Unit 6 Discussion 1 – Research Theory Peer Review

Note: You are required to complete this discussion before submitting the unit assignment.

For this discussion, complete the following:

1. Describe the background of your study.

2. Demonstrate how answering your research question will advance scientific knowledge base.

3. Discuss the implications and contributions of your study to your specialization.

4. Be sure to include in-text citations from the academic literature on your chosen topic.

Once you have received feedback from other learners, complete the unit assignment based on your revised discussion post.


Use your Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design text to complete the following:

Review Chapter 3, “Designing a Qualitative Study.” Focus on the subsection, “The Design Structures of a Plan or Proposal.”

Read Chapter 6, “Introducing and Focusing the Study,” pages 127–146.

a.  Focus on the following subsections:

1. “Introducing and Focusing the Study.”

2. “The Research Problem Statement.”

Review Percy, Kostere, and Kostere’s 2015 article, “Generic Qualitative Research in Psychology,” from The Qualitative Report, volume 20, issue 2, pages 76–85.

Library Search

Use the library to conduct a brief literature review related to your chosen topic, in preparation for describing the background and addressing how the research  question will advance the scientific knowledge base. You will use this literature review in the unit discussion.

Read the Transcript –  Qualitative Research Proposal 

This illustration help to guide you as you develop the various components of your course project. Boxcars are added to the train as you progress through the course. Each boxcar provides information regarding the development of

individual components of a research proposal.

INTRODUCTION – Advancing Scientific Knowledge, Implications, and Contributions

When choosing a topic for the development of a qualitative study, it is essential that the topic meet the criteria of advancing scientific knowledge within the academic discipline. The issues that need to be addressed are the following:

Will the study advance the scientific knowledge base?

Is the study grounded in the discipline?

Does the study address something that is not known, something that is new or different from prior research, something that extends prior research, or something that fills a gap in the existing literature?

What are the theoretical and practical implications of the study?

How does the study contribute to the discipline?


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Identify components of scientific merit (advances the knowledge base, contributes to theories, and meets the hallmarks of good research).

2. Critically evaluate the individual components of scientific merit of research studies.

3. Demonstrate how answering a specific research question will advance scientific knowledge base.

Reflective Journal Week 6

p see attached documents for instructions.

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Nutrition/ Core Nutritional Science Assignment/No Plagiarism/Deadline Close

Nutrition/ Core Nutritional Science Assignment/no plagiarism/deadline close




Directions. Using Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of your textbook as a reference, answer the following questions. Please include the questions with your answers. Be sure to put your name on your document. Your answers should be thoughtful, complete, and in Standard English. Credit will not be given for answers copied from online sources.

2. Your friend Tiffany is taking a nutrition course at another local community college. She is having difficulty understanding the unit about the energy yielding pathways of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Help her by discussing how the basic units of carbohydrate, protein, and fat are utilized in energy pathways to produce energy. Be thorough. Include their differences and similarities?

3. Tina W. is a 44 year old white female who has tried a number of weight-loss programs to include very strict diets. She has never exercised in her previous weight loss attempts. She takes several cardiac medications, none of which she can remember. She is 5’9” and weighs 195 pounds. Her lowest body weight was 135 pounds, when she was 30 years old. (She was able to maintain that weight for two years.) Her blood pressure is high, at 160/90. Tina mentioned that she tried numerous diets as a teenager when she weighed 170 pounds for 3 years.

a. Using the formulae  in your text book, calculate Tina’s:

1. BMR (Hint: Be sure to read note b in the BMR column of Table 8-1). What is the meaning of your calculation?

2. Estimated Energy Requirements. Assume a sedentary activity level. What is the meaning of your calculation?

Show your work for both questions. 

b. What types of exercise would you be likely to discuss with Tina? 

c. What would be the goals of her treatment? 

4. Determine your BMI. Is your BMI in a healthy range? If not, why not? Do you believe that measuring body fat percentage may more accurately reflect your body composition? Briefly discuss each body composition measure (e.g. skinfold calipers, bioelectrical impedance analysis, etc.) and discuss why measuring body fat is important in assessing a client’s overall health status. 

5. Select one fad diet from any popular publication or online source. Using the ‘How To H9-1’ Box for Identifying a Fad Diet or Other Weight-Loss Scam (Highlight 9, page 291) of your textbook, evaluate the diet. 

6. List and briefly explain the four main components of energy expenditure?

7. Kristin B. , like many Americans is overweight. Kristin is 43-year-old and a mother of two. She has gained 40 pounds since the birth of her youngest child five years ago. She is 64 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds with a BMI of 29.2. Her waist circumference is 37 inches. Kristin can’t figure out why it is so hard to lose weight and keep it off.

Kristin decides something must be wrong with her to be such a dieting failure. Maybe she just doesn’t have sufficient willpower or maybe she has abnormal metabolism. She feels tired most of the time and has very little energy. She is very busy with her children and has a demanding job as a middle school teacher. Kristin tries to cook healthy meals for her family but is often too tired or stressed to bother, so she stops to get some fast food on her way home. To make matters worse, her seven year-old son recently came home from school and said the kids were teasing him for being fat.

