Discussion: Drug Treatments For HIV/AIDS

Needs 3 reference sources above 2013 in APA.

While HIV/AIDS is still currently incurable, the prognosis for patients with this infectious disease has improved due to advancements in drug treatments. Consider the case of Kristy Aney. Kristy was diagnosed with HIV in 1992 and was told she would survive, at most, 10 more years. Despite unfavorable odds, Kristy is still alive 20 years later. Since her diagnosis, she has witnessed tremendous improvements in HIV/AIDS treatments which have helped patients live longer with fewer side effects. While she acknowledges that these drug treatments have kept her alive, she fears that improvements in drug therapy have led to more people becoming complacent about the disease (Idaho Statesmen, 2012). In fact, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States is higher than it has ever been (CDC, 2012). This poses the question: Is there a relationship between drug advancements, societal complacency, and infection?

To prepare:
  • Review Chapter 49 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well as the Krummenacher et al. and Scourfield articles in the Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on whether or not the prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due to more advanced drug treatment options for HIV/AIDS.
  • Consider how health care professionals can help to change perceptions and make people more aware of the realities of the disease.
  • Think about strategies to educate HIV positive patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk of infecting others.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post an explanation of whether or not you think the prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due to more advanced drug treatment options.Then, explain how health care professionals can help to change perceptions and increase awareness of the realities of the disease. Finally, describe strategies to educate HIV positive patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk of infecting others.

Please Follow Instructions. Follow RUBRIC Please. Please Write Between 1500-1800 Words At Least. Academic Reference Between (2013-2018) Thanks

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and acceptance of a diversity of faith expressions.

The purpose of this paper is to complete a comparative ethical analysis of George’s situation and decision from the perspective of two worldviews or religions: Christianity and a second religion of your choosing. For the second faith, choose a faith that is unfamiliar to you. Examples of faiths to choose from include Sikh, Baha’i, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc.

In your comparative analysis, address all of the worldview questions in detail for Christianity and your selected faith. Refer to Chapter 2 of Called to Care for the list of questions. Once you have outlined the worldview of each religion, begin your ethical analysis from each perspective.

In a minimum of 1,500-2,000 words, provide an ethical analysis based upon the different belief systems, reinforcing major themes with insights gained from your research, and answering the following questions based on the research:

  1. How would each religion interpret the nature of George’s malady and suffering? Is there a “why” to his disease and suffering? (i.e., is there a reason for why George is ill, beyond the reality of physical malady?)
  2. In George’s analysis of his own life, how would each religion think about the value of his life as a person, and value of his life with ALS?
  3. What sorts of values and considerations would each religion focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?
  4. Given the above, what options would be morally justified under each religion for George and why?
  5. Finally, present and defend your own view.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Identification of Ethical Issues as They Relate to the Four Principles of Principlism:

Ethical issues are organized according to the four principles of principlism. A distinction between the four principles and the reasoning of the categorization is clearly stated.

Description of the Christian Worldview and the Other Worldview:

The description of the Christian worldview and the selected worldview address all seven worldview questions with evidence of a deep understanding utilizing a detailed description.

Analysis of Ethical Issues through Christian Worldview and the Other Worldview:

The primary principles and values are clearly distinguished in the decision making process of each worldview. Ethical reasoning is clearly delineated from the worldview considerations. The implications of the principles and values are given complete consideration.

Personal Recommendation:

The personal recommendation from the student’s worldview is stated with proper justification. The primary principles of the student’s worldview are clearly described with all implications explained.

Thesis Development and Purpose:

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Argument Logic and Construction:

Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use);

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment);

All format elements are correct.

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style):

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

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Nursing As Caring

All instructions and documents needed are attached.

Quality Measurement And Assessment In Healthcare

Project: Promoting Health Care Quality  Section 3:

Quality Measurement and Assessment  Measuring and assessing quality provides a foundation for identifying needs for improvement, developing effective interventions, and then monitoring progress toward desired results.   In the Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, and Shabot text, the authors assert that an effort to improve quality “calls for setting outcome and performance targets (goals and expectations) beginning with the end in mind, and then formulating initiatives and actions (processes) that can serve as a bridge to take the organization from its current performance to its desired performance” (p. 182).   Having this “end in mind” can provide justification for dedicating valuable resources toward the effort, and help to lay a clear, concrete path that takes the organization from uncovering gaps between current performance and evidence-based targets to actually achieving those goals.  In this section of the Course Project, you focus on what you would measure—and how you would measure it—relative to your previously identified quality improvement issue. Note: This section of the Course Project will serve as the Portfolio Assignment for this course.       Course Project: Section 3: Quality Measurement and Assessment: write a 3-5 page paper to introduce your quality improvement plan. For more details on this project, see the Week 7 Project area for specifics to include for this paper.     I have attached my paper from week 4 for the continuation of the project.     To prepare: •Review the Learning Resources. Also conduct a search of the literature related to your selected quality improvement issue and complete the Evidence Matrix (provided in this week’s Learning Resources).   •Evaluate the evidence presented in the research literature and the quality standards proposed by various organizations, including the IOM’s six aims for quality improvement.   •Based on this review and your knowledge of the organization that you have selected, determine appropriate measures and indicators of performance related to your identified quality improvement issue.   •Consider how you could gather and use historical evidence of the organization’s performance related to the quality improvement issue. Also consider methods for gathering and assessing current quantitative and qualitative data, including those currently in use by the organization (e.g., chart audit data, staff surveys, quality indicators that are monitored, observations). If possible, examine actual data to assess your selected organization’s performance related to the issue.   •Think about what, specifically, you would like to achieve related to this issue. Establish realistic, evidence-based quality performance targets.   •Analyze gap(s) between the organization’s current performance and the performance targets.   •As you do this, you may wish to create a graphic organizer/alignment chart for your own use that illustrates:   •The measures and indicators that you would evaluate   •Current and historical data related to this quality issue—either actual data or methods for how you would collect and analyze the data   •Methods for collecting and analyzing data in the future (including when you would do this)   •Realistic, evidence-based targets

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Functional Health Pattern Analysis Worksheet

In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Using the textbook, complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment.
  2. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.


