled?
• Does the home meet my standards of cleanliness?
• Is the home free from obvious environmental hazards?
• Are the home’s rooms clean, safe, and adequate for my needs?
• Will I have free use of common areas, such as the kitchen, activity rooms, toilet facilities, dining room, or grounds?
• Can I smoke in my room or in common areas?
• What furniture is provided?
• Can I bring along some of my furniture or other personal items?
• Can I adjust the temperature of my room?
• Is there a sit-down shower?
• Can I have my own personal phone line or internet connection?
• Are emergency procedures clearly posted?
• Am I able to lock my room and/or are there locked areas in each room for personal valuables?
• Is the food pleasing, nutritious, adequate, and attractively served?
• What if I don’t like what is being served?
• Can I cook in my room?
• Are snacks available?
• Are there specific meal times or are they flexible?
• Is there a refrigerator available to store my personal food?
• Will the home meet my dietary or cultural food preferences?
• Can I request special foods?
• Do other residents socialize with each other and appear happy and comfortable?
• Do residents speak favorably of the facility?
• Do the residents look like people I want to live with?
• How are room changes and roommate concerns addressed?
• Is there a resident group that meets?
• Do any of the other residents have a history of violent or other problem behaviors? How are these situations handled by staff?

Annotated Bibliography REVISION Needed ( Work Already Done)

I have already found the Primary research Articles and summarized them. You just need to fill in the MATHODS USED AND LIMITATIONS for each article following these Instructions attached for every single article: Is a REVISION of my work; it can be done very fast.