Kristin’s father recently died from complications of type 2 diabetes. At her last medical checkup, her blood pressure was mildly elevated but all of her laboratory blood tests were normal.

Kristin decides it is time to make some changes for her entire family but she doesn’t know quite where to start. She hopes she can help her son by finding a diet that works for him. Complicating the problem is the fact that Kristin’s husband doesn’t have a weight problem. Knowing that you are studying nutrition, Kristin decides to ask you for advice.

a. Based on her health history and physical measurements, describe how you would determine the seriousness of Kristin’s weight gain in relation to her health. 

b. Using the information in chapter 9, what would you estimate to be a reasonable amount of weight for Kristin to lose over the next six months? 

c. What are some advantages for Kristin of keeping a food and exercise record? What other habits besides food intake and physical activity may be especially useful for Kristin to record?

d. You advise Kristin to limit her daily caloric intake to 1,400 kcalories. Use Table 9-3 to plan one day of meals and snacks to meet her nutritional needs within this calorie level. Use the chart below (one row is already completed):


Pattern (e.g.    fruit, vegetables, grain, etc.) – from Table 9-2

check attachment for table

TEXTBOOK:  Understanding Nutrition, 15th edition. The publisher is Cengage

Substance Misuse

1. Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses?

How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes?

2. What action is suggested when you are faced with an angry or hostile coworker?

3. Why is substance misuse among nurses a serious concern? What is the most appropriate way to handle a suspicion that a coworker may be involved in serious substance misuse?

4. What is the most common physical injury experienced by LPNs and nursing assistants? How can a nurse manager help staff avoid physical injury at work?

5. Describe several examples of sexual harassment in the workplace. Discuss methods of dealing with these instances.

6. Review the policies and procedures on the following safety issues in your current clinical rotation. Compare with other students in the class. What are the similarities and differences? What might this mean in terms of workplace safety?

• Latex allergies

• Needlestick injuries

• Violence

3. Go to the ANA website and explore the sections on workplace and patient safety under the heading “Professional Nursing Practice.”

Which concepts discussed in these sections are particularly important to the beginning RN? Why?

4. Interview one of the staff nurses on your unit. Explore his or her feelings and concerns related to the following topics. Based on the comments, develop strategies to address the concerns.

• Substance abuse among nurses

• Emergency preparation

• Quality of work life within the organization


The Institute Of Medicine Has Stated A Goal That 90% Of Practice Be Evidence-Based By 2020.

The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to HealthyPeople.gov, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal, and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

Discuss How Your Present Family Differs Or Is Similar To Your Parents’ Families. Give 5 Examples In How They Differ And What The Rationale For The Difference Is (I.E. Migration, External Factors, Etc.)

Discuss how your present family differs or is similar to your parents’ families. Give 5 examples in how they differ and what the rationale for the difference is (i.e. migration, external factors, etc.)

Identify Two Grand Canyon University Library Scholarly Databases

Identify two Grand Canyon University Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your EBP proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search.

How Does This Hospital Experience Meet Your Course Objectives (Professional Capstone And Practicum) ?

How does this Hospital experience meet your course objectives (Professional Capstone and Practicum) ?



During this course, the student will:

  1. Work constructively with patients, communities, organizational leadership, and other change agents to improve practice within health care settings.
  2. Apply Healthy People 2020 principles in nursing practice.
  3. Synthesize nursing knowledge and concepts into an evidence-based change proposal for an issue or problem relevant to nursing practice and population health outcomes.
  4. Identify resources required to implement a clinical change in nursing practice.
  5. Communicate information and strategies to stakeholders in order to implement and sustain an evidence-based change proposal.
  6. Determine reliable methods to measure the effectiveness of an evidence-based change proposal project in achieving the intended outcomes.

Applying “Evidence-Based Practice”

Applying “Evidence-Based Practice”  Population groups with differences determined by culture, religion or ethnicity also show differences in terms of illness behavior and beliefs.  Discuss a patient population that are at risk and apply evidence-based practice guidelines in management of their illnesses across the age continuum.

Translating Evidence Into Clinical Practice

Translating Evidence into Clinical Practice  Choose one evidence-based practice that you see yourself using as a provider in your clinical practice and discuss how it meets the listed benefits.  Why should we, as healthcare providers, use evidence-based practice?  Evidence-based practice benefits: •Leads to highest quality care and patient outcomes •Reduces health care costs •Reduces geographic variations in the delivery of care •Increases healthcare provider empowerment and role satisfaction •Reduces healthcare provider turnover rate •Increases reimbursement from 3rd party payers •Reduces complications and payment denials •Meets the expectation of an informed public  Include 3 evidence-based articles to support your work that are less than 3 years old.  Before finalizing your work, you should: •be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above); •consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and •utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.  Your writing Assignment should: •follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); •be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; •display superior content, organization, style; and •use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.