compilation of health improvement opportunities for the next decade

compilation of health improvement opportunities for the next decade

Complete 7 page APA formatted essay: Healthy People 2010 Indicator in my Community.As a community, our commitment to work towards the key focus areas and meeting of health objectives can be an indicator of a society moving towards its goal of healthy people 2010.Surgeon General David Satcher describes Healthy People 2010as “an encyclopedic compilation of health improvement opportunities for the next decade.


”3The 467 target objectives of mission Healthy People 2010 have been broadly divided into 28 focus areas4:Access Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Chronic BackConditionsCancer Chronic Kidney DiseaseDiabetes Disability and Secondary ConditionsEnvironmental Health Educational and Community-Based ProgramsFamily Planning Food SafetyHealth Communication Heart Disease and StrokeHIV/AIDS Immunization and Infectious DiseasesInjury/Violence Prevention Maternal, Infant, Child Health Medical Product Safety Mental Health and Mental Disorders Nutrition and Overweight Occupational Safety and Health Oral Health Physical Activity and Fitness Asthma/Respiratory Diseases Public Health Infrastructure. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Substance Abuse (including alcohol)Tobacco Use Vision and Hearing In the paper, I will be focusing on Asthma as an indicator of Healthy People 2010 in my community.

Herein I will talk about: The prevalence of Asthma cases. Its impact on the society. The measures taken by us to make our community Asthma free by 2010The measures taken for handling this problem successfully and overall access to quality healthy services for fighting this problem along with education awareness against causes and cure of Asthma will be instrumental in indicating the success of Healthy People 2010 mission. In the earlier times, only old aged people were known to suffer from respiratory problems like Asthma compilation of health improvement opportunities for the next decade.



As discussed in this week’s readings, data warehousing is a method of data storage that allows for streamlined data management and retrievalData mining software aids in clarifying the relationships between stored data and assists in retrieving specific information as needed. In health care organizations, the information this process yields can be used to cut costs and improve patient care.

For this Discussion, you explore the concept of data mining from a health care perspective.


To prepare:

  • What are the potential benefits of using data mining in health care?
  • Review the information in the Learning Resources on the different types of data warehousing and how the one selected impacts data mining.
  • Review the Hey article, “The Next Scientific Revolution.” Consider how data mining through machine learning can be applied to health care.
  • Reflect on the information on data mining provided in Section 13.6.1 in the course text,  Coronel, C. & Morris, S. (2015). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, and consider how it connects to the content in the Hey article. According to the text, are the data mining techniques Hey describes guided or automated? HEALTH CARE DATA MINING
  • Using the Walden Library, locate at least one specific example of each type of data mining (guided and automated) in health care. The examples you identify should be different from the examples discussed in the Hey article.
  • Reflect on your initial impressions of automated data mining in health care. What are your thoughts on applying this type of data mining to patient care? Consider possible drawbacks of both guided and automated data mining. What approaches and strategies could be used to address those concerns?
  • Consider any ethical ramifications of using data mining or machine learning as a tool for prognosis.

Post on or before Day 3 an analysis of how data mining can be beneficial to a health care system. Assess how the type of data warehousing used can impact the ability to mine data. Describe examples of the successful use of guided data mining and automated data mining within health care and cite your source. Describe any reservations you have or ethical issues you foresee in using data mining to provide health care information. What approaches and strategies could be used to address those concerns? Justify your responses HEALTH CARE DATA MINING.



Throughout this course, you were provided case studies that focused on cardiovascular, pulmonary, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal disorders. You will pick one of these cases to analyze and create a comprehensive care plan for acute/chronic care, disease prevention, and health promotion for that patient and disorder. Your care plan should be based on current best practices and supported with citations from current literature, such as systematic reviews, published practice guidelines, standards of care from specialty organizations, and other research based resources. In addition, you will provide a detailed scientific rationale that justifies the inclusion of this evidence in your plan. Your paper should adhere to APA format for title page, headings, citations, and references. The paper should be no more than 10 pages typed excluding title page and references HEART DISORDERS.


