Argument Analysis

Read the following argument examples in this activity.

Argument 1
Dick and Jane have insured their house and cars with Farmer’s Mutual for 10 years. During this time, they filed only one claim for $500, and the premiums have risen 100%. Two weeks ago, while backing out of the garage, Jane damaged the right fender. They didn’t fix it, and yesterday, while Jane was parked at the supermarket, someone hit the right side of the car, damaging everything but the right fender. When Jane checks the insurance policy, she discovers that while the supermarket accident is covered, the damaged right fender is not.

Jane says, “Let’s claim that all the damage happened at the supermarket. It’s only fair. The insurance company has made thousands of dollars from our premiums alone, not to mention all the other people they insure, so they’ll hardly miss the few thousands that their repairs will cost. Many of their friends have done the same – included items that were not part of actual collision damage. It’s unlikely that they we will be discovered, because the fender could easily have been damaged in the collision.”

Argument 2
In a world where medical resources are in ever-shorter supply, allocation of those resources is becoming an issue. Critical care units (ICU) put heavy demand on hospital resources. Adult medical intensive care units (MICU’s) are often occupied by elderly patients in the final stages of chronic illnesses. Neonatal ICU’s, however, are reserved for premature infants that need critical care in the first few days of life. Surveys of mortality rates in relation to amount of care for both units show that on a cost/benefit basis, outcomes for NICU patients are statistically better than those for MICU patients. Since hospitals should prioritize outcomes, it is clear that resources should be allocated more heavily to the NICU.

Using the examples in the introduction of this activity, address the following:

  1. Briefly analyze each argument as follows:
    • State the issue and the conclusion.
    • For each argument, analyze the argument:
      • State if it is deductive or inductive.
      • Explain how the argument follows the form of an inductive or deductive argument.
    • Reference words, phrases, the structure of the argument, or any other facts or observations you believe support your claim.
  2. Diagram the argument.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 1-2 pages total (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • attachment


Need help with Assignment: Evaluation of Skills: Client System Role-Play Reflection and Analysis Paper

After planning the script and videotaping the role-play scenario, how did it feel to walk in the shoes of a social worker? What insights did you gain from the experience? What aspects of this experience were challenging for you? Being able to recognize the areas where you were successful and the areas where you need improvement are what make role-plays an important part of your social work education.

For the written segment of your Final Project, reflect on your experience in developing this role-play video. Consider any insights you gained from the experience, as well as the challenges you might have experienced in its planning and execution. Think about the specific social work techniques you used and why you used them. Finally, review the videos your colleagues posted. Select one of those videos and consider any areas in which your colleague might improve their approach and why.

By Day 7

Submit a 4- to 5-page paper. In your paper, address the following:

  • Reflect on your experience in doing the role-play video.
  • Describe insights you gained from the experience and explain how these insights affect your approach to practice.
  • Describe the challenges you experienced in planning and executing the role-play scenario and explain how you overcame them.
    • Focus on insights and challenges related to demonstrating skills and engaging as a professional social worker, not on technical aspects of role-playing or recording the scene.
  • Describe the specific engagement techniques/skills you used and analyze why you used them.
  • Describe the colleague’s role-play video you selected.
  • Assess what your colleague did well in the video you selected and recommend areas for improvement in your colleague’s approach.

Support your Assignment with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018). Understanding generalist practice (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 8, “Evaluation, Termination, and Follow-Up in Generalist Practice” (pp. 307–348)

Marmarosh, C. L., Thompson, B., Hill, C., Hollman, S., & Megivern, M. (2017). Therapists-in-training experiences of working with transfer clients: One relationship terminates and another begins. Psychotherapy, 54(1), 102–113.

Need help with Discussion: Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination

References In APA:

Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018). Understanding generalist practice (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 8, “Evaluation, Termination, and Follow-Up in Generalist Practice” (pp. 307–348)

Marmarosh, C. L., Thompson, B., Hill, C., Hollman, S., & Megivern, M. (2017). Therapists-in-training experiences of working with transfer clients: One relationship terminates and another begins. Psychotherapy, 54(1), 102–113.


