Costs of Health Care

In your opinion, who holds the responsibility to decrease the soaring costs of health care, and who has the authority to change the fundamental culture of both our healthcare system and our national code of ethics? Why? What is one initiative that your organization (or local healthcare provider) has implemented in recent years to help curb the rising costs of health care in your community?
200 words minimum w/cited references


Nursing 2

When tissue is injured, due to overuse or strain, nerve cells send pain messages through the spinal cord to the brain. Other nerves send messages from the brain to tighten the muscles in the injured area. While the muscle tightness acts as a way to protect an injury from, the spasm also causes more secondary to the inhibition of the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the injured area. Heat therapy can be very beneficial to an injured area as local application results in vasodilatation, which increases the blood flow, brings nutrients, oxygen and white blood cells to the area to clean up the damage and stimulate healing.

Describe in your own words how local application of heat will support the healing process. Give the pathophysiology, indications, contraindications, methods, and nursing care for heat application. Cite any research sources you use to support your answers.

Please make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s posts with substantial details that demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, and critical thinking. Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.

Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.


Diversity in the Media

Review the module resources and overview, then select a popular culture example. (It can be a television show, a commercial, a game, a movie, etc.). Analyze the representation and social message that is associated with the example. If you would like, you can select a particular episode of a show.

In your initial post, briefly describe the popular culture example you selected and address the following:

  • What is the composition of the primary characters, and what groups within diversity do they represent?
  • What is the latent (or unintended) social message or commentary about a particular group to society that is reflected by this example?
  • What are the social implications of this message? Briefly discuss any potential social impact or response to the example.

Make sure you support your response with the readings from this module, and any additional resources if needed.

Connections must be made from the readings from this module and are attached below.

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Microbial Journal Article

In this assignment, students will review a microbial journal article.

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system and write a comprehensive summary of the study that answers the following questions: (SSIs is the organism or system I choose)

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system.
NOTE: Many free articles may be obtained from or visit the WCU library.

Write a summary of the study that includes:

  1. Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)?
  2. What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation?
  3. What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results?
  4. Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? In other words, why does this article matter and what should or could be done next?
  5. Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above?

Compose your review in APA format and include:

  • A title page
  • Answers to the questions above in paragraph format (5 pages written) no cover page
  • A reference page with the reference for your article and any other sources used in your review.
  • attachment


Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy

Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory” (See Attachment).

Write a reflection of 850 ‐1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below:

1. Personal and professional accountability

2. Career planning

3. Personal journey disciplines

4. Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets

Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace.

Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, a strong thesis statement, thorough conclusion and solid academic writing with in-text citations is expected. References should be presented using APA documentation guidelines. Please include in-text citations with all factual information, a minimum of three scholarly in-text citations and references are required for this assignment. References must be within the last 5 -7 years.

You are required to submit this assignment to Lopes Write.

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Revisions leave instructer comments in the paper please

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Every Nurse Is a Leader

#1 Identify the educational preparation and role(s) of the clinical nurse leader (CNL) designation. Give an example of how the CNL influences direct patient care whether in a hospital or out in the community.

#2 Identify advocacy strategies that you can use to create change in your current workplace (med-surge setting).

Please include in-text citations, and cite all factual information. References must be within the last 5 – 7 years.


CLC –  Florence nightingale enviornmentalTheory .


1. YES – the presentation is 10-15 slides. (my part initial 4-5 slides)

2. There are 3 critical elements that need to be discussed:

3. Overview and efficacy for the model selected.(my part of topic)

4. How the four metaparadigm concepts can be explained using the selected model.

5. Provide three evidence-based examples demonstrating the application of the theory selected and support for current practice.(one example for my part)


· Slides should be clear and concise. A rule of thumb is “No more than 7 bullets of 7 words per slide”

· Yes, slide content should be cited (slides and speaker notes)

· Speaker Notes are written in the space under each slide. Speaker notes should look like a formal paper. They are in paragraph form and include intext citations. (They will look like you took a paragraph out of a document and pasted it into the speaker notes section….with the exception that they will be single spaced).

1. Layout – see suggestion regarding bullets. Images are acceptable

2. Language & mechanics – see rubric

3. Sources: USE APA to cite intext sources and references


At the end of the project, each submission will receive a score. Based on the assessment of participation from the other members of the group, I will determine if a person will earn full credit or partial credit related to participation. In other words, people on the same team may have different scores. I will request participation information at the end of Week 3 when the presentations are due.

