Essay due on 8/2/19

Addressing the knowledge, you have gained, and building on that knowledge to add your evaluation of the role that the managed care organization (MCO) plays in today’s health care environment, develop a 250-500-word reflection to incorporate the following:

What is a health care organization’s administrative role regarding oversight of risk management policies and ensuring compliance with managed care organization (MCOs) standards?

What is your assessment of the value provided to an organization that stems from the regulatory statutes of a typical MCO? Consider the establishment of conflict resolution and risk management strategies within the health care organization from the employer/employee perspective as well as in regard to patient conflict circumstances.

What MCO responsibilities pertain to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) focus on fraud, waste, and abuse laws?


Quality in medical care


Complete ALL of the bullet points below:

  • Definitions of the quality of medical care are no longer left to clinicians who decide for themselves what technical performance constitutes “good care.” What are the other dimensions of quality care and why are they important? What has changed since the days when “doctor knows best?”
  • Quality in medical care may be defined as achieving the greatest benefit at the lowest risk. How have the priorities of our health care system and the allocation of resources addressed this goal?
  • Contrast the definitions of implicit and explicit criteria in assessing health care quality. How is each type of criterion useful in quality assessment?

Please submit one APA formatted paper between 1000 – 1500 words, not including the title and reference page. The assignment should have a minimum of two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.


Sultz, H.A., & Young, K.A., (2017). Health care USA: Understanding its organization and delivery (9th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett,

Low Birth Weight Babies

Describe the effect of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and community. Consider short-term and long-term impacts, socioeconomic implications, the need for ongoing care, and comorbidities associated with prematurity.

Explain how disparities relative to ethnic and cultural groups may contribute to low birth weight babies.

Identify one support service within your community to assist with preterm infants and their families and explain how the service adequately addresses the needs of the community, or a population in your community. Provide the link to the resource in your post.

Consider the following patient scenario:

A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl. The infant is 68.5cm in length (25th percentile per CDC growth chart), weighs 6.75kg (5th percentile per CDC growth chart), and has a head circumference of 43cm (25th percentile per CDC growth chart).

Describe the developmental markers a nurse should assess for a 9-month-old female infant. Discuss the recommendations you would give the mother. Explain why these recommendations are based on evidence-based practice.

Public Speaking

Selecting a topic and sources for your persuasive speech

During Week Four, you will be selecting a topic for your persuasive speech and identifying credible sources to help you present your strongest arguments to the audience.

First, let us know what topic are you considering using for your persuasive speech? Why do you think that topic will be an appropriate choice for this audience of undergraduate college students?

Second, list two credible sources relating to your persuasive speech topic. These sources should come from the South University Online Library. Explain why these sources are credible ones (for example, is it an article from a peer-reviewed journal? Is the author a respected authority in this field?)


Critical Issues

  • Module5.docx

Safety, Quality and Informatics

Write 8-10 pages in which you identify a major patient-safety issue within your own organization and use evidence-based best practices and technology to develop a plan to improve the safety issue.



As you prepare for this assessment, complete the following:

  1. Before you begin, examine your organization’s history of safety in a specific area and how your organization addresses patient safety issues. If possible, consult with a key stakeholder in the organization (such as an administrator) to better understand specific patient-safety concerns and how the organization is working to resolve the concerns. This person should also be able to discuss some of the organizational barriers impacting the patient safety issue.
  2. Next, look at the basic concepts, principles, and practices that contribute to organizational quality improvement and patient safety. Review the literature for best practices and how technology might be used to improve the issue.
  3. Finally, be sure to consider the legal and ethical implications associated with the safety issue, as well as possible organizational barriers to change.


As you construct this assessment, address each point as completely as possible:

  • Describe a patient-safety issue within your organization, comparing the way your organization addresses the issue with the concepts, principles, and practices that contribute to quality improvement and patient safety.
  • Analyze the legal and ethical consequences of not addressing the issue.
  • Recommend evidence-based interventions, including technology, to address the patient-safety issue.
  • Describe strategies to overcome specific organizational barriers to change, based on your knowledge of the organization.