Depending on the client and the length of treatment, saying goodbye can be hard for both of you.

While you generally anticipate that successful treatment will lead to the eventual termination of the client relationship, there are a variety of other reasons for why this relationship might come to an end. There might be a set number of sessions the client’s insurance will allow, or maybe the end of your internship is quickly approaching. Maybe termination results from the unexpected, like a new job or an illness, or the client leaves without notice. Regardless of the cause, you and your client must be prepared for the end of your working relationship.

In this Discussion, you reflect on the termination process, the potential feelings associated with ending a client relationship, and skills to address challenges related to termination.

Explain how you might evaluate client progress and determine when a client is ready to terminate services.

  • Describe a situation when a professional relationship may end before the client achieves their goals.
  • Describe one potential positive and one potential negative feeling that you, as the social worker, might feel regarding a planned termination and an unplanned termination.
  • Describe one potential positive and one potential negative feeling a client might feel regarding both a planned and an unplanned termination of a therapeutic relationship.
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DB W 15


Examine how might nurses and nursing organizations improve policies to encourage the judicious use of antibiotics in humans? Identify the correlation between global disease surveillance and domestic disease surveillance, and the significant role the family nurse practitioner plays.




Complete this week’s assigned readings, chapters 86 & 87. After completing the readings, post a short reflection, approximately 1 paragraph in length, discussing your thoughts and opinions about one or several of the specific topics covered in the textbook readings. pertaining to politics in associations and interest groups. Identify which one MSN Essential most relates to your selected topic in your discussion.

As a reminder, no scholarly sources are required and students do not have to reply to a classmate’s original post. This post does not have an end date but please make an effort to complete your post before next week’s discussion post is posted and/or due in order to avoid falling behind.

Chapter 86  Family and sexual violence : Nursing and US Policy.  Kathryn Laughton and angela Frederick         Amar

Chapter 87 Human Trafficking :the need for nursing advocacy . Barbara Glickstein

The book is:

Mason, D. J., Leavitt, J.K., Chaffee, M.W. (2016). Policy and Politics: In Nursing and Health

Care. (7th• Ed) St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, Saunders. ISBN-13: 9780323299886


Assignment: Capstone Paper, Part I: Introduction, Analysis of Existing Evidence, and Quality Improvement Process

Assignment: Capstone Paper, Part I: Introduction, Analysis of Existing Evidence, and Quality Improvement Process

The Assignment you will submit this week will combine the work you completed in Week 1 (Introduction) and Week 2 (Analysis of Existing Evidence) and this week’s assignment, the Quality Improvement Process. These three sections, when combined, will complete Part I of your Capstone Paper.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Remember: Each section of the Capstone Paper must meet the Academic Writing Expectations for the Capstone Level.

For this Assignment

  • Describe the quality improvement process and the Quality model that will be used as a basis for the practice problem. Include a description of a quality improvement tool(s) that you will use in your quality improvement plan. See Spath, (2013) chapter 6 for examples.
  • Explain why the specific process was selected and document your explanation with references.

For the Week 3 Assignment, you will combine your Week 1, 2 and 3 assignments and submit a 3-4-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Practice Problem (Completed in Week 1)
    • State the practice problem in measurable terms.
    • State the data that suggests a practice problem exists
    • Include a purpose statement.
  • Analysis of the Existing Evidence (Completed in Week 2)
    • Summarize the findings from the evidence analysis that support your practice problem. Include minimum of at least 5 evidence-based practice sources that support your practice problem. Identify research, clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and other relevant information. You must include two-three research studies in your analysis. Using your own words synthesize the evidence that supports your identified practice problem. There should be no quotes or personal opinions included in this section.
  • Quality Improvement Process (Completed this Week) (Approximately 2-3 paragraphs)
    • Describe the quality improvement process and the quality model that will be used as a basis for the practice problem. This is not your entire quality improvement plan, only a description of the quality improvement process and the quality model you chose. You will develop your specific quality improvement plan in week 4. Include a description of a quality improvement tool(s) that you will use in your quality improvement plan. See Spath, (2013) chapter 6 for examples.
    • Explain why the specific process was selected and document your explanation with references.
    • Conclusion