  • Case Study Evaluation
    • Analyze the disorder addressing the following elements: pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, progression trajectory, diagnostic testing, and treatment options.
    • Differentiate the disorder from normal development.
    • Discuss the physical and psychological demands the disorder places on the patient and family.
    • Explain the key concepts that must be shared with the patient and family to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
    • Identify key interdisciplinary team personnel needed and how this team will provide care to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
    • Interpret facilitators and barriers to optimal disorder management and outcomes.
    • Describe strategies to overcome the identified barriers.
  • Care Plan Synthesis
    • Design a comprehensive and holistic recognition and planning for the disorder.   
    • Address how the patient’s socio-cultural background can potentially impact optimal management and outcomes.
    • Demonstrate an evidence-based approach to address key issues identified in the case study.               
    • Formulate a comprehensive but tailored approach to disorder management.


A 52-year-oldIrish American male is discharged from the hospital.He was hospitalized for four days after astent placement, following admission fromthe emergency room with angina symptoms. This patient presentedto the emergency roomwith four hours of crushing chest pain. He wasshort of breath withexertion anddiaphoretic. The patient thought he washaving a heart attack and was afraid to come to the hospital. Thesymptoms lasted for four days before the patient sought help. The patient had been sufferingfrom similarsymptoms for thepast six months but thought that he just out of shape. It was worseupon admission to the hospital.Prior to this,

the symptoms disappeared with rest HEART DISORDERS.

Hissymptoms were relieved in the emergency department with medication andhe was transferred tothe cardiac floor forcatheterization.

The patient’s symptoms were highly debilitating uponhis admissionto the emergency department.

Prior to his admission to the hospital for this event, the patient was not very active because of his angina symptoms. The pain that he hadwas substernal and crushing and radiated to his neck and jaw. Hissymptoms resolve with rest only. He has not sought any therapeutic maneuvers.

He iscurrently asymptomatic and is here for a follow-up visit from his hospitalization to discuss his risk factors. The patientis still concernedthat he may have other episodes of angina, even after the stentplacement.


The patient has not sought care for his problems in the past. He had been treated for hypertension and high cholesterol in the past but stopped medication on his own.Besides that, he has had no othersignificant illnesses.

He was hospitalized for acholecysectomyten years ago.

This patient had a baselineEKG at his doctor’s officewhen he wasfirst prescribed his blood pressure medication. Otherwise he’s hadno other investigations forheart diseasebesides his cholesterol levels checks.

Results of LaboratoryInvestigationsFollowingHospitalization

Total cholesterol – 210

LDL- 200

HDL- 25

Triglycerides– 250

Fasting bloodsugar – 140

HgbA1c – 7.5

CXR – hyperinflation of the lungs – no infiltrate

EKG – no change from baseline.

Risk Factors:

•      High blood pressure

•      Hypercholesterolemia

•      Type 2 diabetes

•      Android obesity

•      Cigarette smoker

•      Positivefamilyhistory

Past surgicalhistory of Cholecysectomy, almost 10 years agewithout any complications HEART DISORDERS.



Review of systems is otherwise negative


Tenormin XL50 mg daily Lipitor 10 mg daily Glucophage– 500mg BID BabyASAdaily

Patient is now compliantwith the prescribed regimen, but wasn’t in the past. The medicines were prescribed bythe physicianwho discharged him fromthe coronary care unit.


Patient has no known drugallergies


The patient is a high school graduate and a licensed carpenter andis anxious to get back to work because of finances. His income is around $50,000.00 per year. Hiswife is currently disabled

with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. The patient hasdisruptedself-efficacy because he is not sure whether hecan care for his wife, who needs his help, now that he is sick. They live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford a vacation.They have three grown-up childrenwhohave left home and do not live in the area.The patient has lived in thesamecity all his life. He does not participate insports or any other physical activity. Thestreets of hisneighborhoodare not safe for exercising; the crime rate is high. Thereis little community socialization and most people areat

the poverty level.

He is thesolebreadwinner in the family. Hisstress level is very high because of the impending bills that he needs to pay while he is not able towork. He believes that a man should be able to care for his family and be strong enoughnot to suffer from any illnesses himself.