Additional Requirements

  • Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use APA style and formatting.
  • Length: Ensure your completed assessment is 8–10 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
  • References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Font: Use double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance

 Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization. If you are not currently employed in a health care setting, you may elect to attend a committee meeting at another company, a community center, a local school, local chamber of commerce or other professional organization.

Observe the interactions between committee members and the process used by the committee to arrive at decisions.

In 500-750 words, describe the function of the committee and the roles of those in attendance. Describe your observations of the interactions between members of the committee and determine whether the process used to arrive at decisions is a form of shared governance.

A minimum of two academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Submit the completed “Collaborative Committee Meeting Verification Form” with the assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.

dq response

Lewin’s Change Theory has three concepts that includes “driving forces,” “restraining forces,” and “equilibrium.” As the driving force implies, there are forces that push or cause things to change, shifting the equilibrium. Restraining forces fight against the driving forces which also causes shifts in equilibrium. Equilibrium can be described when no changes occur due to equal amount of force applied. There are three stages in his theory and that is “unfreezing,” “change,” and “refreezing.” Unfreezing is getting out of the rut of behaviors that are not healthy or productive. This requires fortitude to break out of the individual mindset and group conformity. This can be accomplished by either increasing the driving forces that direct behaviors away from the current norm or by decreasing the restraining forces that negatively affect movement away from equilibrium. A third alternative would be a combination of both. The change stage is producing growth and moving to a new level. It is evidenced by new thought, feeling and/or behavior changes. The refreezing stage is making the new patterns set as the new normal. Once they are “frozen,” it helps to prevent falling back into old unhealthy patterns (Change Theory, 2011).

Imogene King: Goal Attainment Theory has an emphasis on interaction theory vs systems theory. The concepts are based on an open system framework that honors nursing as a major system within the health care system, and places high emphasis on interpersonal processes. In the conceptual framework are three systems; the Personal (individual), Interpersonal (individuals interacting with each other) and the Social where groups of people in a community or society share common goals, interests, and values and is studied as a whole vs isolated parts. The practice of nursing is differentiated from other healthcare professions in that interpersonal systems are in place and this is reflected in the nurse-client relationship. The individual is viewed as a spiritual being, rational thinker, and records own history through own language, and expresses individual needs, wants, and goals. Humans have three fundamental needs: access to health information, illness prevention, care in times of illness. Health is dependent on continuous adjustment to stressors in the internal and external environments with use of ones resources to achieve maximum potential (Gragera, 2013).

Theory for EBP Project

The Goal Attainment Theory seems to be the best fit for the Capstone project. Results of screening and referrals develop into IHPs and IEPs that are tailored to the individual’s needs. This would seem to fit best with engaging the entire intraprofessional team in working with the student and the family in implementing interventions.

Theory Used by Mentor 

“I suppose I engage some level of nursing theory with each response in the work setting, protocol development, policy revision, and the like. When looking at the two theories you shared, I would probably most closely align myself with Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory. Nursing is a major system within the health care system, with vast and significant impact on individuals, families/groups, and communities (local, regional, national, and world)” (P. Anderson, personal communication, August 19, 2019).

“I’ve consistently landed on the historical (and I think still relevant) dimensions of health: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. The individual, embracing, reflecting, and continuously balancing these five dimensions, can engage in self-responsibility and decision-making relative to the three fundamental needs identified in King’ theory:  health information, illness prevention, and care in times of illness ~ expressing needs, wants, and goals” (P. Anderson, personal communication, August 19, 2019).

Change Theory. (2011). Retrieved from

Gragera, Jen. Imogene King: Goal Attainment Theory. (2013). Retrieved from


Discussion: Factors That Influence Disease

Discussion: Factors That Influence Disease

In clinical settings, some of the most common questions that patients ask are Why do I have this? What caused this disorder? Will it ever go away? These emotional questions can be difficult to ask and to answer. However, for patients to come to terms with their diagnoses and adhere to treatment plans, they must have an understanding of factors that might have caused, or continue to impact, their disorders. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to explain disorders, associated alterations and symptoms, and changes that might occur within your patients’ bodies.