Extra credit

Extra Credit Assignment Worth Up to 10 extra Points

Task 1:

Visit the following website, and review the information provided in order to understand and identify: Students do not need to answer these questions, only reflect on these questions after visiting the website

What steps were used to organize the community in Duluth?

Who were the stakeholders?

What was the underlying belief system?

What strategies were employed?

How was the Power and Control Wheel developed?

Task 2:

Collect data on violence against women on college campuses. A few sources of information are  and  Be sure to use other scholarly sources as well to gather adequate information. Collect data on violence against women on campuses across the country including the number of offenses, types of offenses, and demographic data on the victims.

Task 3:

Using the process from the Duluth experience in Task 1, and answer the following questions in the format of a 3 page paper written in APA style, excluding title and reference page:

What steps would you use to organize the community?

Who are the stakeholders?

What is the underlying belief system?

What strategies would you as a campus family nurse practitioner suggest to end violence against women on the campus? Discuss in detail and provide specific examples.

What health policies will you suggest? Discuss in detail either current policies or proposed new policies.


*** Students must answer all questions in order to get full credit for assignment. Make sure to follow all APA guidelines as well including proper headings and subheadings. Paper must be minimum 3 pages without title and reference page. A minimum of 4 references is required with the latest being that of five years***

***Any Plagiarized submissions will be treated as any other assignment and as per your student handbook policy on plagiarism***



Week 3 Project: Anti-infectives Drug table. Provide ONE medicine per medical condition listed. Be brief and concise, include ONLY the most important information. (Drug table template attached)

  • attachment


Nuclear Cardiology images

Write an APA style (min 600 work) APA style essay detailing “The technologist’s role in acheiving Safe and the highest of Quality, Nuclear Cardiology images”.

here is an example for you


Technologist’s Role in Safe and High-Quality Nuclear Cardiology Images

We as technologists play a very crucial role in safe and high-quality nuclear cardiology images because we are the experts. We are performing tests and images on the heart, which is a very vital and complex muscle within the human body so it only makes sense that our job is to safely perform nuclear cardiology tests on patients while providing accurate and good quality images. Patient safety should always come before quality images, because the patient care should be the technologist’s top priority always. As technologists it is important to focus on the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) philosophy and monitoring patient dose. With the combination of both principles there should be a balance between dose and image quality (Watson & Odle, 2013). Therefore, you are considering the patient’s safety in the amount of radiation that they are receiving while also being mindful of what dose will also better serve for a good enough image quality. While maintaining the ALARA philosophy for both the technologist and patient, it is important to explain the entire procedure to the patient and ask them if they have any questions to ensure they fully understood what scan they are about to be taken in for(Watson & Odle, 2013). It is crucial that the technologists inform the patient that their heart will be put under a lot of stress, but there are precautions that are considered beforehand to ensure the risks outweigh the benefits. It is also important to inform them that they have the chance of crashing, but there will always be a crash cart near by and monitored the entire time during the whole study.