The patient and hiswife live in a one-bedroom apartment in an inner city, quiteisolated fromtheir community. They do not have any relatives living in the area nor dothey socialize with neighbors. He has little emotional or socialsupport.He is stressed most of the time and is now suffering from depressive symptomssuchas sleeping excessively and over eating HEART DISORDERS.

This patient has health insurance through the union to which he belongs, but it does not offer complete coverage of all his prescriptionmedications.Though he goes to a clinic that is associatedwith the hospital, he does not alwayssee the same primary care provider. HABITS

•      Diet Habits

The patient usually eats one large meala day afterwork.Heskipsbreakfastmostofthetimes and eats fast food for lunch.He eats fewfruits and vegetables; mostly pasta andmeat at home.

He feels that he got all the exercise he needed whenhe was a young man, and the exercise he gets as a carpenter now issufficient to keep him healthy.

Smoking: Hesmokes 1 pack per day from the past 30years

Alcohol: Does not drink

SubstanceUse: Denies street drug use


He’s alwaysbeen acarpenter; has no hobbies and reads at home.


He has two older brotherswho are being treated forhigh blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Both brothers were diagnosedwith these disorders intheir early forties.

Both parentsare deceased; father from heart disease,and motherfrom breastcancer.


Vital Signs: BP: 160/92 left are sitting; P:60 ; R: 16;T: 98;Wt: 220#;Ht:– 70” HEENT:WNL

Lymph Nodes:None

Lungs:Decreased breathsounds throughout, no adventitioussounds

Heart:RRRwithout murmur


Abdomen: Android obesity, WC = 44 inches

Rectum: Notexamined

Genital/Pelvic: NA

Extremities, Including Pulses:

Decreased pedal pulses BL with lower leg edema from ankle to mid calf. Neurologic: Not examined

EKG: No change from baseline HEART DISORDERS

Practicum Project

Practicum Project

The development and completion of your Practicum Project is a significant milestone in your Master of Science in Nursing program of study. It is now time to share the results of your effort. As you know, there are many traditional formats you can use to share your results, such as presenting at a professional conference or publishing an article in a journal. As a leader with advanced practice knowledge, you may also have the opportunity to present your results virtually. Webinars and virtual workshops are additional methods professionals can use to share knowledge and evidence-based findings. 

As you prepare to share your presentation virtually in this Discussion, think about what you would like to convey about your project to your colleagues in this course and to your practicum Faculty Member. What considerations should you take into account as you prepare to present your Practicum Project findings, conclusions, and recommendations online? What strategies can you use to ensure your presentation clearly articulates your results in the virtual environment? Keep these thoughts in mind as you prepare your final draft of your Practicum Project presentation Practicum Project.


To prepare:

Review the Practicum Project Presentation Overview document, included in the Week 9 Learning Resources, and preview the instructions in this week’s Assignment.

Review the information in the Learning Resources, including the suggestions for creating effective PowerPoint presentations.

Consider the distinctions between delivering a presentation in person, e.g., at a professional conference or at your practicum site, and presenting online. What considerations do you need to take into account as you prepare to share your presentation with your colleagues in this online forum? What steps do you need to take to ensure the information is conveyed clearly and effectively?

Using PowerPoint, complete the final draft of your Practicum Project presentation, (as indicated in the Practicum Project Presentation Overview document and this week’s Assignment). Note that the draft of your PowerPoint presentation posted in this online forum should be complete and polished. While you will have an opportunity to make revisions based on your colleagues’ feedback, the document you share should reflect your best effort to create a thoughtful, clear, and engaging presentation Practicum Project.

Barriers to Healthcare for Women and Minorities

Barriers to Healthcare for Women and Minorities

Poverty and lack of education are two big barriers to healthcare for women and minorities. Low levels of education are associated with low life expectancies and high mortality rates. People living in poverty often lack education about when, why, and where to access healthcare. There have been various legislative activities in the US to improve public health.

