Case Study Questions

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DB Response APA format to Marie with at least 2 references

In a perfect world, research studies would be flawless however, that is not typically the case.  Inherently, flaws exist related to study design, how the study is conducted, and also the manner in which research is reported.  “Given that research is not perfect, users of research must learn to carefully evaluate research reports to determine their worth to practice through critical appraisal” (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015, p. 92-93).  Factors that need to be assessed when critically appraising quantitative studies include validity, reliability and applicability (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015).

The validity of a study relates to obtaining results from utilizing sound methods which are scientific.  Bias and confounding variables can compromise validity of a study.  Bias can occur at any stage of the process but while assessing the reliability of the results one must look at if the study was systematic, grounded in theory, and criteria was followed for all of the processes.  If so, then the study, more than likely, is valid and reliable.  Clinicians need the ability to interpret the results so they can implement EBP into their practice (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014).  “Whether we are interpreting the research studies of others, or designing our own, we need a good understanding of research design and an ability to recognize weaknesses in intervention studies which may reduce the reliability of study findings” (Ebbels, 2017, p. 229).      Although each factor is important to quality research, I feel the most important factor is the applicability to practice.  Having the ability to appraise research, which is evidence-based, and implement EBP interventions with our patients is essential in promoting optimal patient outcomes.

Ebbels, S. H. (2017). Intervention research:  Appraising study designs, interpreting findings and creating research in clinical practice. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 19(3), 218-231.

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing research:  Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare:  A guide to best practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from Amazon Kindle App

Assumptions for a t – test 5 DQ 1

 What are the assumptions for a t-test? How should these be run? Do you want to see a p value of <0.05? Why or why not? 1 page, 2 sources, APA


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Origin of the theory

1-Background information on theorist.

2-What motivated the theorist to write the theory?

3-What approach to theory development did the

theorist use?


Description of the Theory

1-Describe the main ideas of the theory (should include the assumptions under

which the theory operates)

2-What are the main concepts? (Explain the main idea chosen by the theorist)

Must include    Patient Nurse and Environment

Evaluation of theory 

1-Does theory direct nursing actions that lead to favorable outcomes for

patient and staff.

A 5 minutes  video about Neuman Betty life and accomplishment to nursing.

Power Point only   APA format with reference

humanistic approaches to personality

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper analyzing the humanistic approaches to personality. Your paper should cover the following areas:

  • Compare person-centered theory with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
  • Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to discuss the extent to which growth needs influence personality formation.
  • Outline the main components of person-centered theory that contribute to personality development.
  • Identify which theory you relate to most, and explain why.

Include an introduction and conclusion in your paper.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Examine Your Barriers To Cultural Competence

Examine Your Barriers to Cultural Competence. read about cultural competency.

  1. Respond to the prompts below in full sentences.  Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling:
  • Assess your own barriers to cultural competence.
    • Have you overcome these?  If not, how do you plan to overcome them?
    • If you do not have barriers, why do you think you do not have them?

Eliminating Barriers Within Communities in the United States

M2.A2 – Assignment

Eliminating Barriers Within Communities in the United States

  1. Respond to the prompts below in full sentences.  Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling:
  • As a community health nurse, you work with migrant workers in your community. Access to health care in the rural areas of the United States is a major concern.
    • Discuss possible barriers to health care this population group may face.
    • How will you intervene to eliminate or at least minimize these barriers?

Men's Health

Men’s Health

  1. Read the scenario below.
  2. Respond to the questions in full sentences. Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling
    1. How might you address the problem of HIV at the population level?
    2. What additional information might you need to determine appropriate interventions for the problem?
    3. What other segments of the community would you involve in developing your interventions?


You have identified a high rate of HIV among gay men in your community.

Significant disparities are noted in the incidence rates among Caucasian, African American, and Latino men, with a higher incidence among African Americans, although the incidence among all three groups is high.

ARNP protocol and business proposal

Please do a ARNP protocol and Business proposal. Attached is my resumen and my cover letter. This an assignment for school. I am appliying for a Palliative care job. Please see my cover letter so you can do the proposal and ARNP protocol base on that.

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