Help Need Back Tomorrow 3-22-19

Explain the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). Why is HCPCS important to the coding world? What can be found when using HCPCS?

Next, code for the following scenario using Encoder Pro:

A woman has come into the physician’s office for a routine pap smear. From her past appointments, there has always been a screening completed for cervical or vaginal cancer as well as a pelvic and clinical breast examination.

Please code for the HCPCS procedure. Also, list your steps for finding the code.

Your complete assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment.

Question 1

  • Question1.docx


 will design 2 page health newsletter that would be appropriate for  their workplace. Newsletters should contain content appropriate for  health promotion concerning the workplace that they have chosen for  their project. Also, links for additional facts and information and  graphics should be included.

look to my project files ..

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Topic 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2

Module 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

Each post should average 150-250 words

  • Please remember that      sources like the CDC or WHO are great places to get information from, but      they are not considered scholarly sources. Scholarly sources are      peer-reviewed and written by experts in the field.
    • You can certainly       continue to use them as references
  • Please avoid very      lengthy paragraphs because it causes several ideas to be clumped together      as one and that is not very clear to understand. Instead, your paragraphs      should be about 5-7 sentences long with transition statements to guide the      reader into the next though.
  • Unless otherwise      specified, when asked to give examples it is best to give 2 or 3 strong      examples with strong supporting evidence backed by your literature review,      as opposed to 6 or 7 examples loosely stated.
  • Citation – Remember      to cite content that is not your original idea and that is not      common knowledge.
    • If you state that       “The use of healthcare continues to rise because of technology,       access to care and population increase” — this needs to be cited.       We as healthcare professionals may understand this but others may not       necessarily know this information. They need to know this was obtained       from a source and not just your thought.
    • If you make       inferences or draw conclusions you may state – “some factors that       must be considered include technology, increased population and       technological advances” – this is not a definitive statement. This       shows that you have considered several factors involved and you can then       use your references to further elaborate on each factor.

Each post should include appropriate foundation knowledge, be factual, and enhance the ongoing dialogue. Each post should demonstrate either the application and/or reflection of knowledge. Your responses should expand on a classmate’s comments or advance the dialogue through follow-up questions Your responses should be open-ended to encourage continuing the conversation. Very few grammatical/spelling errors

These are two discussion questions

DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for each question. In-text citation, please

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

Sources need to be journal/scholarly articles. 

Use only articles that are published between 2015-2018 (except for your theory articles which will be older as you must cite primary sources).

No textbook or direct quotes

Please separate the two DQ with their reference page

My project is CLABSI prevention

DQ 1

Explore a country that provides universal health care. What are its health outcomes? How do these outcomes compare to those in the United States? Should universal health care be a concept that the DNP should support? Why or why not?

DQ 2

The Commonwealth Fund provides an international review of health care systems. Read the Commonwealth Fund report, International Profiles of Health Care Systems, 2014, and take the associated quiz. Discuss what knowledge you gained from the quiz and describe any changes you would apply to the U.S. health care system.

Nursing Informatics-Eportfolio power point presentation

 The student will read the assigned readings pertaining to the e-portfolio, as well as research the topic. The student will define an e-portfolio for the graduate student and for an advanced practice nurse. The PowerPoint slide presentation will include discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student, then identify and discuss items that should be in included in an e-portfolio per the grading rubric. The student will provide five (5) examples of items that would be included in an e-portfolio. The presentation will conclude with a summary and recommendations on how the student will use the e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an advanced practice nurse (APN) in the future.


Preparing the Presentation

  1. Must be a professional, scholarly prepared PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides including at least five scholarly references.
  2. You should have at least 8-10 slides, not including the title slide and reference slides.
  3. Speaker notes are present for each slide. It is important to note that if you could not give your presentation and someone would have to stand in for you, he or she would need to know what you were going to say. Use the speaker-notes section so that someone may step in for you and not miss a beat.
  4. Maintain the 6x6x6 rule for a professional PowerPoint presentation. No more than 6 lines per slide, 6 words per line, and 6 slides without a graphic.
  5. All aspects of the presentation must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.
  6. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.
  7. References may include one dictionary source, one textbook source, and four scholarly peer-reviewed journals published in the last 5 years. Total of six sources. No Wikipedia or CINAHL Nursing guide articles.
  8. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.





Title slide has name, topic title, course, and date present



Title slide looks professional with the student’s name, title of presentation, course and date present

Define e-portfolio



Provides a definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student and for an advanced practice nurse

Importance of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student



Discusses the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student.

Identify and discuss items to be included in an e-portfolio as a graduate student and  as a professional



Identifies and discusses items to be included in an e-portfolio

Examples of what you would include in your e-portfolio



Identifies at least five (5) examples of items that the student would include in their e-portfolio.

Discuss challenges and issues associated with e-portfolios



Discusses at least two(2) challenges or issues associated with developing or using an e-portfolio

Conclusion slide with recommendations for the future present



Concludes presentation with recommendations on how they will use the e-portfolio as an APN in the future

Includes 6 references per the assignment guideline and slide count of 8-10 slides excluding title and reference slides.