On the basis of your understanding of the access to healthcare facilities and impacts of barriers to healthcare access, answer the following questions:

  • Explain at least three public health campaigns targeting access to healthcare for women and/or minorities. Describe at least two aspects of their advertising strategies that have addressed income and education.
  • Abortion has been the subject of numerous legislative activities in the United States. How have various legislations affected low-income and minority women?
  • Describe the legal battle over birth control devices in the United States. Include how access to healthcare has been affected by the legal decisions Barriers to Healthcare for Women and Minorities.
  • Describe the legal barriers to healthcare access for low-income immigrant minorities.
  • Review the articles, “Ethnic and gender disparities in needed adolescent mental health care”, and “Overlooked and underserved: Improving the health of men of color”. Explain what it means to be “overlooked” by the healthcare system.


  • Discuss at least two examples that illustrate why minorities are often overlooked in the healthcare system. Do you agree or disagree with these reasons, why or why not?
  • Despite the fact that school-based psychological counseling is available to all students, Thomas et al., report that ethnic disparities in mental healthcare access and utilization still persist. Explain why this disparity exists. What can be done to decrease mental health access and utilization barriers for low-income and minority students?
  • What strategies does former U.S. Surgeon General, David Satcher, M.D., discuss that will decrease the potential for minorities to be overlooked by the healthcare system?
  • at the end  Participate in the discussion by asking two or more questions, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion Barriers to Healthcare for Women and Minorities.

Role of Technology in Long-Term Care

Role of Technology in Long-Term Care

Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, find three articles describing the role technology will play in addressing the challenges ahead in long-term care. Summarize your findings and based on your learning, respond to the following questions:

  • Which challenges in long-term care system remain unmet? Why?
  • What changes can we expect to occur with the influx of baby boomers entering into the long-term care system?
  • Why do you think technology is important to long-term care? Support your answer with relevant examples.
  • What are the pros and cons of the implementation of technology in long-term care? Consider both providers and consumers while describing.
  • How does technology improve the type and quality of care received by long-term care consumers?
  • How important is the commitment by top management for the use of information technology in long-term care to be successful? Why?
  • How can the challenges be proactively addressed as opposed to being reactive? Role of Technology in Long-Term Care


Legal and Ethical Issues: Case Study

Cathy Smith, an eighty-eight-year-old woman, was admitted to the emergency room from the nursing facility with acute respiratory distress. Although Smith does not have a living will, her daughter Rose, a health care professional, has the power of attorney (POA) to make her mother’s health decisions.

Smith suffers from end-stage Alzheimer’s disease and recently experienced congestive heart failure. Her condition is alarming. The doctors want to place her on life-support equipment, including a ventilator. Smith’s son, Andrew, agrees with the doctor’s decision. However, Rose states her mother would never want to be placed on life-support machines to prolong her life.

Analyze the scenario and answer the following questions:

  • What are the autonomy-beneficial conflicts between Rose and Andrew related to placing their mother on life support in this case? Who has the right to make the decision on behalf of the client? Why?
  • What are the ethical issues related to the competency and decision-making capacity of the client while making the health care decisions? Do these issues impact the services offered in long-term care? How?
  • What are some of the critical issues related to informed consent? Who has the right to assume this responsibility? Why? Role of Technology in Long-Term Care

Application: Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign (continued): Ethical Considerations

Application: Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign (continued): Ethical Considerations

The final application builds upon the applications (Parts One and Two) completed in weeks 4 and 7.

Week 10 Application

To complete the final section of your paper:

  • Review provisions 7, 8, and 9 of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to advocacy for population health.
  • Reflect on the ethical considerations you may need to take into account in your advocacy campaign.

  • Research the ethical considerations and lobbying laws relevant to the location where your advocacy campaign will occur.
  • Consider potential ethical dilemmas you might face in your campaign.


To complete: Revise and combine Part one (week 4 application) and Part Two (week 7 application) with Part Three below.

  • Explain any ethical dilemmas that could arise during your advocacy campaign, and how you would resolve them.
  • Describe the ethics and lobbying laws that are applicable to your advocacy campaign.
  • Evaluate the special ethical challenges that are unique to the population you are addressing.
  • Provide a cohesive summary for your paper.

