Health Care Policy

-Describe the key concepts underlying community activism and give examples of how each of these concepts applies to a specific context.

-Examine how advanced practice nurses can engage in community activism to limit further negative health impacts from Big Tobacco in their respective health communities.

Attached below is an additional resource, an article, that details various ways by which nursing professionals can engage in community activism.

Patient Advocacy and in the Community and Legislative Arena:

Nursing (Case Report: Application Of Theory)

I need this work completed in less than 36 hours. No plagiarism and no grammar mistake allowed.

Nursing (Case Report: Application of Theory)

Type of Service

Urgency 24 to 36 hours ma

Citation Style
APA Style

No. of Pages/Wordcount

9 page(s)/2475 Words

No. of Sources/References
English US


Case Report: Application of Theory

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Homework Help

In Your Clinical journal,describe a situation you have encountered when doing health screening or health promotion activities

Complete Journaling Activity 8-1 on pg. 259. Answer the 2 questions using the assessment tools found in the chapter and document your findings to be handed in to the instructor at the end of the Community class.

1. In your clinical Journal, describe a situation you have encounter when doing Health screening or health promotion activities.

a) What did you learn from this experience 

b) How will you practice differently based in this experience?

2. In your clinical journal, describe a situation in which you have observed infant or children not receiving the disease prevention or health promotion services that they needed

a) How could or would you like to advocate for this issue when you begin to practice as an RN?

b) What could you do now?

Paper For $10 Only 3 Pages

Vulnerable Population Summary and Proposed Program

The first of your two written assignments for the course will  provide a beginning framework that you will utilize in the development  of your
Final Project: a proposal for a community-based  program in your area. For this first written assignment, you will  select one of the vulnerable groups identified in the text that will  serve as your target population of interest throughout the duration of  your next written assignment and Final Project.

Select one among the following groups from Chapter 1:

  • Vulnerable mothers and children
  • Abused individuals
  • Chronically ill and disabled people
  • People diagnosed with HIV/AIDS
  • People diagnosed with mental conditions
  • Suicide- and homicide-liable people
  • People affected by alcohol and substance abuse
  • Indigent and homeless people
  • Immigrants and refugees
  • Groups for special consideration (you may propose a different vulnerable population at the consent of the instructor)

Once you have selected a group of interest, write a three page paper that covers the following:

  • Discuss the impact that at least two of the factors below have on the vulnerability of your chosen group:
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Culture/Ethnicity
    • Income
  • Analyze the intersection of social, political, and economic factors affecting vulnerability (must address all three factors).
  • Draft the design of a new model program, not currently existent  within your community. Provide a two- to- three paragraph statement that  introduces your proposed community program. This section is tentative  and might change as you conduct more research. At a minimum, however,  items to address should include:
  • An explanation of the issues and risk factors experienced by the selected population.
  • An evaluation of the health needs of the group and a proposed  continuum of care level (preventive, treatment, or long-term care) based  on the group’s issues, risk factors, and needs.  Justify the proposed  level with supportive research/evidence.
  • A description of one to two proposed services your program will include.

Your assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length  (excluding title and reference pages), and should include a minimum of  three scholarly sources cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in  the Ashford Writing Center.


This week you will be writing an outline for your final paper. Your outline must include introduction, body, and conclusion sections and be in outline format.

Research Topic 

Is telehealthcare a good option for nursing homes?

Thesis Statement 

The benefits of telehealthcare outweigh its shortcoming, and it is thus wise to adopt it in the delivery of care with advancement in technologies.

In the introduction section of your outline, include the thesis statement you submitted for the Thesis Assignment, Your outline should stem directly from your revised thesis statement. You should also include topic sentences (for each section) and paragraph transitions that help tie your major points together.

you will need somewhere between 6-8 body paragraphs.

Helpful hints:

  • Your      outline should remain without bias. You must equally present the arguments      of both sides of the issue without revealing which side you agree with.
  • Your      outline must be written in third person.
  • Each      topic sentence should directly relate back to the thesis statement.
  • You      may use the outline template provided.
  • Remember      to use appropriate formatting as per APA (6th ed.):


Expository Essay Outline Template

When you write an expository essay that presents two sides of an issue without revealing bias, there are three primary organizational tactics that can be used:

1. Present all the major arguments on one side of the issue, and then present all the major arguments of the opposing viewpoint.