Presentation may include on dictionary, one textbook, and four scholarly sources published in the last five (5) years as references. No Wikipedia or CINAHL nursing guide articles. Slide count = 8-10 excluding title and reference slides.

The slide presentation includes speaker notes.



The slide presentation includes speaker notes.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting



Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.




A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


NR512 W3: E-Portfolio PPT AssignmentNR512 W3: E-Portfolio PPT AssignmentCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle slide has name, topic title, course, and date present10.0 ptsExceptionalAll elements are present9.0 ptsExceeds3 of four elements are present8.0 ptsCompetent2 of four elements are present4.0 ptsNeeds Improvement1 of four elements is present0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo title slide or no elements are present on title slide or no name on presentation10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefine e-portfolio for the graduate student in higher education and for the advanced practice nurse forto use in professional development.30.0 ptsExceptionalProvides a comprehensive definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development26.0 ptsExceedsProvides a superficial definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development24.0 ptsCompetentProvides a minimal definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementProvides a definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education or for an advanced practice nurse for professional development but not both0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not meet criteria at all30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImportance of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development.30.0 ptsExceptionalComprehensive discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development26.0 ptsExceedsSuperficial discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development24.0 ptsCompetentMinimal discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementDiscusses the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education or as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development but not both0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo discussion of the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education or as a nursing professional (APN) for professional development30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify and discuss items to be included in an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development30.0 ptsExceptionalIdentifies and discusses 5 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development26.0 ptsExceedsIdentifies and discusses 4 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development24.0 ptsCompetentIdentifies and discusses 3 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementIdentifies and discusses 1-2 items to be included in an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development or does not address both0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not meet criteria at all30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExamples of what you would include in your e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education (does not need to include the actual documentation in the presentation, just list and discuss each specific item)30.0 ptsExceptionalIdentifies at least 5 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)26.0 ptsExceedsIdentifies at least 4 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)24.0 ptsCompetentIdentifies at least 3 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)11.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementIdentifies at least 1-2 specific examples of items the student would include in their e-portfolio(i.e. CE activity for a specific topic, scholarly paper the student has written, etc.)0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not meet criteria at all30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscuss challenges and issues associated with e-portfolios20.0 ptsExceptionalDiscusses two challenges or issues associated with the development and use of e-portfolios16.0 ptsCompetentDiscusses one challenge or issue associated with the development and use of e-portfolios0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not discuss any challenges or issues associated with the development and use of e-portfolios20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion slide with recommendations for the future use of e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an APN20.0 ptsExceptionalConclusion slide contains a summary of the presentation and recommendations on how they will use the e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an APN in the future16.0 ptsCompetentConclusion slide contains a brief summary and/or brief recommendations for the future8.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementConclusion slide contains only a summary OR only future recommendations0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo conclusion slide or future recommendations are present20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences may include one dictionary source, one textbook source, plus four scholarly peer-reviewed journals published in the last 5 years to equal six sources. No Wikipedia or CINAHL Nursing guide articles. Slide count of 8-10 slides is met.10.0 ptsExceptionalAll criteria is met4.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementReference criteria is met OR slide count is met but not both.0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryCriteria is unmet10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe slide presentation includes speaker notes.10.0 ptsExceptionalPresentation contains speaker notes for each slide.9.0 ptsExceedsPresentation contains speaker notes for 75% of slides8.0 ptsCompetentPresentation contains speaker notes for 50% of slides4.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementPresentation includes speaker notes for 25% of slides0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo speaker notes present10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting10.0 ptsExceptional0-2 grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors9.0 ptsExceeds3-4 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors8.0 ptsCompetent5-6 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors4.0 ptsNeeds Improvement7-8 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors0.0 ptsUnsatisfactory9 or more total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors.10.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0

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Medicare for all

Use systems thinking to  draft a diagram that maps the complexities of the “Medicare for All” issue and the many variables that influence it. Be descriptive in two paragraphs or less with one reference.



Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyze the health status for this group.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, compare and contrast the health status of your selected minority group to the national average. Include the following:

  1. Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?
  2. What are the health disparities that exist for this group? What are the nutritional challenges for this group?
  3. Discuss the barriers to health for this group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors.
  4. What health promotion activities are often practiced by this group?
  5. Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective in a care plan given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.
  6. What cultural beliefs or practices must be considered when creating a care plan? What cultural theory or model would be best to support culturally competent health promotion for this population? Why?

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the “Submit” button under “Final Submission” is clicked.

Chest Assignment

  • Chest1.docx

Societal Violence

Collect  newspaper reports of societal violence and determine the extent of the  focus on different types of violence in the news media. Summarize your  findings.

APA style , please include a title and reference page. Paper will be checked for Plagiarism.

what philosophy means to you

APA paper 2 pages in length excluding cover page to include a minimum of one reference. Label each topic

Introduction– Define what philosophy means to you.

-Describe your personal philosophy for nursing profession.

-Describe influential experiences which impacted your decision to pursue nursing as a profession.

-Describe your professional goals

-Define what health and wellness means to you


Please make sure to include proper grammer, proper word use, punctuation, sentence composition, paragraph development, sentence clarity, spelling.logical and clear essay development: easily readable(Use heading). APA style as appropriate for referencing and format and reference.