Pharmacology week 5 discussion 2

What are the key nursing considerations when administering mydriatics to patients with dark-pigmented eyes?

15 words

Case Study please follow instruction

 Pediatric: Undescended Testes Case Study. Please follow instruction and respond each part, be clear and specific. Apa format and low similarity. My condition that I choose is undescended testicle


  1. Your chosen disease/condition
  2. Population most affected (ex: Older Adults, Middle Adults, Young Adults, Teenagers, Child, Infants)
  3. Age related milestone for your chosen population
  4. Socio-Demographic/Risk factors for getting the disease/condition
  5. Impact on QOL
  6. Current/new/recent research/EBP that will benefit/support this patient with the specific disease (If there are none please state so)
  7. Recommendation for treatment or Gold standards for treatment if any (can be tied into the current research as above) (If there are no gold standards then please state so, but there should be some recommendations)
  8. Please tell what/how you (speak in the first person) as the FNP caring for this patient with this specific disease can make a difference in his/her care and incorporate patient care/self-help teaching that can help him/her minimize disease symptoms.
  9. Red flags for this condition (what specific S/S require urgent/ER care) or when should you refer patient to specialist.

Again, please follow the directions of what I am looking for and keep it to the point, as simple/concise as possible.

Points will be taken of for incorrect grammar and incorrect APA format/citations.

Clinical case decision instructruction


  1. Your comments should be substantiated and substantive. Postings require two citations from 1 scholarly journal and/or 1 outside textbook. Textbooks assigned to this course may be used for an additional citation only.
  2. Each of the two references must be from a different reference source.
  3. To gain full credit for the assignment, the response must be a full page, but no more than three (3) pages in length, which includes the reference list.
  4. Students are required to use APA format, proper citations, and references.  Students using direct quotes from referenced sources in the body of the paper must include quotations.
  5. Students will be assigned to a question.

Clinical Decision Case study.

Begin with a Head-Toe assessment, you decide if it should be treated as episodic with rationale.

You have been assigned two (2) cases to provide analysis. All cases should include the following

a. Pathophysiology and pharmacology of the disease

b. Expected signs and symptoms of the disease.

c. Nursing Diagnosis with a plan of care.

d. All questions pertaining to the case as listed under each case. 

You have been assigned two (2) cases to provide analysis. 

C1.  Mr. Bush, a 45-year-old middle school teacher arrives at the emergency department by EMS ground transport after he experienced severe mid-sternal chest pain at work. On arrival to the ED,

a.  What priority interventions you would initiate?

b. What information would you require to definitively determine what was causing Mr. Bush’s chest pain?

C2. Explain how diuretics, receptor antagonists, angiotensin converting enzyme antagonists, and angiotensin receptor antagonists reduce blood pressure in individuals with primary hypertension.

challenging interview questions

Listed below are the three most challenging interview questions you may experience during the interview process. To fully prepare the student for his or her future interview, please provide a clear and concise answer as to how you as the FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER will answer each interview question.


1-What is your biggest Weakness?

2-Describe how you resolved conflict with a co-worker or patient?

3-Tell me about yourself?

Nutrition week 9 discussion 1

 You are taking care of a patient with severe COPD. What type of diet would best suit this patient’s needs?

Module 05 Written Assignment- Care Plan

You are the nurse receiving report on your patient that was admitted as an emergency earlier in the day. A 64-year-old female underwent a right colectomy. The right side of her colon was removed due to cancer. She has a history of smoking & no other health problems. She is currently being transferred to you in PACU. She has a midline incision with a Penrose drain, a stab wound w/ a Jackson Pratt drain to incision. She also has a NG tube, attached to intermittent suction. She is alert, riented and can move all 4 extremities. BP is 110/68, Respiratory rate is 14, O2 stats are at 93% w/ additional oxygen given via nasal cannula.

All labs are normal. You are asked to change the dressings daily and document the drainage. What precautions will you take to prevent this patient from obtaining a nosocomial infection?

Please answer the questions and develop a care plan for a patient that will be having an elective surgery. Please use the provided format for building your care plan. You will need to use your nursing reference materials as you build this care plan.

Go to ATI website for care plan – go to integration materials – scroll down to active learning templates – choose systems disorder

Nutrition week 8 discussion 2

Describe the role of nutritional food labels impacting health today.

10 words

This is not a paper this is a assignment

Action at an Emergency

1. Emergencies have distinctive characteristics. List each characteristic and explain. ( Please highlight , color code your answers, or use a different Front)






2. The bystander is a vital link between____________________________________________________

__________________________________ and the _____________________.

3. List and Discuss 5 actions or decisions a bystander should   quickly and reliably make when deciding to intervene in an emergency. 






4.  List and discuss 3 why some bystanders are less likely to offer help.




5. List 5 questions you should consider before calling 911. 






6. List 18 conditions that are warning signs of more serious conditions that 

ACEP recommends immediate transport to the hospital emergency department , by EMS or by private vehicle.



















7. You should always call ______________ first when serious situations occur.

8. When you call 911, speak ________________and _________________. 

9. List and discuss information that you should give to the dispatcher.






10. What is Posttraumatic stress disorder?

11. Discuss scene size – up. What are 3 things you should look for?

12. What should first aiders do to reduce the risk of contamination to themselves and others? 

13. Discuss the following: 

1. Infectious disease

2. Communicable disease

3. Standard precautions

14. Discuss the proper procedure for washing your hands 





15. What does Figure 2-5 illustrate? 

16. If your eyes, nose and mouth are splashed by bloody fluid, you should ____________________________________________________________________.

17. Discuss personal protective equipment (PPE).

18. Discuss the different types of gloves.

19. Discuss the proper method removing gloves.





Notice: You should consider putting on a ____________________________if there is major, significant ________________________ or _____________________. Replace the gloves if ­_____________________­________________________________.

20. Discuss Mouth -to –barrier devices.

21.  What type of device is used in figure 2-6? 

22. When cleaning up blood or other body fluids, you should protect yourself and others against disease transmission by :





23. What should you do if you have been exposed to blood or body fluids?



24. List and discuss Bloodborne diseases.

25. List and discuss Airborne diseases. 

26. List 7 ways you can assist a dying victim.

27. Discuss the five stages of grieving?

28. Discuss 6 ways of dealing with survivors. 

Nutrition week 8 discussion 1

Discuss the effects of diet on health concerning at-risk populations.

11 words

Henderson need theory

Henderson believed nurses have the responsibility to assess the needs of the individual patient, help individuals meet their health needs, and provide an environment in which the individual can perform activities unaided. What is an opportunity in your nursing practice that would benefit from application of Henderson’s theory? How does this align with the ANA’s definition of nursing? Provide at least one evidenced-based research article to support this recommendation.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.