Community Health Assessment

Write a 2–4-page report on the concepts, processes, and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment, how to find the data, and how to validate the data. Explain the factors that can affect the health of a community, along with how to obtain that information.

Understanding community and state health care issues and concerns, the local resources available, and accessibility of those resources can inform health care practices and improve quality patient outcomes.

Questions to Consider


To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

  • What types of techniques and activities should be included in a community health assessment?
  • How can these techniques and activities help determine both assets and gaps in health care services in a community?

Assessment Instructions :


Imagine you work for an organization that has decided to open a satellite facility in an underserved community. Your organization asks you to move to the new location and assist with some of the preliminary work. Part of this work is to determine the health care needs of the community. How will you do this? What information will you need to know? Where will you find the information?


Search the Capella library or the Internet for peer-reviewed journal articles on how to conduct a community health assessment. You will need at least 3 resources to use in this assessment.


Develop a plan for a community health assessment in which you complete the following:

  • Describe the type of data needed to make an informed community health assessment.
  • Explain how the data will help determine the health care needs of the community.
  • Describe your strategy for obtaining the necessary data.
  • Explain the factors that impact the health and wellness of a community. (Hint: This is a very broad list. Think outside the box on this one!)
  • Explain how you will obtain information on these factors for your specific community.
  • Explain how you will determine if the data and information you obtain is valid and reliable.
  • Format this assessment as a report that you would submit to a director or other organizational leader. You are still required to follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Ensure your assessment is 2–4 pages in length.
  • Use double-spaced, 12-pt., Times New Roman font. (Recommended)

War, Displacement, Famine: 2

no Syria 


Look up the top ten ongoing humanitarian crises around the world.  Select one and write your discussion post on that crisis.

For example:

One of the major ongoing international crises is the humanitarian  crisis in Yemen that has been fueled by war, political, economic, and  other social upheaval in the region.  The  focus of the assignment is to bring attention to an ongoing crisis that  appears to get little attention in the west but is considered one  of the worst humanitarian crisis in our time. We are concerned about the  humanitarian issues as it relates to the global health related issues. Read  up on current news reports on what is happening in the crisis you  selected.  For example if you selected the Yemen situation you would:

  1. Discuss in what ways this complex humanitarian crisis is both a  local and an international event and your views on how various nations  have responded.
  2. Look for a publicly available photo that depicts this man-made disaster.  Share the photo and give appropriate credit.
  3. Briefly discuss what you think are the most urgent needs of the residents and citizens of nation
  4. Do you think adequate attention is being paid to this crisis?  Why or why not?
  5. Make an original post (290) that includes the photo, your  commentary on the photo, and that addresses the above questions  at least 2 scholarly references that includes the citation for the  photo.

Failure Modes Effects Analysis Project -Week 10

Week 10- DUE 10/27/2018
Assignment: Textbook Problems: Failure Modes Effects Analysis Project
How are risk priority numbers (RPN) useful for health care administration leaders?
As you continue your examination of the use of and purposes for FMEA, you will begin to critically evaluate the numbers associated with your analyses. That is, the rates with which certain processes may be failing in your health services organization will allow you to strategically assess and implement efforts aimed to reduce errors and to promote quality health care delivery.
For this Assignment, review the resources for this week regarding chi-square, ANOVA, ANOM, and regression. Pay particular attention to the examples shown in the textbook. Consider how these tools may contribute to the value-chain perspective.
The Assignment: (3- pages)
·  Using SPSS and Microsoft Word, complete problems 1 through 4 on pages 405–406 in the Ross textbook. Show all work. Submit both your SPSS and Word files for grading.

public health discussion/ pleas do as early as possible

Discussion—Difference between Evidence-based Public Health and Evidence-based Medicine

The concept of evidence-based practice is well established in numerous disciplines including psychology, social work, nursing, medicine, and public health. The concept, however, is probably more established in medicine compared to any other disciplines. There are important distinctions between evidence-based approaches in medicine and public health. In reviewing the course up to this point, identify some key differences between evidence-based medicine and evidence-based public health.

Utilize assigned and suggested weekly readings, the South University online library, the Internet readings, and references to search, evaluate, and retrieve relevant EBPH literature to support your responses.

Respond to the following:

  • How is EBPH different from evidence-based medicine?

Provide reasons or evidence in support of your responses.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words.

By the due date assigned, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through the end of the week, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Consider commenting on their difficulties and your thoughts for suggestions or resolutions.

Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Differentiated between EBPH and evidence-based medicine.
  • Responses demonstrated in-depth research and analysis.

For Essays Guru – Hypertension

 Write a one page paper informing a person about Hypertension. The person knows nothing about the condition or how it is treated so be a specific and knowledgeable as possible. Title and reference page should not be counted in pages.

CT 4-550

Infectious Diseases in Saudi Arabia

Create a power point presentation that explores the security threats that infectious diseases can create for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Research a disease that is a threat of becoming pandemic and harming the population. Research the policies that the Ministry of Health have in place to prevent such an occurrence.

Create a power point presentation that is 7-8 slides in length, not including the title slide or the reference slides. Place your discussion in the speaker notes , which should contain at least 100 words on each slide. Reference at least six academic articles.