Items to consider: Did each member of the group complete the duty designated or agreed upon by the group members? Was communication clear and respectful? Did each member complete the duty by the date decided on by the group?

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  • Posted: a month ago
  • Due: 31/07/2019
  • Budget: $5

    CLC –  Florence nightingale enviornmentalTheory .


    1. YES – the presentation is 10-15 slides. (my part initial 4-5 slides)

    2. There are 3 critical elements that need to be discussed:

    3. Overview and efficacy for the model selected.(my part of topic)

    4. How the four metaparadigm concepts can be explained using the selected model.

    5. Provide three evidence-based examples demonstrating the application of the theory selected and support for current practice.(one example for my part)


    · Slides should be clear and concise. A rule of thumb is “No more than 7 bullets of 7 words per slide”

    · Yes, slide content should be cited (slides and speaker notes)

    · Speaker Notes are written in the space under each slide. Speaker notes should look like a formal paper. They are in paragraph form and include intext citations. (They will look like you took a paragraph out of a document and pasted it into the speaker notes section….with the exception that they will be single spaced).

    1. Layout – see suggestion regarding bullets. Images are acceptable

    2. Language & mechanics – see rubric

    3. Sources: USE APA to cite intext sources and references


    At the end of the project, each submission will receive a score. Based on the assessment of participation from the other members of the group, I will determine if a person will earn full credit or partial credit related to participation. In other words, people on the same team may have different scores. I will request participation information at the end of Week 3 when the presentations are due.

    Items to consider: Did each member of the group complete the duty designated or agreed upon by the group members? Was communication clear and respectful? Did each member complete the duty by the date decided on by the group?

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Reserved for Prof. Speedstar

You are a family nurse practitioner (FNP) employed as a contract (1099 independent contractor) in a busy primary care practice for 2 years. The providers in the group include one physician, who is also the owner of the practice, and two other nurse practitioners, who are staff employees (W2 employees). The owner of the practice recently made comments about the need to produce more revenue. You relate with his concerns and feel that you have several strategies that could be helpful. Your contract is up for renewal in 3 months. You are highly satisfied with your job and want to stay with the group. You see 20 patients per day on average and take call every third weekend.

Discussion Question:

What negotiation strategies should you use to propose a contract renewal? How does your role as a 1099 contractor benefit the practice over the W2 employees? What evidence will you present to the practice to reinforce your value in the practice both in terms of revenue and patient satisfaction? Consider any additional services you may be willing to provide under your contract. Use logical reasoning, and provide evidence-based rationales for your decisions.

Keep in mind that your negotiation terms and conditions must be within the legal scope of practice for an ANP.

Phamacology paper

 Write for your organization a 3–5-page impact report regarding the health concerns of a new immigrant population. Describe the population’s health concerns and issues, explain current pharmacological treatments, and explain how culture and traditional practices may affect use of pharmacology. Identify evidence-based strategies for the organization and nursing staff to use to educate the population and promote health and wellness.


Imagine the county health department notifies your organization that a large number of immigrants are expected to be resettled in your area. The organization, wanting to be prepared to handle any health concerns of the population, tasks each department with readying for the influx of immigrants. Your supervisor asks you to prepare an impact report on the pharmacological needs of the population that can be shared with other departments.


Complete the following as you prepare for your impact report:

  1. Choose one of the global areas below as the area from which the population will be coming.
    • Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • India.
    • China.
    • Dominican Republic.
    • Guatemala.
    • Jamaica.
    • Bangladesh.
    • Saudi Arabia.
    • Pakistan.
    • Mexico.
  2. Research the most common health concerns and issues for immigrants from your chosen global area, the pharmacological treatments that will likely be prescribed, and any cultural values or traditional practices that may impact patient outcomes.


Once you have identified the population you will be using for this assessment, include the following in your impact report:

  • Describe the health concerns and issues for the population.
  • Describe current pharmacological treatment regimens for the main health concerns and issues.
  • Explain any traditional beliefs and practices associated with the health concerns and issues. Does the population engage in culturally based methods of treating the health concern?
  • Explain how cultural values and traditional practices might affect acceptance and use of prescribed pharmacological treatments. Be sure to consider the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology.
  • Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the organization can use to educate the population about the correct use of the pharmacology treatments.
  • Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the nursing staff can employ with the population to promote health and wellness.

Write this assessment as an impact report formatted as other reports of a similar nature in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Include a title page and reference page and follow APA guidelines for your in-text citations and references.

Additional Requirements

  • Number of pages: 3–5
  • At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced font.