W8 Revised Nursing Teaching Phylosophy

Personal Philosophy of Teaching, Revised (Part II)As discussed earlier in this course, your personal teaching philosophy is a work in progress. During week 8, you will revisit and revise your teaching philosophy that you submitted during week 1. As part of this assignment, you should evaluate your original philosophy and include a one-page discussion of how your thoughts and ideas about teaching have changed and developed during this course. Guidelines for revising your teaching philosophy and the one-page discussion are below.Assignment GuidelinesRevised Personal Teaching Philosophy (3–5 pages)
Reflect on the teaching principles and practices discussed during the course.What did you learn about teaching that you did not know prior to this course?What stood out as important to you over the past 8 weeks?Consider how you might expand, adapt, or change your original philosophy to your current perspective on teaching (or you may feel compelled to take it in a completely new direction).Your revised teaching philosophy should: Have a clear focus or theme.Be authentic and personal.Relay who you are (or aspire to be) as a teacher.Exhibit genuine enthusiasm for teaching.Clearly express your current teaching values and beliefs, and discuss why you hold those values and beliefs (whether or not they have changed).Describe your current teaching goals (whether or not they have changed).Explain the teaching methods or strategies that you believe are best (whether or not they are different from your original philosophy). Note: make sure the teaching methods you find best are consistent with your goals.Incorporate any new ideas and/or practices that encourage a rich teaching and learning experience.Be 3–5 pages, including the evaluation discussion but excluding title and reference pages; length should suit the context. It should be typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font and double-spaced with 1″ margins.Be well written, using a first person narrative and present tense.Follow APA (6th edition) format.Have no any grammatical, typographical, or spelling errors.Evaluation Discussion of Teaching Philosophy (1 page)
As part of this revised teaching philosophy assignment, you should include a discussion evaluating how your personal thoughts and ideas about teaching have changed during this course.After you have revised your personal teaching philosophy, carefully review your original teaching philosophy that you submitted during week 1 of this course.Compare your original philosophy to your revised teaching philosophy and evaluate the following in a one-page written discussion: Have your teaching goals, methods, or strategies changed, and if so, how and why? Have your teaching priorities and/or perspectives changed or shifted, and if so, how and why?Do you value different learning experiences, and if so, what are they and why?Include any additional information that may highlight how your thoughts and ideas have changed or developed during this course.Include references that you found helpful, insightful, or meaningful in the development of your philosophy of teaching.In addition to the course texts, include at least two outside sources from peer-reviewed journals to support your ideas.Your evaluation discussion should: Be one page excluding title and reference pages, typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins.Be well written, using a first person narrative and present tense.Follow APA (6th edition) format.

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Politics And The Law. The Health Care System. Economics Of Health Care.

Politics and the Law.

The Health Care System.

Economics of Health Care.

Read chapter 10, 11 & 12 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions;

  1. Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process.
  2.   Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy.
  3. Describe the organization of the public healthcare subsystem at the federal, state, and local levels.
  4. Discuss the factors that influence the cost of health care.

As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard name “Week 3 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references are required (not counting the class textbook) no older than 5 years.  A minimum of 2 replies to any of your peers are required sustained with the proper references.  A minimum of 700 words without counting the first and last reference is required.  Please make sure you follow the instructions as given.

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W7 Mini Presentation

Mini-PresentationYou will develop a 5- to 8-minute mini-presentation of your teaching plan that you developed during week 7. Your presentation must include both audio and visual components. The presentation is a summary of your teaching plan. Guidelines for your presentation are listed below. Assignment GuidelinesYour mini-presentation should include the following information from your teaching plan:The subject or topic that you will be teachingThe level of instructionThe learning objectivesA summary of the contentYour teaching strategies and learning activitiesYour evaluation process and the rubric for your chosen assignment

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N Homework Help

N help


Select two essential psychomotor skills for a clinical course or courses in nursing. Discuss how you might collaborate with an LRC person to facilitate student performance with the skills you selected.

AA Meeting Paper


Guidelines in Writing the Paper:

1.         The paper will be three pages in APA format, not including the cover page, the APA title page, and the reference page.

2.         The paper will contain an introduction, body, and conclusion.

3. The introduction explicitly identifies the concept “self-help group” and the purpose(s) of the paper.

4. The body will include:

· The date, time, location of the meeting

· A description of the atmosphere of the meeting place (approximate number of people, environment, attitude of different people, etc.)

· Explain the step(s) that was (were) discussed in the AA/CA/NA meeting. If the step(s) were not discussed, then explain what was discussed. OR Explain what was discussed in the Al-Anon/Alateen meeting. Provide examples.

· A description of some of the interpersonal relationships you observed

· How you think a “newcomer” with a substance-related problem or mental illness disorder may feel attending the meeting for the first time.

· How you felt as an individual attending the meeting

· A description of how AA/CA/NA or Al-Anon/Alateen is a therapeutic intervention for persons living with a substance-related or mental illness disorder.

5. The conclusion is based on your experience of observing the (AA/CA/NA or Al-Anon/Alateen) meeting. In addition, describe the significance to mental health nursing/nurses of the information presented in the paper.

6. Please take the utmost care in writing this paper to ensure that you do not reveal 

anyone’s identity. Confidentiality!

Health Screening And History Of An Adolescent Or Young Adult Client.

In this assignment, you will be completing a comprehensive health screening and history on a young adult. To complete this assignment, do the following:

Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.

Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet.

Complete the assignment as outlined on the worksheet, including:

  1. Biographical data
  2. Past health history
  3. Family history: Obstetrics history (if applicable) and well young adult behavioral health history screening
  4. Review of systems
  5. All components of the health history
  6. Three nursing diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening (one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, and one “risk for” nursing diagnosis)
  7. Rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis.
  8. A wellness plan for the adolescent/young adult client, using the three nursing diagnoses you have identified.

Format the write-up in a manner that is easily read, computer-generated, neat, and without spelling errors. Use correct acronyms or abbreviations when indicated.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Gender Education In The United States

How K–12 Schools Can Intentionally or Unintentionally Enforce Gender Roles

Evaluates how K–12 schools can intentionally or unintentionally enforce gender roles.

How Colleges and Universities Either Support or Disregard Gender Issues on Campus

Analyzes how colleges and universities either support or disregard gender issues on campus.

The Role of Gender in The Student–Instructor Dynamic

Evaluates the role of gender in the student–instructor dynamic.

How to Reduce or Eliminate Gender Bias in The Classroom

Outlines how to reduce or eliminate gender bias in the classroom.

Advance Primary Care Of Family Of Family Practicum Ll

What role enhancing experiences have you experienced thus far? What additional experiences are essential for further development? What is your hope for this course?

Public Health/ Please Do By Tuesday

reate a Staffing Plan

Your staff is your most important asset and will make your grant intervention come to life. As such, your portrayal of how they will accomplish their work as part of your grant intervention is paramount to your success. Using the weekly readings, the South University online library resources, and the Internet, research how to write a staffing plan. Based on your research, address the following:

Create a staffing plan that shows the number of full- and part-time staff, including contractors and volunteers, who will implement your chosen public health intervention in response to your chosen FOA.

Deliver the staffing plan in an outline form, briefly describing each individual’s job title and responsibilities.

Include an organizational chart showing where these positions reside and to whom they will report.

Submission Details:

Develop a 3 – 5 page staffing plan.

Cite all sources on a separate page using APA standards.