2. Present one of the major issues relating to the overarching topic, and in the same paragraph, discuss the viewpoints of both sides on this particular issue.

3.  In one paragraph, present one of the viewpoints on one major aspect of the controversy, and then follow that paragraph with another paragraph presenting the opposing views’ arguments related to the same aspect of the controversy. You then repeat that pattern one to three more times.

Carefully consider these options, choose one, and continue with this organizational strategy for your entire essay.

You may use the below outline template:

I. Introduction

a. Hook:________________________________________________________

b. Thesis statement:_______________________________________________

II. Body Paragraph 1

a. Transition:_____________________________________________________

b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________

i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________

ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________

iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________

III. Body Paragraph 2

a. Transition:_____________________________________________________

b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________

i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________

ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________

iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________

IV. Body Paragraph 3

a. Transition:_____________________________________________________

b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________

i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________

ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________

iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________

V. Body Paragraph 4

a. Transition:_____________________________________________________

b. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________

i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________

ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________

iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________

VI. Conclusion

a. Transition:_____________________________________________________

b. Restatement of thesis:____________________________________________

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Creating A Flowchart DUE BY 1:30 AM ON 7/23

Creating a Flowchart

Workflow analysis aims to determine workflow patterns that maximize the effective use of resources and minimize activities that do not add value. There are a variety of tools that can be used to analyze the workflow of processes and clarify potential avenues for eliminating waste. Flowcharts are a basic and commonly used workflow analysis method that can help highlight areas in need of streamlining.

In this Assignment, you select a common event that occurs regularly in your organization and create a flowchart representing the workflow. You analyze the process you have diagrammed and propose changes for improvement.

To prepare:

  • Identify a common, simple event that frequently occurs in your organization that you would like to evaluate.
  • Consider how you would design a flowchart to represent the current workflow.
  • Consider what metrics you would use to determine the effectiveness of the current workflow and identify areas of waste.

To complete:

Write a 3- to 5-page paper which includes the following:

  • Create a simple flowchart of the activity you selected. (Review the Sample Workflow of Answering a Telephone in an Office document found in this week’s Learning Resources for an example.)
  • Next, in your paper:
    • Explain the process you have diagrammed.
    • For each step or decision point in the process, identify the following:
      • Who does this step? (It can be several people.)
      • What technology is used?
      • What policies and rules are involved in determining how, when, why, or where the step is executed?
      • What information is needed for the execution of this step?
    • Describe the metric that is currently used to measure the soundness of the workflow. Is it effective?
    • Describe any areas where improvements could occur and propose changes that could bring about these improvements in the workflow.
    • Summarize why it is important to be aware of the flow of an activity.
  • Remember to include a cover page, introduction, and summary for your paper.

Step 2 . PICOT

Read directions in step2 file. Previous weeks assignment is attached for refernce.  Please use APA format

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400 Words

Answer questions based on reading. Everything located in doc. Book link is here

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 Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants

Nursing Leadership


Being a change agent is a nurse that brings about change (positive change) into the work environment and helps facilitate the change.  They facilitate the change by helping bring about the change in a positive manner and show why the change is necessary and what improvements it will make in their day-to-day work. I have recently been a change agent in the implementation of a new labeling process for our specimen and blood collection process.  We needed to change the way we labeled our specimens to help facilitate the way they were processed at the core lab.  This was going to impact our work flow in the clinic dramatically though.  First, I talked with the staff about the upcoming change (which was going to cause a slight increase in work for my staff).  Then, to show the impact of the change to our staff I took them to the core lab where our specimens are processed and showed them how much extra work goes into the current process vs. the new process.  After seeing the decrease in work that it causes the core lab our staff was willing to take on the slight increase in work to help them out. Another example of being a change agent was when we implemented LEAN into our work flow several years ago.  This was a process that done over a whole year, but over this year we had to introduce new process to the staff and help them see the LEAN way of trying things.  We would get staff impute when we were drafting the process changes to help with the understand of the why the changes were important and needed to be done.  With LEAN one big development was the development of standard work so that all patients were to receive the same standard of care every time they walked through the doors.  We had staff help us with the processes and so when we rolled it out, they understood the importance and we all had the same goals in mind, which was the patient.  I’m sure that we all are change agents everyday with small things we do, but they affect someone or somebody at some point.  Change is hard but we should always remember that change is often for the good.