Module 02 Discussion – Healthy People 2020 – Maternal, Infant, and Child Health

The Healthy People 2020 website is a treasure trove of information related to the health care of women, infants, children, and adolescents.

Select one of the topics from the website related to the health of women, infants, children, or adolescents. Why this topic is important to the health of our nation? What strategies might you use to help improve this healthcare issue?

please use only The Healthy People 2020 Website.  I only need about 150 words.


Trace the history of cannabis use in medicine for the treatment and management of illness via nursing scholarly journal articles. Examine your sources for the following information below and describe the following:

1. Who are the stakeholders both in support of and in opposition to medicinal cannabis use?

2. What does current medical/nursing research say regarding the increasing use of medicinal cannabis?

3. What are the policy, legal and future practice implications based on the current prescribed rate of cannabis?

Attached below is an additional resource that details current state medical marijuana laws:

National Conference of State Legislatures- State Medical Marijuana Laws:

Nursing 1 Page Assignment

Single Spaced / 12 font / 1 page

1 apa in text source required

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Write about a topic in Nursing Law and Ethics


Essential of Nursing Law and Ethics

by Susan J. Westrick and Katherine Dempski

Chapter 40 to42 

Topic to choose:

Please Choose only 1 from below to write about it

· Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.

· Violence in the Workplace.

· Intentional Torts

Please answer ONE of the following Discussion Questions.

Please be certain to include the number of the DQ being answered and provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit.

DQ-1 What are the steps to take when sexual harassment occurs in the workplace?

DQ-2 What is Risk Management and what are their strategies to minimize violence in the workplace?

DQ-3 What is the difference between an intentional and a quasi-intentional tort?


1. Write a summary (700 words minimum) about the topic answering the question.

2. You must write two replies to 2 class peers in different paper that the assignment # 1 (250-300words) sustained with the proper references and make sure that the references that you use in your assignment are properly quoted in it.


1. The assignment in an APA format word document, Time New Roman 12 font

2. It will be checked by Turnitin to verify originality.

3. The references used in the assignment must be quoted in the assignment. If it is not in quoted it will be considered plagiarism.

4. A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used and one of them must be from a gerontological nursing magazine.

If you have any questions you can contact me via email.

Due date Friday July 26th at lunch time3 day from NOW


Can you use the PICOT question below the create 10-12 slides PowerPoint? The REFERENCES should be 3 years recent (2016- Present)

In (P) healthcare setting, how will (I) hand washing as (C) compare to alcohol –based sanitizers (O) lower the spread of Clostridium difficle over the next (T) five months?


 Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment for each of these comments separately.Thank you.  I need at least two references.

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Alfred Adler Theory

Please answer either question A or B. Remember to use double space and either Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11 and APA format. 2 1/2 – pages. References

A) Alfred Adler considered that birth order influences development. Please describe in detail your own experiences with your siblings. Does Adler’s theory fit your and your sibling’s personalities? Why or why not? What is your informed opinion on Adler’s birth order?

B) Please click on the link below and complete the assessment. After having taken the Big 5 test, what did the results say about you? Do you think the results are valid?Why or why not?

Only for Ryan

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Write about a choose topic in Nursing Law and Ethics

BOOK: Essential of Nursing Law and Ethics

by Susan J. Westrick and Katherine Dempski

Chapter 37 to 39

· Choose only 1 Topic to write about:

ü Americans with Disability Acts


ü Employees with AIDS/HIV infections and Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogen


ü Impaired Nurses

Please answer ONE of the following Discussion Questions.

Please be certain to include the number of the DQ being answered and provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit.

· DQ-1 How does the ADA affect nurse’s as employees?


· DQ-2 Should an HIV+ nurse or healthcare worker reveal to their employee their status? Please explain.


· DQ-3 What is an impaired nurse? What would you do if you encounter an impaired nurse while on-duty?

1. Write a summary (700 words minimum) about the topic answering the question.

2. You must write two replies to 2 class peers in different paper that the assignment # 1 (250-300words ) sustained with the proper references and make sure that the references that you use in your assignment are properly quoted in it.


1. The assignment in an APA format word document, Time New Roman 12 font

2. It will be checked by Turnitin to verify originality.

3. The references used in the assignment must be quoted in the assignment. If it is not in quoted it will be considered plagiarism.

4. A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used and one of them must be from a gerontological nursing magazine.

If you have any questions you can contact me via email.

Bipolar Disorder

 a) Bipolar disorder

1) What are the main symptoms of the mental health disorder you picked?

2) What theoretical orientation/approach could be used to assist someone living with that specific mental health disorder?

3) Do you think a client living with the mental health disorder you picked would benefit from taking psychotropic medications prescribed by a psychiatrist? Why or why not?

4) Please create a vignette where you describe a potential client (i.e. age, sex, symptoms of the mental health disorder you chose, and cultural background) who is interested in receiving therapeutic services. It is important that you create a realistic scenario that causes your client to experience various symptoms and leads him/her to seek therapy.

APA format

Min 2 pages

Time New Roman

double space