Discussion of hip hop

Gangsta rap was—and remains—controversial. One of the more striking criticisms about gangsta rap was that gangsta rap is a “modern-day minstrel show.” (Spike Lee and Stanley Crouch are two examples of prominent figures who have discussed gangsta rap in these terms.) Minstrel shows were an American musical theater genre popular from the early part of the nineteenth through the beginning of the twentieth century. Minstrel shows caricatured black people for the entertainment of white audiences. White performers would blacken their faces with burnt cork or greasepaint and then perform songs and skits that mocked African Americans as lazy, buffoonish, dumb, and superstitious.

[Before writing your post please explore this website http://exhibits.lib.usf.edu/exhibits/show/minstrelsy for an in-depth look at minstrelsy–especially if you were not familiar with it before this discussion prompt.]

How do you respond to this criticism? Why do you think this comparison to minstrelsy was made? What demographic are/were the largest consumers of gangsta rap? What bearing does that have on this criticism of gangsta rap.

Given the sensitive nature of this topic, I will remind you all to be thoughtful and sensitive in your discussion.

Original post (minimum 300 words)

Library Assigment

This assignment will be due by July 29, 2018 at 10:00pm. The overall purpose of personal philosophy is to define how one finds truth. Because there are different ways of knowing, each person has a unique way of finding truth, in other words, identifying our individual philosophy. Below is the guidelines for writing a personal philosophy of nursing:

1. Introduction

a. Who are you?

b. Where do you practice nursing?

2. Define nursing.

a. What is nursing?

b. Why does nursing exist?

c. Why do you practice nursing?

3. What are your assumptions or underlying beliefs about:

a. Nurses?

b. Patients?

c. Other healthcare providers?

d. Communities?

4. Define the major domains of nursing and provide examples”

a. Person

b. Health

c. Environment

5. Summary

a. How are the domains connected?

b. What is your vision of nursing for the future?

c. What are the challenges that you will face as a nurse?

What are your goals for professional development?

The assigment must be on APA format, arial 12 font. It is required at least 3 scholarly references not older than 5 years. It must be Plagiarism free.

discussion 1

Question One

·        Let’s create a cause marketing campaign for your million-dollar idea that you have already discussed in week six. What is the marketing reason for implementing this campaign? Are you trying to keep existing customers, steal from your competitors, or make your employees feel good about working for you?

Question Two

·        Select the cause you want to support and provide the rationale for that choice. Identify a specific organization that you would like to partner with.

Question Three

·        How will you structure and promote this campaign to achieve your results? Provide an example to illustrate your point. Provide your rationale.

Health Promotion Concepts

hi dear,

can you help me with this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

its an outline for the research paper and  the topic is osteoarthritis disease. 3 peer reviewed journal articles. Write about the 5 levels and how health promotion can be used at each. Intrapersonal-individual knowledge, attitude, and skills. Interpersonal/social support-friends/families, doctors, etc. Organizational-state/local health departments, professional associations, etc. Public policy-ACA, CDC, NIH, HP2020, etc.


students will submit an outline of their signature assignment-ecological research paper with APA 6th edition in-text citations/references. The assignment is to identify which information will be used in the final paper and to research appropriate and relevant information based on the topic chosen.  A sample of how to structure an outline is provided for your guidance. It is not information that pertains to your research paper. Instructor will provide feedback based on outline submitted.

sample outline

Developing Outline and Annotated Bibliography

The purpose of this assignment is to develop the outline of empirical studies you plan to include in your final paper. Do not use this information for your own paper. This is a sample on how to structure an outline. 

Paper Outline. The outline should be at least 1 page, single spaced, using standard outline numbering/lettering, and should break down the major issues (i.e., Health issue, community, 5 levels of ecological model) you plan to cover in your final signature assignment. For example, an outline for developing an educational program on breast cancer screening (see section IV. b of the outline) might look like this:

I. Introduction.

A. High incidence of breast cancer among Vietnamese women (Deepen & Cockburn, 2010; ACS, 2013).

B. Importance of breast cancer screening for early detection (ACS, 2013; ASCO, 2009).

C. Lower rates of mammography among Vietnamese (Tanjasiri, 2007; Kagawa-Somger & Pourat, 2009).

II. Individual psychological factors associated with Asian breast cancer screening.

A. Fear and other cultural beliefs about breast cancer (McPhee, 2008; Kagawa-Singer, 2003).

B. Cultural modesty and lack of breast cancer screening (Kagawa-Singer, 2003; Tanjasiri, 2007).

C. Summary: Asian women tend not to discuss screening with anyone.

III. Interpersonal factors-Importance of social support for Asian women.

A. Role of social support in coping with cancer (Ashing-Giwa, 2012; Pasick, 2008).

B. Importance of medical providers promoting screening to women (McPhee & Nguyen, 2009; Tran, 2009).

C. Role of community health educators to promote screening among women and providers (Nguyen, 2009; Kagawa-Singer, 2008).