Literature Evaluation



· Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of 

· Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)

· Setting/Sample

· Methods: Intervention/Instruments

· Analysis

· Key Findings

· Recommendations

· Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone Project



1- Butcher, L. (2016). Stepping up against SEPSIS. H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks, 90(1), 38-42.

2- Clarke, R., Bird, S., Kakuchi, I., Littlewood, T., & Hamel Parsons, V. (2015). The signs, symptoms and help-seeking experiences of neutropenic sepsis patients before they reach hospital: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), 2687-2694. doi:10.1007/s00520-015-2631-y

3- Ford, A., & Marshall, E. (2014). Neutropenic sepsis: a potentially life-threatening complication of chemotherapy. Clinical Medicine (London, England), 14(5), 538-542. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.14-5-538

4- Knight, T., Ahn, S., Rice, T. W., & Cooksley, T. (2017). Acute Oncology Care: A narrative review of the acute management of neutropenic sepsis and immune-related toxicities of checkpoint inhibitors. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 4559-65. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2017.09.025

5- Raz, B. (2017). Neutropenic sepsis. Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain): 1987), 31(48), 64-65. doi:10.7748/ns.31.48.64. s47

6- Vossen, M. G., Milacek, C., & Thalhammer, F. (2018). Empirical antimicrobial treatment in haemato-/oncological patients with neutropenic sepsis. ESMO Open, 3(3), e000348. doi:10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000348

7- Wells, T., Thomas, C., Watt, D., Fountain, V., Tomlinson, M., & Hilman, S. (2015). Improvements in the management of neutropenic sepsis: lessons learned from a district general hospital. Clinical Medicine (London, England), 15(6), 526-530. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.15-6-526

8- Wild, T. (2017). Improving door-to-needle times for patients with suspected neutropenic sepsis. Emergency Nurse: The Journal of The RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association, 25(7), 24-30. doi:10.7748/en. 2017.e1755

CT 6 Healthcare Information

Describe the distinct components of stand-alone decision support systems (DSS) and provide some specific examples of these systems and how they may be used in the healthcare environment.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-6 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
  • Include 3-5 references, in addition to the textbook. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

For Essays Guru – Discussion Question -Evidence-Based Practice

 Technology is integral to successful implementation in many projects, through either support or integration or both. Name at least one technology that could improve the implementation process and the outcomes of your EBP project. Do you plan to use this technology? If not, what are the barriers that prevent its use?  200 words APA

Community Nursing – Questions

Review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions;

1.Do you think that the societal norms for men regarding expressing emotion and social support have changed in recent years? Why or why not? If so, how can community health/public health nurses take an advantage of this to help men improve their health?

2.Are there differences in the ways that homosexuality in men and women are viewed by general society in the US? If so, why do you feel that these differences exist? From where or whom do people get their messages about homosexuality or other non-heterosexual lifestyles?


-The assignment must be presented in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font.

-A minimum of 3 evidenced-based references must be used (References must be no older than 5 years).

-A minimum of 700 words is required.

– No plagiarism.

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Approved Research topic:  Is telehealthcare a good option for nursing homes?


For this assignment, you will write the thesis statement for your research paper and provide a preliminary list of at least six sources for approval by your instructor.

  1. Create a single-sentence thesis statement that provides  an overview of your debatable topic as well as the two major arguments  relating to that topic. Keep each of these hints in mind as your craft      your thesis:
  • Your thesis statement should match your approved topic.
  • A thesis statement is a single declarative sentence (not a question).
  • It must be written in the third person only.
  1. Create an APA-formatted reference page with at least six      potential sources that you plan to use both for your annotated      bibliography (due next week) and your final research paper. Keep in mind      the following hints:
  • The appropriate heading for your reference page is the        single word References, which should be centered in lightface Roman font        (not boldface, italics, or underlined.)
  • The reference page should be written using Times New        Roman 12 point font, double-spaced with 1″ margins, and no extra        spaces between citations.
  • Entries should be listed in alphabetical order by        author’s last name.
  • When you cite an author in the reference page, list        the last name first, then the first initial (Lincoln, A.). Do not write        the full first name when using APA formatting.
  • In an APA citation, only the first word and proper        nouns are capitalized in an article or book title. The first word after        a colon is also capitalized (e.g., “The strange quirks of APA:        Understanding capitalization”).
  • For each citation, all lines after the first line of        each entry should be indented one half-inch from the left margin.
  • Refer to this website for great help on exactly how to        properly cite sources and format your reference page: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/05/.
  • You will be required to use at least ten scholarly        sources for your final paper, and you may list all ten here for approval        if desired.