Approved Research topic:  Is telehealthcare a good option for nursing homes?


For this assignment, you will write the thesis statement for your research paper and provide a preliminary list of at least six sources for approval by your instructor.

  1. Create a single-sentence thesis statement that provides  an overview of your debatable topic as well as the two major arguments  relating to that topic. Keep each of these hints in mind as your craft      your thesis:
  • Your thesis statement should match your approved topic.
  • A thesis statement is a single declarative sentence (not a question).
  • It must be written in the third person only.
  1. Create an APA-formatted reference page with at least six      potential sources that you plan to use both for your annotated      bibliography (due next week) and your final research paper. Keep in mind      the following hints:
  • The appropriate heading for your reference page is the        single word References, which should be centered in lightface Roman font        (not boldface, italics, or underlined.)
  • The reference page should be written using Times New        Roman 12 point font, double-spaced with 1″ margins, and no extra        spaces between citations.
  • Entries should be listed in alphabetical order by        author’s last name.
  • When you cite an author in the reference page, list        the last name first, then the first initial (Lincoln, A.). Do not write        the full first name when using APA formatting.
  • In an APA citation, only the first word and proper        nouns are capitalized in an article or book title. The first word after        a colon is also capitalized (e.g., “The strange quirks of APA:        Understanding capitalization”).
  • For each citation, all lines after the first line of        each entry should be indented one half-inch from the left margin.
  • Refer to this website for great help on exactly how to        properly cite sources and format your reference page:
  • You will be required to use at least ten scholarly        sources for your final paper, and you may list all ten here for approval        if desired.

Using The Power Of Media To Influence Health Policy And Politics

 I need a 120 word message for each of the questions/themes down below. Must include references for each one. must have a question for the class at the end of each one. Read instructions carefully. Should be 5 words message of 120 words each, then a question at the end, then references. Content for the writing will be attached.

1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of the one-to-many model and the many-to-many model?

2. Who Controls the Media?

3. Media as a Health Promotion Tool

4. Effective Use of Media

5. Getting Your Message Across

  • attachment


Professional Nursing & Leadership

You are the nurse manager on a large unit that has 14 FTE RNs on staff, 25 FTE LPNs, and 15 FTE nursing aides, orderlies, and clerks. The schedule for the next 2 months is due in administration by next week, and you are beginning to work on it. Various requests have been submitted by personnel for vacations, educational conferences, time to attend a wedding, and long weekends, and a request from one nurse asks not to be rotated to weekend evenings or nights because her husband bowls on weekends, and she has no babysitter for their three young children. Then answer the following questions:

  • What types of additional information do you need to complete this schedule?
  • How do you honor requests as submitted? What if two of the requests for vacations came from RNs scheduled to work the same weekends, and they both asked for exactly the same days off?
  • How do you inform staff whether their requests have been honored? Are they informed by seeing the posted schedule?
  • Are requests taken in the order in which they are received? Or do you have another means of honoring requests?

 Provide your responses on an APA formatted paper.

Adult Day Services

  •  Adult Day Services
  • Contrast the operations of socially oriented adult day services (ADS) with those of medically oriented ADS.
  1. How are the participants likely to differ?
  2. How does the staff differ?
  3. How do administrative issues differ?
  • My book resource is the continuum of long term care 3rd edition Connie J. Evashwick- (2005)

Discussion Not An Essay/Please Follow Directions/ Please Use Decision Tree For Statistics

What does it mean to analyze the collected data from a program evaluation? An analysis involves reviewing multiple components, such as analyzing and synthesizing findings. This includes tabulating information to explore how many individuals participate in the program, reviewing demographics, analyzing the number of participants achieving the outcome goals, and analyzing and stratifying data by race, gender, age, income level, and geographic locations. It is also important to conduct a comparative analysis to review strengths, weaknesses, and any limitations and to review gaps. The next step is combining all of this information to make decisions and present to stakeholders for further input and suggestions regarding the program.

Using the readings for this week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, obtain scholarly articles and materials to draw inferences and support your philosophy. Review the textbook readings that will help you respond to this assignment.

Respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative methods used for designing a program. (Use a 2×2-table format to present your analysis).
  • Review the decision tree for statistics. You can review the tree online at the following:
  • After reviewing the information:
    • Select three public health statistical methods that you would use in a public health program for your selected health issue or health disease topic.
    • Provide a complete analysis for each statistical method.
    • Explain why these methods are important and what data or information you could obtain for your program.

Write a 1-paragraph response. Support your methods with appropriate examples and scholarly references. Comment on the postings of at least two peers with scholarly information.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Compared and contrasted qualitative and quantitative methods used for designing a program.
  • Recommended three feasible public health statistical methods that you would use in a public health program for your selected health issue or health disease topic.
  • Analyzed each statistical method in detail.
  • Explained why your selected statistical methods are important and what data or information you could obtain for your program.
  • Responses demonstrated an in-depth research and analysis.
  • Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.
  • Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

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M. tuberculosis can be transmitted in virtually any setting. Clinicians should be aware that transmission has been documented in healthcare settings where healthcare workers and patients come in contact with persons with infection.  • Describe the factors that determine the infectiousness of a tuberculosis (TB) patient;  • Explain the main goals of a TB infection control program;  • Discuss the three levels of an effective TB infection control program;  • Explain the purpose and the characteristics of a TB airborne infection isolation room; and  • Describe the circumstances when respirators and surgical masks should be used.     Assignment Requirements:

•follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); •be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; •display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.

ARNP/Physician Collaboration Agreement In The State Of Florida

I need a collaboration agreement as a Nurse Practitioner in the state of Florida

My name is Marie Therese Moreau

Assignment: Antimicrobial Agents

Antimicrobial Agents

Antimicrobial agents are essential components in the treatment of various bacterial infections as they help to kill or prevent the growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoans. Prior to the discovery of antimicrobial agents, treatment options for patients with bacterial infections were limited. For many patients, treatment often resulted in the amputation of limbs or even death. Today, treatment options for bacterial infections typically have a more positive prognosis. Due to the various types of infections presented in patients, it is essential to be able to identify the underlying cause of the infection—whether bacterial or viral—before recommending drug treatments. This will help you identify whether or not an antimicrobial agent would be appropriate and which specific agent would target the infection. In this Assignment, you consider the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents for infections.

To prepare:
  • Review this week’s media presentation on principles of antimicrobial therapy, as well as Chapter 8 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text.
  • Consider the categories of antimicrobial agents.
  • Think about differences between viral and bacterial infections.
  • Reflect on why proper identification of the infection is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.

By Day 7

Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe the categories of antimicrobial agents.
  • Describe differences between viral and bacterial infections.
  • Explain why proper identification of viral and bacterial infections is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.

Antimicrobial Agent

Healthcare Management Paper

Attachments have all the instructions for the paper.

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment


John Hopkins Hospital

 500 to 750 words length

>  Use APA formatting with a title page and reference page.

> Use headings for each section of your papers for the written assignments. The APA rule for this is to have the heading centered (not bold) and the first letter of each major word capitalized.

>4 references