D. Summary: Social support from family and friends is promising to promote screening among Asian women.

IV. Organizational

A. Health insurance coverage on mammograms (Yi, 2010; McPhee, 2006).

B. State/local health departments to support breast cancer screening (CDC, 2007).

V.  Community

A. Community based organizations to support breast cancer screenings (CDC, 2008).

B. Comprehensive cancer control coaliation on breast cancer screening (NIH, 2013).

VI. Policy/Societal

A. Healthy People 2020 goals on national breast cancer screenings

B. Affordable Care Act policies

VII. Summary

A. Paragraph summarizing gaps regarding lack of efforts to increase women’s social support around screening.

B. The purpose of this project is to develop and pilot test an educational program to increase social support among friends to promote screening among Vietnamese women in Orange County.

Annotated Bibliography (OPTIONAL). Write a brief summary of each empirical study you plan to include in your final paper. Each entry should start with a full reference to the study in APA style followed by a 100-150 word description and evaluation of the articles. Do not merely copy the abstract – you should highlight only the things relevant to your topic.

Specific Instructions

1. Typed, single spaced, one inch margins on all sides, 12 point font (preferably Times New Roman).

2. Use APA style for citations and reference page.

International Management and Amazon’s Healthcare Products

SCENARIO: The world’s population is aging rapidly and it has contributed to changing business in Amazon.

Recently, Amazon has entered the healthcare market and connects global suppliers with customers of

healthcare products. This has contributed to decrease in price of healthcare items but has increased access

to unreliable and (sometimes) dangerous suppliers who might not use the same quality standard as their

competitor’s. However, for many large and small hospitals, it is beneficial to use Amazon suppliers because

of the fast delivery and low prices. Therefore, an emphasis has been placed on managing the risk of buying

healthcare related items purchased through Amazon.

Please use internet for recent and relevant readings and discoveries but don’t plagiarize. Organize

all your citations, graphs, and charts (if any). Use no more than one page titled “References” to cite your



Assume that you are part of Amazon’s executive management team.

Vice President of Operations asks you to do the following:

1) Design a Value-Stream to analyze and control the quality of Amazon’s healthcare products using low costs alternatives. 

2) Design SFAS Matrix for performance and quality of Amazon’s healthcare products (or for its suppliers).


1. Design a value-stream for Amazon’s healthcare products to analyze and control its healthcare products (5 points)  (See Chapter 5, slide 15 – 28).

2.Use VIRO framework (discussed in chapter 5) to show how Amazon could evaluate its suppliers to achieve high-quality healthcare items. Give examples to make your point. (10 points) 

3.Design SFAS (Strategic Factor Analysis Summary Matrix) Table for Amazon’s healthcare suppliers or Amazon’s healthcare products (not both)  (5 points). Use Chapter 6, slide 7 (Table 6-1). You may ignore the right-side table on Table 6-1.



  • attachment

  • attachment


Communicable Diseases

Communicable Diseases 

  1. Choose one of the following topics and submit a short paper:
    1. Research and present on the local, state, national, and global trends such as incidence, prevalence, and populations at risk for their communicable disease group.
    2. Investigate and present communicable diseases of interest in your local community.
    3. Research the different types of organisms that could be used to create an epidemic as a result of bioterrorist activity, such as smallpox, anthrax, or botulism. Use the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Website to find out about organisms and their transmission routes, signs and symptoms, prevalence and incidence, and primary prevention treatment. Present your findings and discuss the differences in impact on the healthcare community and the population, and the role of the community health nurse.
  2. Your response should be 1-2 pages. APA format, at least 1 reference.
  3. Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling (Location is Miami, FL).

Short Questions

Question One

·        Tell us about your company or product/service. What is your positioning statement? How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors? How will you communicate the message of your positioning statement to your targeted consumer? Describe your ad and promotion.

Question Two

·        Develop a brief integrated marketing communications plan using traditional communications channels for your hypothetical business.

Question Three

·        How would you vary your ad for different media platforms? How would you vary the schedule to air it for maximum coverage with minimal expense?




  1. Choose one of topic below and post your response.
    1. Think about your own community and its residents or neighboring countries. What are some host factors that might increase its risk of experiencing a disaster? What environmental factors might be significant? In each case, identify the likely agent. What interventions could be included in a disaster plan to reduce these factors?
    2. Provide a weblink to a story about a recent disasters and discuss the impact on human lives.
    3. Access one or both of the Internet sites listed here. Report on the change in statistics for disasters or terrorism since the year 2000. Have the rates increased or decreased? What factors might be involved?
  2. Your response should be 200 – 250 words. APA Format, 1 reference at least. (This is for a community nursing course)

backup strategies

Describe and discuss at least two backup strategies. Discuss the use of cloud backup strategies, as well?

300 words

format APA

semiotic visuals

In a 2-3-page APA formatted paper with an additional reference page (template here), analyze the strategic use of perceptual visual communication:

  1. Analyze how specific semiotic visuals in your chosen image affect different cultural perceptions (age, ethnicity, social group, etc.).
  2. Describe how each culture’s cognitive memories and experiences may affect how they perceive this image.
  3. Explain why cultural perception is important to consider when working with international or global cultures.
  4. Discuss why it is important to consider cultural perception when interacting with different age cultures and different social groupings.

Support the items above by including relevant quotes and paraphrases from academic/scholarly sources