To Prepare

· Review this week’s media presentation with Dr. Terry Buttaro. Reflect on the importance of developing an in-depth understanding of pathophysiology.

· Select a disorder from the following list:

o Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease)

o Atherosclerosis

o Cholelithiasis (gallstones)

o Colon cancer

o Cystic fibrosis

o Hemophilia

o Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)

o Osteoporosis

o Parkinson’s disease

o Tuberculosis

· Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how that factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms.

· Identify the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including the normal and altered cellular function. Consider both intra- and extra-cellular changes that occur.


Post a brief description of a patient scenario involving the disorder and the factor you selected. Explain how the factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms. Finally, explain the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including changes in cellular function.

Required Readings

Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2017). Understanding pathophysiology (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

  • Chapter 1, “Cellular Biology”

This chapter reviews cellular biology to establish a foundation for exploring the pathophysiology of disease. It also covers the structure and function of cellular components, cell-to-cell adhesions, cellular communication, cellular metabolism, membrane transport, the cell cycle, and tissues.

  • Chapter 2, “Genes and Genetic Diseases”

This chapter explores genetic disorders and factors that impact genetic disorders. It also examines how mutations and chromosomal abnormalities lead to transmission of genetic disorders.

  • Chapter 4, “Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology”

This chapter examines disorders related to cell adaptation, injury, and death. It also explores disorders associated with altered cellular and tissue function as a result of aging.

Hammer, G. D., & McPhee, S. J. (2019). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Chapter 2, “Genetic Disease”

This chapter reviews the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and genetic principles of genetic diseases. It also explores different types of genetic diseases and the mechanisms involved.

  • Chapter 5, “Neoplasia”

This chapter explores various disorders associated with neoplasia. It also covers causes and effects of common cancers and tumors resulting from neoplasia.

Required Media

Review the animations, case studies, and review questions on the evolve textbook support link.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012d). Introduction to advanced pathophysiology. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.

In this media presentation, Dr. Terry Buttaro, associate professor of practice at Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences, discusses the importance of pathophysiology for the advanced practice nurse.

Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 

Review the animations, case studies, and review questions on the evolve textbook support link.

Rizek, P., Kumar, N., & Jog, M. S. (2016). An update on the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson disease. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne, 188(16), 1157–1165. doi:10.1503/cmaj.151179

Parkinson’s Disease: A Concise Overview of Etiology, Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Comorbidity and Management

Getinet Ayano*

Research and Training Department, Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Module 02 Project – Analysis


 Barbara receives an email from her manager asking about the progress of the strategic plan. The manager informs Barbara that UCCO is wanting to implement a new electronic health record (EHR), to improve the overall process of providing quality patient care; and organizational challenges. After her discussion, Barbara realizes that she would need to complete a situational analysis. By performing a situational analysis, planners can help anticipate and manage change. Understanding the internal and external environment is also critical to an effective strategic plan. For the external environment, planners look at opportunities and threats. For the internal environment, planners look at strengths and weaknesses.

For this project assignment on UCCO, complete a minimum of a 2 page report and two SWOT tables to describe key opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses in selecting an electronic record system. Your written report should address the following concepts:

What is the current economic situation for UCCO? What suggestions can Barbara make to help mitigate financial issues? Use the financial review provided in the UCCO case.

  • What type of electronic record system should Barbara recommend for the company? What is her best option? What are the financial implications? Explain the choice based on what the system can provide in comparison to the organizational challenges?

Visit the Internet and search for a minimum of 2 electronic health record systems. Search for types of EHR systems.


To complete this assignment, construct two situational/SWOT analysis tables – one for each electronic record system being considered – that contains the following:

  • External influences – opportunities and threats.
  • Internal influences – strengths and weaknesses.
  • Trends that can impact clinic performance, market and financial position
  • EHR System functions and capabilities
  • EHR End-user requirements and ease of use
  •  APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.