Another thing to keep in mind as a technologist for patient safety is to constantly meet their needs. A lot of patients coming into the cardiology department do not have good hearts, and that is why we perform our studies to further gather more information on their heart related problems. If a patient does not want to have the study done, the technologist can not force the patient to undergo the study. However, it is strongly encouraged to ensure the patient that the study would be in their best interest in the long run to enable an accurate diagnosis and possible treatment due to the images that were taken. Once safety concerns are addressed, it is important to ensure good imaging protocols to ensure the best diagnosis. To ensure the most accurate protocol is performed, it is important to have close communication between the referring physician and all technologists who are performing the test (DiPuey et al., 2012). All tests are patient specific, so obtaining and understanding the patient’s medical history can be important when deciding what is best for the patient. For example, and exercise stress test is preferred rather than administering a pharmacological stressor but sometimes a patient is physically unable to perform exercise. However, it has been found that pharmacological stressors can enhance nuclear cardiology by providing a more flexible and broader accessibility for SPECT procedures. With the pharmacological stress agents, it is important to know the contraindications of all also, as we the technologist are responsible for that. It is clearly indicative that a patient centered approach will improve the overall diagnostic and prognostic performance of MPI (DePuey et al., 2012). It is super important to understand what the patient is experiencing to ensure they receive the correct protocol that is given or considered. Through good radiation safety practice, strong communication, and a good understanding of medical history the technologist should always be pristine all the way around when it comes to patient safety. Quality patient care leads to quality images because it is all patient specific when dealing with the heart, and within nuclear cardiology.


DePuey, G., Mahmarian, J., Miller, T., Einstein, A., Hansen, C., Holly , T., . . . Wann, S. (2012).  Patient-Centered Imaging. ASNC Practice Statement, 1-31.

Watson , L., & Odle, T. (2013). Patient Safety and Quality in Medical Imaging: The Radiologic    Technologist’s Role. Retrieved from American Society of Radiologic Technologists :  source/research/whitepapers/asrt13_patientsafetyqltywhitepaper.pdf?sfvrsn=a119f22f_12


Practicum – Assessing Client Progress

Assignment 2: Practicum – Assessing Client Progress

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Assess progress for clients receiving psychotherapy

· Differentiate progress notes from privileged notes

· Analyze preceptor’s use of privileged notes

To prepare:

· Reflect on the client you selected for the Week 3 Practicum Assignment.

· Review the Cameron and Turtle-Song (2002) article in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance on writing case notes using the SOAP format.

The Assignment

Part 1: Progress Note

Using the client from your Week 3 Assignment, address the following in a progress note (without violating HIPAA regulations):

· Treatment modality used and efficacy of approach

· Progress and/or lack of progress toward the mutually agreed-upon client goals (reference the Treatment plan—progress toward goals)

· Modification(s) of the treatment plan that were made based on progress/lack of progress

· Clinical impressions regarding diagnosis and/or symptoms

· Relevant psychosocial information or changes from original assessment (i.e., marriage, separation/divorce, new relationships, move to a new house/apartment, change of job, etc.)

· Safety issues

· Clinical emergencies/actions taken

· Medications used by the patient (even if the nurse psychotherapist was not the one prescribing them)

· Treatment compliance/lack of compliance

· Clinical consultations

· Collaboration with other professionals (i.e., phone consultations with physicians, psychiatrists, marriage/family therapists, etc.)

· Therapist’s recommendations, including whether the client agreed to the recommendations

· Referrals made/reasons for making referrals

· Termination/issues that are relevant to the termination process (i.e., client informed of loss of insurance or refusal of insurance company to pay for continued sessions)

· Issues related to consent and/or informed consent for treatment

· Information concerning child abuse, and/or elder or dependent adult abuse, including documentation as to where the abuse was reported

· Information reflecting the therapist’s exercise of clinical judgment

Note: Be sure to exclude any information that should not be found in a discoverable progress note.

Part 2: Privileged Note

Based on this week’s readings, prepare a privileged psychotherapy note that you would use to document your impressions of therapeutic progress/therapy sessions for your client from the Week 3 Practicum Assignment.

· The privileged note should include items that you would not typically include in a note as part of the clinical record.

· Explain why the items you included in the privileged note would not be included in the client’s progress note.

· Explain whether your preceptor uses privileged notes, and if so, describe the type of information he or she might include. If not, explain why.

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