Reminder: You will submit one cogent paper that combines the previous applications from weeks 4 and 7 plus the new material mentioned in the week 8 application. Your paper should be about 10 pages of content, not including the title page and references. Be sure to paste the rubric at the end of your paper Application: Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign (continued): Ethical Considerations.

Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development

Develop a 2,100-word paper including a lesson plan (lesson plan is included in word count) for an education program that is intended for a particular target audience.  Include learning needs and characteristics of the target audience, outcome objectives including two of the three categories from Bloom’s Taxonomy of analysis, synthesis or evaluation levels.  Include content that will be taught, teaching methods/strategies, evaluation of these methods, and rationale for using each of the teaching methods and evaluation methods. — Use attached week 2 assignment in developing the word paper and lesson plan Curriculum Development.


Include in your paper:

a)    Identification of the educational need and rationale.

b)    Identification and discussion of instructional design methods, learner characteristics, and learning theory to support the methods chosen

c)     Identification and discussion of outcome objectives from Bloom’s Taxonomy

d)    Identification and discussion of competencies needed to achieve the identified outcomes

e)    Identification and discussion of evaluation methods.

Include  your lesson plan: (use the table format as shown below)

a) Well formulated outcome objective using higher cognitive outcomes from Bloom’s Taxonomy

b) Goals/learner outcomes for the lesson that relate to the learning objective

c) Instructional methods to be used for delivery.

d)    Instructional materials and resources to be used (articles, videos, handouts, etc).

e)Time frame allocated for teaching each learning objective Curriculum Development

Outcome objective: Write your higher level objective here 
Learner Goals/Outcomes Write your learner goals here Content Outline Provide an outline of the content you plan to teach here Method of Instruction Identify what method of instruction you will use to teach here Time Frame Identify how much time each segment of teaching will take Resources  What resources will you use to aid in your teaching? Method of Evaluation How will you evaluate whether your learners met their objectives?



Working on the same two facilities that you identified in W3 Assignment 2, prepare a 8- to 10-page report in a Microsoft Word document including the following:

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the administration in each department of your chosen facilities.
  • Identify and list the sources of financing available to consumers for the various programs provided by your chosen facilities. Identify the key public and private sources of reimbursement available. Also discuss the role played by managed care and its impact on long-term care reimbursement.
  • Describe the various government and private resources available that assist in developing and maintaining quality improvement programs in your chosen facilities. Describe the ways in which quality and cost are controlled in your chosen facilities. Also discuss the ethical aspect of access to care in the facilities, including rationing ROLE OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION.


Based on your observations and learning from the two facilities, discuss the changes brought in the long-term care system to make it reach full status as a competition-driven system. You may include the following points in your discussion:

  • Discuss the changes made in the control mechanisms (external and internal) in order to control the management, financing, and quality in the long-term care systems.
  • Discuss the changes taking place in long-term care reimbursement system in order to provide better reimbursement options both to consumers and providers.
  • Discuss the changes made in the efforts of providers to accommodate changing magnitude of the day-to-day needs of long-term care consumers.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format ROLE OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION.

Healthcare for Women

Healthcare for Women

In a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, express your views on the following:

  • Describe at least three (community, state, or national) organizations that are committed to improving access to healthcare for women and minorities. Also, identify the primary stakeholders of each organization as well as their target audiences.
  • Describe the mission statement of each organization and discuss the activities that each organization practices to decrease the barriers to healthcare access for women and/or minorities.
  • Are these strategies effective? Why or why not? If you were to design an intervention to address barriers to healthcare access who would your target audience be and why? What strategies would your intervention include? Healthcare for Women


Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Understanding cultural phenomena is essential to the completion of an accurate and holistic health assessment. Please review a cultural group from Table 2-3 (p. 20) from your text and describe the cultural differences pertinent to that group (you may have to do some additional searching). Remember, the table may not include all cultural groups. Let’s try to include all the countries within the groups listed in the discussion, so please do not choose a group that has already been done. To expedite this, please use the group name in the title of your post.

Reference Require:

Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination & health assessment (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.

  • Chapter 1: Evidence-Based Assessment 
  • Chapter 2: Cultural Competence: Cultural Care 
  • Chapter 4: The Complete Health History

Healthy People 2020: Healthcare for Women