Please use the following headings in your presentation:

  • Title Slide
  • Introduction
  • The Infectious Disease Threat
  • Public Health Initiatives
  • Security Initiatives
  • Potential Political, Social, and Economic Disruptions
  • Resources Needed
  • Conclusion
  • References

Your presentation should meet the following requirements:

  1. Be 7-8 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides.
  2. Be formatted according to APA writing guidelines.
  3. Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.
  4. Remember to utilize headings to organize the content in your work.
  5. Provide a cited images to the title page and others for the slides
  6. No plagiarism
  7. The references should be not more than 5 years back ago

For Essays Guru – Physio and Patho – Case Studies

Select one of the case studies below, and include discussion of your strategy for winning the patients cooperation while teaching concepts concerning pathological states to them and their families.


  1. Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
  2. Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks or evidenced-based websites to support the content.
  3. All sources must be within five years.
  4. Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.

Case Study 1

Concepts of Altered Health in Older Adults

Joseph P. is an 82-year-old male living at home. He is in overall good health and enjoys taking long walks as often as possible. During his walks, he likes to stop for a cold glass of fruit juice at the local cafeteria. On cold or rainy days, he rides a stationary bicycle at home for 30 minutes to “stay in good shape.”

  1. What physiological factors would typically increase Joseph’s risk of falling while walking outdoors?
  2. What are the common changes in blood pressure regulation that occurs with aging?
  3. Joseph enjoys fruit juice when he walks. Considering the renal system in the older adult, why would dehydration be a particular concern?

Case Study 2

Structure and Function of the Kidney

Rivka is an active 21-year-old who decided to take a day off from her university classes. The weather was hot and the sun bright, so she decided to go down to the beach. When she arrived, she found a few people playing beach volleyball, and they asked if she wanted to join in. She put down her school bag and began to play. The others were well prepared for their day out and stopped throughout the game to have their power drinks and soda pop. Several hours after they began to play, however, Rivka was not feeling so good. She stopped sweating and was feeling dizzy. One player noted she had not taken a washroom break at all during the day. They found a shaded area for her, and one of the players shared his power drink with her. Rivka was thirstier than she realized and quickly finished the drink.

  1. In pronounced dehydration, hypotension can occur. How would this affect the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney? What actions by the juxtaglomerular apparatus would occur to restore GFR?
  2. What is the effect aldosterone has on the distal convoluted tubule? Why would the actions of aldosterone be useful to Rivka in her situation?
  3. What does a specific gravity test measure? If someone tested the specific gravity of Rivka’s urine, what might it indicate?

4 pages not including title and reference page.

For Essays Guru – Asthma

Write a one page paper informing a person about Asthma. The person knows nothing about the condition or how it is treated so be a specific and knowledgeable as possible. Title and reference page should not be counted in pages.

Pharmacology Case Study

APA 6th edition format.

At least 3 peer reviewed references less than 5 years old.  Cited in text.

Pharmacology Case Study

A 63 years old obese female presents with 4 to 5 months history of mid-epigastric pain that is worse after eating. She is unable to identify any specific foods that may be triggering the symptoms. She denies excessive gas, denies regurgitation of food or a water brash. She has normal daily bowel movements but states that sometimes her stools are very dark. She denies nausea and vomiting. She has no previous history of these symptoms and they are becoming disruptive in her daily life. She has been taking TUMs, “like they are candy.”

Past Medical History: surgical menopause at age 35 secondary to endometriosis, hypertension (HTN), diabetes mellitus Type II, morbid obesity, dyslipidemia. Surgical History: T&A as child, total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, appendectomy, cholecystectomy. Her medication regimen includes Premarin 0.625mg q day, lisinopril 10mg q day, metformin 500mg bid, and atorvastatin 40mg q HS. VS: BP 145/94, P 90, R 18, T 98.2. The patient’s height is 5’4” and her weight is 225 lbs., consequently her BMI is 38.6.  Physical examination is within normal limits.

Questions for response:

1. What additional history would you like for this patient?

2. If you plan to start drug treatment today

a. what is your choice, the dose, and the duration of the treatment?

b. what are some alternatives to this choice

c. what is your rationale for this choice

3. What risk factors for this patient will guide your choice?

4. Are there any major drug-to-drug interactions, side effects or adverse reactions to this drug?

Provide patient education regarding the use of this drug. Besides drug therapy, are there any other interventions you would consider or recommend?

Senior Project Progress Report

Complete a two to three page (excluding title and reference pages) report on the progress you have made to date on your Senior Project.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources. Your report, and any citations used, must be in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your progress report should cover the following:

TOPIC-Examine how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other types of leadership styles. Evaluate how each type of leadership style may impact organizational culture, employee performance, and how it may help or hinder the legitimacy of authority.

  1. Topic: Identify the topic that you have selected for your Senior Project and provide a brief explanation for why you have chosen to address this topic *This may be copied from the Week Two assignment if evaluated as Distinguished Performance. Otherwise, make adjustments per Week Two feedback.
  2. Organization Specific Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the health care organization that you have selected for your Senior Project including a summary of the challenges and/or opportunities impacting the balance between health care costs, quality, and access to services that the organization is currently facing. The challenges and/or opportunities should directly relate to your rationale for why you have chosen your topic (i.e., training program) to help the organizational leaders manage this challenge/opportunity. Challenges and/or opportunities should be grounded in the research (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your Senior Project.
  3. Training: Identify the audience for your training program and provide a brief outline of the topics it will address. Include a minimum of three to five learning outcomes that are targeted for your identified audience. Specifically, what do you want your audience to know and/or be able to do after they have completed training? How does this training program align with the overall challenges and/or opportunities that the organization is facing? Overall, how will the training program benefit the organization?